
7 daily habits to help grow long hair


If the hair has crossed the border of the shoulders, it is likely that the conditioner doesn’t have enough care. Once a week (so as not to forget), use a mask-tritment for deep nourishment or apply natural coconut oil (but you can also use any other) on wet hair and after 10 minutes wash off.

Basics: habits for beautiful hair

  • For beautiful hair, you need a balanced healthy diet.

The beauty of a woman directly depends on the quality and nutritional value of her daily diet. Oily and spicy food inevitably leads to greasy scalp, dandruff and lack of hair shine. To make the hairstyle thick and shiny, you should include in the menu products containing vitamins of group B, zinc, iron, omega-3 fatty acids and protein. It is especially important to have high-quality protein that is directly involved in the formation of healthy and strong hair, so alternate fish, red lean meat and poultry meat during the week.

Each of us is unique in its own way, just as unique and our body. To help nutrients derived from food, it is better to assimilate, it is very useful to drink a course of vitamins at least 2-3 times a year. But do not self-medicate - ask the therapist to assess your health condition and prescribe the necessary drug, based on your individual needs. After a couple of weeks you will notice a guaranteed positive effect.

How to grow long hair fast: proper care

  • Buy a silk pillow case for your pillow

It costs a little more than cotton, but every day it will help your hair look shiny. Due to the smooth surface of the silk fibers, the hair cuticle will remain closed overnight and will not open like a fir cone, as is the case for a cotton pillowcase.

  • Use quality natural hairbrushes.

Combs and massage brushes for hair, made of durable wood and natural pork bristle, will keep the length and tips of the hair whole and healthy. In addition, these combs do not electrify the hair and retain their shine. Make it a rule to always patiently and slowly comb the strands, moving from the bottom up, and tangled tangles gently disentangle your fingers.

  • Do not abuse the stylers

Of course, without styling with hot appliances today it is difficult to manage - and how else can you achieve elastic curls? But in order to reduce the risk of injury to hair, use less aggressive gadgets. For example, stylists recommend buying hot curlers instead of curling. But if you can’t imagine styling without a flat iron or styler, then do not spare the funds for a high-quality thermal protective agent - it will reliably protect your hair from high temperatures and at the same time will not weigh down or glue the strands.

We grow a braid to the waist: habits in cosmetics for hair

  • Be loyal to your favorite hair products.

Many girls mistakenly believe that hair eventually "get used" to cosmetics. In fact, this is just another marketing trap, which forces us, through trial and error, to experiment on our beauty and health in search of high-quality cosmetics. If your hair responds well to selected care, and you see a positive result, then do not hesitate - this love is forever.

  • Use your care wisely and consciously.

Should I remind this “hairy man” that the shampoo should be applied only to the roots, and the length should be washed with foam? And yet, just in case, we repeat that we only use balsams for length and ends, and for washed hair it is better to apply an indelible care with a different consistency, so as not to make the hair greasy: for example, you should not combine two oily agents, unless You do not do a hair style in the style of "wet styling."

Do not forget about vitamins

“Now you can find vitamins for beautiful hair in any pharmacy. From myself I can add that the hair needs B vitamins, as well as calcium, magnesium, zinc and copper. By the way, many of these vitamins and microelements are contained in bitter chocolate. So, if someone reproaches you for eating chocolate, tell him that this is a special diet for hair growth. ”

Use keratin shampoos

“As mentioned above, keratin is the substance that makes up the hair. To strengthen the hair shaft, give your hair more keratin. In this way, you will preserve the length and take care of the quality of the hair. Give preference to professional shampoos, because they contain ingredients molecules that have an optimal size: not too big and not too small, but the one that is needed to "repair" hair damage.

Trim the tips regularly

" How? Only grew - and already cut? Yes, after all the split ends will not disappear by themselves. If the hair is already damaged, it will stratify further, and this means that after some time you will still have to cut, but not longer than 5-10 mm, but much more. The ideal interval between haircuts, if you dream of a mermaid's hair, is 3-5 months. But what if split ends appear faster? Use special tools to "solder" the tips. They will not restore the integrity of the already cut hair, but will prevent further damage. ”

Forget about cheap styling products

“Cheap products contain not only silicones, but other polymers, for example, acrylates. Light volatile silicones are washed off with regular shampoo, which is not the case with acrylates. These polymers quickly accumulate on the scalp, layered in the hair follicles, block oxygen supply to the cells and cause thinning of the hair. Do you need it? ”

It all starts with a diet

Proper diet and vitamins play a key role in the growth of long and strong hair. It is necessary to include in the diet foods such as salmon, they contain a lot of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as antioxidants that can reduce hair loss and increase their growth. Another option, in which there is a lot of protein, is legumes, providing other healthy nutrients like iron, biotin, folic acid.

Strengthening the scalp

It is no secret that strong hair is the result of a healthy scalp. According to numerous studies by American scientists, a daily scalp massage helps to increase the density of the hair. That is why many stylists recommend to do a head massage, you will spend no more than five minutes a day.

Haircut every six months

The fact that you have to cut your hair every six to eight weeks is a myth. Instead of constantly cutting off the hair, which, we note, you want to grow, to prevent the appearance of split ends, you need to use a good shampoo, conditioner, do not forget about the masks, and use thermal protective agents when drying curls. So you can not cut your hair for at least six months.

Follow the rule of one

Never dry or curl your hair on the same day, as it is very dry hair. In an ideal world you need to dry the curls naturally, but more often it is impossible to do it. Therefore, try to at least alternate styling with a hairdryer and an iron to minimize damage. And on weekends it's best to forget about the hair dryer.

Brush your hair more often

Combing hair stimulates blood flow to the head, causing the nutrients to flow into the hair follicles. In addition, the frequent use of a comb will distribute natural oils through the hair, preserving the necessary moisture and protecting the hair from the negative environmental effects.

#one. Observe the thermal regime

Have you ever noticed that hair growth slows down in the winter and in the offseason? The reason is banal - cold. Low temperatures cause vasoconstriction and, as a result, deterioration of the blood supply and poor nutrition of the bulbs. In addition, the cold wind strongly dries the skin, read - loss of lifeless and dull hair is almost inevitable. Did you want to meet the new season with such curls?

# 2. Update your makeup bag

Try to choose care products containing amino acids that penetrate deep into the structure of the rod. Panthenol is an important ally, it will help to moisturize the hair, and fruit acids will make them stronger and return the natural shine. Among the harmful components that should be avoided: detergents (responsible for abundant foam in shampoo, but at the same time dry hair, depriving them of vitality), formaldehyde (worsens the condition of the skin) and parabens (inhibit the growth of beneficial microorganisms).

# 3. Massage regularly

Do you want Rapunzel to envy you? Do not neglect the head massage. It tones the skin, improves the blood supply of dormant follicles and helps to accelerate growth. Massage the back of the head with your fingertips, then apply the favorite oil to the roots (for example, argan or grape seed) and distribute the product over the entire surface of the head in a circular motion. The next stage is soft stroking from the forehead to the back of the head, from the crown to the ears. It is important to remember that the movements should correspond to the direction of hair growth. Repeat every other day for 3-6 minutes.

#four. Make care more meaningful

Do not forget about the nutritional masks at least once a week. It is desirable that they contain avocado, shea butter, milk or cocoa proteins, hyaluated acid or amino acids - they all activate hair growth. Fans of grandmother's eco-care methods, beware! If you practice homemade masks, remember the precautions: try to apply a small amount of the finished mass on a separate area of ​​skin (for example, on the inner elbow bend). Wait a few minutes and watch the reaction. The most famous of the people is the mustard mask. Mix 2 tablespoons of mustard powder, egg yolk, 2 teaspoons of sugar and 2 teaspoons of olive oil to a single consistency. Apply to the roots of the hair with a massaging motion, put on the shower cap and leave the mask for 20-30 minutes. If it burns badly - be sure to wash it off.

#five. Buy a modern comb

If you want to find someone guilty of slow hair growth, we advise you to take a closer look at your comb. Poor-quality accessories do you a disservice - do not unravel, but tangle the strands and cause split ends. If you are a supporter of eco-materials, choose combs made of wood and boar hair, however, they will have to be changed quite often. Modern manufacturers are constantly experimenting with ergonomics and materials of products, so it does not always make sense to rest on their “naturalness”. The “smart” generation of combs can be attributed to the model type Tangle Teezer, which perfectly unravels even wet hair (note to those who use masks).

# 6. Review your diet

One of the main reasons for slow hair growth is poor diet. Food not only for the mind, but also for strong curls - green vegetables, leafy salads, sea kale and other ingredients containing calcium and iron. A few centimeters of welcome will provide carrots, salmon, eggs, beans and nuts.

# 7. Do not overdo it with washing head

A very controversial issue for the entire beauty industry: how often is it worth washing your hair? Opinions are divided. Trichologists of the old school hold the opinion that the head. no need to wash at all! After 26-28 days, they will actually "learn" to cleanse themselves under ordinary water and maintain the desired ph-balance, which will positively affect their growth. Glossy editors dispute this position - you should wash your hair daily, like face and body, because no one has canceled the active work of sebaceous glands and harmful ecology. We propose to find a compromise on our own, but at the same time arrange for yourself a “headwash” according to all the rules: apply shampoo only to the roots and rinse with warm water, and conditioner or balm only on the tips and flush with a cool stream.

# 8 Leave the tips alone

Another cornerstone - is it worth cutting the hair to make it longer and thicker? Often strands become brittle and split, so do not be afraid to get rid of brittle ends in order to improve. However, there is another, quite rational opinion: regularly removing the length, the hair does not let go, because they grow at an average speed of about a centimeter per month. It turns out, you need to be patient, not scissors.

#9. Check with the lunar calendar

There is no mysticism, only mother nature. All our life, one way or another, is connected with the phases of the Earth satellite, on which not only the ebb and flow of the world's oceans, but also the growth of hair depends. Do a simple experiment and try to get a haircut on the growing moon. But on the 9th, 15th, 23rd and 29th day of the lunar calendar you should not visit a hairdresser - you will lose not only a piece of hair, but also accumulated positive energy.

Text: Nelli Ghazaryan.

Hurst Shkulev Publishing

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1. Choose organic cosmetics

Part of the usual shampoos sulfates cleanse the hair and skin, oxidizing them. They damage the hair structure, can provoke dandruff and even loss. Another aspect is silicones, which form a film on the surface of the hair and scalp. It does not allow oxygen to get inside, interferes with the nutrition of the follicle, and hence the growth of hair.

2. Do homemade masks

The simplest option is olive oil. It cleanses the skin of dead cells, enhances skin respiration and stabilizes the sebaceous glands. This will positively affect not only the growth of hair, but also return them softness and shine.

A classic mask is considered to be slightly heated cold-pressed olive oil. It is rubbed into the roots, and the rest is distributed along the length of the hair.

3. Minimize the use of heating devices.

Stylers, curlers and a hairdryer destroy the protective layer of the hair. As a result, the moisture is not stored inside and this, again, makes the strands dry and brittle. If you need to dry your hair after washing, turn on the warm mode (no more than 60 degrees).

Silicones that make up ordinary shampoos form a film on the surface of the hair and scalp. It does not allow oxygen to get inside, interferes with the nutrition of the follicle, and hence the growth of hair.

6. If you dye your hair, go to more gentle ways.

Dyes affect the structure of the hair shaft, its physical and chemical characteristics, making it more fragile. Talk to your hairdresser, say that from now on the health of your hair is more important to you than extraplatinic tint. Look at such natural paints as henna. Another option is partial staining, such as facial strands. Ideally, you should give up paint completely.

7. Change the comb

If you are faced with such a problem as tangled hair that is difficult to comb, try the popular now “Tangle Teaser”. These combs are designed specifically to disentangle hair with minimal loss and discomfort. Also a mini tip: do not brush your hair immediately after washing, only when it dries slightly. So you will reduce hair loss due to breakage.

9. Do a head massage

Stimulation of blood circulation and microcirculation is vital for fast hair growth. It is the best of all to do massage in an hour before washing of the head. Start by rubbing the forehead and temples with light circular finger movements. Then move on to the hair. Stroke the skin from top to bottom in the direction of hair growth.Fingers should be tightly pressed to the hair, but no special effort is needed. It is enough to hold a massage for 10 minutes a day.

Stimulation of blood circulation and microcirculation is vital for fast hair growth.

10. Make it a habit to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

Hair grows much faster if it is moisturized. But the body is designed so that the moisture in it is unevenly distributed. First, it goes to the internal organs, and to the scalp gets into the last. This is called residual nutrition. Simply put, if you drank a little water, then the hair will not get anything.

11. Check how balanced your diet is.

We immediately say that a variety of diets are often poor nutrients important for the health of hair. Such as fatty acids Omega-3, zinc, vitamins A, B and E. In their absence, hair grows worse, becomes brittle and dull. If the deficit persists for a long time, it can lead to a strong loss. Put on fatty fish (such as salmon), green vegetables, legumes, nuts, whole wheat bread and dairy products.

15. Do not forget about peeling.

Remains of caring and styling products partially deposited on the hair and head. Over time, they accumulate, interfering with the access of oxygen to the roots. As a result, hair becomes weaker. The correct scrub will remove excess sebum and keratinous areas of the epidermis, contributing to better breathing, blood circulation and nourishing the scalp. And this is exactly what you need for excellent healthy hair growth.

A PHOTO: Kerastase, archive press service

Home remedies

The first step is to throw away harmful shampoos, balms, masks. Pay attention to the composition, there should not be sulfates, parabens and silicone. They dry out the scalp, deprive the curls of natural shine (although the wow-effect is initially present), violate the hair structure and make it dull. Better give preference to sparing formulations. For example, Extreme shampoo brand REDKEN restore hair structure and give a natural shine. Care Biolage Advanced FULLDENSITY Matrix with stemoxidin will increase the density and activates the growth of up to 1000 hairs in three months.

Also forget about the frequent use of a hair dryer and especially a curling iron and a rectifier. At the time of growing they are your main enemies. Sushi hair in a natural way, and in extreme cases, use thermal protection.

Deep tonic care GFULLDENSITY with stemoxidin, Biolage, 2060 rubles.

Probably, almost everyone knows about the most effective hair masks: pepper, mustard, cinnamon and onion. They have an awakening effect: blood rushes to the scalp, and hair follicles are activated. Due to this, the hair begins to grow faster. They are still worth being careful with them, otherwise you risk overdrying the skin and causing a burning sensation.

Recipe sparing mask with mustard: mix 1 tbsp. l mustard, 1-2 tbsp. l any butter and egg yolk. Apply the mixture to the basal zone, and smear the tips with oil, cover with a plastic cap and wrap with a towel on top. So the mixture will not cool and the effect will be stronger. Half an hour is enough for the hair follicles to become active. These masks are best done 1-2 times a week. To make your hair shine, after washing your head, rinse them with a decoction of sage or chamomile.

Head massage

Supplement the effect of the masks will help daily massage of the head, as it also provides blood flow to the skin and hair follicles. Before washing, massage your head with your fingers with circular movements, gradually pressing on the skin, but not stretching it.

It is better to use a massage brush made of natural materials and special massagers before bedtime, gently running through the hair and moving from the temples to the back of the head. Head massage is perhaps the most pleasant way to activate hair growth.

Salon treatments

If you do not like messing around with masks and tools at home, go to the salon where professional stylists will select a procedure for you to strengthen and grow. The most effective is mesotherapy. Vitamins and minerals suitable for your hair type are injected into the scalp to help restore and grow them.

Cryomassage will also help grow long curls. With a sharp cooling of the tissues with liquid nitrogen, the vessels are reduced - they sharply narrow and then expand, which provides a greater blood flow. With this procedure, the metabolic processes are accelerated, the sebaceous glands function is normalized and growth is accelerated.

Screening affects more on the appearance of the hair. After treatment with a special compound, a film of oils is formed, which protects against external factors and levels the structure. So the hair is saturated with vitamins and microelements. Keep in mind that all procedures need to undergo a course.

We hope that our advice will help you on the way to healthy and long hair.

And what tricks do you use? Share your secrets in the comments!

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Text: Valeria Savchenko

A photo: press office archives, Shutterstock


Watch the video: How to Grow Your Hair Longer. My Haircare Routine (July 2024).