Eyebrows and eyelashes

The hair method of permanent eyebrow makeup: what is it


Permanent makeup (tattoo) eyebrows is considered one of the most popular areas of permanent makeup. This is the easiest and most effective way to permanently save yourself from having to daily tint eyebrows. The procedure is indispensable for women, leading an active lifestyle. The use of modern pigments allows to achieve the maximum effect while maintaining the naturalness of the eyebrows. High-quality permanent makeup will help make the face more open, and look more expressive. With the advent of new tattoo eyebrow techniques, it has become even easier to achieve perfection.

Indications for the procedure of permanent makeup can be:
- rare eyebrows,
- too light eyebrows,
- the presence of "gaps" and scars
- Asymmetry of eyebrows.

Also, many resort to this procedure to change the existing shape and line of natural growth of the eyebrows. In this case, it is important to contact a specialist who is professionally versed in the intricacies of the architecture and structural features of the face and will be able to perform a permanent makeup procedure with high quality. Not every eyebrow shape will suit a patient.

Procedure progress

The procedure of tattooing eyebrows takes about 1-1.5 hours.
The first and most important step is the sketch of future eyebrows. The shape and color must be coordinated with the patient, after which the pigment introduction procedure begins.
So that the procedure does not cause unpleasant sensations, it is performed using local anesthesia.
Upon completion of the procedure, the pigmented area is treated with a special solution, and special recommendations are given for the rehabilitation period.

After the procedure

After the procedure, redness and edema are possible in the correction zone, which disappear on their own within the first 24 hours.
The whole period of rehabilitation takes an average of 7-10 days. At this time, it is recommended to treat eyebrows with antiseptics and wound-healing cream. It is strictly forbidden to remove the crusts formed by mechanical means. Also, it is recommended to refuse to conduct thermal procedures, visiting baths, saunas, solarium, gym and swimming pool. The use of decorative cosmetics in the field of pigmentation is also unacceptable.

The pigment is absorbed within a month after the procedure. The loss of color during this period can be from 20 to 70%, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient. If the pigment is absorbed unevenly or the final color does not sufficiently satisfy the patient, a correction procedure is carried out. By experience, correction is needed in almost every case.
The acquired effect is maintained for a period of 1-3 years, depending on the type of skin and the patient's lifestyle. To maintain a lasting effect, you can perform a procedure to update the permanent eyebrow makeup every 1-1.5 years.

Techniques eyebrow tattoo

Nowadays, a whole host of all sorts of eyebrow tattoo techniques has appeared. Among them are the main ones:
- hair technique - suitable for owners of rare eyebrows, to create volume, performed with drawing individual hairs,
- shaking - fills the background line of natural eyebrows,
- mixed technique - used in the absence of a partial eyebrow, combines hair technique and shtotirovaniya,
- 3D and 6D - the combination of the method of shading and the hair method using pigments of several shades to create a three-dimensional pattern creates a realistic effect of natural eyebrows,
- powder coating - Lightweight type of tattoo eyebrow, creates the effect of light makeup,
- microblading - Manual technique of performing tattoo with hair drawing and creating shadows.


The procedure of permanent makeup has a number of contraindications:
- oncological diseases,
- infectious and viral diseases,
- chronic diseases in the acute stage,
- diseases of the blood and cardiovascular system,
- pregnancy and lactation,
- a tendency to keloid scars,
- allergic reactions to pigment components.

Before the procedure is necessary to consult a specialist.
All procedures for permanent tattoo eyebrows are carried out in full compliance with sanitary norms and rules.
You can view the prices for permanent makeup (tattooing) of eyebrows in St. Petersburg by reference .

What is the hair method tattoo eyebrow

Tattooing (permanent makeup) eyebrows is the introduction of pigment on the plant or mineral base under the top layer of skin using a special device. Today, maximum naturalness is in fashion, so the hair method is the most popular. It involves drawing each hair, which gives the eyebrows a natural and well-groomed look.

Among cosmetologists there are other names for the hair method - the descendant and ciliated method.

Eyebrow tattoo by the hair method looks very natural.

Differences hair method eyebrow tattoo

The main difference between the couch method and other methods of tattooing is the natural look of the eyebrows. Also, this method allows you to make the eyebrows more bulky and thicker in appearance. But even without make-up, they will not be evident as the brightest part of the face, but, on the contrary, will give natural beauty.

Thanks to the use of a special instrument, the needle of which does not penetrate deep under the skin, healing after hair tattooing is faster. For the same reason, painful sensitivity is also less pronounced at work, especially with the use of anesthesia.

It is worth highlighting one more point - the couch-case method does not quite suit the owners of oily skin. Over time, clear hairs may begin to spread and will look sloppy.

Advantages and disadvantages of permanent eyebrow makeup

As with any salon procedure, permanent makeup has its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, before you give yourself in the hands of a professional, carefully evaluate all the pros and cons of this service.

  • the ability to correct even the ugliest shape of the eyebrows, to give the arcs symmetry and density, and the look - expressiveness,
  • daily saving of time spent on eyebrow correction,
  • cost savings spent on the purchase of cosmetics for eyebrow makeup,
  • the opportunity to attend water treatments and steam rooms, without fear of stains from a pencil or shadow.

  • possibility of unsuccessful result,
  • pain during the procedure,
  • deterioration of hair growth, which over time may even start to fall out,
  • traces of the needle on the skin after regular tattooing.

Technique for mattress tattoo

The procedure does not take much time - preparation requires much more.

  1. At the initial stage, a suitable form of brow arcs is selected, taking into account the wishes of the client and her external data. Pigment color is selected. Ideally, it should be the same shade as natural hairs, but it is allowed to tone darker. Many experts recommend mixing several shades - the tone is lighter and darker, so eyebrows will seem more voluminous and thicker.
  2. The next step is to prepare a sketch. It is done in white pencil directly on the face and adjusted until the shape is perfect.

Sometimes a special stencil is used to draw a brow sketch.

Sketch eyebrow shape is adjusted until the result will not fully satisfy the client The next step is pain relief. It's no secret that tattooing is a rather painful procedure. To reduce sensitivity slightly, various methods are applied. This may be a special anesthetic cream or lidocaine injection. The first option will only slightly dull the pain, and in the second case, the procedure will bring you only pleasure.

Many experts believe that painkillers may not be the best way to affect the final result, so they prefer to work without them, and in extreme cases use a cream.

Applying a special cream with anesthetic will allow a little to reduce the pain during tattooing.

  • Next, an antiseptic is applied to the skin and in the presence of the client a new sterile needle is opened. Necessary colors are mixed and refilled in a special machine, which looks like a pen. The work begins with the filling of the main stripes, after which the external borders are corrected. The picture is applied in the direction of hair growth in order to preserve naturalness as much as possible. Eyebrow tattoo machine looks like a pen
  • European tattoo

    If you prefer the perfect smooth shape, sharp corners, then choose the European method of tattoo. In this case, the hairs loom the same size (based on the natural length) and in the same direction. Usually they look up, and the bottom tip is slightly rounded down. In this way, gracefully arched eyebrows are created, which look very impressive. Every 2 months is requiredcorrection of eyebrows made by the European method of tattoo.

    Oriental tattoo

    Another method of performing hair tattoo requires special skills of the master. The difference in Oriental tattoo is that the length and direction of the hairs vary to create the most close to the natural effect. Here the work of a specialist is distinguished not only by professionalism, but also by a creative approach. Somewhere hairs should be shorter, somewhere out of the general flow. As a result, such eyebrows are very difficult to distinguish from natural ones. Oriental tattoo guarantees a long-lasting result, so correction can be carried out no more than once a year.

    The method is usually chosen by those women who prefer to look natural, but whose own eyebrows have an irregular shape or insufficient hair thickness.

    The eastern method of tattooing involves drawing hairs of different lengths and in different directions.

    Eyebrow care after the procedure

    To achieve a good result, you need to take time to properly care for your eyebrows after tattooing. Prepare for the fact that for some time after the procedure, a crust remains on the eyebrows, which appears as a result of the formation of wounds in the puncture sites. It can never be removed on purpose - it is fraught with infection in the wounds, as well as removal of pigment, because of which the color will become uneven. In the early days, cosmetologists recommend adhering to the following rules:

    • start leaving no earlier than the next morning,
    • do not use tap water for washing - you need either boiled water or disinfecting milk,
    • Do not visit the solarium and the beach for the first 3 weeks,
    • until complete healing, discard eyebrow cosmetics,
    • to fix the color, use special locks,
    • moisturize the skin around the eyebrows with special means
    • for fast healing, use anti-inflammatory ointments,
    • a month later, make a correction tattoo.

    Important: if you have made a tattoo in the winter, it is worth taking antiviral drugs to protect the weakened body from infections and viruses. In the summer, it is recommended to use a protective cream with an SPF of at least 30.

    Video: eyebrow care after tattoo

    I did a tattoo of the eyebrows a week ago. Beautiful girl quickly picked up the shape and color. Absolutely not painful ... I did the hair effect, I treated the first 4 days with a special ointment ... And I didn’t even notice crusts or something like that, with the hair effect, the crusts were sooooo small and how they left was imperceptible. Happy and beautiful ... and what you want!


    I here 4 days ago have made a tattoo of eyebrows "hairs". At first I was shocked ....... It was soooo bright! Although I was told that the crust would fall off and be brighter, but it seemed to me that it would remain that way, I was very worried because I myself was lighter and now these are dark stripes on my face ... in general it would be terrible! but it was worth waiting for 4 days and that's it! The crust has moved away and the color has become completely different, after all a different result! So the result can be seen only on the 4–5 day!


    Deciding on a tattoo of eyebrows, especially the hair method, is not so difficult and scary. The method is not as painful as with tattoo in other ways, and the skin heals faster. In addition, do not be afraid of a sharp change in appearance - your eyebrows will remain almost as natural as before the procedure. And with the right care after the work of the master, no defects will appear.

    Sensational technology

    Hair tattooing eyebrows, having appeared relatively recently, instantly won the preferences of many girls. But what is the reason for such a rapid popularity of technology? The point is the distinctive features. Consider them.

    Along with the hair technique, there is stiffening and feathering. But they involve the complete removal of native hairs and staining directly on the skin of the eyebrows. Of course, the ideal form, provided the procedure is performed by high-level professionals, is guaranteed to you, but at the same time, you risk getting a not-too-natural, but rather even an artificial image. It may seem to others that you used pencils or shadows. Of course, there are options to overcome this situation, for example, the most successful selection of colors, but, unfortunately, this is not always possible. This is so, since with these methods the color is a single stream, there can be no gaps in it.

    Eyebrow tattoo hair technique involves staining with special movements - strokes. He is Japanese and European.

    • The European version involves strokes of the same length, which are parallel to each other. Eyebrows have the shape of the roof of the house, that is, the hairs are always directed upwards, and the tips are slightly lowered, which creates the effect of a slight bend.
    • The Japanese method is based on the fact that strokes of different lengths are drawn at different angles. The lines are applied according to the growth of hairs, some hairs are intentionally interlaced, others are slightly knocked out of a common slender line.

    One can guess that the treatment of the eyebrow by the hair method of this type gives it the greatest naturalness. The Japanese method allows you to give them the inherent vitality and mobility. With a high-quality hair tattoo, it is hard to see that the hairs are actually absent. This is clearly seen in the illustrations - “eyebrow tattooing the hair photo method.”

    Step by step to the best result

    Eyebrows, the hair technique for which is a very successful procedure, will still look natural and attractive with proper preparation and implementation.

    That is why we turn to its study, and for greater clarity, we also offer you a “eyebrow tattoo photo: the hair method in action”.

    Stage 1. Before the tattoo.

    It is necessary to strengthen the vessels in the eyebrows, because the less blood there will be during the procedure, the less pigment will be washed in the next. There are different options for strengthening blood vessels. For example, you can take askorutin 2 tablets 2 times a day. It is desirable that the course was not less than one week. Or you can lubricate the eyebrow area with troksevazin two hours before bedtime during the week.

    If you smoke, reduce the number of cigarettes smoked.

    To calm down you need and you can drink within 5 days before the procedure valerian or other means.

    This is also important, since excessive nervousness will contribute to excessive bleeding.

    Do not forget that the tattoo is held in the middle of the cycle and one day before the procedure you should not smoke, drink, use coffee or spicy food.

    Stage 2. Himself tattoo.

    Sequentially, the procedure can be represented as follows:

    1. master smooths his eyebrows with tweezers,
    2. draws the future shape with a pencil
    3. shears them almost completely
    4. the master puts on sterile gloves, pulls out a needle from an individual package (! this is extremely important) and begins to paint eyebrows with a needle and paint,
    5. the procedure of drawing a needle lasts about 5 minutes. Yes, do not be surprised, both eyebrows in such a short time. Pigment application is longer. It takes about 1 hour,
    6. so, the result on the face is a permanent hair eyebrow makeup you have done,
    7. the master explains to you what is and what should not be done in connection with the tattoo.

    The principle of implementation: small grooves are drawn first, and then gradually filled with pigment. The paint is laid at a shallow depth. No devices are used.

    Anesthesia: not used. But after the shape is drawn with a needle, a cotton swab is lowered into a special solution and placed on the eyebrows for 10 minutes. This greatly reduces pain.

    Read: How to quickly grow eyebrows

    Stage 3. After tattooing.

    • touch the eyebrows: scratch them, remove the crusts and perform any other actions
    • under no circumstances should they be wetted.
    • immediately on the first day after the procedure, use a dry cotton swab to remove the nugget. It should not dry out on the brows
    • when the ichor stops walking, a 3% tetracycline ointment should be applied in a thin layer on the brow area. This will not allow them to dry out. Continue to apply the ointment and need in the following days, the frequency of application is purely individual, as they dry,
    • on day 4-7, a crust will start to appear on the eyebrows, which will gradually flake off, and the eyebrows will lighten. The crust can not be ripped off, it will leave naturally. After its disappearance, troxevasin or liotone is applied every day, 2-3 hours before bedtime.

    Our goal was to show you the advantages of this technique, as well as to demonstrate how in real life the procedure is being carried out, which so far you have only studied virtually. We wish beauty!


    The main advantage of the new method of adjusting the shape and appearance of the eyebrows is the most natural look, which is achieved by an improved painting technology. Consider what is the innovation procedure.

    1. The first technique has such features:
    • Tattooing is performed with short lines up to 1 mm thick, and not points, as before,
    • the shape of each stroke is curved, which reflects the naturalness of hair growth,
    • It foresees frequent correction, which is why it is not very much requested today.
    1. The second technique is more complex, but provides almost complete resemblance to natural eyebrows. Specificity consists in:
    • creating hairs that differ in shape and length,
    • multidirectional lines, resulting in a natural form of entanglement, interweaving.

    How do hair tattooing?

    Dear ladies, you must know that the procedure of hair tattooing foresees, so that later, already sitting in the master's chair, you do not have to face the possible not very pleasant "surprises":

    First of all, the specialist studies the shape of the face and the appearance of the client, takes a photo. The developed computer program selects the best version of eyebrows. After that, the slightest nuances are specified and all wishes are taken into account.

    Afterwards, the master proceeds to direct preparation: disinfects the skin, forms future eyebrows, applying drawing with a pencil. To relieve sensations, anesthetizes the area. Yes, the procedure is not pleasant, and most girls do not even suspect this!

    At the main stage, the master inserts a coloring pigment into the skin using a sterile instrument with a special thin needle.

    After the procedure, the beautician treats the surface with an anti-inflammatory steroid cream or an antiseptic healing ointment.

    As a rule, hair tattooing lasts no more than one hour, and the effect lasts up to five years, depending on the quality of the dye.

    Dear girls, we strongly urge you to carefully approach the choice of the salon and the master! You must understand that negligence is absolutely not appropriate in this case! Wanting to save money, remember that the would-be expert can not only permanently disfigure your appearance, but also cause an infection or, what is most terrible, reward you with hepatitis! Therefore, before the procedure, carefully ensure that the master thoroughly disinfects the work surface and hands, puts on sterile gloves, and also uses only disposable devices and needles!

    That's what happens if you make hair tattooing eyebrows "cheaper"!

    Disadvantages of the procedure

    Although the method is considered the least traumatic, there are still some cautions that should be followed. Care requirements include:

    • about two weeks after the procedure can not be scratched and put pressure on the eyebrows,
    • Any contact with water and sunlight is prohibited.
    • after tattooing with eyebrows, liquid is released, which must be wiped carefully with a cotton swab (you can soak a little in hydrogen peroxide) and keep it from drying out,
    • when the ichor has ceased to stand out, it is imperative to apply antiseptic agents before the formation of a dry crust,
    • touching and tearing the crust is prohibited! After a while, it will peel off on its own,
    • The next stage of healing consists of 25-30 days. Every day, you need to lubricate the eyebrows with a pharmacy cream to heal wounds (Levomekol is best suited).

    As you can see, it is impossible to quickly correct the eyebrows and no longer take care of them. It should still hold a series of activities. And do not forget to remember that your wrong care is fraught with complications or infection, so do not be lazy to pay attention to your eyebrows every day until they are completely healed!

    What can be dangerous hair tattoo?

    Dear ladies, do not forget that any intervention in the human body can adversely affect health and cause a number of unforeseen reactions. Therefore, before the procedure, be sure to consult not only with the master, but also with your doctor-therapist!

    Hair tattooing eyebrows can provoke:

    • severe allergies and pruritus due to individual intolerance to the coloring components,
    • the formation of colloidal scars, if you rip off a thin crust and do not soften the skin at the site of application of tattoo,
    • an increase in pressure, so for women with hypertension, it is advisable to consult a doctor,
    • as mentioned above, with insufficient processing of the instruments it is even possible to become infected with hepatitis C (in practice, unfortunately, there have been such cases),
    • elevated blood sugar and problems with blood clotting are contraindications to hair tattooing,
    • Ladies with sensitive and fair skin, as well as a tendency to inflammatory processes, it is better to first make a test sample.

    Possible consequences

    Despite all the advantages of hair tattoo, you should be aware of the possible negative consequences that such a “beauty procedure” can cause:

    • redness and inflammation of the area around the eyes,
    • peeling, cracking of the skin,
    • the formation of watery bubbles,
    • severe swelling and tissue swelling. These complications also affect the eyes,
    • occurrence of granulomas around the eyes.

    And this girl just brought some infection!

    Methods and methods

    Eyebrow makeup permanently done in several ways:

    • hairy: hairs appear on the entire surface of the eyebrow or on certain parts of it,
    • reeling: the entire contour of the eyebrow or only a part of it that needs to be emphasized is filled with paint tightly and without gaps.

    Each has its pros and cons, with different quality of performance may look both natural and ugly. But still, if we talk about naturalness, then here is the advantage of the hair method.

    How is the procedure

    The procedure itself does not take as much time as it requires direct preparation for it. The goal is to make a tattoo of the eyebrows, as the client sees it (or even better). Selection of a suitable option requires patience and attention from both the client and the master.

    Video: in 3D effect

    Stage 1: Discussion. At the very beginning, the master usually asks the client about her preferences, and about how she sees her own eyebrows after the procedure. Here you can use photos, pictures. Many masters draw future eyebrows on paper or offer the client ready-made drawings of eyebrows of various shapes to help her decide.

    At the same stage, the color of future eyebrows is selected. In order for the eyebrows to look natural, their color must be the same as the hair color. It is assumed that the eyebrows were a maximum of half a ton darker.

    Stage 2: Sketching. A sketch is often referred to as drawing eyebrows with a cosmetic pencil directly on the client. The sketch can be edited several times until the resulting option is fully satisfied with the client.

    Watch the video: laser eyebrow tattoo removal.

    Read reviews about eyebrow tattoo, who is for - who is against. Details here.

    Stage 3: Pain Management. It hurts. To reduce the pain can be applied with anesthetic cream like "Emla" or injection of lidocaine subcutaneously. The first option will make the procedure a little less painful, and the second will allow you to have a good time and even get a little bored, since there will be no discomfort at all.

    There are masters who believe that the use of anesthetics can adversely affect the final result, because they do without anesthesia. But if you consider that during a painful procedure, not every client will be able to lie still, then the results can also be "blurry."

    Stage 4: Performing a tattoo. An antiseptic is applied to the skin. In the presence of the client, a package with a sterile needle is opened. Paints for performing tattoo mixed in a certain proportion and tucked into a tattoo machine, which looks like a pen.

    During the first call the master fills the main number of stripes. It may take him about 1 hour. Then the master gives the client a mirror to evaluate the intermediate result of the procedure. If there are shortcomings or wishes, the procedure continues. Sometimes the second stage takes about another 20-30 minutes.

    Step 5: Completion of the procedure. During the application of the tattoo and for some time after the completion of the procedure, the bladder and, sometimes, drops of blood are released from the wounds on the skin.

    There may also be a slight swelling, which usually disappears on its own within 1-2 days.

    After care

    The healing process takes about a week. In the early days, there may be a feeling of tightness, itching, slight swelling, and even bruising, if small vessels were affected on the surface of the skin. On the third or fourth day, usually there are crusts, which may have different thickness and density. Crusts go away for several days. They can not be torn off, since a light area of ​​skin can remain on the site of a torn crust.

    In the first days it will be necessary to put on the eyebrows of any of the antiseptics, such as Miramistin or chlorhexidine, to avoid the ingress of water. Therefore, it is better to wash the head before the procedure.

    In the first week it is not recommended to attend thermal procedures (bath, sauna), use make-up, comb the skin of the eyebrows.

    Do I need a correction?

    Correction is not necessary for everyone. But usually it is carried out in those cases where the first experience of the tattoo was successful and I want to add color or slightly adjust the shape. Usually, the correction is carried out not earlier than one month after the main procedure, and requires the same care for the healing skin of the eyebrows.

    Learn how to fix a bad eyebrow tattoo.

    What to smear, and how to care for eyebrows after tattooing? Read here.

    How long does permanent makeup last?

    Several factors affect the persistence of eyebrow tattoo.

    On oily skin, tattooing is much worse than on dry skin. If the owners of oily and combination skin can undergo a tattoo for about a year, then with dry skin you can not worry about the correction within 2-3 years.

    • Properties of dyes.

    Depending on which drug is used for the procedure, the tattoo will stick and fade differently. For example, paint for tattoos will last 10 years or more. True, most likely, change color from black to blue-gray, and from brown to brick-red. Modern German means of tattoo fade within six months after the introduction, the American hold on average up to 3 years.

    • Depth of paint.

    The average depth of the introduction of the drug in tattoo does not exceed 1 mm, and more often it is only 0.5 mm. The deeper the dye is injected, the longer it will last.

    • Individual features of the body.

    It is because of the peculiarities of the metabolism that it is often difficult to predict how the dye will behave in the skin, what tint it will give as it fades, and how long the effect of the procedure will last. It happens that the dye spreads under the skin, spreading through the subcutaneous tissue or blood and lymphatic vessels, which is also impossible to predict before the procedure.

    What methods can remove mimic wrinkles under the eyes?

    Read in our article. Which is better to choose: Restyline or UserViderm? Find out here.

    See the photo after the procedure of face lifting plasma-linking.

    To suit

    Microblading is suitable for those who have too rare and thin eyebrows, for those who want to improve the contour or density of their eyebrows. Close the scars. People suffering from alopecia or other trichological pathologies that are associated with hair loss will also be able to appreciate the benefits of the microblading method. If your eyebrows grow well, but the width, shape and color do not suit you, using microblading we will give your eyebrows width, beautiful shape, color.


    Immediately after the procedure and 10 days after it is recommended: do not scratch, do not pick, do not wet, do not use cosmetics. MANDATORY a month after the first procedure is a correction!

    Not everyone has a perfect appearance from nature. Excessively thick or rare eyebrows, asymmetry, scars, scars - these are the most common problems that women face most often. You can get rid of them, if you do a tattoo of eyebrows hair technique.

    The eyebrow tattoo hair technique is a cosmetic procedure during which the pigment is injected to a small depth of up to half a millimeter under the patient's skin in order to obtain stable lines. It involves a detailed drawing of each hair in order to achieve the most natural result. Such a hair method of tattooing is done by hardware or manually using a special device in the form of a handle with many thin needles at the end.

    Manual equipment or hair microblading is unique in itself and it is owned only by experienced specialists. At the same time, during the procedure, there is minimal skin injuries and the maximum natural effect is achieved.In order to permanent make-up with hair technique caused pain in a patient, local anesthesia is used. The healing period is approximately 10 days. Permanent hair tattooing of eyebrows allows a woman to look perfect in any conditions.

    Types of methods

    Eyebrow tattoo by the hair method is of two types:

    • European - microblading hair technique, made with small strokes of the same length, width and direction.
    • Eastern is the most difficult and expensive hair tattoo of eyebrows, the price for it is many times higher than other techniques. It helps to achieve maximum naturalness. Master draws hairs of different widths and lengths, as well as in different directions.

    The hair tattoo method of eyebrows has contraindications. This procedure should not be performed for pregnant women, people suffering from infectious or oncological diseases, having dermatitis, skin rashes, allergies and other problems.

    The main stages of permanent eyebrow makeup

    An eyebrow tattoo is done using the hair method in several stages:

    • preparation: selection of pigment, selection of the shape of the eyebrows and its drawing,
    • skin treatment with disinfectant composition,
    • local anesthesia at the request of the client,
    • the introduction of pigment.

    Now you can make eyebrows hair method in St. Petersburg in many beauty salons. And although the price for a tattoo of eyebrows by the hair method in St. Petersburg is quite affordable, you should not trust the first master that came across. Improperly chosen paint, poor-quality drawing of eyebrows can permanently spoil the mood, and even the health of a woman.

    Why should you trust the experts of the Art Brow salon?

    If you want to do a hair tattoo of eyebrows, beauty salon “Art brow” in St. Petersburg is at your service. We employ experienced professionals who make hair microbleeding eyebrows manually. Great professionalism of masters and proven materials guarantee a quality result and safety of such a procedure.
    The price for a tattoo of eyebrows depends on the type of technique that will be used, the complexity of the procedure itself, etc. Only here:

    • convenient forms of payment for services
    • discounts for regular customers,
    • quality assurance on the hair tattooing of eyebrows in the salon,
    • free expert advice.

    Hair brow permanent makeup from the salon "Art brow" - this is your way to perfection!


    Watch the video: 3D Eyebrows - Semi Permanent Makeup - Eyebrow Tattooing - Tutorial (July 2024).