
Japanese hairstyles for girls


Japan is a country that lived for centuries in isolation from the mainstream world. Adherence to traditions, a clear division into classes - this way of life is reflected not only in everyday life, but also in the fashion and hairstyles of the Japanese. Until the mid-19th century, when the Europeanization of the country began, the appearance of the Japanese was strictly regulated.

Men's hairstyles

Almost all male hairstyles consisted of twisted into bundles and hair laid in a special way. Thus, children were shaved with their heads, leaving only small strands on their crown or temples. These curls tied with ribbons.

As an adult, men from a peasant environment gathered their hair in a bun at the top of their heads and covered their heads with cone-shaped straw wide-brimmed hats. In principle, the main thing in such a hairstyle was convenience: the hair did not fall on the face and did not interfere with physical work.

Samurai warriors could be recognized by a special way to style their hair. The samurai hairstyle is a shaved front part of the head and the rest of the hair, twisted by a cord and passed through a special case.

The most distinguished persons and the emperor laid their hair twisted into cords on top of their heads, and on top they put on bags of velvet or silk.

European haircuts were spread only at the end of the 19th century.

Even more elaborate and complicated were women's hairstyles. They were also based on long hair, raised and laid in a special way. Only little girls wore ordinary pigtails, while adults had to spend considerable time creating a fashionable image.

In the formation of hairstyles used special rollers, which were enclosed under the hair to give volume. Such styling was fixed with combs, which also carried a decorative load.

The difference between the hairstyle of a noble lady and commoner was in the amount of decor. So, rich ladies decorated their hair with feathers, high scallops with thread. In addition, they could afford to wear wigs.

The most elaborate hairstyles were in geishas. They were distinguished by an abundance of decor; paper flowers and hairpins with small fans served as an indispensable element. Creating an image required a lot of effort and time, so the hairstyle was done every few days, and that in a dream the hair did not lose shape, a special stand was placed under the head for the night.

Modern fashion: extravagance and riot of color

Today, traditional hairstyles in Japan can be found extremely rarely, mainly in theatrical performances or at costumed festivals.

The current mods in favor bangs and deliberate negligence hairstyles. And this applies to both men and women.

Business men prefer classic haircuts European styles. Young and progressive young men can afford hairstyles with long oblique bangs with torn edges, partially covering the face. The emphasis is made by highlighting individual strands.

Ostromodnaya female haircut also implies the presence of thick bangs. Preference is given to the so-called French, which has smooth transitions to the side strands. This version of the haircut visually emphasizes the face and makes it more expressive. In this case, the hair can be both long and short.

Fashionable Japanese hairstyle is unthinkable without coloring. Various options are possible: highlighting individual strands, and completely brightening up to a warm blond. The bravest girls choose extravagant colors: pink, blue, purple. An alternative to staining can serve as overhead strands.

A bit of history

In our time in everyday life it is impossible to spend a lot of time laying. Most of the girls and women around the world tend to simple hairstyles that can be done independently, without assistance. Traditional Japanese hairstyles require time and work of the master.

The styling of past years has been preserved in Japan as a tribute to the country's rich history. Now such hairstyles can be seen at solemn occasions, weddings, performances in theaters and cinema.

It is believed that Japanese hairstyles, as they are called, originally appeared under the influence of the cultures of China and Korea. Then they began to develop in their own way. In past centuries, by the hairstyle it was possible to determine the estate, income, social status.

Japanese hairstyles varied from century to century. All the styling is associated with complex curls, but, for example, in the X-XII centuries. long hair was in fashion, sometimes reaching to the toes. Beautiful hair was valued, and there were a few maidservants to take care of it. Of course, only aristocrats could afford that length. While peasant women hid their hair under cuts of cloth twisted on their head and completely hid their hair.

During the internecine wars of the end of the XII century, Japanese hairstyles as a symbol of luxury and freedom suffered considerably. If in the III-VI centuries. began to make sophisticated elegant hairstyles, then in times of war, women wore simple styling: flowing hair, sometimes intercepted by ribbons in length, is not as long as at the beginning of the century. Hairstyles became more practical for everyday wear.

Fashion of ancient Japan

Japan has long been a country isolated from the whole world, partly contributed to this island situation of the country, partly a national policy prohibiting contacts with foreigners.

Although neighboring China and Korea had a strong influence on the culture of Japan, the Japanese significantly reworked the customs of their neighbors and created their own, unlike others.

Hairstyles of ancient Japan

Hairstyles of ancient Japan are striking in their originality and complexity. The Japanese have naturally black hair, the color of which they never changed.
All hairstyles differed extraordinary accuracy of execution. Striking purity of hair bows in elegant high female hairstyles. Silhouettes of male and female hairstyles for all segments of the population were of the same type.

Rich Japanese used the services of hairdressers. The procedure of combing lasted several hours and was expensive. Male hairstyles were made of semi-long hair, raised up in the form of small towers. Women's hairstyles resemble exotic flowers.

The hairstyle of the emperor and noble men represented twisted hair, laid on top of her head in bunches. Sometimes they wore small velvet or silk bags.
A common male hairstyle among nobles was the so-called "samurai hairstyle." In this hairstyle, the hair from the parietal part was shaved off, and the hair from the temples and the back of the head was lifted up and rolled up with a rope that passed through a small case. Bamboo sticks, gilded cardboard, brocade were used for the case. "Tail" was laid on the crown.
The faces were clean shaved, only in old age they released a mustache and a beard.

With the advent of travelers from Europe, hairstyle has become a symbol of Japan’s Europeanizationdzangiri - short cut head. She changed temmaghe (shaved foreheads and bunches on the back of his head) is a hairstyle worn by men in feudal times.
In children's hairstyles, the hair on the head was shaved, leaving only small circles above the temples. These hair strands at the base were tied with ribbons, cords, and elastic bands.

Female hairstyles consisted of several elements. For stability, velvet rollers and pads were attached to high hairstyles, oval combs were applied on which hair strands were wound.

Masters often put lightweight cardboard in the hair loops. The finished hairstyle was covered with melted butter or wax to make hair glisten.

To preserve the hairstyle head for the night put on a special wooden coasters, or rather, head restraints, like those used by the Indians. Hairstyle remained on weight. Hairstyles were made of natural hair, but noble ladies sometimes used wigs.

Wigs were also multi-tiered. Usually the lower tier is separated from the top by a silk scarf or a large comb. Women of lower classes also wore high hairstyles, but in simplified versions. The bows and loops were smaller and not so richly decorated.

Geisha hairstyles were performed most carefully. Geishas were called free, educated, beautiful women who were invited to banquets, receptions, tea ceremonies as a kind of decoration. They were smart, musical, plastic, mastered the art of poetry and calligraphy.
There was a hairstyle that was worn only by geishas: the occipital hair formed an overlap, while the neck was bare, the stand of the collar lagged significantly behind the neck.

The distinction was also the hairpin stuck into the hair with tiny fans at the end, paper flowers. The nuns shaved their heads, as religious customs required the sacrifice of hair. The girls wore braids.


Japanese prints rarely see Japanese in headdresses. Perhaps they wore rarely. The emperor and his family wore high hats of black silk, round or low, flat. Behind them they ended like a visor.
There were also cone-shaped hats with wide brim - from reed, straw, bamboo, varnished. They were worn by men and women.

Hats were bright colors - purple, red, yellow. The middle and lower classes mostly wore hats made of reed or rice straw. The aristocrats, trying to distinguish themselves from the common people, used less luxurious hats than the emperor, but rather expensive and inaccessible to the poor.

Across Japan, the fashion for Chinese capes was spread, which covered their heads. In addition to the long gold studs, the bride wore a nalobnik — Tsuno-kakushi — made of white silk.
According to legend, he had to hide the “horns of jealousy,” allegedly erupting from each girl as soon as she became his wife. Older women wore quilted headbands.

Cosmetics used by all Japanese. The etiquette of the imperial court obliged all courtiers to appear at the receptions whitewashed and rounded. Sometimes ladies so abused whitewash that their faces seemed to be masks.
Lips, unlike Europeans, Japanese women tinted with green paint.

Among the aristocrats, the fashion for shaving eyebrows was common. Instead, they painted large round colored spots of paint reaching the frontal bumps.

In theatrical performances they wore masks, made makeup. The shape of the mask was less or more of a human face, they were lolled by two laces. Used a variety of wigs.

The hairstyles of women's theater wigs resembled everyday ones. On the “noble heroine” wig - hair, combed into a straight parting, a band of expensive material holds the hair back, at the level of the neck, the ends fall freely.
Performers of the roles of old men and women wore white hair wigs. Shaggy manes from plant fibers served as wigs for masks of fantastic creatures. Their length is different: to the shoulders, to the waist, to the ground.

In the performances of the theater, Noo used a variety of headdresses that emphasized the social status of the actors: peasants, monks, warriors, priests, fishermen, travelers. Used false beards of large sizes.

source - hairstyle history (?)

Hair accessories

No complicated hairstyle is complete without accessories. In Japan, kanzashi sticks have become traditional, which keep hair in a bundle. On the end of such sticks there can be decorations of different length and volume. Their use depends on the size of the hairstyle. In various variations, various ribbons, origami, flowers and combs are used. They occupy a special place in the creation of hairstyles. The material for the crests used different - wood, turtle shell.

Traditional hairstyles

There are several of the most famous styling. Japanese traditional hairstyles are multi-layered constructions that have been preserved unchanged over many centuries:

- Kepattsu - a hairstyle belonging to the VII century, was created under the influence of the Chinese fashion of that era. The hair was laid in a special way in the front, and behind it was tied to the tail.

- Taregami - long straight hair. The Japanese women of that time abandoned fashion, inspired by the culture of China, and created their own hairstyle.

- Shimada mage - combed back hair with a comb in front, various decorations were attached to the hairstyle. Until the middle of the XIX century, this styling was innovative, but over time, everything became more complicated, new elements and accessories were added, and it gradually evolved into more intricate. Now huge combs were added to the hairstyle, which were combed with hair, smeared with wax. Where it was necessary, the hair was strengthened with waxed paper and frames. To give more volume added false hair strands. A later variation on the basis of the shimad was a vertical hairstyle, when the hair was folded with ribbons and combs upwards.

- Gykey - amazing hairstyle, which is created using additional tools. Hair in her hair fit into two large wings on the sides of the head, and the remaining strands are attached with sticks and ribbons.

Modern tendencies

Fashion for hairstyles, as well as for clothes, is in constant motion. Something new appears, something disappears, but there are trends that can be observed for several decades. Japanese modern hairstyles have many directions, each of which is distinguished by its uniqueness, sometimes, one might even say, weird. Many models are so incredible in terms of classic haircuts and styling that not every fashionista will allow herself to flaunt with such a hairstyle.

Japanese hairstyles for girls can be divided into two main groups - classical and subcultural. If everything is clear with classical ones, then the situation with youth is more complicated. Anime and manga have a great influence on fashion.

Classic hairstyles

Every girl, no matter what style she follows, tries to look according to her idea of ​​beauty and emphasize her individuality. Simple Japanese hairstyles are mostly styling of straight hair, which by nature, Japanese women almost never curl. These simple hairstyles can also include styling on short hair - bob and pixie. At first glance, these haircuts can be laid in only one way, but girls in Japan have found a lot of ways to express themselves using a variety of accessories. Japanese women emphasize the beauty of their hair hairstyles for long hair. This hairstyle looks very impressive on fragile girls. Most often they cut their fringe and dye their hair. Styling products, lacquer and wax, apply even on long stacks. The tips of the hair are twisted, which helps to create an image of such a pupa.

Street fashion style

The Japanese just love anime and manga comics. This is reflected in the fashion among young people. They try to distinguish themselves from others with all their strength, therefore they sometimes resort to methods unthinkable for Europeans. Japanese hairstyles for girls in these styles - this is the original hair dye in bright catchy colors - pink, green, purple, white. Hair can be both short and reaching the waist. At first glance, it is not always possible to determine whether it is natural hair or linings and wigs. The image is complemented by a bright makeup with false eyelashes of incredible length. To the styling attach accessories of such shapes and sizes that sometimes hide the hair itself. Sometimes you can even see soft toys on the heads of girls.

Of course, this hairstyle is not at all in the Japanese style, as it represents the majority. There is no that refinement and elegance that can be seen in shimada hairstyles.

Images of geishas in the modern world

Presently dictates its own rules and trends, therefore it is difficult to imagine a business woman at a meeting with a hairstyle of complex structure. Hairstyles in the Japanese style are present in modern styling, for example, hair gathered in a bun and linked with rods or hairpins, tails tied with ribbons. And one of the styling, when the hair is collected in a long tail and tied up with ribbons along the entire length, came to us from the past unchanged. All sorts of buns, hair, fixed with the help of bagels - all echoes of the once beautiful, full of harmony hairstyles.

Simple hairstyles or complex, they reflect the inner world of a woman, help her to feel confident. To try on the image of the beauties of the past is possible today. You just need not be afraid to experiment, try new colors and learn to use accessories and jewelry that give an image of femininity to the place.

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1. Tools, fixtures, power tools, electrical equipment

1.5 Hairdressing

2. Tools, appliances and power tools to perform this work.

3. Technological part

5. Preparatory and final works

5.1 Safety Instructions

7. References

The hairstyle is a form attached to hair by a hairstyle: by a hairdressing by laying and a thinning The hairstyle can be from a natural and artificial hair with chignons and locks of different colors.

Often its components are hats, ribbons, beads, jewelry. The type and shape of the hairstyle depends on subjective and objective reasons. Hairstyle as a costume is a work of art. When changing art styles, trends in art changes the look and shape of hair. In the fashion came in and won their pedestals women's short haircut. It changes, almost every season, make new and new silhouettes fashionable: a short bang, an elongated nape, or vice versa. Difficult coloring original packing. Also, long hair did not come out of fashion. Now the silhouette of a long hairstyle gets more and more clear lines.

In my thesis, I would like to tell you about a very interesting, unusual and ancient hairstyle - “Shimada” (geisha hairstyle). Below, I will tell you how they make this magnificent and incredibly interesting hairstyle, and now a little history.

Shimada - Japanese female hairstyle, a type of beam. Today, shimada is worn exclusively by geisha and taiu (a kind of yuo), but in the Edo period, girls wore it for 15–20 years before marriage. Like other hairstyles, decorated kanzashi. The first geisha "woman - the plant" appeared in 1761. A geisha is a girl who entertains her clients with dancing, singing, conducting a tea ceremony with conversation and another program necessary for a cultural and interesting pastime. But unlike yojo, sex is not a part of geisha services. They are dressed in a long hikizuri - kimono for dancing. Such kimono sew in our time, because geisha dance and now. Maiko, a student of a geisha, is distinguished by her loosely hanging ends of the obi, while the geisha has the ends of her belt tucked into a knot. Maiko wears multicolored furisode long sleeved kimonos. The collar of the lower kimono "Eri" in Maiko debutantes is purely red, with time they are replaced by more and more embroidered with white and gold threads. The Eri-Kae ceremony - “collar change” is held when Maiko becomes a geisha. Maiko wear okobo camouflage on a large wedge. Maiko changes his hairstyle five times, symbolizing every step leading to the formation of a geisha. At the Mizuage ceremony, a bunch of hair on the top of the head is symbolically sheared to indicate a transition from a girl to a young woman in a more adult hairstyle. From now on, she wears her hair with a red silk bow at the base of the beam. After the Mizuage Rite, the next important turn in Maiko’s life is the Erica ceremony, or the “collar transformation”. This happens when Maiko changes the red embroidered “child” collar to the white collar of an adult geisha. As a rule, everything happens around the age of twenty.

The main types of shadi hairstyle are:

- taka - shimada - the bunch in this hairstyle is raised above all. It is worn at a traditional wedding, today a wig is commonly used,

- geisya shimada (shimada geisha) - working hairstyle of geisha with bakumatsu (Edo era),

- Kyofu Shimada (Kyoto shimada) - a type of geysya shimada, invented by Kyoto geisha,

- tsubushi shimada (broken shimada) -touw tsubushi shimada will draw a silk cord. Previously, it was worn by middle-aged women, but today this hairstyle is easiest to see on Kyoto geishas at Miyako Odori and Kamogawa Odori holidays,

- Poke Mage (water mill node).

Young Tokyo geishas wear wigs with Taka-shimada, and more experienced ones wear Tzubushi Shimada.

I will tell you about only one of these types of hairstyle - taka - shimada.

1. Tools, fixtures, power tools, electrical equipment

In the hairdressing business uses a large number of tools, devices and various equipment. First of all, let's talk about the tools that we have in our hands and a special belt throughout the day, because this is an instrument of our work, which we use for various operations on the client's head. So, we include hairbrushes and scissors as such tools.

The comb is an essential tool, because if you do not comb your hair, then we will not be able to take further action. Combs should consist of durable materials, must withstand high temperatures, must be smooth and not cling to hair or skin, so as not to cause pain to the client. According to the composition of the comb are metallic, plastic, silicone, rubber and wood. Metal combs are good because they withstand the temperature well, for example, when curling hair on a curling iron, but in no case are they used in chemical curling or hair coloring, otherwise the chemical composition in the reaction with the metal gives the wrong color not high-quality perm. But plastic combs for this business are very good, they are durable and practical. Combs can be roughly divided into 4 types:

- mixed or combined combs, in which half of the working surface with frequent teeth, and half with rare (larger such combs are used in the female hall, and smaller ones in the male),

- combs with a uniform arrangement of teeth, which are either with rare or with frequent teeth (use the male and female halls and are used when combing and cutting hair),

- a comb with a pointed handle or tail, it happens with a metal tail or plastic (they are designed to divide the hair into zones or strands when twisting the hair),

- a comb with a usual handle, with a rare arrangement of teeth, or a comb - a fork (a comb with a usual handle is convenient to use during dyeing or simply to comb hair).

After work, you can see that hair, dust or dandruff remain on the comb between the teeth, you will agree, I want to immediately wash and clean it all up. In order not to infect a client, it is necessary to disinfect the instruments. Combs are cleaned from hair, washed in soapy water, rinsed and immersed in a disinfector.

Brushes. If you need to make a beautiful, lush laying or do a head massage with a brush, this is what we need. They come in various shapes and from different composition, with natural bristles or with metal. The choice of brush depends on the work ahead and, of course, on the personal preference of the master.

- a brush with a straight work surface is used to create volume from the roots - called bombazh,

- a round brush is used to twist the ends and is called - brushing. There is also a “double” brush, which is straight on one side and round on the other than is very convenient when laying.

Scissors. Now let's talk about scissors. Scissors are straight and serrated (thinning).

- straight lines are used for cutting hair of the head, beard and mustache,

- thinning for thinning the hair and hair ends,

- toothed scissors are one-sided and bilateral. Single-sided scissors come with frequent or sparse teeth, cut more hair than double-sided ones.

- flag scissors is a type of thinning scissors for texturing. Flap-shaped ones differ from usual ones by wide tops of teeth, their smaller number and unusually wide base form. After working with the client, you need to clean the scissors with a dry cloth and place them in a disinfector.

Hair curlers are used, for example, in order to make a gorgeous wave on the hair or to simply twist the hair and get beautiful tight curls. There is a very large number of curlers: metallic, plastic, with a strap and an elastic band or without a slat and elastic bands, with spikes and modified. But all curlers have their drawbacks, for example, curlers with slats leave creases, and curlers with adhesive tape are poorly removed. But still everyone has been using curlers since ancient times.

Koklushki used for perm (long-term perm). They are also different: wooden, plastic, etc. The length and diameter of the bobbins are also different, from the smallest and thinnest 3mm to the largest 10-12mm. The largest bobbins are used either to straighten a strong natural curl, or to create a weak curl.

Razor. Many will say that they only shave their beards or legs with razors, for example, but this is not true. Razor make elegant haircuts. Razors are dangerous and safe. Dangerous razors are intended for shaving beards and mustaches, and are also used to remove hair from the neck. I use to make the edging on the neck and remove excess hair. A safety razor (thinning) is designed to thin a strand. Dangerous and safety razors also require care. The razor is cleaned of hair, wiped with a dry cloth and placed in a disinfector. If it is a razor with replaceable blades, then you need to replace the blade.

Electric cars significantly speed up the work. They are designed for hair cutting or edging. There are several types of electric machines:

Vibrating typewriter. Personally, I use a vibrating machine company Moser Primat. These machines are based on the action of an electromagnet and, during operation, produce light vibrating movements. The power of such machines comes from the AC network, and the power ranges from 9 to 15 W: in this they are inferior to rotary typewriters. Directly in work vibrating machines may be less time than rotary.

The principle of operation of vibration machines is quite simple. An electromagnetic coil is installed in them, which, when a positive current flows, attracts the armature. In the next period, when a negative current flows, the anchor under the influence of the springs returns to its original position. The upper, movable knife is rigidly connected with the anchor and, thus, it is set in motion, making reciprocating movements.

In models of the Moser 1170, 1400, 1300 machines, a special screw is provided that controls the amplitude of the stroke of the movable knife, due to the strengthening or weakening of the tension of the armature springs. These models of machines have a relatively increased vibration and noise.

Rotary typewriter. All rotary cars have air cooling. An impeller is installed on the rotor, which forces air. Passing through the body of the machine, the air cools the motor. The presence of a cooling system is an integral element of the design, since rotary machines are designed for large workloads of time and energy.

You need to know that the knives are worn only on the working machine! This is necessary so that the position of the leash and the groove is automatically set to the desired position. Thus, the edge of the leash is not erased. Rotary machines are driven by a motor and, due to this, turn out to be more powerful (from 20 to 45 W). They can work for a long time, and even on hard hair. These classic cars are most suitable for working in the men's room. Of the products of this type I would like to highlight the machine from Moser «Class 45". Unlike other models, this machine has 2 steps of power and, accordingly, 2 speeds of the knife block. A reduced 1st speed can be applied when the operation needs to be done carefully.

Accumulator cars. Such machines can work both from the battery and from the network, and are a real boon for hairdressers, as they provide them with complete freedom of movement. In addition, they are the least noisy. By the way, according to tradition, such masters are preferred by female masters, since they look, as a rule, more elegant than the others, and their weight is less. These machines are most suitable for edging hair. The power of such machines reaches 12 W (Moser 1852).

An excellent example of this type of super-convenient machine is the Moser Genio Plus model (art. 1854), with two batteries: while the master is working on one of them, the second is charging.

In general, the company Moser is the undisputed leader in the production of battery machines. Unlike other manufacturers that have 1-2 models in their range with this kind of power supply, Moser offers the widest range of machines with a wide variety of functionalities, different sizes, different designs and even different colors. So, in the 1565 Genio model, a knife block with the “Easy Cleaning” function is used for easier cleaning. The model is also equipped with a quick-change nozzle system, in which special swivel combs 3/6 and 9/12 mm ensure a constant length of hair at any angle of the hairstyle. Model 1852 has an adjustable knife block with a range from 0.1 to 3 mm.

With replaceable knives are sold, as a rule, rotary and battery typewriters (except for the vibration machines - model Oster 616). There are about 9 possible sizes for knives (from 1/20 to 9 mm). Their different configuration allows you to adjust the haircut of different degrees of stiffness, and with the help of the so-called “narrow” knife you can make different patterns on the head.

Handheld hair dryer. To make air styling or just dry hair, we use a hair dryer. It is made in the shape of a gun. He has a special nozzle, a narrow large, narrow small and a diffuser, which is used for drying hair after a perm. It is held either in the right or in the left hand, personally it is convenient for me in the right. The dryer should be kept so that the air flow runs parallel to the hair strand.

Iron and hot curling tongs. How beautiful curly hair.

But for those who were not destined to be born with such hair, you can simply use a curling iron or a flat iron. The tongs are of different diameter, wide, medium or narrow, naturally, that curls are either whipped and taut, or wide and careless. I prefer curls made by an iron or a wide curling. Only clean, dry hair can be used.

To dry hair, they also use a dryer. For example, you wore a client with curlers and put them under the dryer, while at the time you were working with another client. Hairdressers also use klemazon, which accelerates chemical processes during curling or dyeing hair. On klimamon, you can choose the temperature and time of exposure. Such equipment is installed on the floor, on wheels or attached to the wall.

How to make a haircut or styling without the most important - devices? After all, we can not make a haircut without removing clutter hair with a clip. It will be difficult for us to dye hair without a brush and a bowl.So what devices should always be at hand with the master?

1. Plastic and metal clips to remove excess hair, for example, when shearing.

2. The collar we need for dyeing or cutting hair.

3. Spray needed to wet hair.

4. Bowl is needed in order to dilute the paint or therapeutic agent in it.

5. Brushes are needed to apply the dye to the hair.

6. A shaker is needed to mix colors.

7. Sponges are needed for applying the chemical composition.

8. A warming cap is used in the treatment of hair or in a perm.

9. A shaving brush to whip up lather.

10 Hair net used for drying hair in the dryer.

11. And also we will need: an applicator for applying the composition during chemical perming, measuring cup, rubber gloves, beaker, etc.

1.4 Hairdressing lingerie. We will not be able to start work without hairdressing, otherwise we will stain the client, wet his face or ruin his things. To avoid this, we need:

- Pinjar to cover the client and not to stain him when cutting or coloring hair. Pinyuars are cotton, polyethylene and synthetic. Cotton peignoirs can be used only when cutting hair, as they can not protect the client's clothes from moisture on it. Polyethylene and synthetic peignoirs are used in treating hair with various compositions that can damage the client's clothes. The average size of a peignoir is 150X150 cm.

- waffle or terry towels. In the practice of hairdressing more often used towels, they are easier to wash and clean from falling on their hair. The average towel size is 50x150 cm.

- cotton napkins. They are used for haircuts, shaving and compress. The average size of the napkin is 75X40 cm.

- Pelerinki made from cotton and synthetic fabrics. They are used at the final stage of work - during the registration of a cold or hot hair, or simply when combing the hair after drying. Each master must be provided with a certain amount of hairdressing underwear in the shift established by the norms.

2. Tools, appliances and power tools to perform this work.

For this work, I naturally need not all the tools that I described above, but only some of them:

- the combined hairbrush which will be necessary for me at a hairstyle,

- comb with a pointed handle (tail), I will need it when creating hair,

- comb - fork, I will need for tupirovaniya and comb,

- the brush "double" will be needed in order to dry the hair after washing,

- Straight scissors will be needed for cutting.

Naturally, for work, I will need a variety of devices so as not to interfere with the hair in order to maintain the hair. So, I will need:

- plastic clips, butterflies and clamps, they will help me to remove the extra hair that will disturb me during work, and clamps will help me to maintain my hairstyle before using staling,

- hairpins and stealth will be needed to fix the hair, because without them, it simply will not hold,

- the spray gun will be useful to me during the haircut to wet the hair as it dries,

- I will need a bowl and a brush to dissolve the paint and apply it on the hair,

- The collar is also useful to us during hair dyeing.

After the haircut and hair coloring, we need to dry them to start making hair. For this we need:

- hand dryer to dry hair,

- forceps to smooth hair and ends it will be easier for us to style our hair. You can begin to use the iron only when you make sure that the hair is completely dry, because you can not twist the wet hair, do not straighten it.

3. Technological part

The style of vintage female hair nihongami, with which I am going to introduce you, existed since the epochs of Bunka and Bunsei (middle - second half of Edo), and up to the Meiji era. (Previously, hairdressing in Japan was not sufficiently developed, so when depicting these complex hairstyles, do not forget about the time frame of their real existence). The most common types of nihongami are shimada (shimada) and its many varieties (bunkin-takakhimada, tsubushi-shimada, yuvata), marumage, children's momovarae haircut (“cut peach”) and its version varshinobu (hairstyle beginners in Kyoto), and Ave Edo-era women never wore strands that were shortened in front, bangs, etc.!

So, let's go directly to the technological part of my hair.

1. The hair is divided into 5 parts (Fig. 13 a), namely: FTZ - maeghami (“hair front”), Blow - (lateral), VZZ - ne (top) and SZZ + NZZ - tabo (also called zone - Cuto, occipital).

2. The basis of the entire hairstyle is VZZ (ne). This part is firmly tied with a motoi - paper tape (Fig. 13 b). The tape is tied so tightly that it causes a headache, and all Maiko - geisha students - are afraid that in a few years they will get a round, about the size of a 10-yen coin bald patch at the top, the so-called. maiko-hage - "bald maiko". This is one of the reasons that adult geisha now tend to wear wigs. The position of the tied beam on the head - whether it is raised (high ne) or lowered (low ne), depends on the situation, age and social status. Highly tied VZZ meant refinement and sophistication, and therefore all the girls from the samurai class tied VZZ high.

3. Then, they take for the hair above the neck, forming SZZ + NZZ (tabo), and bind them with the strands of the base - con. SZZ + NZZ (tabo) can not be tightened tightly, leaving it hanging freely, or, conversely, tightly pulled up to the top, due to which the entire silhouette of the hairstyle changes (Fig. 13c).

4. Next in line is Wazin ("hair at the temples"): they are also attached to the VZZ - ne (Fig. 13 g). Sticking wide apart, Vz - bin is called a toro-bin, bin-flashlight, because in their shape, they resemble a round paper lantern cut horizontally in half. The extent to which the sweep is made is the main factor determining the shape of the hairstyle.

5. The hair in front of FTZ - maegami - is gathered together, then tied up in the front part, at some distance from the roots of the hair, after which the ends of the strands are tied to VZZ - ne. To give the hairstyle the desired outlines, you can pull FTZ - maegi back and create a flat silhouette, or make it more lush, lifting maegi up (Fig. 13 d).

6. At this point, all free ends are attached to the VZZ - ne and form a single "tail". From this tail and form mage - a bundle of hair on the back of the head - which give a variety of forms and decorate in different ways. As a rule, the name of a specific type of hairstyle is given in the form of a magé-beam.

According to the description of the technological part of the creation of the “Shimad” hairstyle, it seems that this is all very difficult and difficult to understand, but it is not. All divided zones are collected in separate tails, stretched to as much as you need to pull them out (for each type of Shimad hairstyle, hair is either stretched in the NCS or drawn out to form a bag) and assembled into a single tail, which is fixed with a solid tape. Everything, your hairstyle is almost ready, but something is missing ?! What a Japanese hairstyle can be without beautiful decorations. And all the decorations or flowers also mean something of their own. For example, the more flowers and beads, the younger the girl, mostly girls, and the older the woman, the less jewelry she has. For example, in adult women there are various geometric shapes and silk ribbons in their heads, and a haiko hairstyle on the right is decorated with a bouquet of silk flowers of Khan-kandzasi. In the first year of study, the flowers of Khan-kanzasi fall directly on the face, in the second year and later they use less decoration. Flowers should correspond to the current season (pine, bamboo and plum in January, willow in July, daffodil in March). Silk cranes and pine needles are located on Khana-kanjasi for Sacco. Tama-kanzashi (kanzashi with a ball), a hairpin with a ball-decoration is injected into the back of any hairstyle of a maiko or a geisha. In winter, the coral ball, in summer - jade.

Hairstyles geisha and oyran are unthinkable without a variety of combs and pins. The more inexperienced the girl, the more jewelry is worn in her hair:

- Kusi - a comb, wooden or from a tortoise shell, can also be lacquered or plastic, often painted on top, although the pattern can also descend on the teeth. Maiko wear “khanakusi” - a comb on which artificial flowers are attached on top,

- bira-bira (dzin-tzin) - hairpins with long metallic threads, which emit a pleasant jingle. Sometimes they are decorated with bells,

- yosite - split wide stud. In my hairstyle I melt and oyran a lot of yoshite,

- Tama-kanzasi (decoration-ball) - studs decorated with a ball of precious stone,

- Ogi (fan) - aluminum studs in the shape of a fan, from which thin metal plates hang,

- Khana-kanzasi (kanzasi with flowers) - kanzasi with silk flowers and threads, on which small silk flowers are planted, hanging about twenty centimeters. One hana-kanzasi can cost more than kimono, since the work of creating them is very painstaking and resembles the work of a jeweler-designer.

- Maedzasi - a small ornament, located behind the ogi (fan).

Maiko, who work in Gion-Koba, until the age of eighteen, wear a jadeite pin on the left, above their foreheads.

We figured out the hairstyle, but before we start doing the hairstyle we need to dye and trim the hair.

hairstyle female hairdressing tool

We start with hair dye. What we need from the tools and fixtures I have already written above means that we go to the main point. We need to dye the hair black or dark brown. There should be no bright strands or, especially, the hair should not be completely painted, for example, in purple. First, we color the occipital zone, starting the NCS. Next, go to Vz and then to FTZ. If the model has grown roots, then first we paint over all the roots, and then go to the ends. We wait for the time, which is indicated on the dye, then carefully wash off the paint. It is possible to wash off the paint or just wash your head with a tilt forward and tilt your head back. The client must be given a tow or towel wrap to put it on his forehead so as not to spoil the makeup.

After we wash off the paint, we apply the shampoo and wash all the hair well, wash the shampoo with water and then apply hair balm to soften the hair. Massaging the head and carefully washing the hair. We put a towel on our wet hair and we invite you to a chair. Well wipe your head, and while the hair is wet, we can begin to cut.

To create a hairstyle that I described above, I will need straight hair with even tips, which means I need to trim the ends, dry my hair and straighten them. Let's start with a haircut. We divide the hair into zones - FTZ, VZ, and ZZ. Zz we halve the sagittal parting and we only get 5 zones. ZZ, which we divided in half vertically, we begin to cut with the NCS, starting from the middle, so that we can have exactly trimmed tips. Then we go higher to the SPZ and VZZ. But we cut, comparing with the occipital zone, and FTZ on hair growth. We divide this zone with a sagittal parting, comb along the sides and cut them along the same length along which the temporal zones are trimmed. In order not to be mistaken in cutting a massive form, it is not necessary to trim too wide strands, preferably about 1 cm.

After cutting, you need to thoroughly dry and iron the hair in order to proceed with the hairstyle. Use the comb "double" and hairdryer. Begin to dry the hair with ZZ until completely dry, then take a round brush and twist the ends with the brushing method. After you are convinced that all hair is completely dry, we begin to straighten it with a flat iron. Do not forget that you need to check the iron for temperature. Straighten hair quickly and do not stop in the middle of the strand for a long time, otherwise it may lead to the fact that you just burn the hair. So, we dyed hair, dried it and straightened it out, and only now can we move on to doing the hairstyle.

And now I would like to write about the materials that I used during my work. I chose the Italian brand of professional cosmetics for hair Constant Deligh, namely:

- shampoo, restoring for damaged and dyed hair,

- balm for damaged and dyed hair,

- strong fix mousse,

- super strong fixing hairspray,

- resistant cream hair color Constant Deligh TRIONFO

5. Preparatory and final works

Naturally, before starting work, we must prepare the workplace for receiving clients:

- decompose the tools and fixtures,

- check the serviceability of the equipment necessary for operation,

- get clean linen, perfume and other materials,

- check the sharpness of the razors and, if necessary, guide them, replace the blade in a safety razor.

Proper placement of tools and accessories on the toilet is of great importance for the proper organization of the barber.

Tools and accessories should be laid out on the right side in a strictly defined order, and each item should be given a permanent place. The choice of a permanent place on the toilet for a particular tool or device should be made taking into account the frequency of its use in work: the more often it is used, the closer it should be to the master.

Accessories should be placed on the toilet in the following order (from right to left): a spirit stove, a cotton cupboard with cotton wool, a bank of disinfectant solution, a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, a powder box, liquid soap, etc.

Tools such as a razor, scissors, manual or electric typewriters, combs and other appliances should be placed in the top drawer of the right side table of the toilet. Bedside cabinets are intended only for storing clean laundry, therefore, it is not recommended to place any tools in them.

The tools and equipment of a male hairdresser are very convenient to place on the toilet, since their number is relatively small and they take up little space. Female hairdresser at work uses a wide range of materials and accessories. All placed on the toilet, of course, impossible. Therefore, as an accessory for placing tools and materials used mobile tables with removable cassettes. In the cassettes of mobile tables place curlers, bobbins, dyes, etc. In the upper cassettes should be folded curlers, given that they are used in the work constantly, in the lower - the rest, less commonly used devices.

Before you invite a visitor to take a chair, a hairdresser must clean up the toilet. The master himself is responsible for the cleanliness of the workplace. Then, if the barbershop has an electrical alarm system calling customers, use it. If there is no such alarm, invite the client to take a chair.

After inviting the client, the hairdresser should stand at his chair. When the client approaches the chair, the latter must be deployed so that the client can comfortably sit in it. After the client sits in the chair, it should be turned to face the mirror. Then you need to find out the desire of the client. Hearing the answer, the hairdresser is obliged to wash his hands and sanitize the instrument in front of the client. Then cover the client with the necessary laundry and get to work.

Having begun work, the hairdresser has no right to be distracted by any outside affairs or to talk with other visitors or with the service personnel.All attention should be paid only to the performance of work on customer service.

All conflicts arising between the hairdresser and the client must be considered by the administration of the hairdresser.

One of the most important tasks of the administration and staff of hairdressers is to attract regular customers. This work should be carried out in the following directions:

2. Compliance with safety regulations, industrial hygiene and personal hygiene.

3. Culture of behavior of staff.

4. High-quality performance of all types of customer service.

The final work on servicing visitors in barbershops are considered as the final stages of the main technological process.

After performing the cutting operation, the hairdresser is obliged to comb off the cut hair with a small comb. To do this, take a comb with clean teeth and lay a piece of cotton in it, evenly distributing it across the entire plane of the comb. Then, wetting the cotton wool in the comb with water, it is desirable to comb the entire scalp. In this case, cut hair, lingering in cotton wool, will be combed out. Then a piece of cotton wool or a special brush should be cleaned from the client's face and neck.

Before removing the peignoir, you need to pull out the rope around the neck with cotton and take a napkin. When removing the negligee, it is necessary to take precautions so that the hair on the negligee does not get on the client's clothes. For this, removing the peignoir, you should tuck the edges inside.

Considering that after each type of hair treatment, the final works are specific and characteristic only for this operation, it is advisable to consider them in more detail directly in a single technological sequence.

5.1 Safety Instructions

In the daily work of the master barber must follow the following rules:

- working with a razor should not be distracted and talk with the client,

- when changing blades (safety razors), the hands of the master must be completely dry. Works are performed on the table,

- Do not hold scissors, combs and other sharp tools in the top pocket of the robe. When working with hot water, especially after dyeing and curling, it is necessary to monitor its temperature, since the skin is defatted and irritated - by exposure to chemicals. The temperature of the water used is lower than usual (about 40 ° C),

- The edging of the hair in the auricle area should be done carefully so as not to damage the client's ear. The auricle is saturated with blood vessels, and the bleeding is difficult to stop,

- shaving the neck, you must be careful not to cut off the common small warts, since it is also difficult to stop the bleeding,

- To stop bleeding with cuts, tincture of iodine or hydrogen peroxide is used,

refreshing your head with cologne or covering your head with varnish, you must ensure that splashes do not get into your eyes,

- the master should carefully carry out all the work associated with the use of perhydrol, not allowing the use of a concentration of more than 9% in oily scalp (head is not washed for more than 2-3 days) and not more than 3-- 5% in non-fat skin (head washed less than 2 days ago). It is forbidden to work with perhydrol without the use of a beaker,

- special care must be taken while working with the lightening drug "Blondaran - supra", a highly active agent. Working with him, you can not tie his head with plastic wrap. Strands of hair should be distributed by the partitions in order to ensure the release of heat released during the reaction of perhydrol decomposition,

- it is not allowed to use ammonia in high doses in lightening solutions, as this leads to scalp burns,

- it is necessary to monitor the mandatory grounding of electrical appliances and not to turn on electrical equipment with wet hands.

So I moved to the final part of my thesis. In my work I told you in detail about the hairstyle that I loved so much. She is strange, but at the same time interesting, very beautiful and extraordinary. In Japan, of course, no one will be surprised by this, but in Russia there is no such thing and therefore very few people know about geishas and Maiko, and this is so interesting. Their life from ancient times is hard, but beautiful. All these flowers, bows, long kimonos, fans, etc. are an example of beauty. Everywhere fashion changes, styles and hairstyles become more simple and not colorful. In the old days in all countries wore elegant dresses, long curls and high hair, but only in Japan, this tradition has not lost its colors. I told you a little about their life, a little about hairstyles and jewelry, but this is only a small part of what I would like to write. Gentle, mysterious, light and, with eyes set aside, "geisha" won the hearts of many. They feel fine and their appearance, which should be done to us. And their hair is a magic, though painful. After all, adult women are forced to wear wigs, just because of the strong tension of their hair, they are afraid to stay with bald spots. As they say - "Beauty requires sacrifice."

The basis of this hairstyle is a massive form hairstyle, the original color copper No. 7.7 was painted black No. 1.0. The hairstyle was made on previously washed and dried hair, worked with a hand dryer and ironing. The hairstyle was made from 4 tails with tumbling and fleece, hairpins were used, invisible and kanzashi jewels such as: “kushi” or “maezashi” - comb, “hana hirauchi” - flat round decoration in the form of a flower, different flowers and hairpins which a great many. Do not forget that you can not stick any jewelry that you want, because every piece of jewelry means something, for example, age or status.

In the end I would like to add that you need to care not only for your appearance and invent new images for yourself, but also not to forget your inner world, because everything that makes us beautiful comes with bright rays from the inside!

1. Technology hairdressing works: a textbook for early. prof. Education / I. Yu. Plotnikova, T. A. Chernichenko. - 8th ed., Sr. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2012.

2. I. Yu. Odinokova, T. A. Chernichenko. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2004.


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