Useful tips

Hair accessories, master class: do-it-yourself products


What hair ornament to choose? They can be decorated with ribbons, beads, rhinestones, flowers, feathers and mesh, and to suit any occasion. Hair accessories can transform even the simplest hairstyle. Unique decoration that is ideal for you, you can create with your own hands.

Accessories are an integral part of the original hairstyle

How to choose a hair ornament from ribbons, wires

Decoration for hair should be in harmony with the overall style of clothing. The hair dressing can be worn daily or you can do evening hair with it. Bandages can be decorated with beads, chains, artificial flowers and bows. Hoops have not lost their relevance. For bright clothes fit concise hoop, double or single.

Hairpins with thin mesh embellish the image of charm, romance. They look especially good on curls and curls. For an evening hairstyle fit hairpins with stones and rhinestones. Popular decorated studs and invisible beings.

For solemn occasions, bird feather hair accessories are beautifully decorated with rhinestones, sequins, beads. They will give the image sophistication and refinement, even a strict outfit will change.

Tools and materials for work

To make a rose for hair with your own hands will need:

  1. Two types of decorative feathers. They can be purchased at the shop for needlework.
  2. Small sharp scissors.
  3. Long thin needle.
  4. Circle from dense fabric with a diameter about 2 cm.
  5. Glue or glue gun.
  6. Large bead, rhinestone or button.
  7. Sponge from foam rubber. It will be more convenient to use a sponge in the shape of a future decoration, in this case - a round one.
  8. The basis for decoration - bezel, barrette, comb.

Working process

You can experiment with the decoration. Think what you will use as a middle. It can be a large round pendant, rhinestone, a few beads or pearls. Give the feathers an unusual shape, complement the flower with another type of feathers, add a color accent. The decoration can be made in the form of a circle or a semicircle, arrange long feathers evenly or concentrate them in one place.

Original Indian Hair Style Decoration Ideas

One of the exotic hair accessories is Indian teak. This is a traditional decoration, which is a chain with pendant. Tika is held on the head with a hook.

In India, tika is mostly worn by married women. It is a must-have wedding decoration. Tika is a mystical symbol. Each pendant stone symbolizes something, awakens a woman's intuition, a special gift.

The decoration on the head looks great

Lalatika - subspecies of tics, complemented by side chains, which are attached to the central and decorated with beads, stones. Side chains fall on the hair in soft waves.

Indian jewelry is gaining popularity. They are increasingly seen in magazines and fashion shows. Jewelry on the hair with their own hands in the Indian style can make any girl with the skills of beading.

Master class on creating a beautiful decoration of beads and beads

The pendant is the central part of the tiki; it is from it that the chains and fastening are drawn. You can make such a pendant from beads and beads.

  • Prepare for the work of beads of two sizes, stone or rhinestone, large beads, fishing line and a fine needle.
  • From larger beads weave a round chain. To do this, you need to string together around a bead, hiding the fishing line through the bead of the previous row through one line. Colors can be combined.
  • Insert the rhinestone into the frame and fix it using small beads, tightening the circle on both sides.
  • Now attach beads to the middle row beads. Wrap each bead with a loop of small beads.
  • Add another row of beads. Pendant ready.

Original handmade hair ornaments will add individuality and bright dyes to your look. A girl with a graceful accessory in her hair will surely attract attention.

Master class on making hair ornaments from satin ribbons in the shape of a flower

What girl does not spin for hours in front of the mirror, trying on all sorts of outfits and putting ornaments on her hair? And no matter how old this girl is. For these women of fashion today, a master class on hand-made hair ornaments made of satin ribbons will be held. After all, it is with the use of this material that elegant items are obtained: hoops, rubber bands and hairpins. Flowers made from this material look very original.

And the knowledge that it is done by one’s own hands will add even more attractiveness to the decoration.

Making a flower from satin ribbons

Such a flower is quite easy to make, the main thing is patience and perseverance. Colors can be chosen to your taste. Or pick to specific clothes. It is carried out from ribbons of two different colors with a width of approximately 2.5 cm.

The first step will be the implementation of the petals of the future flower. To do this, cut the ribbon of the first color in small segments of 5 cm in length.

Fold the resulting rectangle in half, cut and sing the tip.

Since the atlas tends to melt, the corner is glued together and a sharp end is obtained.

On the other hand we fold the edges to the middle, as shown in the photo:

It turned out a petal. In the same way we prepare 20 petals of the first color and 15 - of the second. This is where good perseverance is needed!

Now you need to make a base for our flower. You can make it from a satin ribbon 5 cm wide. The cut flower must be singed with fire, otherwise it will start to crumble.

On the prepared base, alternating colors, paste the petals in 3 layers.

The final touch will be gluing the last five petals of that color, which were more.

Fasten a bead to glue in the center of the flower. Decoration is ready.

Now this flower can be attached on an elastic or stealth and use the original hair ornament. This flower is perfect for both girls and adult women. You can also use it as a brooch or as a decorative element.

Bead jewelery

You can make a hair ornament not only from satin ribbons. Very original items are obtained from beads. The advantage of this material is that with its help you can not only create new things, but also breathe life into old, rather annoying decorations.

In order to better understand how to create a bead hair ornament with your own hands, for beginners it is better to try to complement an existing product. Old hairpins or headbands can be altered, for example, by covering or gluing them with beads and beads.

Decoration of the old rim

Consider the simplest version of the transformation of the rim. No matter what color and texture, let it be better monophonic, then our beads will not be lost in the motley colors. First of all we string the beads on a string. Biserinki can be both one color and several. How to arrange colors - it remains at your discretion. You can alternate the color through one, through two or in discord. We make three not too long threads of beads, each of which is twisted here in such a spiral.

This rounded glue is glued to a dense fabric, such as felt, and cut with scissors along the perimeter. Before you cut the fabric, be sure to wait for the glue to grip well. We will have three such circles, which we glue on the bezel. And now it is not an old, rather annoying decoration, but a completely fresh note in your appearance.

What else can be made of hair ornaments using satin ribbons, you can see on these videos:

How to make hair ornaments with your own hands?

Hair accessories will make even the most unpretentious hairstyle festive and elegant. Various studs, beads, flowers and rims will help create a bright and unforgettable image. To go unnoticed with a stylish hairdo is simply impossible. Moreover, it is not difficult to create jewelry for your hair with your own hands.

Such hairpins and hoops will definitely be exclusive and made exclusively for you. To create most of the jewelry you need no more than an hour of free time and simple accessories that are sold in any shop for needlework. So, we proceed.

Fashionable jewelry for hair from improvised means

The last few years in the trend of floral motifs. With flowers in her hair, the girl gives the impression of a gentle and refined nature. Such decoration will enliven the spring image, giving it mysteriousness.

A simple way to create jewelery with your own hands is to buy ordinary headbands without decor, artificial flowers and join them together. This can be done with silicone glue. To start, place the bezel on a horizontal surface, and on top of it already model a future flower wreath. Only after you are fully satisfied with the result, start sticking flowers.

Flowers can be sewn or glued to satin ribbon. Such decoration will be already in ethnic style, which is quite popular today.

Also do not forget about the trend of the last season - hair in the Greek style. To create it, you will need rubber, ribbons, beads, flowers, rhinestones or other decor. You can purchase the most ordinary gum width not more than a centimeter. For beauty, sheathe it with a satin ribbon. Now you can begin to decorate. You can sew on the gum whatever your heart desires. Just leave half the gum without decor, as this part will hide under the hair. Put the self-created bezel on the head and wrap the ends of the hair with a roller at the back. Stylish and beautiful hair is ready.

For a playful summer look, as well as for children's hairstyles, hair ornaments made of buttons will suit your needs. Choose a bright accessories, which can decorate the hair band with glue.

Decorating the usual invisible beads or studs with beads and rhinestones, you can get a great addition to the evening hairstyle. You can also create a very elegant decoration of ribbons. Weave a pigtail from strips of cloth or satin ribbons. If desired, you can weave decorative chains or threads with beads. Such handmade hair ornaments will not leave anyone indifferent.

Wedding Hair Jewelry

A wedding is the day when the bride simply has to shine. Dress, shoes, hairstyle - everything should be eye-catching and cause admiration. If the range of store hair accessories is not pleasing to the eye, but truly magnificent accessories cost a lot of money, then create them yourself.

The same bezel with flowers about which we spoke above can also become a wedding accessory. Only flowers need to choose delicate shades, perhaps duplicating those that are in the bride's bouquet.

The bezel with one large flower and a scattering of small buds or beads looks beautiful. Even loose hair or a trivial "shell" in tandem with such a decoration will make you a queen.

Flowers can also decorate a small comb, which will help keep a high hairstyle or veil.

By the way, the veil in the past few years has become popular to replace with a veil. This is a small hat decorated with a veil. Such an accessory in a wedding salon sometimes is quite expensive. Make such hair ornaments with your own hands is not difficult. The veil can either be placed on the rim or attached to the hair with hairpins.

It is not easy to make a hat, for this you need cardboard, satin fabric, glue and a lot of patience. The cap is easy to replace with a large flower. This option looks more feminine and elegant. From tulle cut a small square or circle, which will serve as a veil. Fatin choose hard enough so that he could keep the shape. Now you need to lay out a veil and attach it to the hat or flower with glue or thread. Decorate the veil itself with small beads.

Hair Jewelry

Jewelry for women's hair is quite diverse. This is easily seen if you look at homemade accessories that craftswomen offer to make on needlework sites. Most often, women make an accessory in the shape of a flower, which can effectively decorate your hair. Large objects in the shape of a flower look quite feminine. In order to make the hairstyle more expressive, the use of two decorative flowered flowers is possible. Such a product can be easily made by yourself. To attach to the hair pin is attached to the flower. If you like gum more, you can decorate it with homemade flower too.

Gallery: do-it-yourself hair ornaments (25 photos)

Materials and tools

To make a beautiful flower-shaped hair ornament, you will need:

  • fine rayon fabric, like chiffon,
  • needle with thread
  • adhesive composition
  • bead or beads to be used for flower core,
  • a piece of felt
  • scissors,
  • the candle is small in size.

Decoration for hair in the shape of a flower do it yourself: step by step instructions

The first action that needs to be done when making a product in the shape of a flower is to take a sheet of thick paper and draw 5-6 circles of various sizes. It should start from the smallest. Gradually increase the diameter. It is necessary to describe them in such a way that the largest of them reaches 6 cm in diameter. One should not strive to create a perfectly flat surface. On the contrary, if the circle you got is uneven, then it will give a flower of great naturalnessand besides, it will be more like a living flower.

Patterns drawn on paper must be cut out and then applied to the fabric. Then the pencil should circle each template of the future product and cut out of silk. As in the previous step, it is not necessary to observe absolutely perfect roundness for circles.

After that, you need to do the following: on fabric blanks, make small cuts in order to form petals. Their tips may be slightly rounded. For this they cut off with scissors at the edges.

The next action is a careful sequential presentation of each piece to a lit candle to melt the edges of the petals. In order to do this, it is necessary to place the workpiece from the fire at a distance of at least 3 cm. If the distance is less, this will lead to the melting of silk. Besides, there is a risk of burning fingers. The workpiece should be rotated, with the need to strive to give each petal a decorative shape.

Layers of the flower must be folded together from the largest to the smallest, and then fasten them in the central part, for which a needle with threads should be used. Or you can use glue to fix the elements of the product.

In the center of the flower should be placed beads artificial pearls. If there is a desire, you can create a flower middle using beads.

A small piece of felt should be secured with back of the flower. It is necessary to subsequently glue the clip-clip. It is possible to attach a flower to the hair tie, which should be matched in color to the created product.

As a result, following all the instructions contained in the master class, you will receive a beautiful decoration for a girl that will look great on long hair. Hair with this accessory will look brighter.As you can see, making such a beautiful product with your own hands is not so difficult. It can be worn on the hair or make a great gift for your mom or girlfriend. Hair decorated with this product will provide the girl with an elegant look.

Handmade beaded hair jewelry

Hair accessories can be made from beads. There are many master classes on the Internet that tell about making bead jewelery. This material is quite common and is often used for the manufacture of jewelry. It is used to create various decorations. If you want to have original bead jewelerythat you can elegantly decorate your hair, you can create a hoop with beads. This accessory can be made without any difficulties with your own hands.

To create such a product, before starting the creative work should prepare the following materials:

  • old "toothed" hoop,
  • embroidery threads
  • bead ribbon,
  • good glue

Step-by-step instruction

Making this decorations for girls It begins with the fact that an adhesive composition is applied to the edge of the rim. After that, it should be wrapped with thread.

When you perform the first winding, you must glue the thread to the second end of the bezel.

The next action on the hoop should be placed a chain of beads, and then wrap it with thread. Then the ends need to be fixed with glue.

As a result, you will get a beautiful hair ornament that will emphasize your individuality.

Handmade satin ribbons

The woman, using available materials, can make the most various products which will help to emphasize beauty of the hair. The traditional decoration for the hair of girls are ribbons. Often they are used to fix the hairstyle. Among the classic hairstyle is a braid, in which the ribbon is woven. In addition to ornaments made of ribbons, bows are also among the favorite accessories for girls.

To look stylish, you must use a bow that fits the overall style of clothing and fits perfectly to the situation or event. The bow can be used not only for girls, but also older women. You can use tapes made from the following materials:

In some cases, you can opt out of fabric years and weave ordinary beads into your hair, or you can decorate your hair with beads. On the girls will look great satin ribbons present in the hair. This tape is inexpensive and can be purchased at any sewing store. Once in such an institution, each person will find a large assortment of ribbons, which differ in color and width among themselves. In accordance with the color of clothing is selected tape shade.

If you want to decorate your hair with a ribbon, then the width of this product can be absolutely any. It does not really matter what you have hairstyle at the moment. If you wear a braid that you want to decorate with ribbon, then in this case it is better to weave an accessory that is 1-1.5 cm wide. When purchasing ribbons, you should not choose inexpensive satin or silk strips, as they may turn out to be of poor quality after the first day socks can start shedding.

When the tape is in contact with the head, the effect of fat and sweat leads to the fact that separate sections of the ribbon begin to protrude. In this case, reuse is undesirable. If you decorate your hair with a faded ribbon, her unpresentable look bUdet clearly visible from the side. As a result, the hairstyle will have a sloppy look.

The ribbon itself is a beautiful accessory. In order to express your individuality, it is enough to weave into your hair beautiful satin strip or silk. However, if you want to create something special and are ready to spend money on it, you can decorate an ordinary ribbon with such decorative materials as beads or beads.

To create such an ornament, you need to take a strong thread or fishing line and make 60-100 beads or beads on it. Then knotted tie the loose ends of the thread. The resulting beads must be laid out in random order on a satin ribbon about a meter long, and then sewn on them.


In order to be beautiful, every woman not only cares for her skin and hair, but also uses various decorations in her daily life. Many, in order to make their hairstyle more expressive, buy and use various accessories in jewelry stores. A good way to stand out from the gray mass is hair ornaments from satin ribbons. In stores you can find a large selection of ribbons from different materials.. But not all women want to buy hair accessories from ribbons and other products. For many, it is valuable to make an ornament with your own hands.

Those of the girls who first decided to try their hand at self-creating hair accessories are interested in the question of how to make a hair ornament with your own hands. They do not know how to make a beautiful product. What to do in this case? Look into the internet. In the world wide web on numerous sites for needlewomen you can find master classes in the manufacture of various products. They experienced craftsmen tell how to create original accessories with which you can effectively decorate your hair.

Following the instructions contained in the master class, you can learn how to make the jewelry that you want to use in your image. In the network you can easily find workshops on making accessories from beads or ribbons. Therefore, you only need to choose a product to your liking, and then you will only have to follow all the instructions in the instructions to make a beautiful product for your hair.

Method 1: Beads + Glue

"Sowing" beads, rhinestones, crystals on glue, you can decorate the bezel, large or small hairpin, "crab", comb, and so on. With durable glue, you can glue the decor directly onto the hairpin / bezel, or you can first decorate it with its fabric, suede, leather.

Advantages of the method: production speed, the ability to use beads without holes, unlimited possibilities for drawing up patterns and drawings.

Note: Care should be taken with glue to avoid staining the base of the jewelry and keeping it neat.

Crystal hair clip: a master class

You will need:

- metal hairpin without decor,

- a piece of artificial or natural suede or leather,

- strong glue and stick for its application,

The sequence of work:

1. Glue a strip of suede to the hairpin, turning the edges inside.

2. One by one, stick to the suede on the bead hairpin (tweezers may be required for small beads). Let the glue dry - and ready.

Photo and source:

Scallop hair decorated with beads and rhinestones: master class

You will need:

- plastic or metal comb without decor,

- beads and rhinestones for decoration,

- strong glue or glue gun,

The sequence of work:

1. Cut out an oval, rectangle, or other shape that fits the size of the base of your scallop (or slightly larger).

2. One by one, glue beads and rhinestones to felt, creating an abstract composition or an ordered pattern.

3. When the pattern is ready, trim the excess material around the edges.

4. Sew the decor to the comb and fix it with glue. Let the glue dry - and ready.

Photo and source:

Decorate hair band

Method 2: Beads + fishing line or thread

Stringing different size beads and beads on a thin fishing line, you can make beautiful compositions for decorating hairpins, scallops, headbands and so on.

Advantages of the method: great opportunities for drawing up patterns and drawings, the ability to use a variety of ribbons, metal elements for jewelry, embroidery elements, the ability to apply their skills in beadwork.

Note: for such jewelry only beads with holes are suitable.

Scallop decorated with braid and beads: master class

You will need:

- plastic or metal comb without decor with a narrow base,

- decorative figure braid in the form of a stem with leaves,

- metal leaves for jewelry,

- suitable beads of one or several kinds,

- thin fishing line and needle.

The sequence of work:

1. Sew a line to the base of the scallop with a piece of decorative tape.

2. Add metal leaves and beads on top. Try to fix each element of the decor is quite strong.

3. At the end, secure the line from the inside out. Done!

Photo and source:

Ribbon with beads: master class

You will need:

- pearls of three kinds,

The sequence of work:

1. Cut the line about 1 m long. String 6 beads in the middle of the line, as shown in photo 1. In one of the small beads, skip the line twice.

2. String 2 beads on both ends of the fishing line and fasten them by passing the line through the small bead (see photo 2).

3. Continue to weave, as shown in photos 3, 4, 5. With the decoration of the desired length, firmly fasten the fishing line and cut off the ends.

4. Tie to the ends on a satin ribbon (it is better to process its edges with fire or hot scissors so as not to crumble).

P. S. By the way, this jewelry can be worn as a choker or bracelet.

Photos and source:

Decoration for hair from strands of pearl beads: master class

You will need:

- small metal comb,

- beads for pearls of four kinds,

- thread or fishing line and fine needle,

- strong glue or glue gun.

The sequence of work:

1. Bind the thread to the comb, string one several beads of the same type on the thread.

2. Tie another thread to the ridge and thread other beads on it. Do the same with the third thread and the third type of beads, and the fourth, respectively.

3. Collect the ends of the three threads and tie them to the "top" of the invisible.

4. On the base of the comb, glue a few beads, masking thread. Done!

Photos and source:

Flowers in her hair: a wreath-bezel with his own hands

Method 3: Beads + Chains

Jewelry for hair with beads can be assembled from a variety of blanks for jewelry, just as is done in the manufacture of bracelets, necklaces, beads and other ornaments. You can buy chains and other decorative elements specially, or you can use unnecessary beads and jewelry.

Advantages of the method: fast result, excellent appearance of jewelry.

Note: special materials and tools are needed (at least - fine-nose pliers, also, possibly, pliers and pliers).

Decoration for hair from pendants and chains: master class

You will need:

- 4 ringlet for mounting the suspension,

The sequence of work:

1. Measure the desired length of the chains: one should go along the part in the center from the forehead to the back of the head, the other two on the sides, clasping the head. Separate 3 lengths of the chain of the appropriate length: 1 longer and 2 shorter.

2. Connect the ends of three chains with a ring, adding a suspension to it.

3. Connect the opposite ends in the same way.

4. Add on the suspension to the side chains, placing them in the middle. Decoration is ready.

Photos and source:

Crowned person: DIY hair jewelry

Method 4: Beads + Wire

This method is a bit more complicated than the previous ones, but the results are very impressive. To make such decorations from beads, a special wire is needed - it can be of different thickness, color, composition and degree of rigidity. Choose the color and composition according to your taste, thickness - depending on the size of the beads you will work with. The desired stiffness of the wire depends on whether you will make elastic structures out of it, which should keep the shape well (then choose rigid), or you will twist it and you want the pieces of the ornament to bend, giving them the desired shape (then soft , plastic). You will also need special tools: pliers, pliers, thin-nose pliers.

Advantages of the method: excellent results, the ability to make volumetric decorations of various shapes and complexity.

Note: This is a rather laborious process, we need special materials and tools.

Scallops with a decoration of beads and wire: a master class

You will need:

- small metal scallops without decor,

- medium hard wire,

- beads of one or several types,

The sequence of work:

1. Secure the wire at the end of the base of the scallop, tightly wrapping it with the edge.

2. String 1 bead on a wire and make a coil of wire around the base of the scallop, as shown in the photo.

3. After completing, secure the wire at the end of the base of the scallop. If desired, wrap the scallop wire with beads again, acting on the same principle.

Photo and source:

Studs with bead and wire decoration: master class

You will need:

- beads of one or several types,

The sequence of work:

(We recommend to see the video above for clarity, to understand the basic techniques.)

1. Thread the wire into one of the beads, twist the wire and screw it with the two ends to the top of the stud.

2. Put the bead on each end of the wire, twist the wire under the beads and screw it to the hairpin next to the attachment point of the first bead.

3. Cut the ends of the wire.

4. For a hairpin with an ornament from one bead, attach it with wire, as shown in the photo.

Photo and source:

Master class, create hair accessories

01. Flower hair tie

02. Another version of hair bands from tape

03. Hair clip for a hair in the form of a bow

04. Do-it-yourself leather hair tie

05. Another option hair clips do it yourself in the form of a bow

06. A very original idea for my fall-winter: a hat with a veil with your own hands

07. Option how to make your own beautiful hair comb

08. Hairpin for hair with hands in the form of brooches

09. And, of course, where without stealth or hairpins

10. And in the end, a very original decoration with your own hands.

And this, girls, not all that you can think of. In the next issues I will definitely publish many more lessons, but this is a completely different story. Be beautiful with us! See you again!


Watch the video: DIY: 3 ways to make stylish headbands from old T-shirts (July 2024).