Eyebrows and eyelashes

How to choose the shape of eyebrows by type of person


To guess with eyebrows, you need to accurately determine the type of person. It's very easy to do this:

  • Square - the length and width are almost the same, only in the area of ​​the cheek face slightly wider,
  • A rectangle is longer than width, which is why the face becomes elongated. The cheekbones, forehead and chin are in line.
  • Circle - different smooth, pomp and softness,
  • Triangle - wide forehead combined with a narrow chin,
  • Oval - protruding cheekbones, chin smaller forehead,
  • Pear - the main volume is in the cheeks, chin and jaw are much wider cheekbones and forehead,
  • Rhombus - pointed chin + high and wide cheekbones,
  • The heart has a wide low forehead and narrowed jaw, while the cheekbones are slightly wider.

The main types of eyebrows

The fashion for eyebrows changes as often as the fashion for clothes. In this case, it is extremely important not only to follow the trends, but also to select the type that suits you. What are the forms of eyebrows?

  • Straight lines - horizontal lines without any bends,
  • With a house - they are distinguished by a sharp break in the middle, which gives the eye openness,
  • S-shaped (curved) - the most complex type of eyebrows, which can only be performed by an experienced master. It looks very elegant and gives sexuality,
  • With a break - a classic form, which is an ascending smooth line, the outer tip of which is much thinner than the head,
  • The arches are soft, with a smooth arch in the middle,
  • Ascending - do not have a bend, their tail tends upwards.

How to choose the shape of eyebrows for chubby? Your main task is to bring the circle closer to the oval and visually narrow it. The following models are suitable for this purpose:

  • With kink, clear and pronounced. To create it, you need to pull out the hairs at the tip and in the middle of the eyebrow. Thanks to this, you can increase your natural bend and make it noticeable. But have a sense of proportion, otherwise this kink will turn into a sharp corner - it is very ugly,
  • Rising eyebrows with a wide head, a thin tail and a clear arch. In this case, it is necessary to tweak the tip a little, if it is lowered down. It is important not to overdo it in order to keep the length and not get a short and wide curl. If necessary, use a cosmetic pencil or make tattoo with henna.

Important! Chubby girls are not recommended as thin arcs, and straight wide eyebrows - they will make the face even wider and fuller.

It’s not for nothing that the oval form is considered ideal - almost all types of eyebrows are perfect for them. Perhaps the only exception is straight broad eyebrows - they make the features coarse, and also visually shorten the oval.

We advise you to look at the following options:

  • With a break - give the appearance of romance and femininity. The main thing is to make the corner soft and smooth. An overly sharp kink can make your look harsh and even somewhat angry,
  • Horizontal - visually smooth out a certain oblongness of the oval and make it rounded. Remember, the form must be symmetrical. But to soften the gaze and not make it gloomy, slightly nibble the eyebrow inside - this will raise the arch and open your eyes. Remember to remove the excess and at the point of the intended bend,
  • Arcuate - make sharp features softer and softer. To the round shape of the eyebrows came out just perfect, be sure to think about the ratio of its main indicators - the length, width and height of the arch.

Eyebrows for a square face with its sharp outlines should be soft, arcuate and slightly rounded. Experts recommend making the bend angle sharp and highly elevated. Ideally, it should be located above the outer tip of the eye or above its middle. The tip can be made a little longer than usual - you should avoid short lines. As for the width, stop at medium or slightly more. Thin "strings" are not allowed - with them square faces will look ridiculous. However, this also applies to wide horizontal eyebrows, which expand the square and make it coarse.

The owners of the "triangle" need to visually narrow the wide cheekbones and forehead. To do this, give up too long lines. For you, the most beautiful form is eyebrows with the letter S. However, to create them, you need the corresponding natural data - good density and natural bend. It is best to trust the masters in this matter, but if you want to do everything yourself, follow this instruction:

  • Work through the arch - remove the vegetation inside the bend, making a beautiful angle,
  • For the appearance of the trough, pull out the hairs above the middle of the brow,
  • Wrap the tip inward and make the eyebrow shorter.

Tip! To make eyebrows the same, be sure to mark the start / end points, as well as the place of the bend.

Choosing the shape of the eyebrows for the type of face with a heart, stop at those that balance a wide forehead with a small lower jaw. Ascending lines do a great job with this task.

If the eyebrows are naturally endowed with a soft curve, turn them into soft ascending arcs. It is impossible to lower them down - so you will draw attention to the extended upper part. But the horizontal lines will need a slight correction. First, pull out the hairs over the head, lowering its inside. Then lift the tip, directing it to the temples - pull out the bottom row approximately from the middle, moving to the outer edge. Owners of the heart-shaped face can not make wide and thick eyebrows - it makes the forehead heavier and highlights all the flaws of your appearance.

Tip! To make the forehead higher, slightly raise the brow line.

Tips to help you learn how to choose the right shape of eyebrows for the type of your face:

The perfect shape of the eyebrows for a rectangular face - wide and straight. They should not be located close to each other, because so your face will become even longer. To correct this nuance, pull out the hairs near the nose bridge, and make the tail moderately thin. Not less beautiful option for the "rectangle" will be ascending lines with a light arch, which soften the look. But high arcs and sharp bends do not fit at all.

Female faces in the shape of a pear are distinguished by full cheeks and a disproportionately wide chin. Your main task - to maximize the upper and lower parts. Women with a similar appearance should be well painted over each hair, giving the eyebrows a clearer shape and making them quite thick. Make the upper part wider be able to massive eyebrows, so give preference to the wide and fairly long lines. Their bend depends on the features of the face: for expressive - barely noticeable, for small ones - more sharp.

Considering eyebrows of the different form, find a variant for a face in the form of a rhombus. Here it is necessary to smooth too sharp corners and soften clear cheekbones. You are perfect arched eyebrows or a model with a bend.

How to pinch your eyebrows?

To perform the correction procedure at home, stock up on such materials:

  • Cream
  • Table lamp
  • Tweezers
  • Cotton pads,
  • A pencil
  • Magnifying mirror
  • Alcohol lotion.

Proceed as follows:

1. Clean the face of dirt and makeup.

2. Wipe the skin with lotion - tweezers will not slip.

3. Install a mirror and provide high-quality lighting.

4. Select eyebrows according to face shape and mark three main points:

  • Initial - put a pencil near the wing of the nose and draw a line to the inner corner of the eye. This is the head of the eyebrow,
  • Bend point - move it to the middle to cover the pupil,
  • The final - connect the wing with the outer part of the edge of the eye.

5. Select the desired tone. The darkest is in the middle, the lightest is at the head and on the tip. Girls with blond hair need to darken no more than a tone. And brunettes and brown-haired - only a little lighten.

6. After plucking the first brow, go to the second. Carefully ensure that they are at the same level and are the same.

7. Disinfect the skin and spread it with cream.

Tip! To remove unpleasant sensations while plucking out excess hair, thoroughly steam the skin or rub it with ice.

You can correct the shape using a special stencil. This is a piece of transparent plastic with a brow cut out in the center of one shape or another. It is applied to the face and carefully paint over the neckline with dark shadows or a pencil. All the hairs that are traced behind the contour, you need to remove the tweezers.

Useful tips

When creating eyebrow shapes for different face types, take note of a few important tips.

Tip 1. Show a sense of proportion - thin threads are not in vogue.

Tip 2. You can pull out only the bottom edge.

Tip 3. To facilitate the process, pull the skin with your finger.

Tip 4. Pull out the hairs with sharp movements, moving in the direction of their growth.

Tip 5. Perform the procedure in the evening - the skin after the correction may turn red.

Tip 6. Provide good lighting - it should be shadowless.

Tip 7. For eyebrow correction do not use the machine.

Tip 8. When choosing, do not forget to take into account the facial features. For small fit thin brows, for large - wide.

Tip 9. The correct shape of the eyebrows can adjust the face:

  • Horizontal eyebrows of medium width will help to make it wider.
  • Visually it can narrow the rounded tip
  • If the eyes are close, position the heads away from each other,
  • If the eyes are set too far away, place them closer.

Tip 10. Regularly remove regrown hairs.

See also: How to choose the right eyebrow shape for your type of face (video)

Eyebrows for a round face

A round face has a width and length of the same size. The purpose of the eyebrows is to visually lengthen it.

The correct shape of the eyebrows - raised high with a noticeable kink, a wide start and a thin finish. They create a vertical point and provide the illusion of an oval face. Thanks to them, the cheekbones become more noticeable, and the eyes are larger. To emphasize the shape, make-up artists advise to make them darker. Another trick to help lengthen the face - comb your eyebrows up.

Eyebrows that are not worth doing - round.

Eyebrows for an oval face

The oval face has a wider chin and high cheekbones. The purpose of eyebrows is to balance facial features.

The correct form of eyebrows - any, except for excessively plucked out of the 90s. According to make-up artists, the best option is horizontal eyebrows with a soft break and a small arc.

Eyebrows that should not be done - too wide. They give the face a stern look.

Eyebrows for the face in the shape of a heart

The face of the heart - a sharp chin and broad forehead. The purpose of the eyebrows is to soften the shape of the face.

The correct shape of the eyebrows - round or “take off”. They should be of medium width. And always well-groomed. Soft rounded eyebrows smooth out the angularity of the face.

Eyebrows that are not worth doing - a direct form.

Eyebrows for square face

The face of a square shape - cheekbones, chin and forehead of the same width. The purpose of the eyebrows is to shift the accent from the wide cheekbones and chin to the eyes.

The correct shape of the eyebrows is slightly arched. They visually soften the angularity of the exterior. If you make them wider - they will become more noticeable.

Eyebrows that should not be done - sharp and thin.

Eyebrows for a diamond face

The face in the shape of a rhombus has wide cheekbones with a narrow forehead and chin. The purpose of the eyebrows is to soften the angularity and give a wide part of refinement.

The correct form of eyebrows - wide with a soft bend. They make the face round and shortened.

Eyebrows that should not be done - straight or with a pronounced bend.

What are the eyebrows

In the 70s of the last century, thin “strings” were at the peak of popularity. They flaunted on their faces for several decades. In those days, the shape of the eyebrows is not selected. The hairs were plucked as much as possible from all sides, literally one row remained. On it drew a pencil, achieving a contrast.

Then natural eyebrows became fashionable. Bright black pencils and paints diluted with many other shades. Naturalness is still in fashion, girls choose wide and natural eyebrows. At will, they can always be made up brighter, circle, make a theatrical effect or, as it is now called, “instagram” eyebrows.

What are the forms:

  1. Straight lines They are smooth lines with a slight bend or its complete absence.
  2. House. A distinctive feature - a sharp line of fracture, resembling a corner, that is, the roof of the house.
  3. Dougie. The eyebrow can have a different thickness, length, but always smooth and repeats the shape of a regular arc without sharp bends and protruding corners.
  4. With a break. This form of eyebrows occurs very often, the eyebrow smoothly goes up, then bends and falls down. This is a kind of shifted "house".
  5. Ascendants Straight eyebrows that start at the nose and directed upwards. There are no kinks and bends, or they are not very pronounced.

It is not always possible to alter the shape of the eyebrow. If initially there was a "house", then make it direct will not work. It is also difficult to make sharp bends on smooth arcs. If the eyebrows themselves are narrow and rare, then the task is further complicated. In any case, initially you need to evaluate the source data.

Right size

Often the shape of the eyebrows is selected according to the type of person, but for some reason they forget about the size. It is very important not to pinch the length, but you also do not need to wind up the temple or paint the nose bridge. There are rules generally accepted by stylists that allow individually to solve this problem. It will take any two pencils, one necessarily cosmetic, which you can draw on the skin.

Method for determining the length:

  1. Attach a simple pencil to the wing of the nose perpendicular to the floor. It must pass through the inner corner of the eye upwards. Cosmetic pencil mark the start point of the eyebrow.
  2. Move the pencil to the side so that it passes through the pupil, while looking straight. Mark a point on the eyebrow. This will be a section of maximum bend or height.
  3. Move the upper tip of the pencil again, so that it runs from the wing of the nose to the extreme corner of the eyes. Put the end point on the brow. The length is determined.
  4. Based on these measurements, an approximate shape of the eyebrow emerges.

Important! This method is not suitable for all girls. If the eyebrows are straight, then the second point is not necessary to mark, it is enough just to determine the beginning and end, that is, the length. Owners of the "house" will also not be able to move the bend to the side.

Types of face and shape

Regardless of the selected thickness and intensity of staining, you need to pick up eyebrows to the type of person. You can experiment on your own, change the length, width, paint in different shades, until you get the perfect option. But it can take years. It’s still better to stick with generally accepted recommendations.

Since the basis for most often take the form of a face, you need to learn how to define it. To do this, remove all hair with bangs back, stab, look. If you have any difficulties, you can take a picture of yourself, outline the oval with a regular pencil in a picture or on a program in a computer.


Eyebrows can change facial expression beyond recognition. That is why it is so important to learn how to choose the right shape. Too thin or unnatural eyebrows make the face artificial. For girls with small features, over-wide eyebrows should be taboo, they look ridiculous.

Eyebrow correction can be done both independently and by a professional.

In general, the procedure can not be called difficult, if armed with appropriate tools and the necessary knowledge.

Conventionally, the correction can be divided into long-term and short-term. Under the long-term imply microblading, tattooing, the effect after which lasts for a period of a year to several years.

Short-term correction will continue until the hairs begin to grow. On average, it is 2-3 weeks.

Eyebrow correction is a procedure in violation of the integrity of the skin, so it is important to ensure its safety. This involves disinfecting the working area, hands and materials, as well as disinfecting the eyebrow area after the procedure.

There are several common forms of eyebrows, but before they are considered their features, you should decide on some terms. The beginning, or the head of the eyebrow, originates at the bridge of the nose. The middle part or body is the main area of ​​the eyebrow, includes a bend. The tip is called otherwise the tail, usually it is already the head and body of the eyebrow.

Regardless of the type chosen, the ideal shape assumes that 2/3 of the eyebrow falls on the head and body, and only 1/3 is the tip of the eyebrow after a break.

Depending on the points at which the head and the tip lie, such forms as:

  • Straight. At the same time, the head and tail lie in the same plane, due to which it is possible to visually make the forehead wider and “correct” too long face.
  • Ascending The head is located just above the tip, the latter is usually directed to the temples. Thanks to this form, it is possible to slightly narrow the face and stretch it.
  • Downward The tip of the eyebrow is slightly higher than the head - this form is usually not used, and if it is a natural type of eyebrows, then it is better to correct it. The fact is that they give a person a dull expression.

In addition, it is customary to allocate the following forms:

  • Rounded. They are characterized by a smooth arc-like bend, rounded off beginning and tail. Usually this form occurs in women of the eastern type. Suitable for a square, diamond-shaped and rectangular face, allows you to hide excessive "angularity" and rudeness features.
  • Triangular. It is also called a "house", with moderate bending and respecting proportions, this form looks elegant and flirtatious. If you do not follow these rules, the person acquires an astonished and unnatural expression.
  • Curved. These are eyebrows with a break, a pronounced break. They invariably catch the eye and when changing the shape of the arch and the proportions of the eyebrows are suitable for almost every type.

Broken eyebrows allow you to divert attention from the "problem" areas of the face, visually young.

How to choose the type of person?

The most harmonious face shape is oval. All other types, far from it, can be made more attractive with the help of various makeup tricks and the right shape of eyebrows.

So, chubby girls can recommend eyebrows with a pronounced break. They are characterized by a thin tip, the reduction of which begins from the middle of the eyebrow. It is important to achieve a natural bend, and not to turn eyebrows into sharp "ticks."

For this type, you can also recommend ascending eyebrows. They have a less pronounced bend, and the tip here tends, not downwards, but towards the temple.

With a round face, both wide and narrow eyebrows should be avoided. The former make the face even more massive and round, while the latter give the face an unnatural expression.

Eyebrows with a noticeable kink are also recommended for a square face, they should be made smooth, rounded at the base. The bend should occur over the middle of the eye or its outer corner. If necessary, it is recommended to extend the tip, the eyebrow should turn out to be slightly longer than usual. To direct the tip to the temples. As for the width, it should be medium or slightly wider. Thin eyebrows look on a square face unattractive, making the already large bottom even more massive.

This form is also suitable for the face-rectangle. Not bad on this face will look broad straight eyebrows. It is important not to move them too close, otherwise the face will become even more elongated. The tip of the eyebrow should be a little sharpened and sent to the temples.

With a triangular face type, the eyebrows should be slightly shorter, but at the same time fairly thick, with a natural curve. The tip can be slightly wrapped inside, giving it a more rounded shape.

If you have a heart-shaped face, then it is important to select eyebrows that will allow to achieve a balance between the upper and lower part of the face. For this optimum ascending eyebrows with a pronounced arch. They can not lead to the lower part of the face, and should be directed to the temples. Do not choose too wide and thick eyebrows, they will weight the forehead area.

A pear shaped face requires a visual increase in the volume of the forehead and temples in order to balance these parts with the expanding lower area of ​​the cheeks and chin. Fit and thick eyebrows with a bend. The less expressive the eyes, the more noticeable the “arch” should become.

The bend should be moved closer to the outer corner of the eye.

For a diamond-shaped face, you should choose a rounded eyebrow or a variant with a blurred bend. Too sharp arch only emphasizes the "angularity" of the face.

The oval shape is considered to be one of the most successful, so its owners can afford almost any shape. Classic are considered medium-thick eyebrows with a soft fracture. Arcuate give the image of softness, romance. However, you should carefully consider the width of the eyebrows, the point of bending. Otherwise, the eyebrows will turn into "houses", giving the face an unnatural expression of constant amazement. Wide ascending eyebrows fit oval, but too thin, elongated face. They will visually make it a little more rounded.

When choosing a form, it is important not only to select it taking into account the shape of the face, but also focusing on the facial features. So, with close eyebrows, it is recommended to increase the space between the eyebrows in the area of ​​the nose and to make the eyebrows themselves thinner. At the same time, it is important to ensure that in the nose bridge area there is no space left of the hairs that is not wider than two fingers of the hand (index and middle, joined together).

As for the color, it should coincide with the shade of the hair, and for blondes to be 2-3 tones darker. Today, stylists say that even brown-haired and black-haired girls are not recommended to choose black eyebrows. They look rough and even vulgar, they add a few years to the face.

Correcting the shape of the eyebrows, it is important to remember about their natural appearance. As a rule, professionals only slightly correct the natural form, so that the person retains the natural appeal.

How to determine the proportions?

To build a correct eyebrow, you need to pick up a white cosmetic pencil (in principle, you can take a color one, but dark lines can be distracting). First you need to select 3 points - the beginning of the eyebrow, its highest point and end.

The first one can be found by placing a pencil from the wing of the nose to the eyebrow. This will be the start of the brow. Further from the wing of the nose through the middle of the pupil it is necessary to draw an imaginary line to the eyebrow. This will be the highest point. It is necessary to look straight ahead, so that the location of the pupil does not move. Finally, putting the pencil to the wing of the nose, you should draw a line through the outer corner of the eye to the eyebrow. This will be the point of its end.

Next, the target points should be connected with lines, drawing the desired shape.

If you decide to radically change the shape of the eyebrows, then you can apply a tonal tool on their entire surface, and then make the necessary “markup”. After that you should draw a suitable shape and cover it with a brown pencil. So you will understand approximately how the new form will look on your face.

From the beginning to the middle of the eyebrows, a uniform thickness should be maintained, the narrowing begins at the break point or slightly earlier. To achieve proportionality allows the work immediately with both eyebrows. It is wrong to first pluck out one eyebrow, and then another.

The correct form involves the removal of hair in the lower part of the eyebrow. Plucking hairs from above is fraught with the fact that the look will be heavy. In addition, with this method it is impossible to significantly change the shape. Finally, the hairs above the eyebrow grow slowly, so pulling out too much, you risk a long time to change shape.

Ways of registration

Eyebrow shaping is usually done with tweezers or threads. The first method is considered more painful, however, it is available to almost everyone, while the technique of removing the thread involves the possession of certain skills.

In addition, the work will require a mirror. Its dimensions must be such that it completely reflects the face. It is better when the mirror has a stand, so hands will remain free. Experts use a mirror with a magnifying glass that allows you to make out even small hairs.

In addition, you should prepare a disinfectant solution, which is treated working areas, hands, tools. If the face has makeup, then you will also need a means to remove it.

In case of severe pain syndrome, pain relievers, special creams can also be used. In their absence, you can use a warm solution of chamomile, as well as ice cubes.

Eyebrow shapes for different face types

  • The dream of many girls with this face shape is chiseled cheekbones instead of rounded cheeks, no matter how cute and charming they look from the side. Therefore, they abuse contouring, trying at least visually to make the cheeks more sunken. But much more likely to get sculpted facial features, if you give your eyebrows shape with a graceful kink. They must have a corner and a pointed "tail". Since chubby people, as a rule, do not have sharp facial features, such eyebrows in their case look especially expressive, bringing character to the image.

  • If the face is oval, it means that when correcting the shape of the eyebrows, it is best to strive for their “straightening”. At the same time, they can be slightly rounded. But a sharp break is something that, on the contrary, should not be. He will give facial expression extra rigor. And the eyebrows-arches will make the face too elongated - this effect is also hardly desirable.


  • The most characteristic of a square shape is a wide jaw. The task is to visually soften the geometricity that distinguishes this type of face, as well as to “narrow” it a little. So, being defined with a form of eyebrows, choose soft arches, roundish, without points and "corners". Also, attention should be paid to the width of the eyebrows: girls with a square type of face, say beauty gurus, thin eyebrows are contraindicated. The natural average width will be perfect.


  • When the face type is rectangular, the same rules apply as for a square face. The only difference is that the bend should not be made high. But at the same time, eyebrows should be longer than with a square type, otherwise the face will seem narrow.

  • With a triangular face type, the forehead is especially noticeable - it seems “heavy” due to the fact that the upper part of the face is larger than the lower. The correct eyebrow shape should fix this. Direct, it should not be - this time. Two - try either to make them arc-shaped, or with a slight elevation of the "tails" up. If they “look” down, their face will look sad.

Diamond shaped

  • This face shape is also called "diamond." It is angular, so eyebrow wizards recommend smoothing this feature with a soft, rounded bend. Light geometricality at the highest point of a brow lift is permissible, but there should be no sharp kinks. Again, not the best solution to make eyebrows straight - the arched shape is considered the most suitable for girls with a diamond-shaped face.

More information about makeup for different types of face

How to determine the correct proportions of eyebrows? Step-by-step instruction

It is possible to start eyebrow makeup and the correction of their shape only after determining the correct proportions. Find out how to do it.

  • First, determine the fit of the eyes. They are considered to be widely planted, if the distance between them is greater than their width, and more - they can be closely planted or have a normal fit.
  • Second, mentally divide the eyebrows into three parts - the beginning, the bend (their upper point) and the tip.

To correctly determine the proportions of the eyebrows, mentally draw three lines - to the beginning of the eyebrow, to the bend and to the tip. The line to the beginning of the eyebrow should run vertically upwards from the “wing” of the nose. The line to the bend is drawn from the center of the chin through the pupil to the eyebrow. And the line to the tip - from the "wing" of the nose through the outer corner of the eye.

Eyebrow care

One thing is to determine the correct proportions of the eyebrows and give them the correct shape that suits your type of person, quite another to provide them with care. We tell about it in more detail.

  • In time, pull out the grown hairs with tweezers in order not to lose the created shape, and even if you do not stack your eyebrows with the help of cosmetics, comb them with a special brush.
  • If you want to grow eyebrows, include in the diet products with the content of vitamins A, C and E. Or use care products: natural oils, for example, castor oil strengthen hairs and stimulate their growth. Use, besides castor oil, lemon, rose or lavender oil.

Apply them in the following way: moisten a cotton pad with an oil, rub it over an eyebrow and leave it for 30 minutes or even overnight. Repeat the procedure every day until you notice the result, and if irritation appears on the skin, try an alternative method of growing.

Round face

Eyebrow shape for round face

The face in this case looks broad, with a rounded chin. For owners of this type it is important to visually "pull out" the face. So, how to choose the shape of eyebrows according to the type of face a circle?

The best option would be a form with a broken line, soaring upwards and then gently descending downwards to the temple. The higher the fracture, the more visually the face line will be. The falling edge should be narrowed and the tip should be as sharp as possible.

You should not get the effect of "house", the hairs smoothly after bending should be sent to the temple.
Otherwise, the look will be surprised or sad, and therefore absolutely unnatural.

Do not thin the hairs:

  1. firstly, it is already unfashionable,
  2. secondly, the thick line on the round face looks spectacular.

It is better to refuse round shape, such eyebrows only visually will focus even more on the round face.

Oval face

Option for an oval face

If you are the owner of an oval face, you can use both arched and straight lines. The oval is considered a reference type, so the flight of fantasy can be wide.

But in the case when the oval is too elongated, you can make a slight break of the line, this effect will visually attract attention, and the face contour will be softer.

How to choose the shape of eyebrows on the type of face oval:

  • choosing the option with smooth lines, do not make it too low to the eye, as this will make the look gloomy,
  • a wide line makes the face heavier, it is better to choose an average thickness,
  • when choosing a bend, do not make it too high and elongated.

Triangular face

Triangular oval and eyebrows for it.

In this case, the girl has a wide forehead and narrow, pointed chin.

How to determine the shape of the eyebrows by the type of triangle face:

  • should be abandoned flat, horizontal lines,
  • The arcuate shape will give softness, but it is important not to overdo it with the width of the bend of the arc. Too thin or strongly curved lines will give a dazed look,
  • width is best suited medium with a slightly narrowed end.

Plucking technology

Eyebrow shapes for different types of faces can be corrected with:

Using tweezers, you can create any desired shape for the eyebrows.

The simplest, most familiar and affordable method is to adjust the shape with tweezers. Before starting the procedure, tweezers should be sanitized and hands should be thoroughly washed.

This is necessary to prevent infection, otherwise irritation may occur and even purulent boils appear. If the eyelid skin is sensitive and susceptible to allergic reactions, apply a soothing eye cream before the procedure.

Hair should be combed with a mascara brush or a special brush. Perform this manipulation from the bottom to the upper corner of hair growth. Having defined the bend, you can draw an eyebrow with a pencil and already pull out the hairs along the outlined contour.

Remove excess hairs should be starting from the bottom. The skin should be slightly tightened, and the hair should be grabbed with tweezers as close to the root as possible.

The execution instruction has to be observed, the procedure is carried out slowly, as it is possible to accidentally remove the necessary hairs and thus spoil the intended shape. After the process, apply a soothing lotion on the skin.

Correctly chosen eyebrow shape - a harmonious image!

Perform eyebrow correction can be both at home and resort to salon services. The price for such a procedure is low, it also does not take much time. Often, the first correction to create the desired form is carried out by a specialist, and further procedures are carried out independently.

In any case, the choice is yours, the main thing is that the form should be chosen correctly. In this case, your image will be immaculate and complete. More interesting information on the topic you can learn from the video in this article. And if you have any questions - write about it in the comments!

Picking the perfect eyebrow shape

Initially, you need to determine what type of image. Type will tell you what to emphasize, what to focus on, so that the image becomes complete and pronounced.

There are several types of outlines:

  • pretty diamond
  • romantic heart
  • mysterious triangle
  • authoritative square
  • elegant oval
  • round face.

Initially, you need to determine what type of image.

The elongated face has an elongated shape, a sharp chin, a high forehead, cheekbones. The width of the rhomboid face is noticeably different from its length.

The diamond-shaped face is distinguished by a narrowed frontal area in relation to the cheekbones. In this case, the chin is sharp or narrow, the high cheekbones complement the rhombus.

The face in the shape of a romantic heart has a wide frontal part, which is visually different from the bottom. Such a person has a sharp or narrowed chin, and the line of growth of the hair covering over the forehead resembles a heart.

The triangular face, it is a "diamond" has a length slightly greater than its width. High cheekbones smoothly into a sharp chin. Triangular type has an oval hairline, broad forehead.

The type of face will tell you what to emphasize, what to focus on, so that the image becomes complete and pronounced.

The square has a medium forehead width, pronounced heavy jaw, wide cheekbones. The eyes are usually large in size.

An oval face is considered perfect. Its length prevails over the width, the frontal area is equal to the chin.

There are soft lines in the round face. The height is equal to the width of the cheekbones, the chin is almost imperceptible, the cheekbones are wide.

Considering the types of faces, at first glance it seems that nothing special should be invented, however, this opinion is erroneous. If the form is correctly chosen, then success is guaranteed.

There are several types of brow arcs:

Semicircular eyebrows is characterized only by bending with soft corners. Flat edge has no corners and bends. Curved eyebrows combine sharp corners and bends.

The shapes of the eyebrows of different types of face may differ, which will suit one, it will spoil the appearance of the other.

Suitable eyebrow shape elongated face

An elongated face, brow arcs may add width, which is lacking. For this direct form will do. Thanks to the clear lines, the image will be gently rounded.

Do not make arched eyebrows, from this face will seem longer than it actually is. Straight arcs - the last squeak of fashion.

An elongated face, eyebrows can add width, which is lacking.

Eyebrows for heart shaped face type

This type of face will perfectly transform, hide a pointed chin, arched eyebrows. The beginning of the arc as well as the end must be at the same level. The contours of the edges should gently stand out.

The arc does not have to be high, you can try low, but with softened corners, then the image will be slightly longer.

Selected forms of brow arcs for different types of faces will add femininity, remove noticeable outlines, change facial expression.

Eyebrow line on the face in the form of a triangle, should be with a soft bend.

Mysterious triangle

Eyebrow line on the face in the form of a triangle, should be with a soft bend. Sharpened corners should be avoided., as they add even more angularity. Short eyebrows are also not suitable.

Triangular face does not fit straight arcthey create an image of sadness and sorrow. Get a crying look.

Eyebrows for a decided square

Square face it is necessary to forever abandon the thin eyebrows. Thick eyebrows will create a balance between shape and jaw. If the arc is rare, you can use a pencil or shadow.

The square face is transformed and complemented by femininity also in the arcuate form, the main thing is that there should not be any break angles.

Owners of oval types, fit eyebrows in a horizontal version, if only not to strongly raise the fracture.

Elegant oval

The oval type of face is ideal for changing the image. The main task is not to disturb the natural balance.

Owners of oval types, eyebrow arches are suitable in horizontal design, if only they do not significantly lift the fracture. A slight rounding will add femininity, and also slightly stretch the face.

The oval face easily takes the shape of the eyebrows in step with the times. Should remember that wide, straight eyebrows add to the image of the harsh appearance and rigidity.

Drawing rules for the selected form

When the form is defined, it must be carefully drawn. For these purposes, suitable simple tools: a pencil and brush.

Initially, it is necessary to outline the points of the beginning, end and fracture of the eyebrows.

When the form is defined, it must be carefully drawn.

Drawing instructions:

  1. Use a sharply sharpened pencil to draw the upper line from the beginning to the point of the bend, while taking into account the chosen shape.
  2. Then you need to connect the bending point with the end of the form. The upper part of the eyebrow traced. You need to make sure that the lines are plastic and accurate.
  3. In the same way draw the bottom line of the arc.

After the drawn shape of the eyebrow is ready, it needs to be shaded with a pencil. It is necessary to put strokes from the end of a brow, accurately moving ahead to the beginning. Drawing a pencil should not be too clear, do not press on it, because eyebrows will look artificial.

The end of the eyebrow should not be too shaded, it is better to make the middle of the form more pronounced, and the beginning should be slightly underlined. Use a stiff brush to shade pencil strokes.

This will help to create naturalness and remove clear boundaries of drawing. The final stage will be the application of powder around the arcs with a soft brush.

Drawn forms of different types of faces make eyebrows natural and pronounced. Beautiful eyebrows relieve the application of excess makeup on the face.

Drawn forms of different types of faces make eyebrows natural and pronounced.

Drawing eyebrows can be done with the help of shadows. Shadows for this case should be the color of eyebrow hairs, have a solid texture and a brush with an oblique edge. This will help for a clear application of the form. The arc is drawn with shadows in the same way as with a pencil.

According to the rules of professional makeup, the color and shade of eyebrows should be combined with hair.

After training with pencil and shadows, you can paint the eyebrows in the chosen way. It can be paint or henna.

Then you do not have to spend time on makeup every day, dyes will fix the shape and color for a long time. One has only to remember to make the correction of growing hairs.

Not all women can find and make the right shape for themselves, however, master salons will come to the rescue. With their rich experience and hand crammed no difficulties in work. After the salon procedure, you can independently take care of the existing form.

The main points of the eyebrows and their definition

Before determining the main points of the future shape of the eyebrow, you need to remove the makeup, remove the hair back, fixing them. Carefully examine yourself in the mirror, visually pick up the shape. Forms for eyebrows choose the type of person.

The wing of the nose will serve as the basis for determining the main points.

The wing of the nose will serve as the basis for determining the main points. Putting a pencil from the point of the wing through the inner corner of the eye to the arc, you get a mark of the beginning of the future form. Hair extending beyond the point towards the nose requires removal.

To mark the highest point of the eyebrow, you need to attach a pencil from the nostrils to the eyebrows through the outer border of the pupil. The intersection of a pencil with an arc determines the second point. Up to this mark you need to raise an eyebrow, the width does not change. After this point to the temple the form will be narrowed.

Separate hairs above the eyebrow need to be removed. From the middle to the end and the edge of the beginning of the brow should be the same distance.

The gap between both eyebrows should not be less than two centimeters. If the eyes are set close to the nose, the distance can be reduced.

Eyebrow width should not change from start to break point. Hair is removed by a lower contour. Hair should look in one direction, do not hang on different sides. For this there is a special gel for sale.

Regular grooming of the eyebrows and eyelashes produce castor oil. The result will exceed all expectations.

At the marked points, an arc is drawn with the selected suitable shape. Eyebrow shapes are selected based on different types of face.

To remove excess hair, all sorts of methods are used. A reliable and proven method is to remove the tweezers.

To remove excess hair, all sorts of methods are used. A reliable and proven method is to remove the tweezers. The fashion for eyebrow shapes is changing, however, one should not forget about the type of face, age, hairstyle, density of eyebrows.

Before plucking the hair, you need to thoroughly steam the face and moisturize with a cream. These procedures will help to relieve and ease the process.

After removing excess hair, you need to treat the injured skin with a disinfectant. There is a wax removal method that allows you to remove even colorless and invisible hairs.

Beautiful eyebrows - an important element in female beauty. With well-groomed eyebrows, a woman looks confident even without makeup. It is enough just to highlight the look with mascara, add a little color and gloss to the lips, an image of 100%.

Properly selected form of eyebrows will hide all the flaws, focusing on the features of appearance.

In this video, you can see how to correct yourself eyebrow arches, hear tips on this.

This video will acquaint you with different types of eyebrows, will help to pick them up under certain face shapes.

In this video, the girl shares useful information on how to make yourself beautiful and correct eyebrows.

What are the shape of eyebrows

The shape of the eyebrows on the type of person with a photo may differ in shade, length, thickness, shape.

These characteristics can be combined in various combinations, but basic types can be distinguished:

  • Arched. This form is the most common, universal and almost does not need to be corrected. Through this form, you can soften the look and create a more feminine image.
  • Falling. This type of eyebrows is opposite to the ascending type. The inner edges of the eyebrows are much higher than the outer.
  • Ascendants. The inner edges of the eyebrows are lowered and are slightly lower than the outer.
  • Horizontal. This type either has no bending at all, or it is not very noticeable. The outer and inner edges of the eyebrows are on the same level. This type of very few people fit.
  • Curved. It is not often possible to meet this type of eyebrows, but it has a very effective look. These eyebrows are most suitable for oval face and square.

What is the shape of eyebrows in fashion?

The last few years in the naturalness of fashion. In one case, thick, bleached eyebrows are popular, and in the other - thick, but clearly circled.

The most common variation is the natural color of the eyebrows (it may be lighter or darker than the natural shade by 1-2 tones), thick and inconspicuous lines. To obtain the desired tone, you can use mascara, shadows, paint or gel. The softness of the lines is obtained by eliminating excess hair.

Eyebrow shape by type of photo

The shape of the eyebrows should be harmoniously combined by type of person with a photo. Correctly and aesthetically made eyebrows will only decorate the image, but incorrectly corrected ones will spoil everything.

That is why you should be very careful when choosing a suitable eyebrow shape. First of all, it is necessary to determine the shape of the face, and only then select the type of eyebrows.

Triangular or face heart

For a triangular face look slightly raised eyebrows. In the middle the line is slightly curved, but not much. If the eyebrow arches are greatly lengthened or shortened - you can only emphasize the shortcomings.

For the face in the shape of a heart, only the middle lines are suitable, which will visually reduce the high forehead and bring the facial features to the maximum. It is recommended to find a middle ground instead of drawing an excessive rounded top or a swift take-off.

Long face

With an elongated face, the distance between the cheekbones is equal to the gap between the temples. Another difference of this form is a massive forehead and narrow chin. Often, the line of the lower jaw creates an image of a square. Therefore, a perfect line straight eyebrows. This technique will allow you to idealize the appearance, with a large forehead smoothed.

The beginning of the line should be removed from the nose. This will push the distance between the eyes and emphasize their expressiveness. Eyebrow lines should be narrowed, but not recommended for long. It is forbidden to make eyebrows in the form of a rainbow - this will strengthen all the minuses.

Recommendations for the selection of the correct shape of the eyebrows

  1. You should not make very narrow eyebrows. It looks unnatural and not suitable for everyone. Today, natural beauty is in fashion, so you should only emphasize naturalness.
  2. The smaller the facial features, the thinner your eyebrows should be.
  3. If the gap between the eyes is very large, then the base of the eyebrows should be located closer to each other. Conversely, if the gap is small - move the heads away from each other.
  4. You should not lower eyebrows too low, or extremely lift upwards.
  5. When you can not find the appropriate shape of the eyebrows, it is recommended to make them arcuate. This option fits almost every type of person.
  6. If you can not determine the appropriate shape of the eyebrows - it is desirable to use a stencil.
  7. The rougher the facial features, the softer the eyebrow lines should be. When the shape is too rounded - fit and expressive bends.

How to make eyebrow shape yourself: the necessary tools

To maintain the status of the owner of flawless eyebrows, they need to be carefully looked after. You can often visit the salons to adjust the eyebrows, but to have in your home arsenal the tools you need every beauty.

Tools that should always be in a beautician:

  • Tweezers. Without this tool is impossible to do. Sometimes 1-2 hairs that grow out spoil the whole picture.
  • Nail scissors or trimmer. Sometimes you have to slightly trim the eyebrows so that they do not go beyond the line of the corrected eyebrow.
  • Brush-comb. It is recommended to regularly lay eyebrows. They should be combed in the upward direction, tails of the eyebrows should be drawn upwards towards the temples. Even a simple combing eyebrows give them a more well-groomed appearance. And the same combing can evenly distribute the applied tool (pencil or shadow).

Eyebrow with tweezers

The shape of the eyebrows on the type of person with a photo is an important aspect in the selection of a more appropriate type of eyebrows. Nowadays there are many ways to make your eyebrows perfect. If it is not possible to use various salon services, then you can make eyebrow adjustments on your own using special tools.

The best way to give a beautiful look eyebrows - plucking. A little painful process, but very common and effective. When removing excess hair, the eyebrow arc is massaged. This process stimulates the future growth of new hairs.

To adjust the eyebrows, it is preferable to acquire two tweezers: with sharp ends for the main plucking of hairs and with flat ends for the final trimming of eyebrow lines

Before starting to form the perfect shape of the eyebrows, using tweezers, it is necessary to sterilize the instruments. They should be thoroughly disinfected. You can use alcohol or a special lotion. Such a procedure will help to avoid infections in the wounds.

Instructions for working with tweezers:

  1. Set the start of the brow. Remove hairs that have grown behind this line.
  2. Calculate the end of the brow. Remove hairs that extend beyond the line of the end of the eyebrow. If the eyebrows are not long enough, they can be drawn with a pencil.
  3. To narrow an eyebrow, having removed superfluous hairs below brows. The lower arc and the upper should be parallel. Thickness must be left natural, not very narrow.
  4. In conclusion, adjusting the eyebrows, they must be treated with antiseptic and moisturizing cream.

How to adjust the shape of the eyebrow thread

Plucking floss is another option for eyebrow correction. It differs from the others in speed, minimal cost (a special cotton thread with special durable weaving will be required), minimal pain. This procedure will help to pull out a few hairs at a time.

Before the procedure you need to apply talc on the skin.

Pulling out algorithm:

  1. Take a small piece of thread, tie the ends.
  2. To put a thread on two fingers of the right and two fingers of the left hand, pushed together (excluding the thumbs).
  3. Twist the thread with any hand (6-11 turns should turn out).
  4. Insert the thumb and index finger of each hand at the two ends of the coils.
  5. Substitute the coils to unwanted hairs and start the procedure.

After the end of the correction, it is advisable to wipe the skin with chlorhexidine.

Eyebrow stencil

Thanks to the eyebrow stencil, it is possible to get the desired shape in minutes.

Today there are a number of stencil varieties:

  • plastic cards with holes in the form of various eyebrow shapes,
  • Velcro stencils on the back of the head,
  • plastic mask, which is mounted on the nose, and above the eyebrows slotted with the desired shape.

These stencils are used to adjust the eyebrows, makeup or tattoo.

It is very easy to use the stencil - just attach it to the eyebrow, draw the outline and the eyebrow itself with the desired color. It turns out not only perfect shape, but also the eyebrows themselves will look very symmetrical (with correct application).

Correct brow proportions

In order to perfect the corrected eyebrows and make-up, you need to correctly set the correct ratio of eyebrows.

Eyebrow proportions:

  • It is necessary to establish landing of eyes.
  • Conditionally divide eyebrows into 3 areas: the beginning, the top point, the end. It is necessary to draw 3 lines relatively: by the end of the eyebrow, by the beginning and by bending.

Perfect eyebrow color: selection rules

To eyebrows emphasize the image and hide all the flaws, you should choose the right color. Incorrectly chosen shade only spoil the overall look.

Choosing the right color:

  1. Blondes. Eyebrow color can be chosen a little darker than the hair, but not exceed 2 tones. For the selection of colors should be attached to the color of the hair and choose. Once the tone is selected, draw a contour with a pencil close in tone to the selected shadows, and fill the eyebrow inside using shadows.
  2. Brunettes. Natural brows in such women are very dark in color, but very often they lighten. These eyebrows need to be stained a few shades darker. You can give any shade from dark brown to black. It is permissible to dye only 1 tone darker than the shade of the hair.
  3. Redheads. Well suited to light brown or copper color. The darker the hair color, the brighter the shade of the eyebrows. When the hair color is the brightest - eyebrows should be done golden brown. Dark-red women fit chocolate shade. Light-reddish girls can make eyebrows a little darker than hair color.

How to paint eyebrows

To choose the correct shape of eyebrows according to photos by type of face is a simple way to emphasize the dignity of the face in the makeup. Flawless and well-groomed eyebrows - the basis of any effective makeup.

In most cases, it is necessary to correct deficiencies with the help of a variety of cosmetics. Today in the market of decorative cosmetics inherent delightful choice. If you do not want to regularly paint on eyebrows with shadows, pencils, carcasses - you can paint them with resistant paint. This lasts for several weeks.

For painting you will need: a comfortable brush, cotton sponges, an oxidizer, a remuver, cotton swabs, paint of the required shade.

Algorithm painting eyebrows at home:

  1. Choose the paint of the most suitable color.
  2. Gently wash all makeup off the face, it is permissible to even slightly make peeling.
  3. Wipe face tonic. Apply the cream. Degrease brows.
  4. Using tweezers to remove unwanted hairs.
  5. Mix paint with oxidizer in a 1: 1 ratio. (You can mix several colors of paint at once to get the desired color).
  6. For easy painting, the contours should be outlined in beige or white pencil.
  7. Using a brush, paint gently on the edges. The greatest amount of paint applied to the middle of the eyebrows (for the formation of maximum naturalness).
  8. To blend the base of the eyebrow (eyebrows need to start as smoothly as possible).
  9. You can use a thin brush to imitate the desired hairs.
  10. Paint, which is applied to the base of the brush, should be applied only for a minute, then shade with a cotton swab.
  11. Leave the rest of the paint for 8-15 minutes (depending on the required color).
  12. If you need to correct - you can apply the paint again.

How to care for eyebrows

Care for the eyebrows at home is very simple.

There are lots of ways to keep your eyebrows in perfect order.

  • To improve the condition of the eyebrows, it is recommended to apply castor oil to them daily before going to bed.
  • You should comb your eyebrows with a special brush. This will allow the eyebrows to get a massage. Comb eyebrows should be in the direction of their growth.
  • You can massage the eyebrows with your fingers: any massage movements help the eyebrows become darker, thicker and have a healthier look. Once a week you should apply nourishing eyebrow masks.

Make yourself eyebrow correction is not difficult. But you need to take this responsibly. Incorrectly selected type of eyebrows will not only worsen the natural look, but also give unwanted emotions to makeup. It is important to determine the appropriate shape for the type of person, not only to hide the flaws, but also to emphasize the merits.

Set eyebrow shape, maintain their healthy appearance, paint, care at home will not be difficult.

The correct shape of the eyebrows is easily selected absolutely for all types of face, it is important only to take into account the advice of experts in makeup in this matter.

Article design: Mila Friedan

Salon adjustment

Correction in the cabin can be an analogue of the home plucking. It is better to rely on professionals if you make a correction for the first time, real professionals change their shape taking into account the individual features of the face, select the appropriate shade. In the future, you will be able to maintain it yourself or undergo repeated professional corrections.

Correction and architecture of eyebrows - the so-called service in most salons, involves the coloring of hairs, the selection and giving them the desired shape.

Most of the masters work with tweezers, it is also possible to remove them with the help of threads.

If the hair above the eyebrow, in fact, already on the forehead, is too much, the master can first use wax in order to achieve smooth skin. It should not be applied in the area close to the eyes, especially in the lower part of the eyebrow.

If you want to achieve the perfect shape for a long time, you can recommend a tattoo. The master selects a suitable form, after which pigment is injected under the skin to a depth of 0.5 mm. At first, such eyebrows look unnaturally bright, but after a week they look quite natural. The result is enough for several years.

Today, there are the following methods of tattoo:

  • Shooting It involves drawing the contour of the eyebrow and filling the resulting shape with pigment. This method is inferior to other technologies, since the result is not the most natural.
  • Hairy. Allows you to achieve attractiveness and naturalness due to the fact that individual hairs are drawn.
  • Combined. Allows you to achieve the most attractive result, because it combines the advantages of feathering and hair technology.

If the tattoo is performed using a special apparatus (working on the principle of a tattooing tool), then today's popular microblading technique is done manually. First, the master draws the form with a pencil, then manually draws individual hairs with a thin sharp needle with dye pigment.

The microblading penetration depth of the pigment is slightly less than 0.5 mm, and its excess, appearing on the surface of the skin, is immediately removed. When you turn to a professional in your business, you will get a better and more natural result as compared to a tattoo. However, keep such brows will be on average a year.

When using European microblading technology, it is possible to achieve the effect of thick broad eyebrows, as the master draws hairs of the same length and thickness. However, upon closer inspection, it is clear that they are not real.

Eastern technology is carried out with great consideration for the features of growth and direction of hair, so eyebrows look more natural. However, it is impossible to significantly change their shape with this technique.

Finally, there is an eyebrow extension method that allows you to gain thick and beautiful eyebrows in a couple of hours. At the same time they are difficult to distinguish from the natural. The essence of the method is the same as in eyelash extensions.

One natural hair is fixed from 1 to 3-4 artificial ones, which are as close as possible to yours in color and structure.

How to draw by yourself?

If you make a correction yourself, you need to remove makeup and clean your face. Prepare at once all the necessary tools and decide on the choice of form. Schemes and methods for determining the appropriate proportions and forms were given in the appropriate section of this article.

Today eyebrow stencils are on sale. It is enough to pick a suitable "contour" and circle it, then remove all the hairs that extend beyond the boundaries of the pencil lines. The advantage of this method is that it allows you to quickly get an almost perfect shape of the eyebrows. Why "almost"? Such stencils do not take into account individual features of the face.

Before plucking the hairs, you need to comb it up a bit, using a special brush or an old and well-washed brush for eyelashes. If the procedure is too painful, plucking can be preceded by applying chamomile lotions.

To do this, a teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers is poured with a glass of hot water and infused for 10-15 minutes. Warm to the skin tolerated, infusion is impregnated with a cotton wool, squeeze it and put in the hair removal zone for 2-3 minutes.

Under the influence of heat, the pores will unfold and the hair will “slip out” faster and more painlessly. Chamomile infusion is also characterized by anesthetic, bactericidal and wound healing properties.

If you use tweezers, then you need to grab the hairs one by one, slightly pulling the skin in this area and pulling the hair in a sharp movement in the direction of its growth. If you do not take into account the direction of growth, the procedure will be more painful and threatens with hair ingrowth.

For the same reason, you should grab the hair closer to the base, which will avoid its breakage and further ingrowth. After the procedure, the skin is disinfected. For severe inflammation, an anesthetic or cooling gel can be used. The main thing that he had a light water structure.

Another option is triling, that is, removal using threads. This method requires a certain skill and skill, but has several advantages. During one grab with a thread, several hairs can be removed at once, and the irritation after such a procedure passes faster. An important advantage - the hairs eventually become softer and thinner.

Need to use a special thread, called the Arab. It is rather dense, but it slides well through the hairs, while it does not tear and does not stretch.

From this thread should be cut "piece" a length of half a meter and tie its ends.

The resulting oval is twisted so that it turns out 2 loops, and the thread itself is stretched between the index fingers of divorced hands to the desired width.

It is necessary to shift the center of the twisted thread, get the hairs closer to this point and move this center to the other side. The hairs will be trapped and removed.

Triangular face and heart shape

The main task is to make the face more proportional, that is, to narrow the upper part. The best way to do this is to shorten the length of the eyebrow. She should not go behind the temple. Holders of a triangular type of person can choose round, curved and any other shapes at their discretion.

However, if the facial features are rough, then they need to be smoothed out with soft and smooth lines. With a shortened triangle, you should avoid direct forms without bends. They visually separate the face, make it smaller.

Square and rectangular face shapes

The main task is to make the face softer and more feminine, to smooth strict lines. To do this, choose soft and smooth lines without sharp bends. Owners of this type of face for shaping eyebrows should not be painted with bright pencils, shadows, mascara. It is better to prefer shades in the tone of the native hair color or a little lighter.

With a square face, clear transverse lines should be avoided. Ideal arc. If the eyebrows are initially very graphic and clear, then the lines of the hair need to be smoothed by removing the protruding corners.Usually they are gently plucked with tweezers.

Diamond face shape

This type of face is distinguished by a narrowed forehead and chin, while the cheekbones are greatly expanded. The main task is to narrow the central part, to make the lines smooth and soft. Ideal classic forms with soft curves and arcs. It is necessary to abandon the clear and graphic lines, contrasting shades.

The second important point is the length of the eyebrow. With this type of face can not be shortened, it will visually narrow the forehead, emphasize and even increase the width of the cheekbones. It is better to add, to finish, you can slightly divert the tip of the temple, if the selected form allows.

Little tricks

Eyebrows - a little detail on the face, but they will help disguise the flaws and emphasize the merits. It is necessary to use this skillfully. You can not shave eyebrows completely or make them very bright. This technique is used only by make-up artists in the cinema, who need to portray a childish and naive facial expression. In ordinary life, this is not always appropriate.

  1. If the shape of the face is narrow, eyebrows should not be dyed with a dark pencil or covered with hair with thick mascara. It is necessary to make them light and not thick, coinciding with the hair color.
  2. With close-set eyes, you need to stretch your eyebrows a little further, that is, to increase the nose. And vice versa. If the eyes are set far away, you need to increase the length inwards, that is, to draw a few millimeters of the eyebrow closer to the nose.
  3. If the eyebrows are rare, do not need to fill them with shadows. It is better to hatch a pencil in tone, creating the effect of additional hairs. You can also mask the bald spots.
  4. Any form will help preserve the locking means. Usually these are special gels and mascaras. Especially important is their use in the presence of long, thick hairs.

It is not always possible to independently choose the shape to the type of face or make the correct correction. If after several attempts it fails, it is better to contact the stylist. A professional will help determine the form. Often, the first correction for this is intended; it will solve the problem for many years, eliminating the need to conduct further experiments.


Watch the video: How To Shape Your Eyebrows To Suit Your Face (July 2024).