Hair Growth

Perfectil Vitamin Series for Hair, Skin and Nails


Unfavorable ecology, lack of sleep, unbalanced food, the use of hair care chemicals - all of this adversely affects their condition. Neither shampoos, nor balms, nor masks can fix the situation. After all, they all act exclusively externally. To improve the condition of the locks can only means affecting them from the inside. For this purpose, the American and British specialists developed the Perfectil vitamin complex for hair. Customer reviews confirm the beneficial effects on the state of hair, as well as skin and nails.

The line of drugs Perfectil

The flagship product of the line is the vitamin-mineral complex Perfectil Original (Perfectil Original) - the most versatile and longest on the market. It can be prescribed not only for the prevention of various hypovitaminosis, but also in the complex therapy of dermatitis, alopecia and other trichological diseases, and when used with other means - for the normalization of the skin and nails.

Other drugs of the line are:

    Perfectil Plus. It has a composition that is somewhat different from the set of components of the main Perfectil complex. In particular, the drug contains coenzyme Q10, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and lycopene, due to which an additional physiological effect on the body is declared for it,

Perfectil Platinum, which has an even wider composition, including the content of many plant extracts, but is positioned in the instructions for use not only as vitamins for hair and skin, but also as a dietary supplement for the general supply of the body with various micronutrients,

  • Perfectil Tricholodzhik - specialized vitamins for hair.
  • The main drug, Perfectil Platinum and Trichologic are available in capsules, and Perfectil Plus - in capsules and tablets.

    Perfectil Platinum can be bought in packs of 30 and 60 tablets (the price is about 1,200 and 1,700 rubles, respectively), simple Perfectil is sold in packs of 30 tablets (cost - about 700 rubles), Perfectil Tricolodic - in a pack of 60 tablets (price - approximately 2000 rubles), and Perfectil Plus - in a package of 28 tablets and 28 capsules (price - about 900 rubles).

    Since the composition of all these drugs is different, they have different effects on the body.

    “Saw Vitamins Perfectil Tricholodzhik. Good capsules, the result is noticeable, and quite quickly. But I could not complete the course. Very sick of them, and regardless of whether they were taken with food, without food, if they were drunk or not. I did not finish five capsules, I switched to Ladys Formula. I do not know whether the result will be the same, but normal digestion is more important to me. As far as can be judged by the reviews, all types of Perfectil are wrong with this - sometimes people get sick. ”

    Ira, from the correspondence on the forum

    Types of perfect

    Vitabiotiks specialists developed four Perfectil types for skin, hair and nails:

    • Classic Perfectil is a universal drug designed to maintain the balance of nutrients and treatment of skin and hair diseases, for which the drug was developed.
    • Platinum Perfectil is an improved formula that allows the use of the drug to eliminate the first signs of aging of the skin, as well as use as a regenerating agent after surgery and using Perfectil for hair growth.
    • Perfectil Plus - contains standard vitamins and microelements, as well as the Omega-3 complex and can be recommended as a means for smoothing wrinkles, restoring after chemical perm, aggressive dyeing, from hair loss.
    • Tricolodzhik - a complex specifically designed to combat the problem of hair loss. Components eliminate the root cause of premature gray hair, destruction of hair structure. But besides this, like the first three drugs, Tricholodzhik Perfectil helps to maintain healthy skin and nails.

    Which Perfectil to choose for treating skin or hair depends on the needs of the body, but it is better to make a choice after consulting a doctor.

    Useful properties of Perfectil

    Perfectil for skin and hair is a complex preparation containing about 30 components - vitamins, trace elements, the combination of which contributes to the most complete digestibility by the body of healthy substances for the skin and hair. Experts in the field of beauty called it a revolutionary complex, allowing the use of Perfectil for hair, nails and skin for the treatment of quite serious dermatological problems.

    Due to the formula containing micronutrients, the drug acts in the deep dermal layers, that is, in those places where the molecules of the most innovative external preparations cannot penetrate under any conditions. Perfectil underwent serious clinical trials in the UK for patients with hair problems and received positive reviews. Today it is the sales leader in the United Kingdom. “The beauty of hair and skin comes from the inside” is the advertising slogan of the drug and it most fully characterizes the effect of Perfectil.

    Principle of operation

    Vitamin remedy Perfectil, developed by British doctors, is produced in the UK, replenishes the supply of vitamins needed to improve the appearance of hair and nails.

    The complex contains 25 componentswhich are indispensable for maintaining the health and beauty of hair.

    Vitamins and minerals in the Prefectural: D, C, E, B (1–12), iodine, biotin, folic acid, beta-carotene, extracts of burdock and echinacea, selenium, magnesium, silicon, iron, chromium, copper, etc.


    There are different variations of the drug, the composition is somewhat different, but the impact is assumed to be similar:

    • Perfectil Plus,
    • Perfectil Trilodzhik,
    • Perfectil Platinum.

    Attention! Which particular variant of the complex is best suited for each specific case by a trichologist.

    In what cases is used

    The drug is used in the following cases:

    • problems with hair, deterioration, loss, breakage, dryness,
    • with dandruff, excessive drying or oily scalp,
    • violation of the structure of hairs,
    • in the prevention of beriberi,
    • with a deficiency of vitamins and minerals,
    • with brittle nails.

    The main action of Perfectil is aimed precisely at restoring the functions of the hair follicles, improving the texture, improving the scalp, strengthening the nails, cleansing and nourishing the skin.

    Capsules contain all the micronutrients in the powder, each package contains 30 capsules. The cost of packaging is on average 680–900 rubles. Price depends on the pharmacy chain.


    Do not use the drug for:

    • renal diseases
    • autoimmune problems
    • Aids
    • hypervitaminosis,
    • hepatitis
    • do not assign children
    • Pregnant women take the complex with caution, they are not prescribed to pregnant women after the age of 35, with uterus hypertonus.

    Rules of application

    To enhance the growth of hair, improve their appearance, thickness and elasticity, Perfectil is taken once a day after they have eaten. The admission course is a month, this is just one package. They are washed down with water in sufficient quantity (about a glass) in order to dissolve better and not harm the stomach.

    You should not drink vitamins on an empty stomach or drink a small amount of water, then perhaps stomach irritation, nausea, even vomiting, pain, upset stool.

    After taking the course you need to take a break for several months, as it contains large doses of nutrients. It is impossible to take together different vitamin complexes, since it is possible to cause an excess of certain substances in the body and, instead of improving, to get the opposite result.

    Council To increase the effect of the use of vitamins, you need to balance the diet, eat more sea fatty fish, eggs, nuts, poultry meat, dairy and seafood, cheeses, fruits and vegetables. Read more about hair growth products on our website.

    External care is also important - oils, masks, rinses and gentle washing with natural drying will all contribute to maximum effect.

    Effect of use

    Reception of the complex gives excellent results after a short reception time:

    • the structure of strands improves,
    • growth accelerates
    • new hairs appear,
    • stops falling out
    • the hair becomes thicker, acquires a living luster, strength,
    • brittleness disappears, split ends.

    Specialists trichologists noted a high level of exposure to the drug, especially noticeable is the cessation of hair loss. They recommend to use vitamins with cereals, or other enveloping food, this is the most sparing option for the stomach.

    In addition to hair, improvement is noticeable in the condition of the nails and skin.

    Analogs of the drug

    Among the similar in composition and effects of the complexes can be distinguished:

    The preparation Perfectil is an indispensable component of a comprehensive beauty program, it is an excellent way to strengthen and grow hair, and if you take it according to the instructions, the effect will not keep you waiting. These vitamins nourish the hair and the whole body from the inside, filling it with natural health, providing strength, shine to the beauty of the strands, pomp to the hairstyle.

    Supplement and strengthen the effect of vitamins for hair growth will help:

    Useful videos

    Vitamins for hair, nails and skin.

    Vitamins for fast hair growth.

    Senchurina Marina

    I killed my hair with numerous dyeing experiments. I made a haircut fashionable, ultrashort and began to restore their hair. This is primarily a mask, store and home. Secondly, these are vitamins in capsules. Everyone knows that even if over the summer to eat a ton of fruits and vegetables, only a small part of the nutrients absorbed in the body. I chose perfectil, read reviews on the Internet. Many such capsules cause undesirable weight gain, greasiness of the skin and much more. I bought a package of Perfectil and honestly drank it a whole month, one capsule per day. Hair began to grow faster and most importantly thicker! I found a noticeable sub-child a month and a half after starting the capsules. I bought another pack and drink it in the spring.

    Gritsenko Olga

    Vitamins that help with the first course. After pregnancy and childbirth, hair fell out strands, and psoriasis worsened. The dermatologist, in addition to treatment, prescribed perfectil. The effect was already visible at 3 weeks of admission. The spots became pale and stopped spreading over the body, the hair became stronger, the centimeter grew by 1.5 - 2. The lips do not dry as they used to, in the morning it is easier to get up - there is no brokenness. Great thing!

    Balashenko Catherine

    I had a very strong hormonal failure. My hair fell out already half a year in shreds. I could not stand it and went to the trichologist. Yes, she advised me perfectil, but even before that I had read a lot of positive reviews about him. I got myself two months at a time. Honestly, I didn’t see any result from any vitamin other than these. Perfect vitamins really give a very good result! Personally, I got a specific result in the middle of the third month of admission.

    Classic Perfectil

    This is a universal option, the purpose of which is to support and strengthen hair, skin and nails. Available in the form of capsules, 15 pieces in a blister, 30 or 60 pieces in a pack. Contains vitamins of group B, C, D, PP, copper, magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine, folic acid. Also included is an extract of echinacea, which is considered the strongest immunostimulant and produces resistance to viruses and infections.

    Perfectil Platinum

    This drug fights the first signs of aging. Also available in 30 or 60 capsules. In addition to the standard vitamin-mineral composition, Perfectil Platinum contains: collagen, coenzyme, extracts and extracts of various plants and fruits. Among them are tomatoes, grapes, black currant bones, green tea. The drug is rich in acids: lipoic, pantothenic, folic.

    This unique composition has a positive effect on the entire body, improves the functioning of the systems, slows down the processes of skin wilting, reduces inflammation and contributes to the rapid restoration of the skin after cosmetic procedures. Can be used to strengthen the immune system, recover from serious illnesses and surgical interventions.

    Perfectil Plus

    Consists of 28 tablets of classic vitamins and 28 capsules, which contain Omega-3, lycopene, coenzyme.

    The action of the nutrient-dermal capsules Perfectil plus:

    • Improving the health and appearance of skin, hair and nails
    • Deep skin hydration from the inside,
    • Protection of free radicals, external influence of aggressive factors,
    • Maintaining normal metabolism at the cellular level.

    Complex Perfectil Plus is great for people with dry hair and skin. It also perfectly fights the signs of aging, fills the tissues with moisture from the inside and smoothes wrinkles. Often used in the treatment of hair after a perm, failed staining.

    Perfectil Trichodolic

    Vitamin preparation Perfectil Tricholodik is specifically designed to treat hair and get rid of problems such as hair loss. Available in capsules of 30 or 60 pieces per pack. Contains vitamins, strong, zinc, biotin, copper, collagen and niocin. It compensates for the lack of necessary substances in the body and provides good nutrition for hair, nails and skin. Special components provide normal pigmentation and prevent early gray hair, premature aging of hair and their increased dryness.

    Used in the complex treatment of hair loss, seborrhea and other scalp diseases. Side effects are possible: dry mouth, nausea, stomach discomfort.

    Instructions for use of vitamins Perfectil

    One capsule of Vitamins Perfectil contains the daily rate of essential substances. It is necessary to accept in time or after food, washing down with water. When taken on an empty stomach may cause nausea, vomiting. This is a normal body reaction to synthetic vitamins. If unpleasant phenomena occur after the morning intake, then you can take capsules during lunchtime meals. In severe cases of depletion of the body or in some diseases, it is possible to take 2 daily allowances.


    • Childhood,
    • Hypersensitivity to the components
    • Hypervitaminosis.

    Possible side effects:

    • Hives,
    • Itching
    • Discomfort and heaviness in the stomach.

    The course of taking vitamins Perfectil 1 month. If necessary, you can take longer. In the treatment of skin diseases, you can take a long time, taking breaks between courses of 2-4 weeks.

    Perfectil Plus, Platinum and Trichologic should not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The classic look is allowed to take in these periods of life. But in view of the extensive list of components and high concentration, one must be extremely careful. And it is better to give preference to specialized drugs during these periods.

    What is the average price for PERFECT in Russia?

    The average price of Perfectil depends on its type:

    • Classic Perfectil in Moscow you can buy from 320 rubles for a package of 30 capsules, in Volgograd the price is from 350 rubles.
    • Perfectil Plus in Moscow costs from 630 rubles, in Volgograd from 610 for complex packaging of tablets and capsules of 28 pieces.
    • Perfectil Platinum in Moscow costs from 650 rubles, and in Volgograd from 720 for packing 30 capsules.
    • Perfectil Trichodolic in Moscow can be purchased at a price of 1161 rubles, and Volgograd from 1200 rubles per pack of 60 capsules.

    Vitamins Perfectil reviews of doctors trichologists:

    Vladimir Grigoriev, doctor trichologist, oncodermatologist:

    Vitamins Perfiktil stand out among other drugs rich composition. There are no such means in which there is such a balance of minerals, extracts of useful plants, coenzymes and essential fatty acids. I prescribe them to my patients with diseases of the scalp, regardless of the type and nature of their origin. As my practice shows, Perfectil significantly speeds up the healing process.

    Larisa Safonova, trichologist, doctor of the highest category:

    Many women with the appearance of problems with the appearance of making the same mistake - begin external treatment. At the same time a huge amount of effort, time and money is spent. I prescribe vitamin therapy for all my patients. Perfectil is one of the advanced drugs that helps to cope with various diseases. This combination of price and quality is no more.

    Reviews on the use of vitamins Perfectil

    After the birth of my third child, I started to have a strong hair loss, which I couldn’t manage on my own. A year later, I went to the doctor’s trichologist, and I was diagnosed with diffuse alopecia. They assumed a stressful origin, since there were many hard turns in my life. Sedatives and vitamins were prescribed. After reading reviews of the Perfectil Tricholodik vitamins, I chose them and was not mistaken. The photo shows the result of 14 months of treatment.

    Saw vitamins Perfectil after an unsuccessful perm. Also did keratin straightening. Nobody advised them to me, just went to the pharmacy and purchased it. Prior to that, on some site I read the positive reviews of Perfectil, and that’s why the name was deposited in the memory. Now my hair is in perfect condition.

    Vitamins may be good, but I could not make friends with them. I constantly had a stomach ache. Cut about a week. I also tried to drink from lunch, I still felt heavy and discomfort in my stomach. I bought another complex - and everything is fine. Maybe they are suitable for someone, but definitely not for me. In vain she threw out the money and mocked her stomach.

    Perfectil - the best vitamins that I can be! Saw Perfectil Plus in order to get rid of dry hair, because the external means did not help and had to cut off the ends every month. The difference between the photos is about 5 months. During this time I completely cut off all the cut and even grew a little length. Saw courses for 28 days and 2 weeks took a break. Side effect: there were pimples on the face and nails have become very strong, I have never had such a manicure like now.

    Good vitamins, hair stopped falling out. It seems even become a little thicker. But I combined them with enhanced outdoor nutrition, burning mustard masks, and also switched to a healthy diet. The poet doesn’t know exactly what helped. But while I continue to drink, I bought another pack. I drink a month - I take a break for a month.

    Vitamins are no different from other drugs, and careless use can cause serious consequences. Perfectil is no exception. Despite the rich and balanced composition, the presence of useful components, before starting the reception, it is advisable to consult with your doctor.

    The composition of the product and the beneficial effect for the hair

    The composition of the original vitamin complex includes substances that can be represented by the following table:

    Also included in the preparation are excipients - gelatin, titanium dioxide, water, food-based dyes based on iron. All micro and macro elements in the Perfectil agent are in the form of salts that are best absorbed by the body.

    Types of Perfectil Vitamins

    The manufacturer of the drug is the British company Vitabioks. It produces four types of products:

    1. Classical vitamin complex (capsules of 30 or 60 pieces per pack). These vitamins are suitable for all women leading a lifestyle associated with nervous tension and stress.
    2. Perfectum Platinum (similarly in capsules of 30 or 60 pieces). It also includes collagen, coenzyme, lipoic acid, as well as extractive substances with high biological activity (extracts from black currant and grape seeds, green tea). These vitamins are designed for women older than 40 years to stop the aging process of the body.
    3. Perfectil plus Available in the form of 28 tablets of the classical composition and 28 capsules, which include omega-3 unsaturated fatty acid, lycopene and coenzyme. This tool successfully treats dry scalp, restores hair after perm and unsuccessful dyeing procedure. This vitamin complex is necessary for women prone to early blooming.
    4. Perfectil Trichodolicwoman (in capsules of 30 or 60 pieces) is aimed at the treatment of alopecia. It contains, in addition to the basic composition, biotin, collagen and niacin.

    Indications for use

    Classic Perfectil is recommended when the following symptoms and diseases are present:

    • hair breakage and deterioration of their structure,
    • dry scalp
    • hair loss
    • seborrhea,
    • dermatitis,
    • psoriasis.

    Perfectil Platinum is intended for women in need of rejuvenation and support of the body after plastic surgery, long-term diseases and surgical interventions. Also, this vitamin is recommended for:

    • early graying
    • wilting of the skin as a result of stress, age and poor lifestyle.
    • Decreased body defenses.

    The drug leads to a state of equilibrium of the entire body, positively affecting the psycho-emotional state of a woman, especially during menopause.

    Vitamins Perfectil Plus is ideal for owners of dry skin and hair. It is shown for:

    • deep hydration of the scalp and hair at the cellular level.
    • Protection against adverse external influences.
    • Normalization of metabolism.

    After a course of drug treatment, improvement is noted not only in the hair, but also in the skin and nails.

    Perfectil Trichodolic is necessary for the treatment of intensive hair loss. It normalizes the synthesis of melanin in the body, which stops the formation of gray hair.

    General recommendations and contraindications

    Take vitamins, regardless of the type should be once a day after meals, one capsule for one month. If desired, the course can be repeated after six weeks.

    When using the drug on an empty stomach, nausea may occur.

    The drug has the following contraindications:

    • hypervitaminosis,
    • pregnancy and lactation,
    • pathology of the endocrine system, including the thyroid gland.
    • Individual intolerance.
    • The presence of infectious diseases.

    It can not be taken by children.

    After taking Perfectil, the following side effects may occur:

    • nausea,
    • diarrhea,
    • allergic rashes,
    • abdominal pain.

    In this case, you must stop consuming vitamins until the disappearance of unpleasant consequences.

    Svetlana, 24 years old
    After a severe divorce from her husband, her hair became dry, split, sleep and appetite disappeared. The doctor prescribed me classic Perfectil. A month later, the state became much better: the hair became more magnificent, a healthy undercoat appeared. Now I sleep without nightmares, I eat normally. After two months, be sure to repeat the treatment.

    Vitalina, 42 years old
    Always proud of their hair, in here they began to turn gray before their eyes and fall out. Appealed to the trichologist. She advised me Perfectil Platinum. Within two weeks, the hair on the comb began to remain noticeably smaller. After two courses, the hair recovered completely, began to shine, easy to style. Gray hair is, but it no longer becomes.

    Alena, 30 years old
    Long suffered from dandruff and itching on the head. Finally, I went to a dermatologist. She prescribed me Perfectil Plus in addition to the main treatment. Very happy! Now I can wear dark clothes! Incredible effect after a month of treatment!

    Video review of the vitamin complex:

    Perfectil is a complex vitamin preparation with high biological activity. It is advisable to take it after consulting with your doctor. In addition, you should pay attention to the presence of contraindications, and with the appearance of side effects, you must stop the course of treatment.

    Every woman can have beautiful healthy hair. To do this, you need not only to care for your hair with the help of cosmetics, but also to replenish your body's reserves with vitamins and minerals in time. This tool will perfectly cope with this task.

    How is perfectyl useful for skin?

    To make the skin and hair look healthy and radiant, the body needs to be saturated with vitamins, minerals and microelements. But to do this wisely - the concentration of substances should be optimal. To achieve this, you can use balanced drugs, in particular Perfectil. It is he who is preferred by the superstar of the modeling business, among whom are Cindy Cruford, Nadia Auerman, Claudia Schiffer.

    Manufacturer in the annotation to the drug Perfectil declares its use as an effective tool in the treatment of eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis. Effective Perfectil hair for the treatment of alopecia (hair loss). As well as, in addition to improving (in severe cases - restoration) the exchange and regenerative processes in the deep layers of the epidermis, slowing down the aging process of the skin, improves hair growth and strengthens the structure of nails.

    How is perfectil useful for nails?

    Iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 accelerate the transport of nutrients to the matrix, that is, to the growth part of the nail plate. This helps to restore the damaged structure of the nail and prevents the matrix from destruction under the action of aggressive media, in particular gel varnishes. Zinc, silicon and magnesium strengthen the nail plate. Vitamin A, beta-carotene and pantothenic acid protect it from delamination.

    Perfectil for hair growth

    To supply the hair, especially the hair follicles, it is important to supply him with vitamins of group B, which is provided by this drug. Starting to take Perfectil for hair, you almost immediately see noticeable changes in the improvement of your hair. Iron is a conductor transport to the hair follicles of oxygen. Zinc regulates oily hair and prevents hair loss. Biotin provokes the production of keratin, which prevents hair wasting. Copper fights premature gray hair and eliminates hair dullness.

    Reviews of people about Perfect

    Natalia, 32, writes:

    I dedicate my review to the most effective drug I have ever tried. I really wanted to add beauty to my manicure-damaged nails and hair dye. Therefore, she began to drink it. The effect had Perfectil for hair is very noticeable, then for the complexion and only a couple of months for the nails.

    Colleagues began to be interested in what kind of miracle hair shampoo and cream I use. Unpleasant moments at the beginning of the application were: nauseated, and sometimes the stomach was enough. By the way, Perfectil endocrinologist advised me. She warned that the use of clear instructions. When she began to drink the capsule after a dense meal, all the troubles disappeared.

    Saw Perfectil according to the scheme proposed by the doctor - precisely in those periods of the year when the body needs vitamins more than anything. Therefore, the effect is huge and the price is affordable. I am very pleased.

    Alla Nikolaevna, 45 years old, writes:

    What is the secret of gorgeous hair and skin? In Perfectile, a friend answered me and we started drinking this drug together. How many people - so many sensations. The girlfriend had almost no pain. I suffered. But my problem - focal baldness - forced to endure. After two courses, the baldness was gone, the hair of the industry, but I struck the kidneys. My review and conclusion: if you decide to use Perfectil for hair, protect the kidneys and the stomach. Now nephro and hepatoprotectors abound.

    Vitaly, 39, writes:

    Perfectil is the first vitamin complex that I used in my life. There was no particular problem, but my father was bald early and the likelihood of hair loss frightened me. The effect, in my opinion, is wonderful. Hair has a healthier appearance, strong nails. In the season of tough ARVI, there was not even a hint of the possibility of getting sick, although I catch viruses quickly. I bought the cheapest complex - classic. My review: I advise you to apply Perfectil to hair growth, from falling out of them and to eliminate other problems associated with hair.

    Expert Tips

    Before you start applying Perfectil for hair or to eliminate skin problems, you should listen to patient reviews and expert advice:

    • It is advisable to consult with a specialist. In this case, a dermatologist and therapist, but not with a cosmetologist. Perhaps the doctor will advise you to take tests to suggest a further reaction of the body to Perfectil.
    • This is a therapeutic agent for skin and hair, so it should be used wisely to prevent hypervitaminosis, problems with gastrointestinal disorders, allergies, to avoid the development of stone-kidney disease.
    • Perfectil can not be used with other vitamins. It is strictly not recommended to exceed the maximum daily dose - 1 capsule. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's recommendations: take the drug after a meal with a glass of water.

    To date, Perfectil refers to a small number of affordable and effective drugs to maintain the beauty of hair, skin and nails. For many women, Perfectil has already become a panacea for hair or skin problems. Others read reviews and only decide: to drink or not to drink it. There is no single answer.

    This is the case when only an individual approach is applicable. But the beauty of hair and body must be taken care of and if you follow the instructions clearly, then with a minimum of adverse reactions, you can achieve the maximum effect. Try Perfectil - and you will succeed. You deserve to be beautiful.

    Unique composition

    To create a vitamin complex were used all the latest achievements of science and medicine. It is not surprising that the composition of the drug is carefully balanced. "Perfectil" for hair (reviews fully confirm this) has a complex effect on the body. The ingredients included in this tool, ideally complement each other. At the same time, the antagonistic effect of the drug components is completely excluded. Such a moment favorably distinguishes the product from its analogues.

    The complex "Perfectil", the price of which averages 602 rubles for 30 capsules, is saturated with 25 useful substances. The structure includes:

    • vitamins A, C, E, D, H, group B,
    • folic, pantothenic acid,
    • biotin
    • mineral substances (iron, magnesium, copper, zinc, silicon, iodine, chromium),
    • antioxidants (vitamin C, beta-carotene, selenium),
    • Omega-3 fatty acids,
    • niacin
    • methionine
    • plant extracts (echinacea, burdock).

    A big advantage is the complete absence of hormonal and chemical substances in the preparation.

    Beneficial features

    For a long time this tool is in great demand in the West. Today and in our pharmacies you can purchase the complex "Perfectil". Price (consumer reviews emphasize this) is quite acceptable.

    Multivitamins with regular and proper use work wonders. Capsules have wound healing and antioxidant properties. Vitamins increase the protective properties of the body, the level of hemoglobin, remove a variety of toxins. The complex accelerates cell regeneration, thereby improving blood microcirculation.

    It is noticed that the vitamins "Perfectil", the price of which is not exorbitant, have a beneficial effect on:

    • hair growth and appearance (eliminates fragility, eliminates hair loss, strengthens the structure of curls),
    • condition of nails
    • the integrity of the skin integument,
    • functions of small vessels,
    • skin color and elasticity
    • activation of collagen synthesis.

    As a result of clinical studies, the high efficacy of the drug is fully proven. Cosmetologists, dermatologists and trichologists recommended the use of the complex "Perfectil" for hair. Reviews of these experts confirm that this drug is beneficial for the body.

    Mechanism of activity

    Vitamins "Perfectil", the price of which in some pharmacies is only 420 rubles for 30 capsules, attributed to medicines. Such a complex acts on the body at the cellular level. By entering the body, the agent dissolves. All nutrients along with the blood are distributed throughout all human systems. In this way, they are delivered to the hair follicles. As a result, cells receive excellent nutrition, which contributes to their renewal. A natural consequence is the improvement in the growth of strands, protecting them from falling out.

    Application of the remedy

    Initially, it is worth understanding that this is a medicine. Therefore, it should be used only according to appropriate indications. Without fail, before at least one capsule of the Perfectil complex is taken, the instructions for use must be studied. Otherwise, the consequences can be much worse than avitaminosis.

    Mode of application

    It is recommended to use 1 capsule per day. Thus, the packaging of 30 pieces is enough for one month. That is what makes it possible to say that the price is quite acceptable for the Perfectil agent. Reviews show that an effective drug can save money on another: improved skin no longer needs a variety of means of cosmetic masking.

    It is recommended to use the drug immediately after eating. It is best to take the remedy in the morning. The capsule should be swallowed whole. Do not chew it. Wash down the medicine with plain water. The duration of one course is 1 month. If necessary, after the break, you can resume the reception.

    Variations of the complex

    Vitamin preparation is available in four forms: “Perfectil” classic, “Plus”, “Platinum”, and “Trichologic”. Each tool is slightly different in composition and effects on the body. Consider them.

    The drug contains carotenoids, vitamins B, C, D, H, PP, minerals (iron, magnesium, copper, zinc, iodine), folic acid, and echinacea extract. The tool has a tonic effect. The drug has no definite “target” of impact. Therefore, a positive effect on all systems.

    Drug instructions show that, in addition to all the ingredients included in the classic version, this variety has additional components. These are Omega-3 fatty acids, esters, citrus oils, as well as several other plants.

    This complex is the best solution for women who notice aging hair, adverse effects of dyeing or perm. The use of vitamins leads to the rejuvenation of the strands, protects them from gray hair, gives strength to brittle and overdried curls, stimulates regeneration and growth. The cost of this complex, which includes 28 tablets and 28 capsules, averages 904 rubles.

    This variety has the richest composition. The main ingredients are supplemented with cystine, methionine, niacin, grape seed extract, oilseeds. This vitamin complex mainly affects the hair. This option is great for people who have a problematic condition of the strands. The tool provides curls with a serious correction, as well as intensive care. Such a drug can be purchased for about 1000 rubles per package, which includes 60 tablets.

    Customer reviews assure that this tool is the best solution for problem skin. It is noted that the drug is able to fight with age-related changes (wrinkles). At the same time natural smoothness and elasticity is returned to the skin. This effect is due to the additional ingredients that make up the vitamin complex. This is a collagen extracted from seaweed, alpha lipoic acid, blackcurrant seed extract, pine bark.

    This drug affects not only the skin. It improves the condition of other systems. The tool perfectly strengthens the immune system, accelerates the body's metabolism. The price of the drug is an average of 724 rubles per pack of 30 pieces.

    Drug reviews

    There is hardly another such remedy, about which so much good would be said. Based on the opinions of consumers, we can safely conclude that a unique miracle drug, Perfectil for hair, was created. Reviews of many women describe how vain were the attempts to restore the damaged structure of curls or nails with various masks, shampoos, varnishes. As a result of the use of such agents, the beneficial effect was temporary.

    The perfectil vitamin complex has changed the situation in a fundamental way. According to consumers, the result after taking this tool is just great. Dry skin becomes tender and velvety. Restores the hair structure. This makes it possible to shine strands of health and natural brilliance. In this case, the mass loss stops. Not less benefit from the reception of the complex and the nail plate. The ladies who had soft and layered nails, to achieve a beautiful manicure

    The same admiring reviews befell the drug "Perfectil Plus." Consumers say that an amazing remedy returned the silkiness to the strands, eliminating seborrhea. Nails have found a fortress. White spots disappeared from their surface. The once flaky skin has become soft and smooth.

    Incredibly fascinates consumers complex "Perfectil Platinum." Reviews of people who have experienced a remedy for themselves, prove that an amazing drug is able to perfectly fight wrinkles. At the same time, women who had dark circles under their eyes, after applying a panacea, note that these unpleasant phenomena have decreased significantly. And, of course, the drug "Perfectil" (vitamin complex) perfectly restored the silkiness and shine of the hair, significantly strengthened the nail plate.


    Skin, nails and hair are a kind of indicator of your health condition. Improper diet, stress, hormonal disruptions, and sometimes a banal vitamin deficiency adversely affect their appearance. Unfortunately, it is they who are not protected from the harmful effects of the environment. In this regard, hair, skin and nails are constantly in need of careful care and care. Just do not forget that the choice of the necessary means should definitely be discussed with the doctor.

    Composition of vitamins

    Perfectil includes 25 essential vitamins and minerals to maintain your beauty. The structure includes:

    • vitamin d,
    • B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12),
    • vitamin C,
    • vitamin E,
    • folic acid,
    • biotin
    • iodine,

  • chromium,
  • iron,
  • copper,
  • zinc,
  • magnesium,
  • selenium,
  • manganese,
  • silicon,
  • burdock extract
  • Echinacea extract
  • beta carotene.
  • All these substances are incredibly important for our body. In combination, they help stop hair loss, improve skin condition, improve blood circulation, restore the body's metabolic processes.

    Perfectil is available in capsule form. Inside each capsule is a special powder. In 1 package 30 capsules. Price one pack of Perfectil is about 700-900 rubles. In different pharmacies, the cost of vitamins can vary significantly.

    Analogs of Perfectil

    The “Dr. Theiss Gerovital” syrup can be attributed to more budgetary analogues of these vitamins. It is produced in Germany, the average price is 250 rubles. Another analogue is the Doppelgerz Energotonik syrup. Produced and this tool in Germany, the average price - 400 rubles. The composition of analogues is almost completely similar to the composition of the Perfectil vitamins.

    The effect of vitamins on hair

    Vitamins perfectly strengthen the hair structure, the loss is significantly reduced, new follicles appear, and their growth is greatly accelerated. Also hair get healthy natural gloss, become more dense and break less often. Additional advantages include improvement of the skin and strengthening of the nails.

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    Perfectil: instructions for use

    It is recommended to accept perfectil 1 per day after a day's meal. The course of treatment is one month, just enough of 1 package. Vitamins must be washed down with a glass of water. There are no alternative ways to use these vitamins. If you do not follow the instructions and take vitamins on an empty stomach, then nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, and problems with the stool may occur.

    Side effects

    The side effects of the drug include an allergic reaction, pain in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, increased blood pressure, nervous agitation. Stomach pain is usually caused by the presence of iron in the vitamin complex. Another significant side effect is the increase in hair growth in some people not only on the head, but also on the arms, legs and even the face.

    How to enhance the effect of taking vitamins

    To enhance the effect of taking vitamins, you need to make food that will help improve the condition of your hair. For example. It is recommended to eat fatty fish, nuts, eggs, poultry, dairy products, cheese, green vegetables. They contain many beneficial substances that improve the condition of the hair. You can also use oils in hair care, apply various home and purchase masks. Drinking another vitamin complex in combination with perfectil is definitely not worth it, because you may have an excess of vitamins.


    Watch the video: Perfectil Best For . Hair. Skin Nails. Best Vitamin For Your Beauty. Perfactil Uses. And Benefits . (July 2024).