
Why does demodecosis of the scalp develop and how to treat it?


Immediately tune into the fact that the treatment of demodicosis of the head lasts a long time. For a week or even a month you will not be able to achieve lasting positive results. Why so long? Because the first thing will have to get rid of the pathogen itself, and then eliminate the consequences.

Demodex is a small tick that lives everywhere, lives in dust, and on the skin of every person. Usually it does not harm us by feeding on the dying off scales of the dermis. But in some moments the parasites can be activated. This usually occurs at the time of a sharp decline in immunity or prolonged non-compliance with personal hygiene. Treatment of demodecosis of the head is complicated by the fact that for a long time a person does not understand the true cause of the symptoms that appear. As a result, when he goes to the doctor, the disease is already very advanced.

What you need to know

So, the tick begins to multiply uncontrollably. Of course, the skin responds with inflammation and itching. Combing leads to secondary infection, that is, damage to the wounds by bacteria. And since all this is happening against the background of a decrease in immunity, suppuration may also develop. As a result, we see redness, the appearance of seals, similar to acne. It is best to immediately consult a doctor so that he scrapes and determines the nature of what is happening.


Treatment of demodicosis of the head should be comprehensive, go on all fronts: from the inside and outside. These parasites are very afraid of light, so they come to the surface of the skin at night. Here they feed and breed. In small quantities do not pose any threat. The population is controlled by immunity. But in the event of failures in the defense system of the body, there is a sharp increase in the number of ticks. Now we can talk about the development of demodecosis of the head. Treatment is aimed at restoring immunity, and only after that you can deal with the correction of cosmetic defects.

Gender Differences

This disease most often affects women. This is easy to find a logical explanation. It is women who systematically carry out various manipulations with their hair. These are dyeing, perm, lamination and more. The scalp suffers greatly. As a result, conditions for the development of the disease become optimal. Treatment of demodicosis of the head begins with the fact that special means are chosen for the care of the scalp. Varnish, foam, mousse - all this is temporarily canceled.

It is not necessary for a person with demodicosis to contact you. It is enough that the tick constantly lives near us and on our skin. When immunity decreases, the number of individuals in each sebaceous gland reaches 30 pieces. What factors contribute to the development of the disease:

  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Long-term treatment, including antibiotics and hormones.
  • Drinking plenty of tea and coffee.
  • Abuse of salt.
  • Bad habits.

Still, demodecosis of the scalp is an immune-related disease. If the body defenses are high, then you are completely safe.

How can you understand that you develop this disease? The main symptom is hair loss. But it can also be the result of stress experienced, vitamin deficiency, and a strict diet. Therefore, you need to carefully observe the condition of the skin. Scalp demodecosis develops gradually, so it may take some time to make the right conclusion.

  • The disease affects the scalp, nose and cheeks.
  • On the face of the lesion in the form of acne.

The affected areas gradually change their structure. Skin tightening occurs, spider veins may appear. Itching joins, bubbles appear, filled with pus. Excessive dandruff is often observed. It is very important to start treatment in time. Symptoms of demodicosis of the scalp will only increase. In severe cases, the patient comes to the doctor when the head is covered with an itchy crust, and the hair falls out already foci. Especially hard to have with such a diagnosis for women. They will have to part with the remnants of hair to conduct a full treatment. And only after that it will be possible to restore your curls.


If you note all or some of the listed symptoms in yourself, then you need to consult a trichologist. It is recommended to do this on the second day after shampooing. Usually a specialist will analyze the number of ticks. The material will be part of the affected skin. After confirming the diagnosis, effective therapy may be prescribed. And there is no any specific medicinal product that would help everyone and always. To cure this disease, you need a medicinal complex. Demodex is our constant companion, but if it began to multiply uncontrollably, it means that the body has serious problems.

The complex of medical therapy includes several stages. Be sure to destroy the parasites, otherwise the effectiveness of the measures will be zero. After that, it will take time to restore the integrity of the skin and strengthen the body's defenses. The latter is even more important.

General scheme

These are the first recommendations to a person who is preparing for a therapeutic complex. Demodex should be defeated from the inside. That is, you must become an unsuitable object for his life. Not the last place is given to the diet. It is recommended to give up all fat, sweet and salty. During treatment, it is best to give preference to steam dishes, soups, vegetable salads, and fresh fruits and greens. The diet should be complete, including meat and fish, dairy dishes and cereals.

To help get rid of the disease help drugs local effects, as well as vitamin therapy. In some cases, it is recommended to consult an endocrinologist and a psychotherapist. The disease is both simple and complex. Therefore, doctors try to take into account all aspects during treatment. Then you can achieve a lasting and lasting effect.

Special shampoos

Treatment begins with the fact that the patient is invited to update their hygiene products. Shampoo for the treatment of demodicosis head needs a special one. To date, the choice of funds in pharmacies is very large. But do not forget that shampoo helps in combination with the main therapy. By itself, it is completely ineffective. Still, this tool has a number of advantages. Shampoo helps to gently cleanse the skin and hair, without increasing irritation. In addition, it allows active substances to get into hard to reach places. The main thing is to know about two points:

  • To get rid of tick one shampoo a little.
  • The procedure should be carried out late in the evening, because the activity of parasites increases at night.

Which to choose

The range in pharmacies can confuse anyone. At the same time, it is practically useless to ask the pharmacist how to wash your hair with demodicosis. By and large, he doesn’t care what you buy. Your doctor should choose. To date, the best can be considered the following drugs:

  • "Demodex Complex". This is a natural care cosmetics with a therapeutic effect: shampoo, tonic, soap and cream. According to the manufacturer, the natural complex effectively cleanses the skin of parasites, and also removes parts of the epidermis. The only problem is that the pharmacy will not be able to find these funds; you will have to order products on the official supplier’s website. Do you need such treatment - decide for yourself.
  • "Manting". The means of Chinese production, which does not detract from its merits. It actively fights the pathogen and helps to restore the scalp and hair roots.
  • "Demodex Owante." This is a unique complex that contains vitamins and essential oils. In this case, clinical studies have shown that it does not cause an allergic reaction.
  • "Stop Demodex." With severe itching, this tool becomes a real salvation. In addition to shampoo, the lineup has lotion, balm and gel.

In pharmacies, they can offer other medicines that do not have the direct purpose of destroying Demodex, but, despite this, they cope well with it.

Effective treatment

This subcutaneous parasite is not so easy to withdraw. Moreover, its activity leads to subcutaneous inflammatory processes. The structure of the skin surface that has changed during the disease (a hard crust forms) prevents it from breaking out. In this case, it is sometimes necessary to surgically remove accumulated pus.

The drug number 1 for the treatment of demodicosis is Metronidazole. What does this drug help? This is a broad-spectrum drug that has a pronounced activity against microbes and protozoa. It is available because it is included in the list of vital, and directly affects the pathogen. If you ask the trichologist what helps Metronidazole from, the specialist will call demodicosis almost first of all.

Auxiliary means

During treatment, a person is not recommended to go under direct sunlight. Therefore, “Resorcin” and nicotinic acid are prescribed. Often, patients begin the formation of ulcers. In this case, antibacterial and antifungal pills are prescribed. High efficacy was shown by preparations based on chloramphenicol, erythromycin and tetracycline. In parallel, you need to strengthen the immune system. For this purpose, multivitamin complexes, calcium, iron and phosphorus preparations are prescribed. This does not eliminate the need for proper nutrition.

External treatment

It must be necessary, otherwise you may never achieve positive results, or they will be completely different from what you would like. For cleansing and nourishing the skin, you can use special shampoos, but you can get by with affordable, folk remedies.

  • Tar soap with demodicosis is the choice number 1, as it allows for a short period of time to achieve significant results. It has antiseptic, drying, as well as anti-inflammatory and antiparasitic action. Tar soap contains natural birch tar, it is he who has excellent healing properties.

  • Cream "Benzyl benzoate". Of course, it is very difficult to apply ointment on the head. At the same time, the condition of the hair leaves much to be desired, as they stick together and look untidy. But if we are talking about treatment, then there is no choice. Cream "Benzylbenzoate" in the treatment of demodicosis of the scalp is very effective. The drug has a pronounced killing effect. Mite when in contact with the cream dies within 30 minutes. Adult individuals and larvae are dying, but the means to the eggs, alas, have no effect.

  • Your doctor may recommend the use of sulfuric acid and ichthyol ointment. In this case, you will have to shave off all hair and use a wig until the end of treatment and regrowth of your own hair.
  • Not bad talked chatter. This is a great alternative to soap. Prepare it from "Dimexidum", water, "Levomitsetina", "Trikhopol" and "Nystatin."

The experience of traditional medicine

Of course, this disease did not appear yesterday. It means that healers and herbalists have some experience in treatment. You can fight with demodecosis of the head with folk remedies, and quite successfully, but for this, it is also advisable to visit a doctor who will conduct the whole process from beginning to end.

This could include tar soap, which we have already mentioned above. In addition, it is recommended to apply kerosene to the skin and leave it for three days. The death of parasites occurs because kerosene forms a film that does not let air through. For patients with high sensitivity, such treatment is unacceptable. To remove the seal on the affected areas, you can use the badyagu. This is a kind of sponge, which has a pronounced irritant effect. As a result, blood rushes to the affected area, enriching the hair roots with oxygen and nutrients.

Preventive measures

Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure. The most important thing is to maintain the body's defenses. That is, give up bad habits, drink vitamins and minerals with courses, and also eat properly and fully. Observe the mode of work and rest. All this is a guarantee that the body itself will not allow the reproduction of the tick. Be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene.

It is advisable to change the feather pillows on synthetic. Wash bedding must be at high temperature, and then iron with iron. In the hot season, you need to protect your head and skin from direct sunlight. Choose the right makeup for care.

Instead of conclusion

Demodecosis is a rather serious disease that is difficult to cure, especially during the advanced stage. Therefore, the slightest suspicion should be the reason for the visit to the doctor. This is not a sentence, if all medical recommendations are followed, the improvement will come in a few days. But the procedure will need to continue until until the last generation of ticks hatches. After this, long-term rehabilitation therapy is required. As we have said, the tick dwells around us all the time, and the affected skin may seem to him a very attractive place for food and reproduction.

Summarizing, we can say that without competent maintenance, it is very difficult to cure demodicosis. It is enough to make a small mistake and stop the therapy early, and the whole effect will be nullified. Therefore, be sure to contact your doctor.

What is demodecosis of the scalp?

Pathology in the International Classification of Diseases of the 10th revision (ICD-10) is code B88.0 and is designated as another ascariasis. The cause of its appearance is acne gland (Demodex folliculorum) - a microscopic tick that reaches 0.06 mm in width, and no more than 0.4 mm in length. It is of two types, namely:

  • short tick - mainly starts in the ducts of the sebaceous glands,
  • long tick - leads vital activity in the hair follicles of the head.

This arachnid representative is considered a conditionally pathogenic microorganism. He lives on the skin and hair follicles in 90% of people and performs a number of important functions, namely:

  • removes dead particles of the epidermis,
  • interferes with the activity of some bacteria.

If the number of the tick is normal, the person does not even suspect that the hair follicles and sebaceous glands are inhabited by some living creatures, since demodex does not manifest itself and does not cause associated diseases. It should be noted that the norm is considered to be living no more than 3 individuals in one bulb.

However, everything changes when creating a comfortable environment for the tick. It begins to multiply very quickly and penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis. The number of individuals in one bulb is growing rapidly and can reach 30 pieces. Such activity of arachnids causes a number of unpleasant symptoms and contributes to the development of demodicosis.

According to the latest experimental studies, it happens as follows:

  1. In the process of vital activity, parasites secrete special enzyme substances that affect the composition of human sebum. In particular, a specific enzyme is released that provokes swelling of the skin.
  2. When local immunity is triggered, edema is stopped. If the protective properties of the body are weakened, and the number of parasites in one sebaceous gland reaches about 30 pieces, the person develops the clinical symptoms of demodicosis.

One of the main reasons for the growth of tick activity and the subsequent development of demodicosis is the weakening of the immunity of the skin. In such conditions, the tick can penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis, where favorable conditions have been created for the breeding of numerous offspring.

In addition, the impetus for the development of the disease can serve:

  • intestinal diseases, including dysbiosis,
  • prolonged presence in a stressful situation, psycho-emotional overstrain,
  • intoxication of the body,
  • various skin diseases
  • hormonal disorders due to endocrine diseases or physiological processes - pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, adolescence, adolescence,
  • prolonged use of antibiotics, hormones,
  • metabolic disorders,
  • obesity,
  • increased activity of the sebaceous glands,
  • lack of personal hygiene,
  • improper diet (in the diet there is an excessive amount of sweets, strong coffee and tea, alcohol, salt and products containing chemicals in their composition - artificial flavors, colors, stabilizers, emulsifiers, flavor enhancers, preservatives).

According to statistics, women are more susceptible to the disease than men, due to two main factors:

  • women more often have hormonal imbalances,
  • women make numerous dyeing and chemical perm, and for styling their hair they use heat appliances - ironing, curling hair and hair dryers, which adversely affects the health of the scalp - it loses its ability to restrain the growth and development of various microorganisms, which is what parasites use.

Do not forget that the tick is present on the skin of most people, so it can be easily “picked up”, for example, in a hairdressing salon or beauty salon, using a non-sterile towel, comb, etc. However, for the development of the disease, the tick needs to create comfortable conditions, therefore It is important to monitor your immunity and prevent its weakening. In this case, the growth of the number of parasites the body will hold back independently.

Symptoms and complications

As soon as the human body fails, the tick falls into a favorable environment for itself and, without losing time, begins to actively develop its offspring, capturing and populating new territories - hair follicles. As a result of its vital activity, the pores of the epidermis expand and the sebaceous glands work. The main foodstuffs of the parasites are sebum and dead skin particles, which contribute to hair loss.

Active tick activity can be recognized by the following features:

  • hair loss
  • abundant dandruff and rash,
  • itching, which is very troubling in the evening and at night, because it is at this time that ticks are very active,
  • tightness and compaction of the skin, under which small "bumps" are felt,
  • vascular reticulation,
  • reddening of the skin
  • puffiness
  • unpleasant smell.

When treatment is not started in time, the disease is transferred to the skin of the face, which becomes covered with a rash in the form of bumps and nodules. In addition, its structure and color is changing - it becomes dense and reddens. If demodex has spread to the face, then there may be such complications:

  • conjunctivitis,
  • acne,
  • loss of eyelashes
  • vascular "stars"
  • regular appearance of barley.

Often the disease takes a chronic course that requires a rather long treatment. Lack of proper treatment or ignoring the signs of the disease leads first to the loss of hair lesions, and then to complete baldness. The scalp is covered with a crust and it is unbearably itchy. Against a background of weakened immunity, pathogenic bacteria that cause suppuration and inflammatory processes get into scratching.

There are three forms of the disease:

  • Erythematous. Diagnosed at the initial stage of the disease. The skin turns red, a rash appears, which in appearance resembles a fungal infection.
  • Papular. On the skin are formed papules (nodules), towering above the skin. In size they do not exceed 1.5 cm.
  • Pustular. They are diagnosed when a secondary infection occurs, when there are ulcers or pustules on the skin - purulent formations in the form of a bladder.

Treatment of demodecosis of the scalp

If a trichologist diagnosed this disease, then you should not expect a quick recovery. The treatment lasts a very long time - the more advanced the stage, the more time it will take to remove the tick and bring the skin and hair in order.

Complex treatment is most effective when simultaneously acting in all directions, namely:

  • strengthen the immune system
  • destroy the tick, that is, reduce its number and activity,
  • remove harmful substances from the body,
  • they treat diseases that are one of the reasons for the increased activity of demodex.

Before starting treatment it is necessary to establish the exact form of the disease. Each species has its own more effective methods and drugs.

There is no universal solution for the treatment of demodicosis. All appointments are written only by a specialist, focusing on the results of tests and research, patient complaints. It is strictly forbidden to engage in self-treatment. This will not be beneficial and will only aggravate the course of the disease.

General recommendations

Treatment begins with the restoration of the immune system. While it is weakened, it is not necessary to talk about an effective fight against demodexes. Depending on the specific problem, the specialist makes the necessary appointments and recommendations:

  • with hypovitaminosis prescribes the intake of vitamin-mineral complexes,
  • with improper diet corrects the diet, and also encourages the patient to give up alcohol and smoking,
  • in case of disturbances in the central nervous system, it helps the patient to restore the psycho-emotional state,
  • for chronic diseases, diseases of the digestive or endocrine system, prescribe the necessary treatment,
  • with severe itching, he prescribes sedatives - valerian, Persen.

Regardless of the cause of the disease, for the period of treatment, experts recommend a diet. Taboo applies to such products:

  • smoked meat
  • spicy dishes,
  • sweets,
  • soda and alcoholic beverages.

The main place in the diet should take fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as dairy products. It is desirable to increase the consumption of clean water.

It is equally important to pay due attention to personal hygiene. Experts advise to wash bed linen at 75 ° C and additionally iron a hot iron. Pillows and blankets are best replaced with synthetic ones, as ticks can accumulate and inhabit natural fillers (bird feathers). All personal items — washcloths, towels, and underwear — are also worth sanitizing.

Drug therapy

For the destruction of demodexes apply various drugs.

These include:

    Metronidazole (Trihopol). Available in the form of tablets for oral administration. The active substance of the drug adversely affects the parasite, destroying its DNA structure. Course duration - 6 weeks. The dose and number of doses prescribed by the doctor. When using these tablets, the patient must avoid direct sunlight.

Healing Shampoos

It is necessary to wash the head every evening, as during the day ticks lurk in the deeper layers of the epidermis. It is better to use medicated shampoos.

These include:

  • Stop Demodex (Stop Demodex). Helps relieve irritation and reduce the inflammatory process, prevents the development of the tick, located in the inner layers of the epidermis, and some fungi.
  • DemodexOvante(Demodex Control Ovante). Shampoo from the American manufacturer, containing natural ingredients. It is believed that it does not cause allergic reactions and has no contraindications. It has a triple effect - destroys ticks, restores damaged hair and skin, strengthens the immune system, preventing the recurrence of the disease.
  • Manting. Chinese-made shampoo plant-based. It does not allow ticks to multiply, and also stimulates the restoration of the scalp.
  • Demodex Complex. Professional shampoo from demodex on a natural basis, developed by experts from Hong Kong, USA and China. Suitable for the treatment and prevention of the disease. Reduces the parasite population, cleans the skin from scales.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine has not stood aside and recommends using the following substances and plants for the treatment of demodicosis:

  • Tar soap. It contains birch tar, which has healing properties - it suppresses the vital activity of the tick, at the same time cleanses and nourishes the skin. Its pure form can be added to creams, shampoos and ointments to enhance the therapeutic effect. Head soap should be washed daily, preferably in the evening.
  • Kerosene. It is unpleasant smelling agent that needs to be applied on the head and rinse only after 3 days. Kerosene covers the skin with a film, with the result that the parasites are left without oxygen and die. But it cannot be used if the scalp is irritated or inflamed.
  • Sunflower oil. If you cannot use kerosene, you can use sunflower oil as a substitute for it. It has the same mechanism to combat the parasite.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. The peroxide solution should be applied to the bandage and treat the affected areas.
  • Bodyaga. This is a drug of animal origin that needs to treat the affected skin. It helps to remove compaction and inflammation.
  • Garlic. It is necessary to grind 6 garlic cloves and mix with 0.5 tbsp. l vegetable oil. Garlic-oil mixture put on a gauze bandage, which tie the head. Cover with a plastic cap on top. Hold the mask for 30 minutes and rinse.
  • Apple vinegar. Natural product should be lubricated affected skin for 4 weeks.
  • Chatterbox. Take 10 tablets of nystatin, metronidazole and chloramphenicol. Thoroughly grind them, pour 100 ml of purified water and 100 ml of Dimexide. Compound lubricate the affected areas 2 times a day. Course duration - 2 weeks. It should be borne in mind that the composition must be fresh, so every time you use it you will have to prepare a new talker.
  • Calendula and Demalan. In the morning it is necessary to rinse your head, and after 15 minutes, smear with calendula tincture and after another 5 minutes - ointment. This mask to keep until the evening, and then wash off and re-treat the scalp tincture of calendula.

Clinical treatment

As an alternative treatment methods can be carried out:

  • Cryotherapy. Exposure of the scalp with liquid nitrogen to destroy parasites. The method is not suitable for people who have compromised the integrity of the skin, and there are ulcers on the skin, an allergic reaction to cold, atherosclerosis of the head vessels, epilepsy, tuberculosis or progressive migraine.
  • Laser therapy. This procedure is harmless to hair, which causes the death of the parasite under laser beams. It is contraindicated in children under 12 years old, patients with oncology, with facial nerve paralysis, pregnancy and blood diseases.
  • Removal of the upper layer of the skin. This is a radical method that is used in advanced cases. Before surgery, the skin is treated with a special solution that paralyzes ticks.


A number of simple rules will help reduce the risk of developing a disease or relapse:

  • observe personal hygiene,
  • do not use other people's bath and bedding,
  • give up bad habits and eat right
  • timely treat diseases of the digestive and endocrine systems,
  • maintain immunity
  • in hot weather, wear a hat, protecting your head from ultraviolet radiation,
  • in the autumn-winter season to drink a course of vitamins and minerals,
  • wash the bedding at a high temperature, and then iron it with a hot iron,
  • replace feather pillows with synthetic ones.

Scalp demodecosis responds well to treatment, although it takes a long time. If you seek help from a specialist in a timely manner, you will be able to avoid complications, including complete loss of hair. Compliance with preventive measures will help to achieve sustained remission of the disease and prevent a new surge of tick activity.

Development stages

The nature of the clinical picture in this disease is determined by the stage of development of the latter. After reactivation of the mite colony, the pathology goes through 3 stages:

  1. Erythematous.
  2. Papular pustular.
  3. Hypertrophic.

At the initial stage in the problem area, the skin begins to turn red. But unlike the prodromal period, the symptom occurs for no apparent reason and does not disappear over several days.

In the second stage papules appear, and in the case of the accession of a secondary infection - pustules, or ulcers. The hypertrophic stage of development of the pathology is characterized by thickening of the skin and the appearance of growths. Such violations are diagnosed with lesions of the front of the head.

Concomitant medication

The success of therapy depends on the state of immunity. To strengthen the latter, it is necessary to include healthy foods in the daily diet and drink vitamin complexes. Besides, the patient must:

  • restore psycho-emotional state
  • stop drinking alcohol
  • normalize hormonal balance
  • to treat chronic inflammatory pathologies.

In the absence of the effect of drug therapy, the treatment of demodicosis is carried out using the following methods:

  • Cryotherapy. The method involves exposure to cold on problem areas of the skin.
  • Laser removal. Provides quick disposal of ticks.
  • Skin treatment antiseptic-simulator Dorogova. This tool is used only in specialized clinics.

Symptoms of demodicosis are relieved with zinc ointment. At the same time it is impossible to apply several drugs at the same time. This combination can cause severe complications and reduce the effectiveness of treatment.

Hair care

With demodicosis, it is necessary to abandon the usual shampoos in favor of tar soap and “talkers” - it is prepared in a pharmacy and consists of Dimexidum, Trichopol and other drugs. Spregal is also used to inhibit the nervous system of ticks.

You can care for the scalp and hair during the exacerbation of pathology using the following shampoos:

  • Demodex Complex,
  • Stop Demodex
  • Demodex Owante,
  • Manting.

Birch tar should be added to hair care products. The substance has a positive effect on the skin, suppressing inflammatory processes. To quickly get rid of ticks, you can treat problem areas with kerosene, keeping for three days. This method can not be used for inflammation of the dermis.

Possible complications

Demodecosis causes complications when the pathological process spreads to the front of the head. In such circumstances, the patient is concerned about:

  • conjunctivitis, against the background of which visual acuity decreases,
  • appearance of whitish on eyelashes,
  • sticking eyelashes
  • acne,
  • frequent barley on the eyes,
  • vascular "stars".

Be careful! As the pathological process progresses, the patient produces: rhinophyma on the nose, metaphin on the forehead, blepharophyma on the eyelids, otophimus near the earlobe, gnatophyma on the chin.

These growths are benign neoplasms, which significantly spoil the appearance of a person and often require surgical intervention.

Preventive measures

In order to prevent demodicosis, it is recommended to observe the following rules:

  • do not use other people's things
  • follow the rules of hygiene,
  • timely treat pathology of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system,
  • maintain immunity
  • use scrub or peeling no more than once a week,
  • in the winter to take vitamin complexes with selenium and zinc,
  • give up smoking and alcohol.

Demodecosis responds well to treatment. Pathology does not give serious complications, while causing severe discomfort. Sustained remission of the disease can be achieved if the rules of prevention are observed.

Useful videos

Treatment demodekoza eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows, forehead, head, ears.

Trichophytosis. Why do you have dandruff?

Basic concepts of the disease

As already mentioned, the cause of the development of the disease is Demodex mite, which belongs to the conditionally pathogenic component of the human body. According to statistics, it is present in 97% of the world's population. In its normal state, it is even useful - it destroys dead skin scales and some pathogenic bacteria.

Preferred places of localization are the skin of the face and head, as well as the scalp there. There are two types of demodex: short and long. The first one lives mainly in the ducts of the sebaceous glands, the second one prefers the follicles of the hair part.

Normally, the number of mites on the skin is small, but with the appearance of favorable conditions for them, a rapid growth of the population begins, with all the ensuing consequences in the form of demodicosis.

The main reason for allowing ticks to multiply freely is a decrease in local immunity, that is, the ability of the skin to withstand all sorts of irritants, including pathogenic ones.

The reasons for this condition can be:

  • various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, characterized by indigestion (gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, pancreatitis),
  • neuropsychiatric disorders, frequent stressful situations,
  • impaired metabolism
  • use of antibiotics, especially for a long time,
  • excessive enthusiasm for alcohol and tobacco,
  • abuse of procedures with the use of UV radiation (tanning beds), as well as visiting saunas and baths,
  • disturbed ecology in the area of ​​residence.

In addition, some physiological peculiarities of the skin can facilitate the task of parasites:

  • hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands,
  • the specific composition of the secretion of the sebaceous glands (especially with impaired metabolism),
  • all sorts of skin diseases.

Often, the considered pathology can occur among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity on the background of the use of cosmetics and hair dyes that have aggressive chemicals in their composition.

Children and people of old age also fall into the risk group due to insufficient or decreased function of the immune response.

The main symptoms of the negative activity of Demodex on the scalp include the following states:

  • intense itching of the skin,
  • heavy dandruff
  • allergic skin rashes in the form of pimples, pustules,
  • the appearance of swelling in the affected areas,
  • redness of the skin affected by demodex
  • the appearance of seals on the skin, so that they become nodular,
  • intense hair loss
  • the acquisition of hair unkempt,
  • unpleasant smell emanating from the affected areas of skin and hair growing on them.

In the absence of timely adequate treatment, the disease in a short time spreads to nearby areas of the skin, and in consequence to the whole head.

In this case, the following symptoms of the disease are added to the above manifestations:

  • conjunctivitis and reversible reduction in visual acuity,
  • bloom whitish on eyelashes, eyelids,
  • redness of the skin of the face, followed by desquamation,
  • sticking of eyelashes, especially in the morning,
  • frequent development of the so-called barley on the eyes,
  • the appearance of acne on the face, the individual segments of which are often converted into pustular formations.

Such symptoms signal that you need to contact a specialist (dermatologist) as soon as possible to undergo an examination and to prescribe adequate treatment. Otherwise, the consequences can be very serious.

Pathology treatment

So how to treat? Before prescribing the course of treatment required in this case, in addition to the observed symptoms, the doctor should also examine the results of diagnostic studies.

The most frequently prescribed procedures of this nature when infected with Demodex are:

  • scraping the skin areas affected by the pathogenic activity of the mite,
  • biopsy from the surface of the skin,
  • sebaceous gland secretion research
  • hair study
  • histology of skin samples (in rare cases).

Immunity restoration

The first steps in the treatment of demodicosis, as the scalp, and other localization sites, should relate to the restoration of the immune response of the body. Otherwise, all other means will bring only a temporary effect and the symptoms will soon appear again.

Depending on the cause of this state of immunity and associated disorders, therapeutic procedures may include:

  • correction of psycho-emotional state,
  • getting rid of beriberi and its consequences,
  • alcohol treatment,
  • switching to a healthy diet
  • correction of hormonal background (disorders resulting from dysfunction of the organs of the endocrine system, menopause and andropause, abuse of hormonal contraception and others),
  • cupping foci of chronic infectious diseases.

Clinical manifestations

The disease is mostly localized on the head. Here are the most active, secrete sebum, glands, subtly responding to changes in the human body.

Demodicosis is characterized by the following clinical manifestations:

  • hair gets dirty quickly, becomes greasy,
  • there is irritation, tightness, skin flakes,
  • there are white scales at the hair root,
  • vascular grid becomes visible,
  • scalp becomes red,
  • acne, acne, dandruff,
  • deteriorating condition of the hair, they dull and break,
  • itchy rash,
  • the appearance of areas of seals
  • hair loss begins first in some areas, then over the entire surface of the head.

Demodicosis is an insidious disease, it does not always show all the symptoms. Sometimes only a slight reddening of the signs is observed, and after a month there is already significant hair loss. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor in time.

Main reasons

Some internal factors contribute to the reduction of immunity and activation of the tick:

  • infections caused by helminths - parasites that can affect various organs and tissues,
  • complications caused by existing diseases,
  • depletion of the body with an insufficient amount of vitamins, nutrients, especially during seasonal hypovitaminosis,
  • viral diseases in a chronic form,
  • injuries or surgeries
  • the presence of auto-aggressive illnesses in which the immune system does not recognize the body’s own cells and attacks, considering alien, to prevent the dangerous effects of the disease, the immunity is suppressed,
  • malignant tumors, the presence of which disrupts the work of all organs and systems of the body.

The internal causes of the development of demodicosis also include:

  • disorders of the digestive tract. There may be an interrelationship in the development of demodicosis with the activity of Helicobacter pylori - bacteria that lead to gastrointestinal ailments and can aggravate the development of skin diseases,
  • related illnesses - seborrheic dermatitis, which causes the activation of the activity of the fungus, acne, rosacea (a skin disorder in which rosacea appears),
  • hormonal failure arising on the background of endocrine diseases, during pregnancy or diabetes mellitus,
  • nervous system disorders caused by stress, depression, emotional fatigue,
  • high consumption of sweet, salty, products with an excessive content of dyes and preservatives - this contributes to metabolic disorders and changes in the quality of sebum,
  • tobacco and alcohol,

External causes also favor the creation of conditions for the development of demodicosis of the head:

  • the geographical factor, for example, in New Zealand, demodicosis is manifested in less than 8% of cases, and in residents of large cities this figure reaches 60%.
  • high ambient temperature - the iron most actively reproduces at a temperature of 35-45 degrees.
  • use of cosmetics with aggressive ingredients,
  • poor ecology can lead to the development of a number of diseases, including skin ones.

The main signs of demodicosis of the scalp

The first symptoms of the disease begin to appear only after the tick goes into the active stage of reproduction. It is very important to notice this moment in time and begin treatment. The running form of demodicosis of the scalp is a serious problem that worsens a person’s standard of living. To cope with this ailment will be much more difficult.

The following symptoms help determine head demodicosis:

  • redness of the scalp,
  • itchy rash,
  • peeling,
  • severe hair loss
  • the appearance of seals on the skin
  • the appearance of a well-marked grid of blood vessels on the head,
  • quick contamination of hair.

Symptoms of the disease do not always appear immediately. The development of demodicosis can begin with a weak itch, and in a few weeks can lead to serious hair loss due to increased oily skin. If you identify one of the signs, you must contact a specialist.

No need to hope that everything goes by itself. Such an attitude to their own health is fraught with serious consequences.

Rapid contamination of hair - one of the symptoms of demodicosis

Disease treatment methods

Demodecosis cannot be cured in a couple of days, even if it is at an early stage of development. The skin parasite is very difficult to destroy. The patient will have to regularly carry out a complex of therapeutic measures that will improve the condition of the skin on the head.

The course of treatment of demodicosis takes place in several stages:

  • tick destruction
  • increased immunity
  • excretion of accumulated toxins and other harmful substances.

Get rid of the parasitic insect will help proven pharmaceuticals. They can be bought at almost every pharmacy. It is worth looking at such means:

  • Sulfuric ointment. It is able to burn out certain areas of the skin, along with parasites. This tool is recommended to be used three times a day for one week.
  • Trichopol. The drug is used in the fight against many types of parasites, among which is the tick that provokes demodicosis. The drug destroys the structure of insect DNA, thereby accelerating their death. Trichopolum is the best way to treat ailment in pregnant and lactating women. The frequency of the procedures specified in the instructions to the drug.
  • Botox. Many women were able to defeat the disease with this tool. Botox shots really bring results if done correctly.
  • Clotrimazole and Tetracycline Cream. They do not allow the tick to continue to multiply. As well as funds at the same time resist the fungus, which may appear after the destruction of parasites. These creams are also beneficial for their immunostimulating action.
  • Streptocide. This tool is applied externally. It is his doctors recommend to use for the treatment of demodicosis in children. The tablet should be crushed and pour warm water. The resulting slurry must be applied to the areas affected by the tick. Streptocide does not cause any addiction or allergic reactions, due to which it is recommended to use it for young patients.
  • Drops Collargol. Strangely enough, even they can contribute to a speedy recovery due to the fact that they increase the body's resistance to skin infections.

Tetracycline blocks tick reproduction

The list included the most popular drugs that give a good result. However, even they may be powerless in the fight against ticks, if a person self-medicates or ignores the recommendations of the doctor.

In addition to medical treatment, a specialist can offer the patient a number of procedures that can solve his problem:

  • Cryotherapy. During the procedure, the effect of cold on human skin. This therapy involves the use of ice or nitrogen.
  • Laser removal. Allows you to destroy the parasites, thereby easing the patient's condition.
  • Using an antiseptic simulator Dorogov. This method is quite new, so it is practiced only in a few medical institutions. Initially, the method was used only in veterinary medicine. However, he began to show good results in the treatment of not only animals, but also humans.

Before you assign a patient a particular course of treatment, the doctor must diagnose the condition of the skin on the bioresonance equipment. This study reveals the depth of the tick sitting in the subcutaneous layers. The result will help to understand what procedure should be applied for the effective destruction of the parasite.

During the struggle with the tick, one cannot do without a special shampoo, which is designed for patients with demodicosis. It can be purchased without any problems in many pharmacies. Today a wide range of remedies of this type is presented. It is only necessary to choose the most suitable among such diversity.

On each bottle of medical shampoo is instruction. It tells you how to wash your hair with a product, how to wash it off, how much to keep on your hair and how often to apply it.

Bathing is best done in the evening, as in the daytime the tick tries to hide in the deep layers of the skin. When he gets out, it will be the maximum impact of the active components of the shampoo.

Do not rely only on shampoo. It will be ineffective if a person does not additionally take medicines prescribed to him by a doctor. And also you should not miss the treatment of the affected areas of the scalp with ointments and creams.

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor carefully examines the patient.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of demodicosis of the head

People who have symptoms of demodicosis, try to get rid of them with the help of traditional medicine. If you use it along with the traditional treatment, you can achieve a good result.

If a person has demodicosis of the scalp, treatment should include such useful procedures:

  • Lubrication of the scalp with birch tar. In this case, suitable and soap on the basis of this substance, and shampoo. To purchase such a tool is best in a pharmacy to avoid the risk of stumble on a low-quality fake.
  • Lubrication with kerosene.Another effective tool in the fight against parasites that live in the hair and skin. Kerosene must be carefully smeared head, then wrap it with a plastic bag. After two hours it is necessary to wash the treatment mask with warm water. Conduct such a procedure for two weeks with a frequency of three days.
  • Wiping the skin with hydrogen peroxide. This procedure is best carried out immediately after shampooing. Peroxide disinfects the already formed wounds and prevents the appearance of new ones.
  • Applying masks based on sunflower oil. They should plentifully lubricate the hair zone of the head, then wrap it with a plastic bag.
  • Use garlic compresses. Another tool that acts like kerosene. To prepare a medical mixture, you need to mix half a teaspoon of vegetable oil and about six cloves of garlic. Gruel needs to be put in gauze, then attach it to your head. Top compress should be covered with a bag or film. After half an hour, gauze can be removed. It is better to wash the head with tar shampoo.
  • Lubrication apple cider vinegar. For this procedure, you will need a 6% solution. They treat all affected areas on the skin. Apply an apple bite about three times a day for a month. If a child is treated in this way, then the solution is preferably mixed with water in a 1: 2 ratio before lubrication. Apple cider vinegar must be kept on the head for at least half an hour. After it can be washed off with plenty of warm water.

If during the application of a remedy, there is a strong burning sensation and intolerable itching, then such treatment should be stopped immediately.

Sunflower oil - an affordable remedy for demodicosis

What it is?

Demodecosis - a disease caused by microscopic mitesthat inhabit the mouths of the hair follicles and secrete the products of their vital activity. Iron mite belongs to conditionally pathogenic skin dwellers and can be found in 90% of the population. Negative changes begin under the condition of excessively active reproduction of the parasite.

Photo demodekoz head:

Causes and ways of infection

The reason for activating Demodex is a decrease in local immunity, depending on the following factors.:

  • Features of the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • The composition of secreted sebum.
  • Hormonal balance of the body.
  • Hereditary tendency to dermatological diseases.
  • The presence of metabolic disorders.

Many external causes can also trigger the disease, for example:

  1. Psychological overvoltage.
  2. The use of hormonal drugs and long-term antibiotic therapy.
  3. Lack of vitamins.
  4. The use of cosmetics that do not match the type of hair and scalp.
  5. Frequent chemical exposure - curling and discoloration.
  6. The predominance in the diet of too sweet and salty foods, as well as products with dyes and preservatives.
  7. Caffeine abuse.
  8. Smoking.
  9. Excessive visit to the baths and saunas.

If you have found not demodekoz, but mycosis, then click here and find out the full information about the disease.

It is very important to notice the threatening symptoms of demodicosis and start treatment immediately. The main changes in the condition of the epidermis with the disease include:

  • Puffiness and noticeable redness of the scalp.
  • The appearance of a rash in the form of bubbles filled with pus.
  • The skin becomes dense and dry.
  • Itching and feeling of tightness.
  • The manifestation of vascular pattern.
  • Rapid contamination of hair and hair loss.


Tangible effect in the fight against demodicosis will bring the following pharmaceuticals:

  1. Trichopolum (metronidazole): the drug is taken for a long time (up to 6 weeks), but its effectiveness is extremely high. The price of tablets varies in the range of 92 - 294 p.
  2. Ointment Klion: local remedy in addition to pill treatment. It costs about 82 p.
  3. Tetracycline ointment 1%: used in case of strong ulcers. Drug price 50-73 p.

The choice of remedies always remains for the doctor - you should not use haphazardly pills and ointments, or interrupt the course ahead of time.

Folk methods

Homemade decoctions and ointments will also help in the fight against the annoying tick. It is worth trying the following traditional methods of treatment:

  1. In the mild stage of the disease, it is enough to add birch tar to ordinary shampoos and hair masks.
  2. Rinsing curls and scalp after washing with infusions of juniper, eucalyptus or buckthorn bark.
  3. For severe lesions, you can prepare an ointment from 20 ml of castor oil and two crushed tablets of Trichopol. The mixture is rubbed into the scalp half an hour before bathing. The procedure should be carried out daily.
  4. Use broth bitter wormwood. The infusion must be drunk for 6 days every 2-3 hours, even at night.

How to wash your hair during an illness?

There are several effective shampoos on the market that will help get rid of the tick as soon as possible. Among them it is worth highlighting:

  • Means "Demodex Complex": quickly helps to cope with itching and flaking, killing a significant number of parasite specimens.
  • Shampoo "Stop Demodex": eliminates the symptoms of the disease, as well as combats the associated fungal lesions and ulcers.
  • Herbal preparation "Manting": contains extracts of medicinal herbs, which helps not only to influence the tick, but also to restore the hair covering after an illness.

What causes the disease

Subcutaneous tick on the head of a person lives almost constantly, but in healthy people does not cause exacerbation. Symptoms are marked with a sharp decrease in immunity, when the parasite affects the deep skin layers. Also activation of the Demodex tick depends on the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the head, the endocrine system and the general body resistance.

Factors contributing to the reproduction of hair mite in humans:

  • hormonal disorders,
  • long-term use of antibiotics and corticosteroids,
  • chemical effects on the skin of the head,
  • wrong hair care products,
  • alcohol abuse and smoking,
  • unbalanced diet with a predominance of salty, smoked, spicy dishes,
  • lack of vitamins
  • psycho-emotional overload,
  • the period of menopause or the reaction to taking hormonal contraceptives.

It was established that the Demodex parasite on the head secretes a special enzyme that affects the composition of human sebum and provokes swelling of the skin. With strong immunity, inflammation and swelling disappear on their own. But when parasites are activated, their number increases to thirty in one sebaceous gland. This contributes to the manifestation of symptoms of the disease on the skin.

Demodex mite can be transmitted to people around through direct contact, but the patient does not need to be isolated. In order for a disease to be transmitted to another, a number of factors must coincide that create favorable conditions for the activation of the parasite.

The symptoms of the presence of a tick in the hair begin with the appearance of rosacea. This is a pronounced erythema, occurring against the background of puffiness and redness on the head, accompanied by acne nodules and ulcers on the skin.

The characteristic symptoms of demodicosis of the scalp:

  • skin redness that can spread to the chest and upper back,
  • papules (nodules), acne and blisters filled with pus,
  • compaction of the skin in the affected area,
  • pronounced vascular mesh,
  • dry skin, tightness, peeling and itching.

Such signs of the presence of a subcutaneous mite may initially be invisible. But with the active reproduction of the parasite Demodex a person feels a strong discomfort. He gets dandruff, damaged hair follicles, acne popping out not only on the forehead, but throughout the hair growth zone.

What doctor treats demodecosis head

First of all, you need to visit a dermatologist, who will give a referral for analyzes, and according to their results will select a treatment regimen. For large lesions, not only in the hair, but on the face, neck and back, you may need the help of a dermatocosmetologist. This is a doctor who determines the type of skin. He will be able to pick up medical and cosmetic products, he will carry out treatment of problem areas with their help.

If the cause of the disease is poor immunity, the patient is referred to an immunologist. If hormonal disorders are suspected, an endocrinologist joins the treatment.

Rules for the care of the scalp and hair during treatment

In the process of treating skin demodicosis one should observe some rules. Shampoo alone will not cope with the attack of parasites. Therefore, it is necessary to wash your hair with a remedy, and then back up the result with popular methods. Due to the fact that ticks are most active in the evening and at night, it is better to treat the skin during this period.

Scrub products are not recommended for use more than once every 7 days, so as not to disturb the natural fatty balance of the skin and not damage it. Beneficial effect on the scalp and hair infusions of eucalyptus, oak bark, buckthorn, elecampane, wormwood. Head should be washed daily. During treatment it is impossible to carry out hair dyeing and do a perm.


Watch the video: Get Rid Of Hair Fungus With 10 Simple Home Remedies (July 2024).