Work with hair

Keratin hair straightening (keratinizing)


1. What effect can be obtained from the new technology - keratin hair straightening?

Modern developments in the field of beauty industry are always pleased with new and high-quality technologies that can favorably and qualitatively affect the appearance of a person. Keratin hair straightening - was a real breakthrough, which could actually show a good positive result. This technology allows not only straighten hair of any structure, but also has a strong therapeutic effect on them, restoring them to the level of the natural state.

The procedure for keratin straightening can give excellent results on unruly hair, and badly damaged. After the procedure, the hair becomes soft, smooth and alive. At the same time, they can easily be influenced in various ways - to curl or make complex styling. Keratin straightening gives the desired effect, namely, obedient, smooth and healthy hair.

2. How long does the effect last after keratin technology?

The effect of this procedure is often perfectly preserved for 3-4 months. In rare cases, it can reach 6 months. The period of validity will directly depend on the initial state of your hair and the subsequent care for them after the straightening procedure. To achieve the maximum effect of healthy and strong hair - it is recommended to carry out keratin straightening as often as possible, without waiting for the complete disappearance of the result.

3. How is the hair straightening procedure?

The procedure for keratin hair straightening is best done in a professional salon under the guidance of an experienced master. At home, it is impossible to achieve the desired result and control all important aspects of this technology.

At the beginning of the hair necessarily prepare for the procedure - they are cleaned and removed all sebum, dirt and dust. After cleansing, a special keratin composition is applied to the entire length of the hair, leaving the roots dry. In order for it to be well absorbed and entrenched, the hair is dried with a hairdryer with special nozzles - combs. To flush the composition in the first hours after the procedure is strictly prohibited.

To consolidate the effect, the hair is further smoothed with irons. On average, the whole procedure takes at least 2.5-3 hours of continuous work of the master.

After the procedure, it is undesirable to wear a few days of gum, hairpins, hats or glasses in the hair - this can damage the fresh result of hair straightening. To consolidate the effect, the hair must be treated several times after the procedure with special shampoos and balms, which the master must issue in the salon after the procedure is over.

Also it is worth knowing that you should not use the keratin hair straightening procedure on freshly dyed hair. It is better to wait at least 2 weeks to fully fix the dye in the hair.

4. What are the types of technologies keratin straightening?

Today, experts share two main directions of this procedure. Brazilian (Brazilian Keratine Treatment) and American (Keratin Complex smoothing therapy) technology are distinguished. Their main and main difference is the absence of formaldehyde in the American version, which is considered dangerous to human health.

5. How much is the average price for such cosmetic services?

The pricing policy for keratin hair straightening depends entirely on the components, their composition and the professionalism of the master himself. On average, the price of the Brazilian technology can range from 5 to 15 thousand rubles, depending on the length of hair, their condition and, accordingly, the amount of the drug used.

American keratin hair straightening will cost you a little more. The average price for this procedure can vary from 8 to 18 thousand rubles. We should also take into account the cost of shampoo, conditioner and masks, which must be applied the first days after the procedure. On average, each drug will cost about 1 thousand rubles.

6. What are the negative sides of keratin hair straightening?

The procedure itself straightening can not carry any destructive factors for hair. The purpose of this technology is to improve the hair, but there is one “but”. In the Brazilian technology of straightening, formaldehyde, which is a component of many cosmetics, is necessarily present.

However, modern tests have shown that it is he who is the causative agent of cancer.

7. How often and who should do this procedure?

To protect themselves, professionals recommend not to do this procedure on their own, as well as to conduct it in reasonable periods of time, no more than 1 time in 3-4 months. It is even better if a good specialist observes the condition of the hair, who can advise and prescribe the procedure only as needed.

You should not hold keratin hair straightening for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 14 years of age.

8. How to properly care for hair after keratin straightening?

There are no clear rules and prohibitions after this technology, but there are certain recommendations, adhering to which you can get a good and long-lasting result.

First of all, you should use special cosmetics to secure the result. These include special sulfate shampoos, conditioners and hair masks. they will help to fix keratin thoroughly on the hair, not allowing it to wash off.

Experts also do not recommend exposing hair to a chlorinated or salty environment (pool or sea), which can quickly wash keratin and completely destroy the effect of straightening. It is better to use a special cap for this.

Do not forget about the hair dryer and irons. After washing the hair with special means, keratin should be fixed with a hot influence to fix the result. It is also worth forgetting for some time about lamination and hair coloring, at least for the first time. Haircuts after keratin straightening can be done at any convenient time.

And what do the girls say?

I was advised to use the technology of keratin straightening by my master barber when I again complained to him about the difficulties of styling my curly and fluffy hair. The result I was pleasantly surprised, but the effect did not last long. Maybe I got a poor-quality cosmetic product, or I improperly took care of my hair later. However, such a short-term effect cost me quite dearly, I am not going to repeat the procedure yet.

Svetlana, 19 years old

After all the teenage experiments with hair, she decided to re-acquire her original appearance - to get her hair color and save them from all damage from chemicals, dyes and permanent burn-in from styling products. I was very pleased with the result of keratin straightening, he held on for a long time, and his hair began to look healthier and stronger.

This technology has allowed me to make my curls more obedient and soft. Now hair is easier to style and have a healthy, well-groomed appearance. For some reason, after straightening, they began to fall out more, but it also depends on other factors - a poor lifestyle or my frequent experiments and complex fixations.

Received an excellent result, despite my laziness and non-compliance with many recommendations. I advise you to abandon the more expensive brands of this drug, as they personally gave me the worst result for 2 years of using this technology.

How to straighten hair at home, look at the video:

2 times behind his shoulders, and in front of 5-minute styling. My first time is not as unpleasant as the second. Why do I need a gas mask? Photo hair as in advertising for a period of 4 months! But it seems to me that something went wrong!


Yes, I decided to make keratin. Basically so long thought (about 1 year) because of the very expensive price. For me, a student who has no income other than Irecommend, distributing leaflets and McDonalds a couple of times, this is a very expensive procedure.

⭐Who is it suitable? ⭐

If your hair:fluffy, electrify, react to moisture, dry, spoiled, brittle, split ends, strong volume, porous and dyed.

As you understood, fate itself chose this procedure for me.

But if you do not have enough volume and hair is thin, it is better to refrain, otherwise they will hang as a "sopelki." Then look at Botox.

⭐Selection of the salon⭐

Chose not so long, but watched this salon for about a month. Their instagrams are simply gorgeous, photos as from the cover, every day 2-3 works of the master (they also make dyeing and haircuts).

The last straw was a 20% discount on keratin, then the stars themselves came together. And the salon recorded me even after the day of the end of the action. Coincided by February 13.

This salon has now become a favorite! Located in a large hotel on the 1st floor. The decor is bright, large mirrors. The staff itself is courtesy. Who is from Sochi and wants to know the name - write in HP!

"The procedure itself"

1 TIME (master male)

​​​​​​I came to the salon, undressed, took off my glasses (because of this, by the way, did not see many nuances) and sat in the chair. I was kindly offered tea / coffee, but I refused.

2 TIMES (master girl)

She also came in, approached the administrator this time (apparently, he changed) and told to whom she was recorded. I was again offered tea / coffee and even pancakes! Master came just a minute later.

The master came, clarified the selected procedure once again and we went to wash our hair. As I understood it was a deep cleaning shampoo. I shook my hair in a towel (I note that not a one-time!) And I sat in a chair in front of a mirror.


Since the master was a girl, we chatted for a while: she asked about the care, did the procedure, how long did the effect last and what kind of shampoo I had. Gave care tips.

This time I ran out of shampoo and I waited a couple of minutes while bringing a new one.


Master slightly dried hair and began to apply the composition. First, when asking the question: “Do your eyes sting?” - I answered negatively. But when the turn came to the front strands, the eyes began to water and burn. I had to close them from time to time.

After applying the composition to all the hair, the master said to sit for about 30 minutes and left. This time I agreed to tea.


I will say from myself that with this master it was getting longer, more precisely, more carefully. Hair dried to the end.

The most interesting thing started when they began to apply the compound. Прин They brought me a mask, well, I put it on. Then the master herself put on a gas mask, I could not resist and even laughed. And I thought why, this is too much, but no.

I will continue to tell how it was for the 2nd time, because more interesting heregas mask as in any way

This time, the composition seemed to me not so smelly, but even sweet. But after a while, the smell began to nano-eat and my head ached. At the end of the procedure, I was sitting exhausted; everyone noticed this already.

As a result, the entire composition is applied and I look like an advertisement for a styling gel.

Then it was time to first dry the hair dryer, and then warm up the hair with a curling iron.

The hair dryer was dried for 10 minutes so that the composition was absorbed.

Curling iron, of course, was expensive, a bunch of modes and everything else. I was afraid that I would be burned, because at the roots of the heat is very felt. I thought that I would just die at this stage. The smell became stronger and was heard even through the mask, it became cloudy in my head (I did not expect this, at 1 time everything was fine). They took malypusenkie strands and pulled pain. It hurts so much that I hung up on the phone to get distracted.

Finally, this hellish stage is over and we are going to wash our hair. A thought flashed through my head that I would break free, ahah 😂

We washed it with shampoo and put on a mask. Then just dried with a comb.

And voila! The red carpet just cries for me!

​​​​​Photo right after the salon⭐


Soon I cut my hair shorter, see below for yourself.

“Effect after”



Hair again gorgeous! It seemed to me that better than 1 time. Well, maybe the effect of "glowing", although I cut off a lot of hair.

And then I washed my head after 2 times.As you noticed earlier, 1 time my hair was just perfectly straight after the first bath and this effect was about a month.

Now I just washed my head and this is what I have:

⭐How long does the effect hold? ⭐

It all depends on the care and how quickly hair grows.

In the first case, the obligatory use of sulfate-free shampoo, balm / keratin mask. Do not be zealous in the summer swimming in the sea or in the pool, the best option river.

I wash my head every 2-3 days, on the last day I can use Batist dry shampoo.

Regarding shampoo recommendations: all boossulfatniki foaming badly! Below I will leave a link to the review and read everything yourself. I cannot recommend one, because I myself have not found a good one. But it is better not to take Natura Siberica, he washes out keratin hair !!

With the second, too, everything is clear. The faster the hair grows, the more often it needs to be done, otherwise a down (or rather a fur hat) hair appears above.

⭐Photo after time⭐

For clarity, a collage.

In the last two photos, the hair is drawn out with an iron; without it, there are 2 fluffy times.

Depends on the material and interior. I had a good choice in both cases. Keratin company Inoarand a salon with very good craftsmen and a huge portfolio.

So it cost me 3000 rubles in both times (in this case there was a discount of -20%, and it turned out 3500).

Hire a star all the same for the cons:

  • It can be very painful during the procedure when pulling the hair.
  • The composition is very aggressive: the eyes are watering, the nose is pricking and the head hurts.
  • Long wait: for short - 2.5-3 hours, average - 3-3.5, or even 4 hours, long - from 4 hours.
  • Price bites, in a good salon, where you will be sure - from 3000-3500 thousand on the square.

But in the end, I certainly recommend!

I attach LINKS to reviews with sulfate-free shampoos and other care:

Eyebrow paint - one, two and eyebrows in the salon.

♥ NYX Highlighter - love at first sight!

♥ Site Newbeautybox- bullshit pure water!

We now turn specifically to the stages of our straightening:

1) Using shampoo - peeling thoroughly wash your hair from all dirt, remnants of old styling products, including paint, styling, and so on.

Most likely, the first time it will not work to do everything properly and you will have to perform this procedure again.

2) Slightly dry hair - water should leave it, but it should remain wet.

3) Comb your hair. After that, they will need to be neatly distributed on strands - even and identical.

Further, these hair locks will need to be fixed with special clips - otherwise they will start to get confused and they will disturb you and make a high-quality straightening.

4) Keratin substance is neatly and evenly distributed over all curls. The most important thing is to comply with the measure!

Otherwise, you risk getting either fat and untidy hair, or just all your labors will go to the cat's tail.

5) Wait about 35-40 minutes. This time is enough keratin, so that it is absorbed into your hair. After that, you should gently dry your hair with a hair dryer at the lowest temperature.

6) For each strand, you need to hold the iron with a temperature of 230 degrees 5-7 times at least (!). With this operation, you straighten hair.

Only people with very often repainted hair can reduce the temperature to 200 degrees Celsius.

After that, you can comb your hair and everything - straightening done! Now we know how to do keratin hair straightening.

But in addition to all this knowledge, you will need to observe a few precautions - after three days after straightening, it would be advisable to wash your hair with keratin shampoo.

Also, you should not do this type of straightening for pregnant women - the composition contains formalin, which adversely affects the health of the mother and child.

Keratin hair straightening folk remedies

This procedure involves the use of only natural products. They penetrate deep into the hair, thereby smoothing and giving it a well-groomed appearance. For this fit: aloe juice, an infusion of pharmaceutical chamomile, fresh juice from apple, lemon, tea with sugar. Also effective are the essential oils of jasmine, rosemary, sage, olive, castor, burdock, castor oil and gelatin.

  • Mask with aloe, lemon and rosemary oil. In any dish, only non-metallic, make a solution. In the juice of half a lemon and aloe, add a couple drops of rosemary and mix thoroughly. Rinse hair thoroughly, blow-dry and apply the mixture, leaving it for 15-20 minutes and rinse in water.
  • 2 parts olive and 1 part burdock and castor oil. Stir and heat slightly. Apply to hair, avoiding getting it to the roots. Leave for an hour, then rinse with shampoo. To create a lasting effect, the mask is used at least twice every 7 days.
  • Balsam for smoothing out oil and vinegar. Combine apple cider vinegar, mineral water, and olive oil in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. Apply to clean hair and hold for at least half an hour, rinse.
  • Straightening sweet tea. This balm perfectly straightens and smoothes curly locks. Brew 200 ml of strong tea, mix with sugar (1 tsp) and cool. Apply to the hair, slightly dried with a hairdryer, evenly distributing over the entire length.
  • Extrusion with a gelatin mask. Gelatin is an animal protein collagen. During its application to the curls a thin film is formed. This mask is certainly not comparable to the salon procedure, but the effect of it will be no less amazing. 1 tbsp. gelatin diluted in cold water (3 tablespoons) and leave to swell. Then heat it so that it dissolves completely, and mix with a small amount of any balm. Apply to washed hair along the entire length, without touching the roots. Then pick them up in a bunch, wrap your head in a plastic bag and cover with a towel. Heat the hair for 20 minutes with a hairdryer, then leave the product for another 1 hour. Rinse with water without shampoo and leave to dry.

Rules for effective straightening

To effect the procedure was noticeable immediately, you need to observe some points.

  • To keep your hair clean, wash it at least two times before straightening.
  • Wet curls must be dried with a hairdryer and combed, starting from the ends of the hair.
  • The composition is better to apply with a brush or spray, avoiding contact with the roots.
  • After completion of the procedure, rinse with shampoo, blow-dry, straighten with an iron.

An important point of keratin straightening - after the session you can not wash your hair for three days. If you follow these simple rules, you can get smooth, docile and well-groomed hair without visiting the salon!

The procedure for keratin hair straightening at home

Keratin hair straightening involves the following actions:

  • First of all, they wash their heads with a special cleansing shampoo, which will remove all previously applied products of any purpose, normalizes the condition of the skin and the fat balance. The next step is applied medical keratin composition, suitable for the type of strands, a special brush to distribute it throughout the length.

The application of keratin composition on the hair

The mixture should not touch the scalp.

  • Next, the hair is dried with a hairdryer along with the applied composition. Blown air should not be burning.
  • The longest and most difficult stage is heating. The iron is set at a temperature of 2300 ° C and pulled out by each strand.

Hair stretching using ironing

  • It seems that the heat ironing can damage the hair. This is a misconception - in this case, the trunk is protected by a keratin composition, which contributes to the sealing of all damaged areas. This is the recovery and treatment.

Hair before and after keratin straightening

Keratin hair straightening

Keratin for hair in the means for treatment is in the form of very small particles that easily penetrate into the structure of scales and fill the damage: cracks, delamination, kinks. Useful particles are obtained from the sheep hair of New Zealand, which accounts for the high price of the preparations and the cost of the procedure.

Mining keratin from New Zealand sheep wool

Pros keratin treatment

The recovery procedure benefits:

  1. Damage is sealed - healing effect
  2. Suitable for hair of any type and condition
  3. Creating a hairstyle becomes a more pliable process, it lasts longer,
  4. Strands are well-groomed, moist, smooth and straight.
  5. On the colored strands after the procedure, the color remains saturated for a longer time.
  6. With proper care, the effect can last up to 3 months, after which the keratin treatment procedure should be repeated.

The effect of keratin straightening is long

The consequences (cons) of keratin straightening

Keratin straightening spoils the hair with one component in the composition of the product - formaldehyde 2%.

Formaldehyde is part of the composition for keratin hair straightening

This substance is a dangerous carcinogen, its content in cosmetic preparations should be strictly regulated. Formaldehyde can cause allergic reactions, asphyxiation, dizziness. With prolonged exposure to cancer can develop.

To avoid unpleasant state of health and the development of diseases, the recovery and treatment procedure is carried out in well-ventilated areas.

In view of the content of hazardous substances, it is not necessary to do keratin hair straightening for pregnant women and during the lactation period. The carcinogen is able to penetrate the placenta and into breast milk.

Farmaldehyde is an integral constituent of straightening agents: keratin is not activated without it

It is believed that the harm keratin hair straightening is the effect of high temperature during the consolidation of the composition. This is not so: the heated iron melts the active substances that have already enveloped the hair, they are embedded in the structure of the rod.

It is also worth remembering that the treated hair becomes heavier, because the procedure is not recommended for those who have active hair loss. Most likely, you have weakened onions, keratin in this case will aggravate the situation.

If the scalp has abrasions, wounds, scratches, then the procedure is better to postpone until complete healing.

Effective means for keratin hair straightening

The beauty industry offers many tools for the treatment and recovery of strands. If the hair deteriorates after a keratin straightening, the master may have picked up a series of grooming that is not suitable for you or the material was of poor quality. The correct choice allows you to achieve maximum results and a longer period of wear of the drug and preserve the effect. Further on are some of the most requested brands.

Cadiveu Professoinal Kit

The popular brand of professional hair care formulations has developed a set of tools for keratin straightening Brasil Cacau, which includes:

  • Stage 1 - shampoo for deep cleansing,
  • Stage 2 - working medical composition,
  • Stage 3 - a mask for care.

Cadiveu Professoinal Kit for Keratin Straightening

The set can have different volumes of bottles - 500 ml or 980 ml. The cost of the smaller starts from 7700 rubles., The larger - 12,500 rubles. The high price guarantees the corresponding quality. The manufacturer promises a decent result and lasting effect. The compositions are suitable for any type of strands.

Brazilian straightening with HONMATokyo

The brand belongs to Brazil, but has Japanese roots. The manufacturer offers formulations for working with different types of hair:

  • For hard curls of African and Asian women, Coffee Premium All Liss will suit you.

Complex Coffee Premium All Liss for hard curls

  • Plasticacapilar - a set of universal tools,

Plasticacapilar Kit

  • Light, dry and lifeless hair will restore the series Escova de Melaleuca,

Restoration of dry and damaged hair is possible with the help of Escova de Melaleuca

  • Biyouhliss - completely organic products, permissible from the words of the seller for use by women and children,

Biyouhliss hair care for women and children

Manufacturers of HONMA Tokyo do not use formaldehyde in their compositions.

Means from Israel are affordable, because most masters choose them: 1000 ml costs 5900 rubles, 250 ml - 2000 rubles.

Working compositions are presented in 2 types:

  1. Cocochoco Original,
  2. Cocochoco Pure.

Both types are suitable for Brazilian straightening.

The company from Brazil focuses on the production of medicinal products with keratin.

Inoar hair care

The main complex includes:

  • Deep cleansing shampoos
  • Masks - wellness treatments,
  • Working compositions for straightening with the increased term of preservation of effect of smoothness.

Useful tips from the master

In order for the effect of the procedure to please you as long as possible, there are several rules that must be followed after undergoing treatment of the strands:

  1. After fixing the compositions it is impossible to wash your hair for 72 hours (if the instructions for the preparation do not say otherwise, ask the master about this)
  2. For several days, do not dress the hairstyle so as not to disturb the smoothness,
  3. Do not use regular phosphate shampoos. Get special care with keratin to maintain the condition of the strands,
  4. Coloring is available after 2 weeks from the time of the procedure.

The effect of keratin hair straightening

Do or not do

Before giving into the hands of the master, weigh the pros and cons. Since the composition for keratin straightening includes a very harmful substance, be guided by the state of health.

The cost of the procedure depends on the materials used and the length of the hair, but nevertheless it is not cheap. Add in the purchase of care products and evaluate your financial capabilities.

In addition, nothing lasts forever and the brilliance will slowly fade away and the session will need to be repeated.

Threat to human health

Formaldehyde has pronounced mutagenic properties, and also acts as a serious allergen and irritant. Human contact with the environment containing this substance can lead to respiratory tract cancer and many other serious diseases, including leukemia.

Symptoms of prolonged exposure to formaldehyde are depressed psychological state, migraines, breathing difficulties. If the concentration of this carcinogen reaches a critical level, it can cause respiratory paralysis and subsequent death.

Symptoms characteristic of formaldehyde poisoning through inhalation include conjunctivitis and progressive pulmonary edema.

Formaldehyde entering the human body through the digestive system can cause a chemical burn, numerous edema, and respiratory arrest.

Formalin as a solution of formaldehyde can also cause harm to human health. People who, due to the nature of their professional activities, are often forced to deal with formalin, may experience nervous system damage, asthma symptoms and various physical disorders. The longer a person contacts with formalin, the more his sensitivity to this toxin increases, which only worsens the consequences.

Why are formulations containing formaldehyde used in hairdressing? Because without them, hair can not be straightened the way it is done now - smoothly, permanently and with inhuman brilliance. But the permissible rate of formaldehydes in the existing compositions for this is so often too high that even the investigation of the English newspaper The Daily Mail did not significantly reduce its use.

The limit established by law is 0.2% concentration, but various goods would have been found up to 7.4%.

Data from the Italian health service - the following compositions are prohibited for sale and work with people:






6 BIONAZA CHOCOHAIR ml. 473 1,821% 1,440%



9 BIONAZA KERA VINO ml. 119 2.571% 2.530%

10 BIONAZA KERA VINO ml. 473 1.690% 1.680%














“Last year, warnings were sent out by the EU against four hair straightening brands used in the UK: Brazilian Blowout, Coppola, Global Keratin and KeraStraight. These brands should be immediately removed from the shelves due to unacceptable levels of formaldehyde, according to EU legislation.

Of course, in countries such as Italy, Germany, France and Ireland already banned products that contain more than 0.2%. But the Daily Mail has learned that these restrictions are often ignored by manufacturers, and British hairdressers are still using potentially dangerous procedures for unsuspecting customers. ”(C)

Further translation is even more interesting, but it makes no sense to convince those who want to make themselves straightening. Reputable salons such as John Fried and similar ones work with world-wide stars, straightening their hair and refuse to comment on the harm of formaldehyde. Considering that "beauty has its price."

The article recommends that the new drug KeraStraight KS complex, launched at the beginning of this year on Trevor Sorbie, is free of formaldehyde and its derivatives.

So is it worth straightening your hair? In fact, "ironed hair" beauties of the beginning of the two thousandth go out of fashion, but someone really likes it:

Smooth hair was in fashion at different times, and the Russian people traditionally have a “hair to hair” meaning to care for themselves. But this was done with the help of oils - flax, hemp and, with the formation of an oil film on the hair, it was very useful during bath procedures - oil + hot steam created a hair procedure that any modern fashionista could envy. After all, the oil was natural, cold pressed and contained a lot of fatty acids that are able to level the hair to shine.

Karl Bryullov was very fond of writing smooth hair - he depicted his contemporaries like this - from aristocratic to peasant women - with smooth hair parted in the middle:

But the people also curled people very welcomed. Folklore has saved for us chastushkas, where “curls curl. I love Vanya the young man. " And any curly baby was considered very beautiful, like an angel.

A typical postcard is a charming curly girl. Such girls, growing older, with their beauty of hair, gave rise to a whole worship - just look at the pictures of Pre-Raphaelite artists, where women's hair, thick and curly, was like a part of magic!

And what is fashionable now? Curly, fluffy, straight and shiny? Everything is fashionable if it is your own hair! If you are self-sufficient, you will never straighten even “uncomfortable, naughty” curls. This is your part. It is you. And fashion echoes each person individually, glorifying both curly and straight-haired beauties.

Otherwise there would be no models or actresses with curly hair that they are not going to straighten. And there would be no imitation of the hairstyles of such models:

Wild, untamed, romantic - this is a woman with a mane of curls. Calm, peaceful, lyrical - this is a woman with smooth hair. What are you? Love yourself the way you are and emphasize your individuality without carcinogenic substances)


Watch the video: Keratin Treatment At Home for Straight Smooth Shiny Frizz Free Hair (June 2024).