Work with hair

7 modern ways to create curls using perm


Traditionally, hair perm is associated with a harmful procedure, which adversely affects the state of the locks. In the old days, aggressive preparations were really used in hairdressing salons, which traumatized the hair and subjected them to severe stress.

In modern beauty salons use safe professional tools developed by the latest technologies.

Only the principle of the procedure, which is based on changing the hair structure, remains from the previous method.

Cosmetic preparations provide an opportunity to solve various tasks, for example, to make large or, on the contrary, very small curls. Just look at the photos of the works of professional hairdressers to make sure that modern methods not only have a sparing effect on the curls, but also allow you to give them a healthy shine.

The effect of curling usually lasts for 3-4 months, a lot depends on the individual characteristics of the hair, as well as on what types of chemical compounds were used for this purpose. This method works best if the curls were not stained and not straightened artificially within six months. Before visiting the beauty salon, you should decide in advance how long you want to go with the lush head of hair.

Stylists do not recommend doing the alignment earlier than two weeks after curling, you can not only damage the strands, but also get a scalp burn.

  • The thicker the hair, the longer the effect of the procedure lasts, so before it is carried out at home it is recommended to make special masks that compact the hair structure.
  • Curls will be minimally injured if you use professional cosmetics containing natural ingredients.
  • Perm hair has a number of contraindications, for example, it is not recommended for pregnant women, as well as for mothers who are breastfeeding.
  • Before visiting the salon, it is advisable to find feedback about the master and view photos of his work. Using the services of an inexperienced specialist, you can put at risk the health of your hair.

Types of perm

To create luxurious curls in beauty salons can be used both traditional and the most modern methods. They differ in the method of winding the strands, as well as the type of cosmetic compositions used. Consider the main types of hair curling.

This method is still considered one of the most popular, since the effect of it lasts for almost half a year. However, it is still impossible to call it safe: after using persistent preparations, the curls become rigid and do not look very aesthetically pleasing. This procedure is especially harmful for women with thin soft curls or brittle dry hair. In order to regain their health, you will later have to make a short haircut and use special regenerating masks.

Alkaline method is considered more benign.Since the pH preparations used have a milder effect on the hair, they penetrate into their structure and reveal scales. For example, if you compare photos taken after alkaline and acid curls, you will notice that in the first case, the curls are usually more elastic and look very natural. However, the effect of such a procedure does not last long, after only three months the curls will disappear. On straight, hard strands perm will stay even less, about one month.


Universal remedies are well suited for all types of curls, providing a softening effect on them. After the use of such drugs, the hair does not experience strong stress and hardly swell. Curls are strong enough and last from three to six months. Looking at the photos of the works of stylists using neutral preparations, you can make sure that the curls look very beautiful and at the same time natural.

Amino acid

Thanks to the amino acids and proteins that make up the preparations, the strands are not damaged, and in addition, they have a therapeutic effect.

Amino acid perm for short hair is a great opportunity to focus on a stylish beautiful hairstyle.

The only drawback of such a procedure is its short-term effect. According to this technology it is not recommended to wind long, hard strands, as curls will quickly develop on them.


Biowave is a modern method that deserves positive feedback from many women who have tried this procedure. During the session, safe preparations are used that do not contain ioglycolic acid, hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. The composition of cosmetics includes components similar to the hair molecules, so that the curls look very natural and last for 3 - 6 months. Pay attention to the photo, the curls look healthy and have a beautiful sheen.

It should be borne in mind that this option is not suitable for dry strands, they then become porous and disobedient. But for those who have oily hair, this procedure helps not only to give fluffiness of hair, but also to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands.

How to make using curls large curls?

Large elastic curls - one of the most fashionable trends, you can see this by looking at the fresh photos of Hollywood beauties. They allow you to add extra volume to your hair and make your face more feminine and soft.

  • In order for curls to be soft and moderately elastic, it is recommended to reduce the time of use of the drug.
  • They can be given the required value with the help of the bobbins; the thicker they are, the greater will be the volume of the curl.
  • Large curls usually keep about two months, in order to maintain their elasticity, you can use special cosmetics designed for hair care.

An important step is the restoration of hair after perm, otherwise their structure will be severely damaged, they will not look very aesthetically pleasing, and will lose a healthy shine.

How to curl on short and long hair?

  1. Women with short haircuts are encouraged to perm basal way, allows you to make your hair more lush. In this case, only the root part of the strands is wound.. It should be borne in mind that the effect of this procedure is short-lived, since after hair regrowth, curled strands begin to shift downward.
  2. If you have long hair, you can use the American technique of curling. The advantage of this method is that when long strands grow even more, the difference between the curled and untreated area is almost imperceptible.
  3. In order to give curls pomp, they are wound on the needles or special curlers. The result is beautiful, natural curls of large sizes. In such a romantic and feminine way you will look irresistible both in the photo and in real life.
  4. Women who have medium length hair, A variety of curling methods are suitable: vertical, American, basal, Japanese. You can choose the appropriate option by viewing a photo of models with chemical perm made using various technologies.

Hair care

During the procedure, the hair is under severe stress, even if the most benign methods are used, so they need to provide careful care afterwards. Hair restoration after a perm is an important step, in order to preserve their health and beauty it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • You need to wash your hair no more than 3 times a week, as the shampoo washes away not only dirt, but also the fatty layer, which performs a protective function, besides frequent washing can lead to dandruff and increased dryness of the curls. Water temperature should not exceed 30 C.
  • Products containing vitamin B should be included in your diet.
  • Effective help will be provided by special balms and medical masks. They moisturize, nourish hair and have a regenerating effect on them.
  • In order for the hair to grow well, their tips should be trimmed regularly.

By following these simple rules, you can easily restore the structure of damaged hair, so that they will soon regain their strength and health.

Modern types of perm

There are many types of chemical perms, the difference between them is in the form of the active substance that breaks the bonds of hairs.

  • Acid, not suitable for weak, thin hair and for owners of dry skin. The effect lasts up to six months. Before the deadline to get rid of curls is not possible.

  • Alkaline, not suitable for heavy and hard strands. Curl lasts for three months. After such a curl curls will naturally be located in the hairstyle.
  • Amino acid, great for thin and weakened curls, keeping the curls for two months. It does not apply to long strands, because under their weight will straighten curls. The advantage is the simultaneous curling and care of curls.
  • Neutral, suitable for all hair. The condition of a three-month curl preservation is rinsing the hair after washing the head with products with zero acidity.
  • Biological, performed by a special composition, two thirds consisting of the protein cysteine. As a result of this “chemistry”, along with the creation of the hair, simultaneous care of it takes place.

Chemical compositions can be applied to the strands in the usual way using a brush and a bubble, after beating the composition with a mixer until foaming.

Short hair hairstyle

Owners of short hairstyles can offer only two types of curling:

Radical perm suitable for lovers of lush hairstyles.

When chemized at the tips, the hair appears thicker, it is easier to put it in the hair.

Depending on the condition of the hair for the procedure, you can choose a biochemical or acidic composition. Despite the mild formulations of modern drugs, it is recommended to undergo a keratin recovery strand course before conducting permanent perms.

Types of curls on medium hair

On the locks of medium size, the length of which reaches the level of the shoulders, you can perform several types of chiming hams:

  1. radical,
  2. vertical,
  3. spiral,
  4. on the Japanese technique
  5. wet
  6. carving
  7. major chemistry.

Types of perm are different:

  • by way of winding up,
  • by type of used bobbins,
  • by type of chemical composition.

Condition of hair before and after the procedure

Modern hair perm turns the hairs with any degree of curliness into beautifully located curls, which can be large, small, vertical, horizontal and spiral. However, it is worth remembering the negative impact of the chemical composition on the quality of the strands. After the procedure, they may be dull and brittle.

Specialists recommended immediately prior to the procedure, to hold sessions of recovery strands with the help of cosmetic preparations.

In this case, guaranteed minimal damage to the structure of the hairs.

On sale is a huge variety of cosmetic products for hair care after perm. When choosing means, it should be borne in mind that it is also possible to apply means for restoring thin and weakened strands.

However, it is worth remembering that during the first three days after the procedure it is not recommended to touch the hair, and to do the styling. Combing should be done carefully with a comb with large teeth, and, if possible, minimize this procedure.

Elasticity, shine and silkiness will help give keratin-containing preparations.

Restoring the structure of strands with masks

Modern methods of perming hair imply a sparing effect on the strands, but it is still recommended to undergo rehabilitation treatment for hair.

A good way to restore the hair structure and improve the condition of the scalp is the use of masks. The composition of the medical mixture necessarily includes oil (burdock, olive or flax), designed to soften the burned hair. The elements of the masks can be:

  • yeast with milk,
  • cognac with egg and honey
  • aloe with yolk and wine
  • wheat germ brewed chamomile extract.

It should be remembered that oil-based masks are applied to clean, slightly damp hair. When making a mask, the oil must be reheated, which will ensure better penetration of nutrients into the hair structure and into the skin of the eye. The minimum time spent therapeutic composition on the head is three hours. It is necessary to wash off the masks carefully, with a special shampoo with abundant foaming intended for the hair after a perm.

Care curls cosmetic products at home

As therapeutic compositions for hair restoration after the load produced by chemical perm, decoctions of various herbs are often used. After preparing the rinsing agent, in order to improve the effectiveness of the effect on the hair, acidifying agents are added to it, for which you can use lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

An effective tool in the treatment of hair is beer. It is used in a mixture with a decoction of chamomile and juice of one lemon for daily rinsing the hair after the procedure for a week.

Chamomile helps your hair stay healthy

When choosing herbs for rinsing should consider your natural hair color. Oak is used for dark hair, for chamomile and calendula for red hair. Blondes should be careful about the choice of the treating drug and, before applying it on the head, test on a small section of the strand for staining.

What is a perm?

Chem. styling is a method that has been known to many girls and women for many years. Curling hair is carried out using special chemicals. And if earlier such procedures could greatly harm the general condition of the hair, today there is a whole arsenal of all kinds of active, and at the same time soft means, due to which you can find large curls, while not damaging your hair.

Tip: The width of the curls and their shape should be chosen depending on what shape your face has. For example, it is desirable to make curls in the form of a spiral for a round face, but standard large curls are perfect for an elongated one.

Important advice from the publisher.

Stop damaging your hair with harmful shampoos!

A recent study of hair care products revealed a terrifying figure - 97% of well-known brands of shampoos spoil our hair. Check the composition of your shampoo for the presence of: sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These aggressive components destroy the hair structure, deprive the curls of color and elasticity, making them lifeless. But this is not the worst! These chemicals penetrate the blood through the pores, and are spread through the internal organs, which can cause infections or even cancer. We strongly recommends discarding these shampoos.Use only natural cosmetics. Our experts conducted a series of analyzes of sulfate-free shampoos, among which they identified the leader - the company Mulsan Cosmetic. Products meet all standards and standards of safe cosmetics. This is the only manufacturer of all-natural shampoos and balms. We recommend to visit the official website We remind you that natural cosmetics do not have a shelf life of more than one year of storage.

A few facts about what are chemicals with which curling

Separately, I would like to talk about the preparations that are used to create curls. Many people still mistakenly believe that the ingredients that are part of the chemistry for curls, can significantly harm the hair. If you turn to an experienced master who uses only modern means - you should not be afraid! Your hair will not only not deteriorate, but will also get a healthy shine.

In addition, think like this: in order to do hair with curls every day, you need to use curling or ironing. Evening confusion with papilotki and hair curlers - disappears immediately, too much precious time will have to spend. So, even using thermal protection, you can cause irreparable harm to your hair, especially if you do it daily. Chemical curls hold on for 4-5 months, you see, this is a good alternative to curling. All this time, you will not be required to take absolutely no care for your hair - just wash your hair thoroughly with a good shampoo and balm, and also use different masks - so that your hair always looks perfect.

Curling Acid Curling Method

One of the most reliable and sought after. After this procedure, the beautiful curls on the hair can last up to 6 months! The tool that the specialist uses during the procedure is glyceryl monothioglycolate.

Perhaps this method is not the most benign; nevertheless, it has an important distinguishing feature - the solution, although it penetrates deep inside the hair scales, but does not reveal them. If you call in a scientific way - the phenomenon calls osmosis. That is, the hair is not damaged from the inside, and within the shortest possible time you will be able to restore your old condition without any problems.

Durable curls with acid perm are created due to the fact that the master uses a high temperature.

However, before you decide to curl using acids, you should make sure that the procedure suits you. It can not be done to girls who have:

  • too sensitive scalp,
  • predisposition to allergic reactions,
  • thin brittle hair
  • suffer from hair loss.

Detailed video, telling how you can do a perm using various acids, you can see here:

Alkaline preparations for permanent curling hair

It can be immediately noted that the curls created with the help of alkaline solutions are not as stable as when using acidic substances. The pH ranges from 8 to 9.5. However, it has significant advantages:

  • You can even use it for laying naughty hair,
  • it is usually used if the standard scrolling version does not have the desired effect,
  • Curls turn out elastic, dense and beautiful.

As a rule, experts use ammonium thioglycolate to perform permanent curling. Getting on the hair, the drug penetrates deep into the structure of the hair, revealing scales. It takes a little less time to get a result than in the case of using acidic substances. However, this technique is somewhat more benign due to the fact that there is no need to use high temperatures to create curls.

If you want to get an impressive end result, you need to contact only an experienced master, who has already done this procedure several times, since there are significant nuances. For example, alkaline curling involves necessarily subsequent wrapping, and due to the fact that the hair after the application of an alkaline substance increases significantly in volume, it is not necessary to wind the hair with great tension. Otherwise, the substance will be distributed unevenly, and beautiful curls will not work. If the master performs his work qualitatively - then the outcome of the procedure are beautiful, natural, elastic curls.

Chem. thioglycolic acid curling

This option is recognized as one of the most benign. It practically does not harm the hair, but it also has one drawback - after one month the curls will disappear. That is, the procedure is well suited for girls who do not count on long-term effect.

The advantages of this option is that curling can be done even on colored hair. Due to the fact that non-aggressive substances are used, made with regard to the hydrophobic zone, the hair is not subject to strong swelling and is not subjected to additional stress as a result of the procedure.

Neutral curling of the curls practically does not change the composition of the hair, that is, it can be used even for weak, soft and sparse hair.

How do the perm in salons, you can see in the video below:

Permanent perm using various amino acids

If you can not decide what type of curling to choose, stylists recommend making curls using proteins and beneficial amino acids. This type of styling is the most gentle, it not only does not destroy the hair structure, but makes it more dense, strengthening it from the inside.

Useful substances nourish and heal hair. Natural, soft curls - this is the end result of scrolling with the condition if you asked for help from a specialist in your field.

The only drawback - this procedure is not long-term. Therefore, barbers do not recommend doing such a permanent perm on heavy and long hair - curls quickly unwind under their own weight. The most acceptable option is to make curls on short, soft and supple hair.

An innovative method of creating beautiful, elastic curls with silk proteins

Experts call this procedure also “silk wave”. This bizarre name speaks for itself - the hair after curling become elastic, soft and pliable. However, it is immediately necessary to stipulate and the disadvantage of such a service is the high cost.

The fact is that the components of the drugs used contain a special substance - liquid silk. It is he who has a beneficial effect on the shock, providing not only a gentle procedure, which is practically harmless, but also, rather, useful for the general condition of the hair.


If you want to get a long-term result - it is best to use a permanent perm. At the moment there is a lot of means by which you get beautiful, persistent curls, without causing any damage to your hair.

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Watch the video: Perm Rod Sizes and Results (June 2024).