
Psoriasis lotion


Some people due to hormonal changes, genetic predisposition or improperly adjusted metabolism suffer from psoriasis, which manifests itself in the form of excessive flaking and redness of the dermis of the scalp. How to be, because you want to get rid of the ill-starred problem that causes discomfort? Of course, use a special psoriasis treatment lotion that is sprayed onto the dermis of the head.

How the tool works

To begin with, let's see why psoriasis occurs? Psoriasis is a dermatological disease associated with a disorder in the work of individual organs and systems. Ailment appears due to:

  • constant stresses and frequent emotional overvoltages,
  • hormonal imbalance (especially during pregnancy and puberty),
  • metabolic disorders in the body,
  • toxic work or alcohol abuse,
  • weakening of immunity
  • genetic predisposition.

Psoriasis is also called the disease of the young, because it mainly occurs in people aged 18 to 25 years.

As a rule, the disease appears on rough skin areas (elbows, knees, under the arms). Not an exception is the derma of the hair, which can blush, itch very much and peel. First, a small speck, the size of a walnut, appears, but during exacerbation, psoriasis captures the entire surface of the scalp, creating a paraffin film.

Of course It is necessary to treat the disease only by eliminating the root cause. But when peeling and itching are too active, they need to be removed locally, using special masks, lotions, ointments, gels and lotions.

It is the latter, unlike other means, do not leave greasy marks on the hair. Due to the dispersion of the active particles, the healing suspension falls exclusively on the scalp, without creating an unpleasant gloss on the hair.

An important point! When confirming the diagnosis of psoriasis in a dermatologist and trichologist during the period of exacerbation, it is not allowed to dye curls with aggressive dyes. After all, the ingress of chemical components can aggravate the picture, up to the appearance of wounds on the scalp.

Also try to choose medical cosmetics for hair care, so that it does not overdry the dermis.

Lotion from psoriasis or lichen should:

  • have antimycotic effect and exfoliating effect,
  • eliminate scalp inflammation and itching associated with them,
  • protect the skin from aggressive environmental influences,
  • improve blood circulation, which will contribute to better recovery of the dermis,
  • have an epithelial effect,
  • restore the water-fat balance of the mantle of your hair.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of psoriasis lotions for the scalp can be identified that they do not have a greasy texture, so do not require frequent shampooing after application.

  • very easy to use
  • after applying, say, for the night you do not need to wash your hair in the morning,
  • relieve itching and redness,
  • contribute to the onset of rapid and prolonged remission,
  • improve the process of regeneration of cells of the scalp,
  • can be applied to other areas of the body affected by psoriasis.

Among the negative aspects of the use of funds can be identified that Lotions do not eliminate the root causes of scaling. Some users have an allergic reaction, which, in turn, only worsens the current situation.


Among the contraindications can be noted the presence of allergic reactions. Therefore, you need to test the tool on a small area of ​​healthy skin. Spray a little of the suspension on the inside of your hand and wait for about 15–20 minutes. If itching, urticaria, redness do not appear, then you can safely use the drug to eliminate the manifestation of psoriasis on the scalp.

Also, many sprays are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, because their active ingredients can freely enter the bloodstream, be absorbed by the placenta, or get into the milk.

Hormonal drugs have serious limitations in terms of use. They are contraindicated in people with serious diseases of the kidneys and liver, as well as those who have a severely weakened immune system.

Important! Dermatologists generally recommend that pregnant and lactating mothers postpone active treatment of psoriasis. Most likely, the illness they began to manifest due to an imbalance of hormones. As soon as a woman gives birth or stops breastfeeding, the disease should leave her dermis alone.

Also, due to too aggressive components of modern sprays, they may be prohibited for use by children under 10 years of age and during the presence of acute dermatological diseases.

Many aerosols require careful application to the scalp. Eye contact may cause burns.

Rules of application

Usually, before using aerosols, the affected areas of the scalp are recommended to be washed with warm water. Then, using a special dispenser, the agent is sprayed on the surface of the skin of the hair.

It is necessary to wait for a specific time (as a rule, it is 15–20 minutes). Some products require further rinsing with running water without the addition of shampoo, and some can be left without washing.

It is not necessary to wet and dry the head after treating her skin with aerosols, especially in winter. To eliminate the residual suspension, simply dab the dermis of the head with a dry sanitary napkin.

Usually, To combat psoriasis, you need to use a spray several times a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 months depending on the degree of the disease and the variant of the drug (hormonal agents do not apply for more than 2 weeks).

Recommendations for use:

  1. Before use, be sure to shake the can so that all substances are evenly distributed inside and get on the skin.
  2. Be sure to wipe the place of application of the drug with your palm, which will contribute to the active absorption of useful components that improve the regeneration of the skin and eliminate the fungus.
  3. You should always wait for the time specified by the manufacturer.
  4. After completing the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap.
  5. Some aerosols, especially hormonal contents, should be sprayed onto the skin, keeping the bottle at a distance of 15–20 cm.

Manufacturers of many products claim that the course of treatment is 1-2 months. But the first results will be noticeable after several applications. After 3–5 procedures, itching disappears, and after 2 weeks the exfoliated plaques leave the skin.

Overview of popular tools

There are different types of drugs. Some of them contain hormones that can cause addictive scalp and adversely affect the condition of the female body during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Hormonal drugs are effective, but, unfortunately, have more side effects. Aerosols of non-steroidal origin are almost safe, but to eliminate the problem they need to be used for more than a month.

Non-hormonal lotions

  • "Anti Psori Nano". This drug has successfully passed more than one clinical trial in the country of origin - Switzerland. The composition includes vitamins, trace elements, silver ions and other useful ingredients that improve the condition of the dermis of the head. The main ingredients are not chemicals and steroids, so the lotion for psoriasis has quite a few side effects. The tool is contraindicated in children up to 10 years. Apply twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, and during exacerbations more frequent use is allowed, not exceeding 4 times. The aerosol will empty your wallet for 990 rubles.

  • "Skin cap". This drug does not incorporate steroids, so it is suitable for both pregnant women and children. The basic component of the spray is zinc, which has proven itself to combat inflammation on the scalp, as well as fungi and bacteria. Skin cap perfectly disinfects the scalp and has a beneficial effect on the hair. For psoriasis, it is used 3 times a day for 1 month. The cost of funds starts from 1,800 rubles.

  • "Psoril". With regular use, the aerosol eliminates flaking, eliminates itching and helps to improve the structure of the hair. No less effective in the fight against psoriasis than Skin-cap, but it is much cheaper - 550 rubles.

  • "Beauty Balance". All-natural cosmetics, which included the developers of the leaves of the vine, horse chestnut fruits and other natural ingredients, thanks to which the tool has virtually no contraindications, therefore, is allowed to use for pregnant women and children. According to user feedback, after regular use, the skin is cleansed, it becomes soft and smooth. Unfortunately, the cost of aerosol rolls over, and starts from 1850 rubles.

  • Spray "999". Suitable only in case of remission of psoriasis, because it helps moisturize the skin and eliminate itching. The composition of the spray means about 30 herbs, which are carefully struggling with manifestations of dermatitis and neurodermatitis. Unfortunately, the tool is not suitable for nursing mothers and women in an interesting position. The price of medicinal natural cosmetics starts from 250 rubles for a 20 ml bottle. Sprayed in China.

Hormonal aerosols

Unlike their non-steroidal natural precursors, they relieve the manifestations of psoriasis much faster, promoting remission. Be careful with their use, especially if you are in an interesting position or breastfeed.

As part of the use of hormonal drugs follow the following guidelines:

  • they must be appointed by a dermatologist, so you should pass a couple of tests and several times get an appointment with a specialist,
  • the maximum period of use cannot exceed 14 days,
  • the spray is sprayed on the scalp no more than three times a day,
  • the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy should be monitored from time to time by a specialist.

List of hormonal sprays:

  • Belosalik. The composition of the spray includes salicylic acid, which copes with the drying of the skin. The tool is a real salvation for the dermis with signs of psoriasis. It eliminates bacteria and mycoses, softens the skin of the hair and promotes the regeneration of the epidermis. The cost of Belosalik in pharmacies starts from 230 rubles.

  • Polcortolon The key components of the aerosol are tetracycline and triamcinol, which disinfect the place of application of the suspension, as well as relieve the inflammatory process. Very often, such a spray is used to treat urticaria, dermatitis, boils. It is recommended to use the product intensively enough - they apply 2-3 times within a week. If the instructions given by the manufacturer are not followed, side effects are possible.

There is a whole list of contraindications:

  • mycoses,
  • tuberculosis,
  • syphilis,
  • chickenpox,
  • malignant tumors in the body,
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The cost of the bottle varies in the range of 330-500 rubles.

Psoriasis is one of the most severe diseases of the skin, which leads to the renewal of skin cells not in 30 days, as expected, but in 5. At the same time on the affected areas, spots like paraffin are formed, skin cracks and itching is most severe. The illness often has a chronic course.

Medicinal preparations in the form of a spray are taken locally to eliminate the manifestations of psoriasis. Some of them are purely natural, and only slightly disinfect the affected areas. Others, hormonal, effectively fight the disease, but have a number of contraindications and can lead to allergic reactions.

Useful videos

How to cure psoriasis. Causes, symptoms and treatment of psoriasis at home.

Symptoms and types of psoriasis.


A few drops of the drug are evenly distributed over the affected surface and lightly rubbed with light massage movements. With a mild course, as a rule, one application per day is enough, in case of severe symptoms, it is recommended to apply the lotion twice. Course duration is 20-30 days.

What is psoriasis

Red spots with clear boundaries (psoriatic plaques), itching, irritation, peeling are signs of the appearance of psoriasis. The disease is among the non-infectious skin diseases that appear regardless of gender and age. The exact causes of the development of the disease are still unknown, but presumably they include:

  • genetic factor
  • psychological disorders
  • metabolic disease,
  • ecology,
  • weak immunity,
  • wrong lifestyle,
  • stress,
  • allergy,
  • skin injuries.

Chinese preparations

These medicines are available for a long time in the country's pharmacies. Many patients note good efficacy in the treatment of pathology.


It consists of the following components:

  • Borniol: has an antimicrobial effect.
  • Salicylic acid: has a drying effect.
  • Fluoric acid: eliminates burning and irritation.

Treat the affected area up to two times a day, after diluting the preparation with medical alcohol in a 1 to 1 ratio. Jie Er Yin

The lotion contains only herbal ingredients:

The drug has antimicrobial, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties. Apply it twice a day.

How to use: treatment and effectiveness

Before applying the medicine, it is advisable to read the instructions: depending on its type, the methods of application may vary.

Basic rules for the use of psoriasis lotions:

  • It is necessary to accurately carry out the recommendations of a specialist without independently canceling or changing the frequency of administration.
  • It is advisable to use the lotion along with a medical shampoo.
  • During exacerbations, it is strictly forbidden to apply hair dyes, as well as such shampoos, which contribute to the appearance of dry skin of the scalp.

The course of drug treatment depends on its composition.. If it is a hormonal lotion, the duration of therapy is determined by the doctor. Such a medicine is considered effective in providing a therapeutic effect in a short time.

However, uncontrolled use can cause serious complications. With the sudden cessation of the application of funds comes the effect of cancellation, which is dangerous return of the disease with a more severe course.

If the patient is prescribed a non-hormonal lotion, it should be used during periods of remission. He not only does no harm with long-term therapy, but also shows excellent results.


Psoriatic damage during an exacerbation causes severe burning and itching, causing great discomfort to the sick person. The use of lotion on the scalp ensures the disappearance of scales, healing of wounds and restoration of the skin. The patient may feel relief after only a few application of funds to problem areas.

Lotion from psoriasis on the head

Psoriasis lotion can be both hormonal and non-hormonal.In case of severe skin damage or an exacerbation phase, hormonal preparations are recommended. Lotion from psoriasis on the head helps with hormones much faster, because it gives a more powerful anti-inflammatory effect and suppresses the effect of hormones responsible for inflammation. To recommend lotions for psoriasis of the scalp should only the attending physician. With uncontrolled self-administration, it is possible to aggravate the course of the disease.

Lotion for psoriasis of the scalp on a hormonal basis - is primarily Belosalik, Elokom and Diprosalik. The preparations contain anti-inflammatory components and do an excellent job with exacerbations of psoriasis.

Lotions for psoriasis of the head, which do not contain hormones, help to weaken, so they are recommended to use during remission to prevent exacerbations of the disease. Salicylic lotion with psoriasis is harmless and makes it possible to use it for a long time.

Chinese Psoriasis Lotion

Chinese psoriasis products offer several products. First of all, this is the Yiganerjing tool, about which they write a lot on the Internet. The remedy for natural ingredients is not hormonal, but it also helps rather poorly.

Analogue of the remedy is the Yin-Yang preparation - this is a cure for psoriasis on the head based on natural ingredients, it comes in several forms based on Chinese medicine recipes. Penetrates the skin and restores the skin at the cellular level. As for efficiency, the data is contradictory.

Clean skin psoriasis lotion is also a product of Chinese medicine. This product contains natural herbal ingredients, so it can work effectively only at the initial stage of the disease, and even then it does not always hold back the aggravation.

Lotion Fufan

Chinese lotion Fufan from psoriasis applied relatively recently. The tool is also recommended for fungal pathologies. The drug is an effective drug, it received in the people the second name lotion from psoriasis Fufan Pure body, which emphasizes its ability to fight skin diseases. The drug contains alcohol, salicylic acid, borneol, acetic acid, fluorine. Fufan has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antibacterial action, it is able to constrict blood vessels and heal skin microcracks.

Externally, Chinese psoriasis lotion Clean body looks like a brown liquid with a strong odor. When first applied to the skin, slight hyperemia is possible. After some time, patients notice a cooling effect from the action of the medication and a reduction in pain, swelling and itching. It is necessary to apply on the skin with a special brush and do not rinse. The first positive results appear after two days.

Lotion elokom

Psoriasis lotion on the head for external use - it is written on the packaging of the product by Elok. Few people know that the best effect is exerted by a medicine with moist psoriasis, i.e. exudative form of the disease. The active ingredient of the drug mometasone furoate. This component removes the inflammatory reaction from the scalp, promotes the speedy regeneration of the skin. Lotion Elokom for psoriasis eliminates the main symptoms of the disease - itching, swelling and psoriatic rash, tightly covering the scalp.

Reviews of lotion Elok confirm that the tool dries the skin and reduces the discharge of pus, serous fluid and blood. Therefore, doctors recommend using Elocom in the first place with exudative form.

Belosalik lotion

Lotion Belosalik psoriasis It contains a glucocorticoid and is considered a hormonal drug. In this connection, Belosalik is recommended for psoriasis with strong manifestations of the disease, when a patient has a relapse.

The composition of the lotion Belosalik includes betamethasone dipropionate and salicylic acid. Together, these two components have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Also, due to the combination of these elements, Belosalik lotion with psoriasis has antipruritic and anti-edema effects.

The tool is made in the form of a viscous liquid, has a pleasant smell, it does not leave greasy marks on the hair and does not glue them. Like other means, it has a cooling effect. Apply to the scalp a few drops at night. Reviews of lotion Belosalik with psoriasis of the head confirm that the tool effectively cope even with severe forms of the disease.

Lotion calamine

Lotion Calamine in psoriasis refers to non-hormonal drugs, but it helps not worse than steroid drugs. The composition of the drug are directly calamine and zinc oxide. Calamine is a mineral that has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and regenerating properties.

The naturalness of the components provides a mild effect of the drug of the same name. Auxiliary substance in the composition of the drug is water, the drug does not contain alcohol. To soften the skin in the composition include glycerin.

The drug leaves no residue after application and has no unpleasant odor. After applying the medicine, there is a coolness on the skin, itching is significantly reduced. Reviews of Calamine lotion confirm that a positive trend from the use of the drug comes to the end of the first week of use.

Lotion reviews

Head psoriasis is quite common among patients suffering from this disease. That is why the forums leave a lot of reviews on drugs for the treatment of psoriasis of the scalp. We give some of them to make it easier to navigate in the choice of drug.

  • Elena, 40 years old, Moscow. I bought a new medicine for psoriasis at the pharmacy. Thai lotion Psoriasis reviews should be good to help with the disease and prolong remission. I apply it the third day, while there are no side effects, and the manufacturer says to wait for the result in 10-14 days.
  • Oleg, 50 years old, Kiev. I struggled with psoriasis for a long time, until Skin-Cap advised me. I had a terrible disease, in exudative form, I lost a lot of hair. After using the drug has become much better. Now I always keep Skin-Kap spray ready and advise it to all my friends and forum users.
  • Eugene, 47 years old, St. Petersburg. He used the drug Belosalik, he was not treated for a long time, as there was an exacerbation of psoriasis and the doctor prescribed for a short time. The drug coped at all 100 - after a few days the condition improved, and the scalp became much cleaner.
  • Raisa Semenovna, 56 years old, Novosibirsk. Psoriasis of the head worsened on the background of menopause. The doctor, in addition to other drugs, advised to use Zinocap psoriasis spray - I have been using the drug for several days now, waiting for the result.
  • Irina, 27 years old, Yekaterinburg. A friend from a sightseeing trip to China brought me Fufang lotion. I have been suffering with psoriasis for a long time, so the selection of a medicinal product is very relevant for me, especially during the relapse period. Fufan had high hopes, because the tool was from the manufacturer, certainly not a fake. But, to my disappointment, the Chinese drug failed me - after using the course, as it is written on the package, I didn’t improve, and the threat of relapse had to be fought with proven hormonal drugs.

Psoriasis Lotion: Varieties

The exact causes of psoriasis in modern medicine have not been established, which accounts for a wide variety of drugs and their components. It is possible to classify preparations according to the main active ingredient in the composition of the lotion.

Lotions for scalp psoriasis are divided into two common varieties:

The first contain corticosteroids - anti-inflammatory hormones. Corticosteroids are especially effective against non-infectious inflammations, which include psoriasis. Hormonal lotions have a strong effect on the skin and are not used in the early stages of psoriasis.

The most significant drawback is the negative impact of such drugs on the skin: their immune defense decreases, they become thinner, which increases the risk of developing infectious infections.

In psoriasis lotions, hormones betamethasone and mometasone are used. Their pharmacological effect is to constrict blood vessels and reduce blood flow. Also, with regular use, there is a decrease in the metabolism of skin tissue, which leads to the reduction of inflammation, but weakens all other functions of the epidermis, including regenerative.

Non-hormonal lotions for psoriasis on the head have a more gentle effect, but their effectiveness in the severe stages of psoriasis is not so high. They are suitable for the treatment of the disease in its minor manifestations.

The list of components used in such drugs is wide, this includes vitamin complexes, keratoplasty, plant extracts. Despite the sparing effect, these drugs can manifest side effects, which are most often represented by allergic reactions.

Hormonal and non-hormonal drugs

Hormonal drugs are represented by such drugs as Diprosalik, Elokom, Belosalik.

    Diprosalic It is a viscous colorless solution with a faint odor of alcohol.

The main active ingredient is betamethasone dipropionate. Also contains salicylic acid.

Lotion for psoriasis of the scalp is evenly applied with a sterile cotton swab over the entire area of ​​the affected skin twice a day: in the morning and before going to bed. The recommended course of treatment does not exceed three weeks.

Diprosalik is not used in the presence of open wounds on the skin and injuries, in case of renal failure and in case of exacerbation of infectious diseases. For children, the drug is prescribed only in special cases.

The average price of lotion is 650 rubles. Elokom is a budget representative of a group of hormonal lotions, its average price does not exceed 230 rubles.

For anti-inflammatory effects here mometasone is responsible. The drug catalyzes the processes of production of proteins that block the synthesis of lipocortins.

Presumably, it is lipocartine that accelerates the development of inflammatory processes in the skin.

Appointed to adults and children from two years. The specific side effects of corticosteroids in Elocom are not as pronounced as their counterparts. As a rule, patients complain only of a slight burning and dryness in the skin.

Instructions for use involves the application of 3-4 drops of lotion from psoriasis for the head with the help of nozzles and rubbing them in a circular motion with slight pressure until the medication completely disappears from the skin. Elokom is applied once a day for no more than 3 weeks. Belosalik contains betamethasone and salicylic acid.

Available in bottles with spray nozzle or dropper nozzle.

Method of application is similar to Diprosalik: 3-4 drops are applied to the skin and rubbed. The course of treatment is one month.

Salicylic acid functions as an absorption accelerator. - It expands the pores of the inflamed skin and allows the hormone to penetrate faster into the blood vessels.

The average price is 350 rubles.

A variety of non-hormonal drugs is greater. Such popular products as Oxypor, Dayvoneks, Calamine, Skin cap. It is worth noting that the prices of nonsteroidal lotions are quite high.

Side effects

With prolonged use of lotion for psoriasis Belosalik may cause the following undesirable effects:

  • skin hypersensitivity reaction: burning, itching, redness,
  • hypopigmentation,
  • acne-like phenomena
  • striae
  • hypertrichosis
  • skin atrophy,
  • telangiectasia
  • joining a secondary infection,
  • systemic manifestations of the action of glucocorticosteroids and salicylates on the body.

Video about Belosalik

The lotion is a highly effective remedy for psoriasis, including a variety with localization on the skin of the scalp. Eliminates itching, flaking of the skin. Prevents the spread of the lesion and the recurrence of the disease.

The active substance is a solution of coal tar, referring to keratoplastic agents. Its content in the preparation is 25%. When applied to the skin helps to remove dead cells and slow the growth of new ones, thereby reducing dry skin and scaling.

A warning

The tool can not be applied to the skin in the groin, around the anus. Also avoid his eyes.

The drug is not recommended to be used simultaneously with certain types of physiotherapy (in particular, UV radiation), as well as with other medicines for the treatment of psoriasis.

After applying the lotion on the skin for about 24 hours, direct exposure to the sun should be avoided, since the drug increases the likelihood of sunburn.

You can buy 56-ml packaging of psoriasis lotion for about 1800-2000 rubles.

This is a highly effective non-hormonal lotion with calcipotriol - an analogue of vitamin D. The therapeutic effect is based on the stimulation of morphological differentiation and suppression of the proliferation of keratocytes. The lotion is used in the treatment of vulgar psoriasis (including manifestations on the scalp).

Fufang (Pure Body)

This lotion is a new development by Chinese specialists for the treatment of psoriasis and a number of other skin diseases (eczema, neurodermatitis, fungal infections). Fufan quickly relieves skin peeling and plaques. When using lotion manufacturers promise a completely clean body in just 8-10 days.

  • The drug enhances the action of antibiotics.
  • The weakly concentrated fluoric acid helps suppress the inflammatory process.
  • Salicylic acid destroys the fungus, has a drying effect.
  • Borneol is used as a local anesthetic and antiseptic.

Lotion from psoriasis Fufan Pure Body has the following actions:

  • cools the skin, thereby eliminating itching,
  • disinfects, preventing the occurrence of a secondary infection due to skin damage when combing,
  • narrows the peripheral capillaries, regulates blood microcirculation,
  • has anti-allergic effect,
  • relieves inflammation
  • activates recovery processes in the lesion focus,
  • relieves irritation, calms.

Fufan lotion is quickly absorbed. It can be used for psoriasis of different localization. According to reviews of patients, the drug for 3 or 4 days relieves itching, irritation and flaking. After 10 days, psoriatic spots disappear, the skin becomes more healthy and clean. The tool can be applied to the scalp. It absorbs quickly and does not require rinsing.


  • The drug is not applied to the eye area, as well as on sensitive skin areas (in the inguinal, axillary areas).
  • Lotion should not be applied over large areas.
  • You can use it for a limited time.

Lotion from psoriasis Fufan can be bought from 450 rubles.

The active substance of the lotion - mometasone, is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid. It has antiexudative effect, reduces itching, reduces the severity of inflammation. The drug is highly effective in the treatment of psoriasis, localized on the scalp. Applying lotion for 8-15 days leads to the disappearance of psoriatic lesions and plaques and obtaining almost 100% clear skin.

Video description of calamine

The lotion is intended for the treatment of psoriasis and other skin diseases (neurodermatitis, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis).

The main active ingredient is zinc pyrithione, due to which the drug has a cooling, drying, antiseptic, antifungal effect, relieves itching, inflammation, peeling, accelerates skin recovery.

Criteria for the selection of funds

Stopping in thought in front of long shelves with bottles, tubes, jars with all sorts of drugs that promise to get rid of psoriasis once and for all, you should arm yourself with the following selection criteria:

    First, you need read the contents of the product carefully not just bright advertising slogans.

The composition should contain glucocorticoids or keratoplasts, the main components aimed at combating dermatological problems, in particular, with psoriasis.

  • It is very good if in addition vitamins and natural complexes: they will help the skin to recover faster.
  • It is important to choose a remedy for psoriasis on the head based on the stage of development of the disease.

    Healing shampoos are able to cope only with the first, initial stages, facilitate them and reduce the painful manifestations.

    In difficult cases, better turn to stronger drugs having a complex chemical composition that can extinguish the development of the disease, prevent infection and relieve inflammation, ointments, special liquids can become such.

  • It is not necessary to take the criterion of well-publicized funds as a basis: as a rule, loud advertising hides behind itself a very weak drug, which is unlikely to provide effective assistance. Quality is not always a high price, and sometimes cheap domestic drugs cope very well. Good fame does not need advertising, it goes from mouth to mouth.
  • Do not buy ointments, balms, gels and shampoos in small shops, but only in places with a proven, positive reputation: there are often cases when small retail sellers buy cheap, low-quality products, where any, sometimes unacceptable composition can be hidden behind colorful packaging. Be alert and attentive.
  • Remedies for psoriasis of the scalp

    To date, the buyer has the widest choice of all possible means of this problem. But which one to opt for?

    Drugs are divided into five categories, namely:

    And now more about everything.

    Ointments are the most effective remedy for psoriasis on the head. The benefits are:

    • opportunities to extinguish a significantly spread focus of the disease, soothe irritated skin,
    • anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect,
    • starts the process of cell regeneration, which is especially important for psoriasis.
    1. Salicylic ointment. Commonly used 1 or 2 percent composition.

      The main effect of the ointment is its anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect. The course of treatment allows you to achieve exfoliation of cornified skin scales and start healing and cell repair.

      Salicylic acid is a component that fights many types of infections, which is especially important in this case. The application consists in the simple application of ointment to the cleaned area of ​​the affected skin. The course lasts from a week to two, depending on the stage.

      Solcoseryl. Ointment of a wide spectrum of action, is used even in surgical medicine for the restoration of mucous membranes. Including actively used in dermatology. Softening effect Solcoseryl made the ointment popular with patients.

    2. Ointment with a component of the tar. From ancient times tar was in good standing with healers, folk healers. With the advent of scientific medicine, it became known that tar has a pronounced antiseptic and wound healing effect. The natural component can be compared in force of its effects with many chemical means, but unlike them, it has no contraindications and side effects.

    Gels, sprays, balms, sprays

    Panthenol-based drugs have proven themselves very well. These are Phenystyle gel and psilobalzam. The constituent chemical elements and natural complexes (extracts of medicinal herbs) inhibit the growth of pathogenic organisms, which is always observed in psoriasis, when an ideal environment is created for the growth of harmful bacteria that spread the disease to other areas of the skin.

    Keratinocytes present in these drugs have a softening, anti-inflammatory effect, eliminate itching.

    Worth highlighting and aerosol Skin Cap. Appearing on the pharmaceutical market recently, it has gained wide popularity among patients in a short time. The elimination of flaking, itching, inflammation and cell regeneration are the main areas of action of aerosols. The application is simple - application of cleansed skin once a day until relief.

    Healing Shampoos

    The list of medical shampoos is quite wide. Their advantage is ease of use - therapeutic effect occurs after the first use. For the procedure you just need to wash your hair. This simplicity and made shampoos especially in demand today.

    • Lamisil. The components that make up the shampoo have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, as well as antifungal effects. Abundant peeling is eliminated, the natural, healthy skin covering of the scalp is restored.
    • Nizoral This remedy is widely used by psoriasis sufferers. The quality of efficiency, reliability, brought him to the leadership position of the category of means of combating psoriasis. It is considered one of the best remedies for psoriasis on the head.

    Medicinal lotions are also prescribed by trichologists and dermologists to combat psoriasis. Their application does not differ complexity: you just need wipe the inflamed skin until relief. But, as in the case with special shampoos, aerosols, gels, lotions can not be used for a long time, you should alternate drugs for psoriasis on the head, in order to prevent their addiction.

    Lotions are divided into hormonal and non-hormonal.

    Hormonal drugs:

      Belosalik. The combination of the components of dipropioanate, silcylic acid and betametazol makes this medicine for psoriasis on the head very effective. Salicylic acid well peels, promotes regeneration. It is also noteworthy that, unlike many modern lotions, Belosalik leaves no residue, the hair does not stick together, which is also important.

    Elokom. Allows you to cope with all sorts of dermatological diseases, including intractable exudative form of psoriasis.

    Non-hormonal drugs:

    • Dayvoneks. This is an excellent remedy for the treatment of psoriasis on the head in a complex. They diluted the use of hormonal lotions. But the effect of non-hormonal drugs is somewhat lower, and they are used twice a day.
    • Calamine. The main active element is zinc oxide, known in medicine as an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing component. Zinc oxide is used in surgical medicine for the rapid healing of tissues. The benefits of lotion: without a strong odor, leaves no trace, a pronounced analgesic effect. Deficiencies not identified.

    Folk remedies

    Traditional medicine is rich in good recipes, tips to help cope with any fool. There is a lot of knowledge in her piggy bank to fight psoriasis. So, a beneficial effect on irritated skin has homemade ointment:

    Take 2 tbsp. l planed tar soap and 5 cloves of garlic, crushed to a state of slurry. The ingredients are mixed, poured a glass of water and cooked on low heat for about 10-15 minutes, until most of the water evaporates. Then the ointment should cool down, then it is ready for use.

    More sparing property than sharply smelling, but still such healing garlic, have a bath for the scalp from infusion of nettle. Nettle has a rich spectrum of vital vitamins and microelements. It disinfects, soothes, relieves itching and redness skin, eliminates peeling. The procedure is carried out once a day for 5-7 minutes.

    Approximate course of treatment

    Of course, a course of treatment is developed exclusively by the trichologist on the basis of the analyzes obtained, based on the stage of the disease.

    The average course may consist of the following procedures:

    1. Use of hormone lotion - 3-4th day.
    2. The use of therapeutic shampoos - 5-10th day.
    3. Rubbing ointments into the scalp - 11-15 days.

    Along with the use of pharmaceutical treatments for psoriasis of the scalp, it is worth using folk remedies.

    Also needed Enrich your diet with vitamins and try to keep an active lifestyle, more often to be in the fresh air.

    The sun - the main element in the fight against the disease and this should not be forgotten.

    So, we have dismantled the main methods of dealing with the disease called psoriasis. Shampoos, lotions, ointments, sprays and popular advice, all this in the complex gives a positive effect.

    Then you just need to maintain your physical condition, follow the diet, do not use products that cause allergic reactions, and then you can maintain a healthy skin for a long time. I wish you health and well!

    Useful video

    Watch a video on how to treat psoriasis with the help of special sprays:

    In which cases use hormonal drugs:

    and folk remedies:

    Dayvoneks lotion

    Dayvonex is intended to alleviate the symptoms of a rash on the scalp, which is possible due to the suppression of keratocyte proliferation. The use of funds is sometimes accompanied by swelling of the skin. Before treatment Dayvoneks, read the following information:

    • The active ingredient of the drug is calcipotriol, which is a synthetic analogue of vitamin D.
    • The use of Dayvonex psoriasis lotion is to apply a product to the scalp a couple of times a day. The permissible weekly dose is 60 ml.
    • Contraindications include age up to 14 years, hypersensitivity to the individual components of the drug, a violation of calcium metabolism. Doctors do not recommend the remedy for older people after 65 years of age to patients with vitamin D vitamin hypervitaminosis, nephrolithiasis, acute liver or renal failure.

    Belosalik with psoriasis

    Belosalik lotion will help reduce the rash, itching and other manifestations of psoriasis. Examine the following items before purchasing to properly use the tool without causing side effects:

    • The main active ingredient - betamethasone dipropionate has anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor action, which contributes to the rapid removal of itching, reducing stains. It is complemented by salicylic acid, which provides deep penetration of components into the skin.
    • Instructions for use states that the drug is rubbed into the areas affected by psoriasis with light movements. There is no defined period of use. Use the tool until the psoriatic plaques with other symptoms disappear, and after eliminating them, apply the remedy for another week. So you prolong remission. The drug is used from 1 to 3 times a day, but only the doctor determines the appropriate frequency.
    • Do not use the tool if you have the following diseases: skin tuberculosis, skin injuries, syphilis, herpes, smallpox, skin tissue cancers, trophic ulcers, fungal lesions.

    Fufan from psoriasis

    Lotion Clean body from psoriasis has a simple structure, while it effectively acts on problem areas of the skin. The indications also include neurodermatitis, neurodermatosis. Before use, read the instructions:

    • Lotion from psoriasis Fufan contains borneol as an antiseptic, salicylic acid for drying inflammations, fluoric acid for relieving itching and irritation.
    • Treat affected areas 1-2 times a day (morning and evening). If you use psoriasis lotion on the head, it should be diluted with ethyl alcohol 1: 1.
    • The tool is prohibited to use patients with ulcers on the skin, individual intolerance to the components, children under 1 year.


    Watch the video: Treating scalp psoriasis (July 2024).