What's better

Popular technologies of hair extensions: capsular and tape, what are the differences and which is better?


Which build is better: tape or capsular? What way of building is safer for hair? Here are the questions asked by everyone who decided to build hair for the first time. Let's try to understand these issues together.

Currently, there are two main, equivalent to the choice of customers method of hair extensions. This is a cold way - tape building and hot - capsular, Italian building.

According to statistics for 2014 in Russia, 50% choose capsular extension, 45% choose tape and the remaining 5% use other extensions. Gradually, the situation is changing in favor of tape buildup and over the past 2 years, in some regions of Russia, tape buildup has become dominant, which more than 50% of girls have begun to choose.

In central Russia, tape buildup is more in demand, and in the regions capsular extensions are more commonly used.

The difference between these two methods of extension - methods of attachment of donor hair.
The most frequently asked question is which is better, tape or capsular hair extensions?
Here it is necessary to consider several factors:
1. condition of your hair
2. quality of the material used (hair)
3. frequency of corrections
4. the ability to do different hairstyles.
5. cold and hot extension method.

Let's sort through each item in order.

1. The owners of very thin hair make the choice much easier - they are suitable only for tape extension. Only thin ribbons on thin hair! For medium, thick hair and suitable tape and capsular capacity.

2. The choice of material for building, as well as the choice of the master - a very important factor. For the capsular extension, only hair of the highest category of quality "Virgin" is suitable, since the service life of such hair is one year or more. You can make with them not one correction (which needs to be done in 3-4 months after the build-up), but two - three or more.
In principle, all categories of hair quality are suitable for tape extensions, as the correction is performed earlier, 1.5-2 months after extension. But it is better not to save on raw materials, but to choose all the same hair with a period of socks of 6 months or more, and not a month or two. Yes, unfortunately comes across in the sale and such raw materials, be careful! It is also natural hair, but with damaged cuticle and treated with silicone for the presentation. When the silicone is washed off, the hair will immediately become useless and should be removed immediately, so as not to damage your relatives.

3. The procedure itself is absolutely painless hair removal and harmless. Of course, provided it is performed by a professional. As hair grows at the roots, it is necessary to make a correction in 2-4 months. With tape in 1.5-2 months, with capsular in 3-4 months. The whole hair correction comes down to the fact that the strands are “transplanted” closer to the roots of your native hair. To do this, the master needs to remove all the strands, update the tapes / capsules and increase them again. Therefore, the correction procedure takes more time and, accordingly, costs more than the actual
build up.

4. With a tape extension, the choice of stacking is huge. The myth that the tail can not be made with ribbons and high hairstyles have long been debunked, it directly depends on the professionalism of the master in the first place. Especially now there are improved ribbons on the market with imitation of basal hair growth (here they are represented by the “Gold Expert” series), they are made by hand, according to the wig manufacturing technology and completely repeat the natural basal hair growth.
Capsule technique provides much more space in the choice of styling, hairstyles. But it is imperfect in that the hair at the roots can be tangled, and only owners of thick and medium-thick hair can afford such a build-up.
From the moment of escalating with the capsular method, it is possible to walk for 3-4 months, this is twice as long as with the tape one.

5. Capsule, "hot" method of building is performed using keratin granules. The donor strand of hair is attached to its own hair with a granule, previously heated by special tongs, hence the name “hot”.
"Cold" hair extensions are called tape, as in this case, donor hair is attached with a thin double-sided tape (tape), covered with a special adhesive composition. With this technology, no heating is required.
Tapes with imitation of radical growth of hair (here they are represented by the "Gold Expert" series) are attached in the same way, using adhesive tape, but slightly using a different technology.
Using either of these two extension technologies will allow you to get long, luxurious hair. When choosing a mounting method is best to consult with a specialist. The specialist will be able to more accurately select a method that is more suitable for you, but in any case, the choice is always yours.

Method differences

Fastening artificial strands with the help of capsules or tapes belong to different methods and have significant differences.

Belt method refers to cold technology. When performing it does not apply temperature effects.

Donor strands are attached to the natural with adhesive strips or tape. They are fixed on both sides of the prepared natural strands.

Technology has several species:

  • Express - fastening strands with a wide tape, as much as possible shortens the procedure time.
  • Hairtalk - apply strips of less than 1 cm in size. They are less noticeable and allow to diversify the choice of hairstyles.
  • AngeloHair - curls are attached acrylic composition. This grip is more durable.


Refers to hot technology. Artificial strands have keratin plastics that need to be melted to bond with natural curls. For this purpose, special forceps are used, which press the plates at the joints, forming a capsule.

A variation of this method is microcapsule build up. It has a smaller capsule size, which facilitates care, gives a neat appearance.

Selection by hair type

Before resorting to the procedure, it is necessary to pay attention to your own hair in order to choose the optimal technology. So what is better, tape extension or capsular extension?

Tape extension is recommended for owners of sparse, thin hair. Due to the larger attachment area, natural strands experience a minimum load, less injured.

Thin hairs have a property very confused, and the tapes eliminate entanglement in the process of wearing. Fastening ribbons will imperceptibly look on the sparse hair, due to the coupling technique.

Capsule extension is best suited for women with short haircuts, it helps to hide the difference between natural and artificial strands.

The capsule method is recommended for denser hair and also prone to loss, because it has a strong connection. This method is suitable for lovers of tight high tails or complex hairstyles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any capsular tape strapping technology has positive and negative sides. For many women, the main criterion when choosing a method is security.

Safety tape capacity due to the lack of thermal effects. For their removal no forceps are required, the glue is easily dissolved by a special tool, minimizing the loss of your own hair.

The tongs are heated no higher than 200 °, and contact with the strands lasts a couple of seconds. Experts will give you a professional answer to the question - what kind of hair extensions is better than capsular or tape?

When choosing capsular hair extension or tape, you need to take into account their pros and cons, as well as features care after the procedure.

Pros and cons of building

pros capsular capacity:

  • ability to create any hairstyles
  • inconspicuous mounts
  • easy care
  • withstands high temperatures
  • infrequent correction

The hairs increased by means of capsules are unpretentious in leaving. For them, suitable tools used previously, the coloring process remains the same.

The only thing that should be avoided is the application of balms or masks on the capsules.
Now consider minuses:

  • high price
  • the procedure takes a lot of time
  • risk of formation of mats and strand breaks
  • own hair loss when removing

After the procedure of extension by the capsular method, it is allowed to wash the head only after a day.

pros tape building:

  • suitable for fine hair
  • speed of execution
  • low cost
  • ease when removing
  • hypoallergenicity

Alas, this species also has minuses:

  • impossibility do high hair
  • correction frequency
  • you can not often comb
  • probability combing strands

Hair extension tape method requires careful care. They can not be subjected to heat, shampoos should be without the addition of oils and acids. It is undesirable to use balms, masks or creams.

It is necessary to comb no more than three times a day, avoiding places of grip strands. Shampooing strictly upright.

Procedure cost

The cost of capsular and tape building depends on qualities used hair, their number, desired length.

For the procedure used Asian, European and Slavic hair. The latest highest quality and expensive. They are durable, less processed in production, the closest to the structure of natural.

The price of building capsular technology increases due to the laboriousness and complexity of the process.
In the city salons Moscow the cost of capsular and tape build-up varies from 10 to 30 thousand, in the Moscow region the minimum price for a capsular method is 5000 rubles, for a tape method - 3000 rubles.

The price of hair extensions in Kazan and Cheboksary will be from 2,000 to 12,000 rubles. AT St. Petersburg the minimum cost of the procedure is 5,000 rubles, and Sverdlovsk region - 2000 rub.

Which way is better?

Now you know the difference between tape building and capsular capacity. The choice of extension method depends on individual wishes. But with all the pros and cons, as well as feedback from women, preference is given to the capsular method.

It gives you the opportunity to diversify types of hairstyles, does not require frequent correction, is easy to maintain and has a strong grip. But regardless of the technology chosen, you do not need to save on hair quality and the price of the procedure.

All about tape building, technology, which building is better capsular or tape, what hair to choose, care and products. Now I know a lot about this type of extension, my sad story + photo


I have long wanted to write my story of acquaintance with this buildup, I want to help my reviewer, who decided to use this procedure, to avoid my mistakes.

  • About technique
  • What is the best tape or capsular extension?
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • The price of tape capacity
  • What hair to choose
  • How to choose a master, my story
  • Hair Care
  • Care products

Hair extension technology

The hair is planted on adhesive tape of small size, which are glued to the root of native hair. The master prepares the head, after having washed it and dried it. Distributes the head into zones, and starts building up from below, rising higher and higher. All strands are mounted symmetrically, evenly distributed over the head, at the end of the temporal areas are filled. In order to make high tails and pick up hair, the master, building up the lowest row, must retreat from the marginal zone. At the very top of the hair is not planted.

The procedure of extension takes no more than thirty minutes, it is very simple.

What capacity is better: capsular or tape

I did not have such a question that I choose capsular or tape, I made the choice right away. I read a lot of reviews and articles, about technology, about how people write, who tried all the methods. And I think the most important thing is the absence of strong damage to the hair, namely, thermal exposure, as in the case of capsule building.

Tape extension pros and cons


  • Lack of thermal exposure, as with capsule
  • The speed of the procedure, just thirty minutes and you have a smart head of hair
  • The price should be cheaper
  • Lack of such harm, while you are wearing extended hair, grow in the meantime.
  • Tails and hairstyles can be made if the extension procedure is performed correctly.


  • Frequent correction in about two months
  • Special care for donor hair
  • Special cleansers
  • When the hair grows, it becomes visible tape
  • It is undesirable to be painted

How much is tape capacity

Tape extension should cost several times cheaper than capsular, but most craftsmen and salons significantly and unreasonably overpriced. In general, the price depends on the length and type of hair.

Hair for tape building

This is a very important choice. Choose good hair, there will be no problems, just maintain their beauty, feeding with different masks and balms and you will be happy).

Choose bad hair, you will constantly suffer, unravel it, constantly styled. Smear and smear with different means, but they are not the fact that they will look good. In general, approach the selection of hair correctly.

What are the hair

  1. Asian This is the cheapest and lowest quality hair. They are processed with silicones, thus they look good, but they behave very badly when wearing socks. After several washing procedures, care problems begin. They are constantly confused, and look worse every day.
  2. European. A little better, but still do not have the desired quality. Usually such hair is removed at the first correction.
  3. South Russian. This hair is collected in Russia. In terms of quality, they are much better than the previous ones, but the structure is the same as Slavic. They are obedient, smooth, beautiful looking. With proper care should last a long time.
  4. SlavicThis is the best hair. For the price they are the most expensive.

I took South Russian, for the price for me they were the most reasonable. Slavic already very expensive. (

Choosing a master or salon

This is perhaps the most important question, everything will depend on it, how beautiful or ugly hair you will have.

I confess, I didn’t choose the master sensibly, I just took to the action, once again decided to save, and then I cried. Seeing the site share and attractive price, I ran quickly to negotiate the build-up. I also needed to quickly, to my surprise, they wrote me down the next day, only the price, as it turned out later, was already different. But I am impressed to give another amount, and much more than the stated amount, and look forward to this day in anticipation.

And here I come on building, having previously studied the technology of this building.

And my first doubt, I do not wash my head. How so? And if I came in general with a greasy head, and they would have put the ribbons on my lard, I think the glue would obviously not have seized ..

Well, okay, the next thing that put me on my guard is what a random arrangement of ribbons on the head, well, okay, I think some kind of technology can.

And here I do not understand anything, when they stick tapes to me almost to the very macaque. I have some misunderstanding inside.Moreover, it was impossible for the master to stretch something, how to take care, what to do in general take off, I did not understand anything. My what you want, brush your hair what you want, but in general nothing special needs to be done. Well, I think, cool, no care, just lovely ..

The first problem arose when washing the head, because of these strands on the crown itself, it was impossible to rinse the head normally. It takes some time, oh god hair push, do not obey. I have a nest on my head. What to do, they grow and everything is terribly visible. I think it's time to go for a correction. I went to another place, to another master. Thank God, a normal person, having heard me, about my build-up and my thoughts, as I talked about technology, she just laughed. Everything as I reasoned was true. She made a correction to me, removing these unnecessary strands from the crown of her head. She put all the rovnenko and in place. Oh, and washed my head normally.

And I received advice on how to care. Now I don’t have a nest on my head, I still needed care, a little one. I am pleased and with beautiful hair))

Care for short hair

the washing up

Often you can not wash your hair, about once a week. You can wash the bangs or crown without touching the donor hair. The shampoo is used special, with a mark for full-grown hair. Or shampoo suitable without any additives, in general, natural. At first I used a special shampoo - Constant Deligh (constants delight), I did not like it, because I do not wash my head in general .. Now I use Salerm Balanced care, it is not special, but it is suitable for the elderly too. Wash your head standing, not throwing it back.

Care products

After each wash use a mask or balsam. I use a mask Dove, I like it. I also visited hard wax for hair, especially for the tips very effectively, and most importantly a natural composition.

Hair is very necessary oil. Silicones are a very good tool, especially for donor strands. They will return shine, elasticity, smoothness, in general will become the same as on the first day.

At first I used Constant delight liquid crystals, read my thoughts about it. But I opted for Luxor color professional Elea liquid silk, containing a complex of silicones, this is a general bomb, read it and you will understand.

All masks, oils and balms should not fall on the tape, it will lead to their unstuck.


Be sure to special comb. Normally I comb will spoil the structure of the donor hair. The store has a huge selection of combs, at different prices, from different companies. The hairbrush should be with a natural bristle, with a mark for an extension hair.

It is strictly forbidden to sleep with wet hair, first dry the hair well, then go to bed.

With loose hair can not sleep. It is necessary to braid a pigtail, or pick up the hair in the tail, this will prevent tangling of the hair.

If you follow these simple rules, your hair will delight you for a long time. But the most important thing is the right choice of the master, who will not only make beauty for you qualitatively, but will also help in the care.
Do not repeat my mistakes, do not see on cheapness, the miser pays twice.

High-quality tape capacity recommend)
Good luck to everyone, I hope my review was helpful to you.)

Tape building

Tapes are attached to the hair with a special safe glue - a polymer that is designed specifically for this type of extension, and is harmless and hypoallergenic. Hair extension tape way lasts about forty minutes to an hour, taking into account the time to wash your hair. The build-up time depends on the desired volume and professionalism of the master. The removal of hair, extended by the tape method, is carried out with the help of a special liquid, which is also harmless to the hair and scalp. The place of fastening of the strands is treated with liquid, and the extensions that were previously extended can easily slide off without much effort.

Micro hair extensions good hair

The average period of hair wears, which are increased by the tape method, from correction to correction, is from one to two months, depending on the speed of hair growth.

Capsule extension

“Hot capsular build-up” or, as it is also called, “Italian build-up Euro. So. Cup. "

Donor strands are attached using a special keratin capsule of vegetable origin, which is also absolutely harmless as in other types of extensions. The master heats it up to a temperature of 200 degrees with special forceps, thereby fastening the client's hair with the donor one. This type of building is more robust when compared with tape building. With such a view, it is quite easy to comb through the hair from root to tip, unlike the tape method.

Standard and micro capsules

Another indisputable advantage of the hot extension method is that with this type of attachment of donor strands you can go from 2.5 to 3.5 months, depending on the speed of hair growth.

From correction to correction, hair grown in such a way is worn from 2 to 3.5 months. Duration depends on the individual hair growth rate.

This type of extension is also removed with the help of a special fluid that is harmless to the hair and scalp with special forceps for “removing hot build-ups”. Liquid drip to the place of attachment of hair with a donor strand and gently soften the keratin capsule. Then gently tighten the regrown strand that had previously been enlarged without the use of force.

The advantages of tape hair extensions:

  • The method is perfect for clients, with any density of hair,
  • The duration of the procedure is the lowest when compared with other methods. On average about an hour
  • Hair extensions do not lose in length, even in cases of multiple corrections. ,
  • The master may have fewer skills in building up, unlike other types of
  • Enough secure fastening of the extensible strands without the use of temperature and accessories.

Angelo Hair Standard Tapes

Angelo Hair Standard Tapes

Advantages of capsular hair extensions

Although the tape method is considered to be one of the most common, yet the procedure for building on hot technology has more fans due to the fact that:

  • With a capsular type of extension, more opportunities to collect various types of hairstyles, all kinds of tails and carry out weaving,
  • The attachment points of artificial hair strands to natural hair are almost imperceptible,
  • Term socks hair extensions longest in contrast to the rest from 2 to 3.5 months,
  • It is possible to increase any hair texture. From the finest Slavic to silky Asian and tough afro,
  • Hair care with this type of extension is no different from caring for your hair and has no limitations in washing and visiting the sauna, swimming pool, solarium and a long stay on the sea and the sun,
  • Capsule attachment points, can withstand high temperatures and have no special restrictions in styling and blow-drying,
  • The most inconspicuous attachment of the hot method allows people to build up even with very thin and not thick hair.

Competently explain and choose which method of building is best suited for you, only an experienced master with special skills will be able to, and in any case the choice will always be yours.

Tape or capsular hair extensions: understand and choose

Not every woman by nature gets thick hair that is easy to grow without making any special effort. Still, usually you have to try a lot to make the curls long and effective. Often it takes at least a year, or even more. For those who do not have so much time, the extension procedure is available. Hair extensions have recently become particularly popular, because thanks to him you can get rid of numerous inconveniences.

Hair extensions: what options exist

To get beautiful curls, you can turn to different options for building. In fact, there are not so many of them, so the choice to make is relatively simple. For example, the build-up may be cold or hot, tape or capsular. Quite often, these "alternatives" are used interchangeably. Actually, in many respects this is true, although not completely.

It is very difficult to choose between capsular and ribbon hair extensions. Of course, you can refer to women's forums, read reviews and so on. But one should immediately be prepared for the fact that it is the option of building that the woman herself tried and was pleased to praise. This does not mean that the reviews will provide a detailed comparison of the types of extensions. Accordingly, choosing which hair extension is better - capsular or tape, you will have to understand in more detail the features of each.

What capacity is better: capsular or tape

An increasing number of women, in pursuit of long strands and thick curls, resorted to the procedure of building. The beauty industry is constantly moving forward, creating new procedures. The main popularity is tape and capsular building. However, which one is better? Let's try to figure it out.

Tape technology

Special tapes are used as the base material; their length is 4 cm and width 2 mm. Pre-prepared hair is collected into ribbons for extension. As a rule, ribbons have a transparent color and are disguised as the natural color of the strands.

The volume of used strands depends on the density of its own curls, on average it is 50-60 tapes. The procedure of tape extension lasts no more than an hour. On the prepared hair tape attached with a special glue. Tapes are easily removed with a softening fluid.

What method of hair extensions is better

In fact, both written approaches are good in their own way. Both have their own advantages, which can be seen in practice. Therefore, it is not easy to say which method will be more suitable for a particular woman. It is better to rely on the opinion of the master conducting the buildup. But other things being equal, perhaps capsular building can be called more practical and modern.

The choice of extension method is an individual matter. There can not be any in all cases working "recipes". It should be based on your own desires, skills of the master and the required result. Then the consequences of building will not disappoint.

Pros and cons of the method


  • minimum build-up time
  • democratic cost for the work of the master and materials
  • safety procedures
  • quick withdrawal
  • Suitable for any type of hair.


  • relative frequency of correction (once in 1.5 months),
  • hair where the tape is glued, do not breathe,
  • using a special comb,
  • limited number of hairstyles you can do
  • visual visibility of tapes.

Capsule technology

The technology is based on the use of keratin capsules that connect natural and donor curls. Capsules have a rounded shape and miniature sizes. The duration of the extension session takes on average one and a half to two hours.

Capsule technology is divided into two types:

  1. Hot capsular extension - the capsules, on which donor hair is attached, are brought to the temporal and occipital zones. Fixation occurs with forceps, which heat and soften the keratin,
  2. cold buildup - capsules are attached to natural hair with a special glue and fixer.

Summing up

Tape technology is safer for natural curls, the build-up process is much faster, and the cost of work pleases. However, the effect disappears just as quickly, the tapes become “non-commodity-looking”, there is a need for correction.

Capsule capacity is better in all plans. The effect of it lasts for a long 3-6 months. Capsule size allows you to create a natural volume effect. Hair care is much easier. However, the procedure itself build traumatic natural strands.

At this time in the salon, the girl can offer two options for hair extensions - capsular and tape. They have certain differences, so you need to figure out which one is better.

What is the best hair extensions: capsular or tape, reviews

Currently, hair extensions will become universally known. Why not? This is a great opportunity to give the hair the desired length and thickness, because today to achieve such a result in a natural way does not always work. At this time in the salon, the girl can offer two options for hair extensions - capsular and tape. They have certain differences, so you need to figure out which one is better.

Pros and cons of capsular method

Capsule extension method (hot) is a procedure for which specialists use keratin capsules. To the strands of the girl fix the artificial strand, using a capsule. It must be pre-heated with forceps. The number of capsules will depend on the number of strands fixed.

As noted above, the process takes place in a hot way is somewhat more expensive. But despite this, the number of his fans from this does not decrease.

That capsular extension has a large number of advantages, which include:

  1. Using the capsular method, you can use completely different hairstyles, as the area of ​​attachment of artificial strands are almost invisible to others.
  2. Hair care is easy and inexpensive. Keratin capsules are able to withstand high temperatures during blow-drying. In this case, the girl can not refuse frequent combing, since the extensions from this will not fall out. Strands in appearance do not differ from natural. Wash them is not so often, everything is as usual. Capsule extension does not require frequent correction.
  3. In addition to the length, with keratin extensions, the head of hair still receives the necessary volume in those places where it is required. The reason is that the capsules are not concentrated along one line, but all over the head.

On video capsular hair extensions:

And although the hot hair method has such a number of advantages, some disadvantages are peculiar to it. The reason is that the heated keratin capsules and high temperature indicators with the influence of forceps have a negative impact on the hair. Also, the manipulation lasts a very long time and is more expensive than building in the cold way.

Pros and cons of tape mode

Tape building is a procedure in which artificial curls are located on special tapes. They are fixed around natural hair at a certain distance from the roots. During the procedure, a specialist applies such equipment as glue, artificial tape, a special solvent for hair removal.

For tape hair extensions are characterized by their disadvantages.

These include:

  1. The increased strands do not allow to saddle certain hairstyles.
  2. Expensive hair care. When a girl wants to have beautiful and well-groomed hair, then you have to save on something else.
  3. Do not use cosmetics that contain alcohol. This will adversely affect the artificial strands, as the glue may dissolve.
  4. The duration of the hair spout is 2-3 months, but this is on condition that the care and the procedure itself was of high quality.

But whether it is possible to increase the hair after keratin straightening is described in detail in the content of this article.

Also before the procedure it is important to know what happens hair extensions. In more detail about all possible and existing species described in this article.

It will also be interesting to find out where hair is taken for extension: http://opricheske.com/uxod/narashhivanie-volos/otkuda-berut-volosy.html

But what hair tongs are the best, described in detail in the content of this article.

Of course, tape hair extensions have their own advantages, which include:

  1. The procedure does not take long. For building it is necessary to spend only 30 minutes.
  2. Security. When fixing artificial hair do not use temperature and chemical effects.
  3. The duration of the socks. If you stick to the care technique and make correction on time, then your hair will last for one year.
  4. You can remove it quickly and without too much difficulty.
  5. Cold fixing of artificial hair can be used for a weakened hair.
  6. Micro-build does not have a harmful effect.
  7. Materials that are used for building, are inexpensive.
  8. Compared with other techniques of building, the cold is not so expensive.

On video tape hair extensions:

Which one is better

Capsule hair fastening is the most popular way to get beautiful and thick hair. Different technologies can use:

There are no special differences between them, and the essence is as follows: unnatural hair is fixed with the help of keratin capsules. Perform this procedure only in the cabin of a real professional. Only that one can be sure that the fastening of the strands was performed reliably and imperceptibly. For fixing, you can use them of different lengths. The only condition is that they should not be shorter than 5 cm.

On video, which hair extensions are better than capsular or tape:

Artificial curls can not only be laid, creating a beautiful hairstyle, but also subjected to painting. They are not afraid of any masks, balms and cosmetics. If the girl used the capsular version, then visit the salon for the correction is not so often. But here the duration of the manipulation of building up is much longer than with the cold one. And still capsular building difficult and expensive.

And although the band hair is called the "past century", this procedure has its fans. The essence of the method is that non-natural strands are fixed to natural ones using glue. It operates on the principle of double-sided tape. Natural hair at this method spoils much less, than when using capsular building.

The reason is that they do not use thermal effects. The duration of the manipulation is not so high, and the process of hair removal is very easy. Only the correction will have to go at least 1 time in 2 months.

In addition, the tape mount according to reviews has a lot of limitations. You should not go to the bath or sauna, use a hairdryer, apply balms or hair sprays. Otherwise, the glue will dissolve. The advantage of the cold method is that it is not as expensive as using the hot method.

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But what kind of stylish haircuts for short hair the best, described in detail in this article.

It is also worth knowing about what is the best hair growth agent that exists and is used most often.

What is the recipe for hair masks with olive oil and how good it is for hair growth, described in detail in this article.

What option to choose to choose, depends only on you. If a girl follows fashion trends, then she should pay attention to capsular buildup. And if the health of her hair is more expensive for a woman, then the best tape option remains.

Hair extensions are a great opportunity to create a stylish and voluminous hairstyle. This method is suitable for girls who they grow very slowly, and the hair is not different density. Each girl should choose the appropriate option for herself, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of each of the above methods of extension.

In this article, we analyze in detail which hair extension is better than tape or capsular and answer all. Sign up on-line. My hair extension services. Capsular hair extensions. 25 r per strand. Correction of hair extensions.

What hair extension is better tape or capsular

The owner of long and fluffy hair is always in the spotlight. Such hairstyles invariably remain in the trend, emphasizing female beauty. However, not all representatives of the fair sex can boast of long hair. In this case, it remains to hope for modern technologies of lengthening strands with the help of capsules and tapes.

Consider in more detail each of them.

Italian technique

It involves the use of ready-made strands, the fixation point of which is already sealed in keratin capsules. The place is clamped with forceps heated to 180 ° C, creating a secure connection.

Technology features:

  • the period between corrections is up to six months,
  • the possibility of free visits to places where there is exposure to high temperatures (saunas, baths, solariums),
  • strands are allowed to blow-dry at medium temperatures and flatten with an iron, without touching the attachment points of the capsules,
  • Keratin capsules are indistinguishable from the outside view because of their flat shape and shade identical to hair, therefore they allow to experiment widely with curls, creating various hairstyles,
  • It is forbidden to use cosmetics containing oils, acids and silicone in order to avoid the destruction of creatine.

One of the varieties of Italian hair extensions - ultrasonic lengthening. In this case, the melting of creatine provides high-frequency sound vibrations created by special equipment. This method gives an excellent result and the least damaging hair.

Important details

Regardless of the technology, from 70 to 200 curls are attached for a session lasting 2-3.5 hours. After 3-4 months it is necessary to carry out a correction, as the hair grows and additional curls will begin to fall, entangling and becoming visible. In the process of adjusting the capsules soften, the strands are removed and secured again. Removable curls can be used up to 6 times.


  • baldness,
  • painful and fragile hair, as the capsules create an even greater load on the hair roots,
  • hair length less than 6 cm
  • skin diseases of the head, damage to the integrity of the integument,
  • pregnancy,
  • puberty,
  • the period of use of the treating course of antibiotics, hormonal or chemotherapy procedures.

It is not recommended to wear elongated hair for more than a year, then the curls should be given a break.

So let's look at how to build a way to prefer

To answer this question it is necessary to compare both methods, revealing their strengths and weaknesses. To do this, use the following criteria:

  1. Security. Tape extension is safer and causes less damage to your own hair.
  2. Versatility. There is also an advantage in tape building, which is shown for thin and brittle strands. This is due to the lack of heat and a small load on the hair created by the ribbons.
  3. Time consuming The procedure of capsular extension lasts several times longer than the tape.
  4. Beauty hairstyles. Tapes can be distinguishable, especially with sparse hair. The use of capsule technology guarantees a special fixation strength, completely invisible to external perception. Keratin "locks" allow much more to experiment with different versions of hairstyles.
  5. Cost The average cent of tape building 10 thousand rubles, capsular - 13 thousand rubles. The final amount depends on the number and quality of the strands. When capsular lengthening correction is made in 2-4 months, and tape technology requires changes after 1-2 months.
  6. Features care. Any extension technology involves careful maintenance. The owner of this hairstyle must follow a number of important rules:

  • Before going to bed, wet curls should always be dried, combed and braided in a small braid.
  • During washing, the head should be in an upright position; it is necessary to handle hair and skin very carefully.
  • It is necessary to use various means of care and cleansing, but not to put them on the roots.
  • Periodic combing of hair (several times a day) using a comb with rare teeth without rounding or a brush, making movements from the edge to the roots.

7. The effect of high temperatures. In this parameter, the technology is seriously different. Capsules are much more tolerant to heat, so it is allowed to create a hairdo with a hair dryer without heating the fixation points. High temperatures are contraindicated for tapes; therefore, hot air drying and thermocoupling are excluded. In case of emergency, you can only manipulate the ends. During your stay in the solarium or sauna, the ribbons are covered with a special cap.

Ignoring these rules will cause hair to tangle, and can also damage adhesive strips and capsules.

Individual advice about care is better to get from a specialist who can advise on the methods that are right for you.



  1. A donor curl is applied to the native strand, at the starting point of which a small keratin capsule is attached.
  2. The “lock” is clamped with hot tongs (180 ºС), and a strong connection is formed between the hair.


  • Keratin capsules are imperceptible from the side - their flat shape and color, matched to the hair, make it possible to lengthen the curls on the bangs and along the part, as well as create a variety of hairstyles, including horsetail,
  • wearing period - 4-6 months,
  • hair can be dried with a hairdryer at an average temperature and flattened with an iron (you can not touch the fixing points),
  • allowed to visit the pool, sauna, solarium without a protective cap,
  • Cosmetics with oils, acids and silicone should not be applied to curls in order not to destroy keratin.

A variety of Italian technology - ultrasonic capacity. Keratin is melted using high-frequency sound waves emitted by a special apparatus. This method is considered the most gentle for hair.



  1. An additional strand, formed by the master by hand, is applied to the natural one.
  2. An organic resin, heated to 170 ºС in a glue gun, is squeezed to the joint.
  3. With the help of forceps a granular capsule is formed. The shade of the adhesive is selected in the color of the curls.


  • the capsules are larger in size than keratin,
  • build hair on bangs and crown is impossible,
  • curls can not be heated and processed cosmetics, which consists of fats, otherwise the "locks" will collapse,
  • Term - 3-5 months.

The English method is rarely used because of the laboriousness of the process and the unreliability of the attachment.


  1. Donor hair with glue capsule at the beginning is applied to the native curl.
  2. Apply a liquid activator, softening glue.
  3. Formed connection (master fingers or cold tongs).


  • the procedure is carried out without the use of high temperatures,
  • after hardening, the glue acquires a white tint, so the Spanish build-up is suitable only for blond and blonde women,
  • The rules for hair care and wearing time are the same as in Italian technology. How to make a curl for a wedding on medium hair can be found here.

Important nuances

Regardless of the method of extension in one session, you can attach 70-200 curls. Its total duration is 2-3.5 hours.

3-4 months after lengthening correction should be carried out. During the procedure, the capsules soften, the strands are removed, and fixed again (except for heavily damaged tufts). The same hair, provided it is of good quality, can be added to natural 5-6 times. Young haircuts will hide your age.

Do not neglect the correction - due to the growth of curls, additional strands will fall lower and lower and become noticeable, as well as begin to mess up a lot.

Capsular capacity is contraindicated in:

  • curls up to 6 cm,
  • very weak and brittle hair - "locks" will create an additional load on the roots, which will aggravate the situation,
  • baldness
  • during pregnancy and puberty,
  • diseases of the scalp - fungus, eczema, psoriasis, violation of the integrity of the integument,
  • undergoing a course of antibiotics, hormones, chemotherapy.

The optimal period for wearing hair extensions is 12 months, after which the curls should be given an opportunity to rest.

Tape hair extensions - hair extension technology using transparent strips of 2-4 cm in length, to which additional strands are attached. Hypoallergenic adhesive composition is used as a fixative.
Extension sequence:

  1. The hair is washed with shampoo, dried and leveled with an iron.
  2. Moving from the lower growth line of the curls to the crown, the master divides them into partings along horizontal lines and sequentially attaches stripes. At a distance of 1 cm from the roots under the natural strand enclosed tape adhesive side up.
  3. As can be seen in the photo below, the vertical edges of the bands are fixed close to each other.

The duration of the procedure is 40-60 minutes. During this time, 20-40 tapes are attached. Hair can be lengthened by 20-60 cm.

After 1-2.5 months, a correction is necessary.

It consists in softening the adhesive substance with an alcohol-containing solution, removing the tapes and re-fixing them. The same bands can be used up to 6 times. How to collect hair in a beautiful bun can be found here.

Photos of romantic hairstyles can be found in our article.

How to make a mask with aloe at home can be found here.

Tape building has such features:

  • even thin hairs longer than 3 cm can be lengthened with the help of bands.
  • if the curls are very fragile, then it is better to use narrow ribbons (1.5-2 cm),
  • it is impossible to process areas with rare hair, as well as bangs and crown,
  • when styling involving hair lifting, the attachment points become noticeable,
  • the use of thermometers is permissible, but it is necessary to avoid contact with ribbons and not to stretch the hair too much,
  • theoretically, natural donor curls are allowed to be painted with gentle formulations, but they cannot be applied to fixation zones, which is difficult to do in practice,
  • You can use only shampoos with a neutral pH, as well as cosmetics that do not contain alcohol and oils.

The procedure is contraindicated in the same situations as capsular build-up (with the exception of items relating to the length and structure of the hair).

Video: Phased hair extension process

Previously, the hair extension procedure seemed like a wonder. Today every beauty knows about her. How are the strands fastened by the capsule method, which master uses the tool? You will find answers to all these questions in our video tutorial.

Marina. Did 3 months ago capsular capacity. The appearance of the hair immediately liked, but I will not repeat the procedure. Strands began to get confused and fall out. I constantly felt the capsules, especially when I was lying, and visually they were noticeable. She took everything in 2 weeks.

Emma. I tried and tape, and capsular capacity. Stopped at the second. I have thin hair, ribbons were types, correction had to be done often, besides strands were peeled off, although I didn’t warm them. With capsules much more convenient.

Svetlana. Capsular extension did not like it - hair at the roots was very confused. With ribbons it is better, but there is a minus - you cannot make a high hairstyle.An important plus: the same bands can be used several times, and for the capsule one - the length of the strands decreases each time.

Veronica. I definitely advocate the use of capsules - hair looks fluffy and natural. But you need to find a good master, then the place of attachment will not be noticeable and noticeable, and the strands will not fall out.

Natalia. After the capsular extension, the hair deteriorated badly - they became brittle and began to fall out. The tape is still more benign, after which the curls were not affected.

The answer to the question which types of hair extensions are better is better, capsular or tape, depends on individual preferences and characteristics of the hair. Adhesive strips are ideal for women with weak and short curls, as well as for those who want to quickly change and save money. The capsules are suitable for girls with naturally healthy hair who like to experiment with hairstyles. The main thing is to entrust your hair to a qualified specialist who uses only high-quality materials and carefully treats the beauty of her clients.

Technology hair extensions (tape method)

The essence of the procedure is to add strands of various lengths and widths in a “cold” method. It changes the color, appearance and density of the hair, depending on individual preferences.

There are several polymer extension technologies, but the German and Italian methods are considered to be especially popular among them:

  • Hair Talk (German method). The operation consists of gluing a sticky polymer to a tape of 4 cm wide and attaching it close to the hair. The small thickness of the adhesive base does not allow them to stand out from the background of their native curls.
  • Angelohair (Italian method) allows the hairstyle to look as natural as possible due to the reduced tape size, on which incremental donor strands are attached to the keratin base using an acrylic solution.

Photographs of women who tested the tape build-up before and after the procedure prove the effectiveness of the method.

Material selection

  • The length of the strands varies from 25 to 55 cm.
  • The shape of the stackable ponyad can be both perfectly flat and wavy.
  • The quality of Asian hair is extremely low, they quickly lose their original luster and subsequently are difficult to style. European hair is much better in quality and longer Asian counterparts retain flawless appearance. The Slavic type of hair is considered the most durable and high-quality, but they are also the most expensive.

Stages of the procedure

After having previously washed out the head with a cleansing shampoo for complete degreasing (the procedure can be repeated twice), the master dries the client's head and straightens the strands for the convenience of subsequent work. Stepping back a centimeter from the root, the barber puts a strand of natural hair between two donor tapes and fastens them with the help of polymer glue. This cold procedure can be carried out using ready-made adhesive strips or by applying a special liquid formulation to the tapes.

Proper care after building

In order for the thick, flowing hair to please as long as possible, you need to remember a few rules and follow them without neglecting a single item:

  1. Purchase and use special care products. Shampoos and balms, specially designed in order to prolong the beauty of the enhanced extensions. In extreme cases, you can temporarily replace them with natural products: shampoo for oily hair and balm for dry.
  2. The use of oils improves the condition of native hair and returns shine and vividness to the extended strands.
  3. Comb only with a special brush from natural bristles. Do not comb wet hair so that the extensions do not crawl.
  4. To dry and style the hair should be daily, while they must be well dried. Forceps or ironing should try not to touch the tapes. Using a hair dryer, it is recommended not to turn on the hot drying mode. It is necessary to refuse all means for laying on alcohol. Failure to comply with these tips leads to the destruction of the adhesive component of the donor hair tape.


Any contraindications, short-term or permanent - a serious reason to refuse to build up, so as not to put at risk health.

  • Acclimatization.
  • Acceptance of antibiotics.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Diseases of the scalp.
  • Period of active hair loss.

  • Chemotherapy.
  • Vegetative dystonia.
  • Migraine.
  • Regular hair coloring and bleaching.
  • Individual intolerance leading to allergic reactions.

Problems that can be successfully solved by building up

When nature endowed literally everything, but forgot about her hair, a woman today is able to solve such a problem without resorting to clumsy and old-fashioned wigs. To do this, you just need to find a credible master of hair extensions. Tips of friends in this case will be a precious help, but in case of their absence, statements on the forums in the sections "Tape extension" will help, reviews of those who practice this procedure constantly.

Unsuccessful hair coloring or poor-quality perm can permanently spoil the mood and appearance of any woman. But such a catastrophe will help eliminate the master hairdresser, making tape capacity. Hiding all the flaws and problems, the procedure will return the pomp and splendor of hair. This is a great magic wand when unexpected failures begin to spoil life.

Life circumstances have changed dramatically and the situation requires a sharp change of image? Just yesterday after returning from a tourist trip, do you get an invitation for an anniversary or a wedding? Particulars are not important, the main thing is that at any moment life is capable of giving a surprise and forcing a person to play by its rules. Hair extensions can change the look, create a new, suitable occasion image. Take advantage of it or not? The choice is always yours!


Watch the video: Worlds Best Hair Extensions: No damaging glues, waxes, weaves, or tape. (June 2024).