
Effective folk remedies for dandruff: masks recipes


Everyone knows that dying off and hair loss occurs daily, and dead hair does not immediately leave the surface of the head, but is still in the thick of the skin for some time. Hair falling out as a result of natural dying is replaced by new ones. Up to 50 hairs fall out every day. This is considered a normal process. But it is no secret that sometimes the process of hair loss can be associated with some kind of disease or improper care. How to properly care for your hair? Kefir is an indispensable tool for hair and scalp care.

First you need to determine the type of your hair. There is a conditional division of hair into 3 types:

Greasy hair characterized by rapid "salting", that is, pollution. For dry hair fragility and brittleness, as well as excessive dryness. Normal hairAs a rule, they become soiled and dull in 5-7 days after washing the head. Having correctly identified your hair type, and sometimes this requires a beautician's consultation, you need to choose the appropriate care products for your hair type.

Hair care rules

There are several rules for hair care:

  • You need to wash your hair as you pollute (for fatty after 1-2 days, and for dry and normal - after 5-7 days).
  • It is recommended to wash your hair with cool water. It is better to use for this purpose boiled water or simply heated water mixed with baking soda (at the rate of 1 tsp. To 1 liter of water).
  • Shampooing should be combined with a massage of the scalp at the roots of the hair, which stimulates the vital activity of the hair and increases the flow of nutrients to each hair.
  • It is better to dry your hair outdoors, avoiding direct exposure to wet hair with ultraviolet sunlight. If you are used to using a hairdryer, then dry your hair under the smallest and most unhealthy air flow, keeping the hairdryer at a distance of at least 25-30 cm from your head. Blow-drying can change the structure of the hair, making it brittle and dull, and also strengthen the cross-section of the ends of the hair.
  • It is best to comb the hair with a stiff brush (to massage the scalp) and a plastic comb-comb. Short hair should be combed from the roots to the tailbone hair, and long - starting from the ends.
    Comb-comb should be rare, without sharp teeth. To improve blood circulation in the scalp, it is recommended several times a day to comb the hair alternately with a brush or comb-comb from root to tip.
  • Haircut is used for hygienic (to avoid cross-section of the ends of the hair) and aesthetic purposes, but not for hair growth. Shaving the head also does not promote hair growth and does not strengthen them. Wearing wigs, hairpieces, and high hairstyles with lots of clips, hairpins and heavy headgear does not contribute to normal growth and healthy appearance of hair.
  • Remember, the enemies of your hair are not only the sun, the wind, salty sea water, dust and frost, but also alcohol, tobacco smoke.

Oily hair care

Now we would like to give some advice to those whose hair is of a fat type.

  • Sadly, greasy hair is often a typical phenomenon, especially for young people. To cure your hair for excessive sebum secretion, it is necessary to choose a series of cosmetic hair care products marked "for oily hair". Instead of shampoos and modern hair care products, you can use baby or medical boric-thymol soap, rinse the hair better with a decoction of nettle (at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 l of water) or with a solution of vinegar (at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 l of water).
  • To stimulate vitality Your hair is recommended 1 time in 2 weeks to rub into the scalp 4-5 Art. l weak or medium kefir, which must then be washed off with plenty of warm water. You can make a drying mask for oily hair. To do this, mix the protein of 2 eggs and 4 tbsp. l strong kefir. Rub the mixture into the scalp, and after 30 minutes, rinse the mask with warm water.
  • Highly useful for hair a mixture of crumb of rye bread and 4-5 Art. l strong kefir. It should be applied to the scalp at the roots of the hair, gently massaging, and leave for 30-40 minutes, then you need to wash it off, and gently comb the remnants of bread crumbs.
  • Once a month, a mixture for hair, prepared from 3-4 tbsp. l weak or medium kefir and nettle broth (decoction is prepared at the rate of 2 tablespoons. of crushed dried leaves per 1 cup of boiling water). She is not only strengthens and nourishes hairbut also gives them a healthy glow.
  • If you want not only strengthen hair, but also give them a pleasant copper or reddish shade, mix kefir with onion peel extract (at the rate of 100 g of crushed husk into 2 cups of water) and apply on hair, gently massaging the scalp, and then finely comb the mixture over the entire hair length . If you have dark hair, then you can safely keep the mixture from 30 minutes to an hour, but if you are the owner of light hair, then the longer you keep it, the brighter or darker the shade will turn out.
  • Broth onion peel can be replaced with 4 tbsp. l good cognac or walnut tincture (prepared at the rate of 2 tablespoons of water, 3 tablespoons of olive oil, 1-2 tablespoons of crushed walnut kernels).

The peculiarity of any mixture for oily hair is that after applying it to the scalp, it is not necessary to cover the head with a plastic bag, a handkerchief or other warming agent. Otherwise, the hair promises to be even more fat. Therefore, mixing the ingredients, try to get the mixture is not too liquid.

Dry and normal hair care

To care for dry and normal hair, you can use the same mixtures that are used for oily hair, but at the same time put a plastic bag, scarf or shawl on your head to create a "greenhouse effect" for hair that will help to cure your hair of excessive dryness and brittleness. .

  • For example, we recommend you mix 3 tbsp. l weak or medium yogurt, 1 tbsp. l brandy and 2 whipped yolks, apply the mixture to the scalp, gently rubbing it, then spread it over the entire length of the hair with your hands and put on a warming cap. After 30 minutes, rinse with hot water.
  • For dry hair kefir-oily composition is perfect. Mix 3 tbsp. l weak or medium yogurt and 1 tbsp. l castor or burdock oil. Apply the mixture onto the scalp half an hour before washing, warm with a handkerchief, then rinse with warm water, shampoo and rinse hair again with warm water.
  • Useful mixture of 3 tbsp. l weak or medium kefir and chamomile flowers tincture (prepared on the basis of 2 tablespoons of dried flowers in a glass of boiling water), which should be applied to clean hair, massaging and rubbing slightly at the roots, cover with a plastic bag and leave for 20 minutes. Then the mixture should be washed off with hot water and for better effect, rinse the hair with a weak decoction of chamomile (at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 0.5 l of water).

Causes of dry scalp and ways to improve the condition of the skin and hair, you will find in the article "Dry scalp."

Video: masks for hair with kefir

Try not to choose compositions for your hair and scalp, especially if you have dandruff or have bleeding pimples on your head (from dust, sweat, or the wrong shampoo). Ask for help to a specialist - a beautician, he will recommend ways to treat dandruff and skin diseases, depending on the type of hair.

Dry or oily

The type of dandruff depends on the intensity of the sebaceous glands, and is divided into dry and oily.

  1. Dry dandruff appears on dried skin, small scales cover almost the entire head, are easily separated and crumble. This type of disease is accompanied by pruritus and, often, abundant hair loss.
  2. Fatty dandruff, in contrast, is associated with increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, it is characterized by large flakes that are difficult to remove from the hair due to increased stickiness. At the same time, hair is greasy, quickly becomes dirty and looks not well-groomed, and the skin is often irritated.

Whatever the type and cause of this disease, treatment should begin as soon as possible. There are a large number of various dandruff remedies in pharmacies, but not less effective, but more affordable, there are always folk remedies.

First of all, for the treatment of dandruff requires comprehensive care, properly selected shampoos + home remedies + vitamins and dietary supplements, and most importantly, careful hair care will soon give positive results.

Folk remedies for dandruff can be prepared in the form of masks, compresses, decoctions or shampoos. Everyone chooses for themselves the way of care, the most convenient for him and suitable for the type of hair.

The best tool - masks

Healing masks are the most effective tool for women and men, and give a positive result after several applications, and almost all the ingredients for them will be in the refrigerator. Moisturizing and nourishing masks will help to get rid of any dandruff, with the addition of any organic oils and plant extracts.

Several effective recipes for dry dandruff

  • Well eliminates dandruff mask based on mayonnaise, with the addition of honey, vegetable oil, aloe juice and yolk. Apply the mixture on the hair and scalp, wrap with polyethylene. Hold for 20-30 minutes.
  • Grind onions, add honey, observing the ratio of 4: 1 and a spoonful of castor or burdock oil. Rub the mixture into the hair roots, put on a plastic bag or a hat, wrap a towel for one hour.
  • A rather effective remedy is a mask of two egg yolks, 1 tbsp. spoons of burdock oil and juice ½ lemon. It is rubbed into the roots, wrapped around the head to keep it warm, and left for one hour.

Oily hair masks

For hair prone to fat content should be selected products that reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands and eliminate excess fat. Therefore, the composition of the masks used for this type of hair, usually includes alcohol and acid. Masks are applied exclusively on the roots, so as not to harm the rest of the hair.

  • In 1 teaspoon of powder of bodyagi, add 1 teaspoon of boric acid, diluted in a glass of water. Heat a little and rub into the scalp, to a slight burning sensation, leave for 30 minutes and rinse. Apply twice a week. It helps to get rid not only of dandruff, but also regulates the sebaceous glands.
  • Mustard powder, dilute with water until pureed, apply to the scalp. Keep no more than three minutes, so as not to overdry the dermis and roots. Use once a week, exclusively for oily hair.

Grandma's recipe

Another folk remedy for dandruff - herbal decoctions for rinsing. Even our great-grandmothers, after washing their heads, instead of balms, used natural decoctions to strengthen the hair and give it a healthy shine and appearance.

It is preferable to apply them after using therapeutic masks. Such herbs as chamomile, nettle, sage, calendula, burdock root are well suited to fight dandruff. Effective in the battle for a healthy scalp - birch leaves, aloe and oak bark.

  1. Nettle - stimulates blood circulation
  2. Burdock - disinfects and reduces the loss,
  3. Chamomile - perfectly disinfects,
  4. Calendula - helps from oily dandruff and head itch.

Broths are prepared in a water bath, this method allows you to save as many useful substances as possible. A tablespoon of chopped herb pour two cups of hot water, bring to a boil, but do not boil, let it brew.

For getting rid of dandruff of the fat type, it is good to add lemon juice, vinegar or alcohol to herbal decoctions.

  • Take in equal parts onion peel and oak bark, heat on the water bath for half an hour, rub the resulting broth into the scalp and distribute through the hair, wrap the head with a towel or scarf for 30 minutes. Unfortunately, this recipe is not suitable for blond hair, as it has coloring properties.
  • Another proven infusion is beet water. Fill the glass jar completely with sliced ​​beetroot, raw beets, cover with cold water and close with a lid. Put in a warm place for 7 days. Use, spreading half a glass of infusion, two glasses of warm water.

To enhance the result of any infusion can not only rinse the hair, but also rub it into the scalp, leaving for a long time.

Change the shampoo for bread and mustard

To get rid of dandruff at home, you can prepare not only masks and decoctions, but also means for washing hair. If you replace the usual shampoo on his own hand cooked, it will speed up the healing process.

  • It is useful for washing hair, rye bread, it copes with high fat content and dirt, literally absorbing it. The right amount of bread, crumble into a bowl and pour warm water or milk, put the resulting gruel on the hair and scalp, massage and rinse under running water.
  • Using mustard shampoo once a week, you can quickly get rid of oily dandruff. It is prepared simply: a tablespoon of dry powder floor, dilute with two glasses of water, put this mixture on your hair, massage and rinse.
  • A good detergent for washing are boiled hops, flowers of tansy or blackheads.

Simple recipes for lazy

As shown by statistics, men suffer from the appearance of dandruff much more often than women. This is most often caused by improper diet and high consumption of carbohydrates, stress and nervous breakdowns, as well as improperly selected shampoo.

Dandruff remedies for men are no different from those used by women. But, unfortunately, not all the representatives of the stronger sex, devote enough time to taking care of themselves, due to employment. Therefore, if you still decide to fight this disease using traditional methods, then recipes should be as simple as possible, for example:

  1. With dry scalp, burdock and castor oil mixed in equal parts will have a good healing effect. The oil is simply rubbed into the scalp with light massage movements. Such an oil massage will not only relieve you of dandruff, but will also be an excellent prevention for hair loss.
  2. A very effective tool is chopped garlic, applied to the scalp for several hours. The only disadvantage of this method is a strong smell, so as not to shock others, it is preferable to make such a mask on the weekend.

Unfortunately, dandruff can appear at a fairly young age, often the reason for this lies in the hormonal failure. For adolescents, there is no need to use any special means, but at the same time it is necessary to solve the problem from the inside: restore hormones, monitor the nutrition and hygiene of the child.

  1. Oksana: Frequent use of lacquers and styling products, ruined hair and dandruff appeared. I tried many medical shampoos, but the folk remedies for dandruff helped me, used different recipes, rubbed oils and infusions, solved the problem for a month.
  2. Tatyana: Constant stress and unhealthy diet led to dandruff. Got rid of her with a decoction of onion peel. Super - means! Recommend!

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Dandruff Mask Recipes

Before you combine different natural ingredients with each other, you need to know that dandruff is of several types - mixed, dry and oily.

Masks prepared at home with mixed dandruff must combine drying and nutritional ingredients.

Dandruff Onion Mask

1 small onion chop into porridge with a blender. Add a spoon of melted bee honey. This effective home remedy will help eliminate dandruff, but it has one drawback - onions give the hair an unpleasant smell. You can get rid of it by washing the mask with water, which squeezes the juice from half a lemon and adds 7 drops of bergamot essential oil. Since the lemon has a light brightening property, it is better for brunettes to replace it in the recipe with apple vinegar.

Citrus Dandruff Mask

Citrus fruits are able to nourish the scalp at the same time, transporting enough moisture and narrowing the pores, regulating the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and half an orange. Add 2 large spoons of castor oil.

Colorless henna mask

Prepare another useful composition at home using colorless henna. Henna powder diluted with water at room temperature to the state of sour cream, add coconut oil and a few drops of the essential essences of tea tree.

Apple mask at home

In the fight against dandruff is able to help the mask of apples. Fruit is rubbed on a fine grater. To the resulting porridge add 7 drops of lavender oil. Use this composition, prepared at home, you need after washing your hair, washing off the remnants of an apple with running water without adding any cosmetics.

Garlic recipe

Chop 2 large heads of garlic in any way possible - grate, grind in a blender or squeeze through a press. Pour with 4 spoons of burdock, olive or castor oil. Insist in cool for 4 days.

Honey mask at home

Honey is a folk remedy that helps to successfully cope with many problems, among which is dandruff. That the mask was applied better, and the nutrients are activated faster, bee honey should be melted on the stove. After that add a spoonful of olive oil to it.

Kefir mask for dry dandruff

One of the household ingredients that eliminate peeling and dandruff is kefir. Since dry dandruff appears on skin that lacks nutrients, kefir should be taken with a high percentage of fat. ½ cup kefir diluted with a spoon of burdock oil and raw yolk.

Green Tea Homemade Composition

Brew a spoonful of green tea brewing. Allow to cool and strain, freeing from leaves. Pour in 2 large spoons of apple cider vinegar. Rinse your hair with this mixture after using shampoo.

Judging by the numerous reviews, vegetable masks made from grated zucchini or pumpkin can provide a tangible effect and quick disposal of dandruff. The same result gives the crushed pulp of watermelon, applied along the entire length of the hair.

To achieve maximum effect, masks made at home should be applied in a course consisting of 12 procedures. After that, you need to take a two-week break and repeat the course. Another important condition for successfully eliminating dandruff is sticking to the same recipe throughout the course. Partial or complete replacement of components may negate all efforts.

In addition, the use of masks should be carried out, strictly monitoring your diet and mental state - stress and insufficient amount of vitamins consumed affect the condition of the hair and are the root causes for the occurrence of dandruff. It is also necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the strands, without creating a favorable environment for the appearance of this disease.

How to determine greasy hair type

With a fat type, the hair has a very stale, untidy appearance. And all because they are covered with sebum, which produce sebaceous glands, located in the hair follicles. This fat spreads very quickly along the entire length of the hair, turning your hairstyle into a terrible state. Unfortunately, even shine looks unhealthy and dull.

Cosmetologists claim that the film of fat is very useful for the hair itself, because it protects them from all the adverse effects of the environment. But the owners of this type of hair from these consolations are not easier, because greasy hair immediately catches the eye and sometimes even causes disgust from the people around us. And in fact, no one knows that you are desperately struggling with the increased secretion of the sebaceous glands with daily washing. Oily hair often accompanies such a disease as seborrhea, as a result of which keratinized skin particles from the head begin to fall on the shoulders. We call them dandruff.

It would also be nice to find out what causes oily hair, or rather increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. For example, a possible cause may be hormonal disruptions in the body.

How to wash greasy hair

Now about the process of washing. The water should not be hot, as this will only intensify the secretion of sebum. Be careful when choosing a shampoo: it should be just for the fat type. Lathering hair should be carefully massage the scalp, and then apply the shampoo over the entire length. No need to immediately wash away the lather, let it hold for a few minutes on the hair. If you feel that your hair is not washed out, you can soap it again. All shampoos, balms and masks from oily hair should be removed very carefully, as their remnants can cause rapid contamination.

It used to be that you need to wash greasy hair as rarely as possible. Where this delusion comes from is incomprehensible. However, now this myth has been debunked, and cosmetologists advise you to wash your hair as it gets dirty.

Proper shampoo for oily hair

Responsibly approach the choice of shampoo for oily hair. After all, it is the main means of care and his duties include not only removing fat, but also giving hair volume.

Now there are a lot of silicone-based products in stores, but for oily type of hair, it is better not to use them, as they will add weight to the hair.

Let your chosen shampoo be transparent and sparse. A tool with a consistency of cream and a bright color most likely indicates the presence of a large number of chemical components in its composition.

Fatty home care

The newest shampoos and conditioners-conditioners are by no means the only means to care for oily hair. Traditional medicine has retained many recipes to combat the increased sebaceous excretions on the scalp. Unlike purchased cosmetics, they are very accessible, always at hand, and most importantly - you will be sure that you use natural products with the whole complex of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.

All masks are first applied to the hair roots. The procedure is best carried out in the bathroom to avoid stains on the wallpaper and furniture. Hair masks are applied to dirty curls just before washing. Rub all products into the skin very gently, with gentle massaging movements on all parts of the head for 6-7 minutes. If necessary, separate the hair with a hairbrush, but do it again, very carefully.

Means are usually kept on the head for 15-20 minutes, and then washed off with shampoo or soap. Water should be warm and soft. If you used a chicken egg in your product, first remove the mask with cool water. Otherwise, you can stay in the bathroom for a long time, washing the formed egg flakes out of your hair. Hair masks should be done at least two or three times a week.

How to dry and style oily hair

But if time is running out, you can’t do without a hair dryer. The impact of the hair dryer does not pass without a trace for any type of hair. For fatty curls, warm or hot drying will only help strengthen the sebaceous glands. Manufacturers of household appliances offer different models of hair dryers, including those with cold drying, the simultaneous action of ions, etc. But, if you buy such a hairdryer is not possible, then, using hot air, maximize the distance between the hair dryer and hair. The process will take more time, but it will not do much harm.

If you can’t do without wax, gel, varnish or mousse during the installation, then try to use them as little as possible. When oily type of hair will have to completely abandon the thermal rollers and curling curling. Use simple soft curlers, good in the sale they are found everywhere. Also promptly remove split and dry hair ends. Even with the fat type, they are not uncommon.

Oily hair care

Treatment of oily hair by folk methods

Funds from oily hair, which you can do at home, a lot. So choose.

      For very oily hair, an egg mask will help: one egg yolk is mixed with half a teaspoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of vodka (you can substitute brandy). Rubbed into the skin for 15 minutes.

    Why hair roots get greasy

    At the moment, every person has a release of sebaceous glands on the skin - this is normal.

    However, in some people the amount of sebaceous glands secreted exceeds normal values. Girls with oily hair not only look bad, but often lose a lot of hair.

    The secreted sebaceous glands block and hinder the respiration of skin cells.

    As a result, the circulation slows down and the nutrition of the scalp decreases. As a result, women's hair becomes greasy, weak, thin and eventually begins to fall.

    The maximum age of 1 hair is 5 years. In the end, if a girl loses up to 90 hairs in 1 day - it's not scary.

    Women's hair becomes oily for the following reasons:

    If women's hair becomes greasy already in the afternoon, then the girl needs to go to a hair specialist - trichologist. In a similar situation, besides the trichologist, a woman goes to see an endocrinologist and a gastroenterologist.

    Recommendations for combating oily hair

    First, when getting rid of oily hair, the girl should change the diet. In such a situation, a woman should stop using such products:

    As a result, if you follow the correct diet, the girl’s hair will become less fat and improve overall health.

    Also, a girl with oily hair is necessary from complicated styling and styling preparations. In such a situation, a woman can do simple hairstyles on her head - without the use of varnish, mousse or other similar means.

    Girls with oily hair are not recommended to massage the scalp and frequent combing of the hair. When combing, a girl with greasy hair should not touch hair roots with a comb — you only need to brush your hair from the ends.

    After all, combing the head is a massage, during which the formation of the sebaceous gland occurs.

    Wash Oily Hair

    A girl with oily hair should gently clean and properly treat the scalp.

    When caring for greasy hair, the girl performs the following actions:

    Sebaceous glands, which are formed on the head, nourish female hair with useful microelements.

    If a girl washes her hair daily and washes away sebaceous glands, then she activates their production.

    Drugs and remedies for proper care of oily hair: treatment of greasy type of curls

    At the moment, women use a variety of cosmetic products that relieve women's hair from excessive fat.

    Properly selected shampoo - is considered the first tool that a girl should choose the right when getting rid of greasiness hair.

    Such shampoos consist of an essential oil and lemon extract, green tea and other components.

    When applied to the head of cosmetic and essential oil, the girl also struggles with the greasiness of the hair. Cosmetic preparations should be applied on the head before washing.

    Also in the fight against dandruff, a woman uses peach and grape seed oils, argan and sesame oil remedy.

    The girl applies these oils and leaves them on her hair for 10 minutes. Such oils can be quickly washed off the head. In addition, they significantly slow down the secretion of sebaceous glands.

    After the use of these oils, women's hair becomes smooth and shiny again.

    Essential oils are considered salvation from the formation of dandruff. When fighting dandruff, girls add essential oil (2 drops) to their hair — before applying shampoo.

    Maxi, balms and conditioners are considered drugs to care for women's healthy hair. However, girls with oily hair do not use such drugs. After all, such means for the care of oily hair make women's hair obedient and bright, however, do not prevent the formation of dandruff.

    Folk preparations

    Also in the treatment of greasiness of the head girl uses a variety of popular recipes.

    In this situation, the girls rinse the hair after washing the head with vinegar.

    In this case, the girls add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of apple vinegar in 1 liter of water. A similar solution is applied to the hair and hair roots are thoroughly washed.

    When getting rid of dandruff folk preparations instead of vinegar, you can use lemon juice.

    When using folk recipes, women put masks on their hairs that reduce the greasiness of their hairs on daily use.

    Honey and aloe for fine hair

    Aloe soothes, moisturizes and disinfects the skin. Honey is a skin antiseptic and vitamin. After applying a mask of honey and aloe, the girl's hair becomes light and crumbly, and dandruff does not form on the female hair.

    When preparing and applying a mask of honey and aloe, the girl performs the following actions:

    Apples and yolk for roots

    Apple has acids that normalize skin function. The yolk nourishes, moisturizes and enriches women's hair with useful chemical elements. Apples and yolk make women's hair lush and shiny.

    In the manufacture and application of the mask from the yolk and apple, the girl performs the following actions:

    Proper hair care, a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition will help you get rid of such problems as oily hair

    As a result, each girl can easily get rid of oily hair and prevent dandruff. In this situation, you need the right care for oily hair - and in the end the girl will get an elegant and healthy hair.

    Causes of

    The occurrence of pathology can be diagnosed for a variety of reasons. In most cases, dandruff appears when the sebaceous glands malfunction.

    The appearance of this process in most cases is observed with a chronic disorder in the metabolism. If a fungal disease is observed on the patient's skin, this can cause dandruff.

    The occurrence of pathology can be diagnosed with various individual characteristics of the organism. Dandruff often develops in people suffering from psoriasis or eczema.

    At risk are patients who have Parkinson's disease. Weak performance of the immune system is often the cause of the pathology.

    There are a huge number of provoking factors against which dandruff may develop.

    Types of dandruff

    There are several types of the disease, according to which the selection of treatment is carried out. Experts distinguish between dry and oily dandruff. The first kind arises because of this, that the sebaceous glands secrete insufficient secretion.

    Oily seborrhea is characterized by the shiny greasy surface of the hair. At the same time there is sticking of dandruff in large scales, which are observed on shiny oily hair. The hair in the course of the pathology stick together in strands.

    How to deal with dandruff at home, tell this video:

    Rules of application

    Dandruff treatment with masks requires you to follow certain rules:

    • The use of funds should be carried out at least twice a week, which is positively displayed on the result.
    • The course of treatment with a specific drug should consist of 10-12 procedures. After a two-week break, you can repeat it.
    • To increase the effectiveness of the product after its application, it is recommended to wear a plastic bag or cap on the head.
    • Dandruff treatment should be carried out only one selected prescription.
    • In the absence of the necessary result after completing the course, it is recommended to consult with a trichologist or a dermatologist.

    Greasy dandruff

    For oily seborrhea, it is recommended to use products that have a drying effect. They are prepared on the basis of:

      Tinctures of calendula. This tool can be purchased at the pharmacy.

    How to make a dandruff mask is described in this video:

    Dry dandruff

    For dry dandruff, it is recommended to use preparations that have moisturizing properties. Their preparation is carried out using:

      Yolk. This ingredient is mixed with calendula tincture and castor oil.


    Dandruff is a rather unpleasant pathological process that must be dealt with in a timely manner. For this purpose, masks based on natural ingredients are widely used.

    The choice of a certain means is carried out in accordance with the type of dandruff.

    Despite the safety of drugs, it is recommended to consult a specialist before using a certain of them.

    What are the types of seborrhea

    Normally, dead skin cells exfoliate constantly. But they are so small in size that it is impossible to see them with the naked eye. We wash them off when we wash our hair, shake them when combing, but we don’t see them - it is believed that there is no dandruff. If there are visible scales, it means that not everything is in order with the health of the scalp.

    The main cause of dandruff is a fungus. Normally, it is present on the skin, but immunity is able to restrain its excessive growth. In addition to the fungal infection, there are a number of factors that cause desquamation and irritation of the scalp. Below is a detailed look at the main reasons, and what kind of dandruff they cause.

    Dry dandruff looks like white flakes of various sizes: from very small, similar to semolina, to large, resembling snowflakes. It is easily showered when shaking and combing. Localized most often along the anterior hairline and on the vertex. This type of seborrhea is typical for owners of dry and sensitive scalp. The main causes of dry dandruff.

    • Fungus Its active growth provokes accelerated skin renewal. And since dry skin produces little sebum, the scales can be easily separated from the skin.
    • Aggressive cleansers. The bulk of store shampoos are composed of aggressive surfactants. They dry out dry skin and cause irritation. As a result, there is a strong peeling, which is noticeable on the shoulders.
    • Silicone. Their manufacturers generously decorate conditioners and hair masks. They cover hairs with a thin film. Thus, soft strands and beautiful shine are achieved. The same film is formed on the skin. Under it, the cells do not “breathe”, the skin is sweating, the pores are clogged. As a result - irritation and peeling.
    • Hot styling. Favorite styling devices - hair dryers, curling irons, irons - dry up the strands and skin. If the hair can be protected by special means, then the skin is exposed to high temperatures.
    • Rejection of hats. The unwillingness to spoil the headdress with the lovingly created beauty on the head leads to fiery consequences. Cold air is not less harmful to the skin than hot.
    • Hormonal adjustment. They may be associated with pregnancy, puberty, thyroid disease and a number of other conditions that affect our hormones. In pregnant women, often the skin becomes drier, in children in puberty, on the contrary, grows fat.
    • Circulatory disorders. Tight hats, tightly collected hair, hairpins and headbands tighten the head and hair, preventing normal blood flow. Skin and roots do not receive adequate nutrition. Dryness and flaking appears, hair grows dull and falls out.
    • Inadequate nutrition. Insufficient intake of vitamins, fats, proteins and minerals leads to a violation of the protective function of cells, the skin becomes more sensitive and dry. Therefore, dandruff often accompanies the dieters.
    • Reduced immunity. Taking antibiotics, inflammatory processes, chronic diseases and many other factors weaken the immune system. As a result, the development of a fungal infection on the scalp.

    Oily seborrhea is slightly less common than dry. It is associated with increased sebum production. These people usually have oily skin on their face. Even after the morning washing, by the evening the hair looks dirty and untidy. When oily dandruff, dead epidermal particles stick to the sebum layer and form an unsightly crust. If you scratch your head, then there will be a fat “porridge” under the nails. The crust is exfoliated by large pieces of a grayish or yellowish color. In advanced cases, oily seborrhea leads to hair loss. Here is a list of the main causes of oily seborrhea.

    • Fungus With its excessive growth, the affected skin in an attempt to recover faster begins to be updated rapidly. All dead cells remain on the surface, "sticking" in the sebum. And it is a nutrient medium for the fungus. Vicious circle.
    • Hormones. Basically, the skin becomes overly oily during puberty and with fluctuations in the level of sex hormones in men and women.
    • Hereditary factor. The skin type is genetically engineered. If one of the parents had skin that was dense, oily, porous, and was inherited, it would not be possible to drastically change the situation. You can only facilitate the state of proper care.
    • Improper nutrition. The abundance of spicy, fatty foods, lack of vitamins, minerals and protein - the surest way to metabolic disorders. The skin is one of the first to respond to changes in metabolism.

    How to treat the "dry problem"

    Folk remedies for dry dandruff should suppress the development of fungus, moisturize and nourish the scalp. Drying and irritation of already suffering skin is unacceptable. The effect of recipes should be as soft and careful as possible.

    In the compositions for dry and sensitive skin it is logical to include nourishing, soothing and softening ingredients - oils, eggs, honey, various decoctions. The table describes the proven recipes for homemade masks against dry dandruff.


    Watch the video: Quick and Easy Home Remedies For Dandruff (June 2024).