
Home hair care (masks, peels, etc.)


Mothers of girls often linger near the windows with hair accessories. They often want to buy a new hairpin or gum for their daughter to make her hairstyle more beautiful. Here are just which ones are safe? What will not harm the baby and her hair? We will try to answer these questions.

When choosing accessories, you first need to think about the safety of the girl. This is especially true for hairpins for the smallest. Babies love to explore everything, which means they will certainly try to get it and check what their mom has fastened their curls. The fact is that some clamps have small parts that can break off or come off. This may be the antennae of butterflies, parts of flowers, other elements. If such a detail disappears, the child can swallow it, which is clearly unsafe for his health. So, choosing an accessory for the crumbs, pay attention not only to its beauty, but also think about how reliable all its elements are.

When buying accessories, it is necessary to choose those that will not tangle and pull out hair, to damage their structure. It is also difficult to achieve beautiful long curls, if they regularly form creases on them and remove protective lubricant.

It would seem that the safest should be an ordinary rezinochka. However, not all so simple. It is worth avoiding too tight rubber bands or having metal mounts. They pinch the hair, violate its nutrition, and metal elements can form a hall, which further leads to breaking of the hair. Also extremely undesirable model, decorated with a mass of beads. They look beautiful, but they tangle so much hair that they can turn even the thickest hair into a “mouse tail”. Experts consider silicone or fabric as the best rubber bands. They gently but reliably fix strands. In addition, the variety of colors of these products is almost unlimited.

The next in terms of reliability and safety are crabs. They fix hair pretty well, come in different sizes and designs. It is necessary to abandon the metal models, no matter how beautiful they are. When buying plastic products you need to pay attention to the quality of processing. All faces of the crab should be smooth, without chipping and cracking. Sometimes these flaws are not visible to the naked eye or arise in the process of use. If mom noticed that after removing the crab, there are a lot of hairs pulled out on it, then it is better to refuse it. Choosing the design of such hairpins is better to give preference to smooth plastic with bright colors, printed pattern. Models with pebbles and other decorative elements may seem more beautiful, but it is for them that hair loves to tangle. Choosing between the spectacular look of hairpins and the density of the daughter's hair, mothers often refuse the most beautiful crabs. True, they can be used in festive hairstyles. With a single application of a lot of hair will not be able to pull out even the most "evil" crab.

Definitely all the experts speak out against the automatic hairpins. Their metallic elements pinch hair, create creases on them, and the thin edges of the clips also remove protective lubricant. You should also be wary of using stealths. Instead, it is better to buy baby hairpins with the funny name "tik-tak" or "popping". They are available in different colors, often with cute decorations.

Choosing accessories, you need to pay attention not only to the model and beautiful design. It is important to ensure that there are no loose parts, metal elements with sharp edges. Having bought safe hairpins or erasers, you will be sure that nothing threatens your princess and her hair.

Hair accessories are useful and harmful. How to choose the safest hairpin. / review periodically supplemented /

As promised - a review about barrettes, rubber bands and other things for hair. I will say right away - as soon as I started to grow my hair, I got rid of many “harmful” accessories, I just put it in the back box and did not take it when I moved. So here a small part of “my goodness” is presented, when I get to it or get something new and interesting - I photograph and write, the review will be updated.

What I need from "safe, useful rubber bands" is the absence of wrinkles, the absence of torn and broken hairs after use, careful attitude (so that laterпос cut and dull hair).

Let's start with the usual gum.

• “Useful” can be called soft rubber bands without metal mounts. They are very common. There are different colors, sizes and densities. But, it is worth saying that very thin, tight knotted gum can leave creases, be careful with them.

Silicone hair ties I already wrote about them. I repeat: they have an interesting “telephone conductor” shape, I don’t leave any creases, they don’t cling and pull the hairs out - they simply have nothing, the surface is smooth. + Suitable for fixing hair, oiled. When I smear length with oil, I don’t always put a hat / bag on my head, sometimes I braid my hair. Silicone gum is well kept and then easily washed off the oil with ordinary water.

Small transparent silicone gum - magic wands when creating complex hairstyles with braids. They allow to imperceptibly fix hair, they are easily removed, but more often they are simply cut.

Gum covered with fabric. Also for every taste and color. Hair does not pull out, but with a tight tightening can do creases. The wider the gum - the less pressure and the less chance to leave the room. On one of my rubber bands you can see jewelry in the form of rivets. With this, too, you need to be careful, you need to pick up a gum with such decorations, for which the hairs will not cling and then break out and break when removed. The rivets on this elastic are smooth, there is no gap between the decoration itself and the fabric of the elastic - there is no place to hold the hair, which means everything is fine.

Conventional and fabric elastic bands with decorations. Here my opinion is ambiguous. There are both good specimens, and “hair pickers” and “jammers”. When choosing carefully look both at the decoration itself and at its fastening. Mount must be made from smooth plastics (example - gum with apple) or closed cloth. In my experience, a lot of small rhinestones - evil. For them, hair clings, entangles around them very quickly.

Hairpins for securing hairfor hairstyles "malvin". Clamps and automatics. Often, very often they are metallic, with an uneven surface. This is very bad for hair: creases, torn hair. Also, metal hairpins, while pulling through the hair, roughly “scraped” the top layer of the hair, making it thinner, more vulnerable, and subject to cross-section. Perhaps this is the worst option for hair.

Crabs made from smooth plasticand - a great option. You can choose a crab of different sizes, depending on the goals. Fix all hair or only part of it. Nothing clings to smooth plastic, the scalp is not scratched.

Metal crabs, with decorations - the option is worse. For rhinestones and stones hairs cling, metal parts can scratch the scalp. Beautiful, but alas, if the hair is damaged, such jewelry will only make matters worse.

Invisibles and studs. Sometimes without them in any way. Invisibles are more harmful than studs. Due to their shape, they leave creases and can "scrape off" the top layer of hair, making them dull, brittle. Studs do not, which is good. But, they have different areas of application, so it's difficult to judge. In any case, choose those that have protective curves on the tips, so you will not scratch your scalp. Hairpins that are on the photo with pins unfortunately forgot what they are called most often are childish, with funny pictures, pictures, flowers. Again, they are not good for hair - creases and damage to the cuticle. But, in my opinion, better than invisibles, at least they do not need to be "dragged" through the hair when you take off => less injuries.

For those who are used to using studs to create beams, I have an alternative - a hairpin with Heirgami. If you like hairstyles with a fleece, you should take a closer look at Bampit.

Wooden hairpins without metal mounts, and wooden sticks for bunches (I will describe them here, since I do not yet have the rods themselves). You can choose the most safe, smooth, natural. They do not cling and do not tear out hair, do not leave creases. But in this my hairpin there are a number of minuses: - it is heavy and for slowly slips off the hair, you have to periodically correct it. - the tree is fragile, when falling, some "beads" are cracked and now if the hair accidentally falls into them - neither can you say goodbye .. or break off or break out of the root. So, do not drop such things or choose solid ones, there are less chances of getting "chipping and crevices" that can injure your hair. I have no complaints at all for chopsticks (for hair styles in the Oriental style). except one .. How to use them to make it beautiful? On the Internet, I often see beautiful options with these chopsticks, but when I had them, I could only get a regular bunch, but most likely this is a knack. Sticks are smooth, can be made of wood, plastic, metal. The main thing is to make sure that the tip of the wand is not too sharp. and don't poke yourself hurt. Decoration is not the end of the wand does not hurt you, it "rises" above the hair and can not catch anything.

Well that's all. Feedback will be updated with time. Beautiful and healthy hair to you.

Necessary accessories

You prefer an elegant look or love funny hairstyles, you should definitely have these things, because they will help you to create many different images.

This is one of the most important accessories, and it must be in any girl. Now you can choose any size and shape at will. From hippie hoops to simple (but modern) monochrome patterns, you can definitely find something appropriate for your style. The bezel is useful both during shopping and on a romantic date. In any case, he will add zest to your style.

Decorative hairpins

A few decorative hairpins will give you a playful look.

The most important thing in the hairpins is their safety, so make sure that they do not cling or pull hair. A few decorative hair clips will give you a playful look, while helping to properly fix the hair. Choose colors for your wardrobe and do not use neon shades, unless you are going to a disco.

This is also a necessary accessory, but some use it for too long. The coating is applied to the metal of the invisible to protect the hair, so when it is damaged, the hairpin must be replaced. The main thing is to choose the desired color that fits to your curls, and you are ready to conquer those around you with a wonderful hairdo.

Small and light scarves are the right choice for fashionable hairstyles.

Of course, this is not about every scarf. Small and light will be the right choice for creating a cute and trendy hairstyle. But to wind heavy turbans is a bad idea, because such a structure is difficult to maintain in order.

Elastic tapes

Rubber causes serious damage to hair: snatches, breaks and spoils the hair.

Like uncoated metal, rubber causes serious damage to hair: it tears, breaks and ruins hair. Even if the rubber closes the fabric, it lasts very short, and soon the gum gets open access to the hair. Even if such accessories go to you, it is better to discard them for the sake of healthy hair

Hair chains

Chains cling and pull out hair in much larger quantities than other jewelry.

Even if they look stylish, they are still chains, and they hook and pull hair, and in much larger quantities than other jewelery. They can tear out a whole strand as a result of one careless movement, so do not wear them on your hair. You can try them only if you use a wig or chignon.

Artificial Hair Accessories

In no case do not get yourself hair clips and other accessories with artificial hair, even if they look very attractive. Firstly, it is very difficult to find the right texture and color, and secondly, you can never be sure that they look properly.

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Hair crab

The hairpin-krabik is an indispensable hair accessory. In the case when you come back after a hard day's work, pull on your favorite home costume, take off your makeup and dream of getting your hair out of your face as soon as possible. Or collect in his hair in the shower. But putting it in the office or, what a good thing, for an evening event is the same as shouting loudly: “I don’t care about my styling!”.

In particular, if the crab is made of cheap plastic, painted under the leopard or, even worse, decorated with rhinestones or feathers. This accessory has long been outdated and will not add to your image any highlight.


Another hello from the troubled 90s. It is possible that in your school years, collecting hair with a banana barrette was considered cool and stylish, but in the 21st century the concept of fashion has changed significantly. In addition, these hairpins make your head look like horse groats. Not a romantic association at all, we confess honestly.

Scallop Gum

That same miracle gum from the TV store. Perhaps she will look good on your grandmother, but obviously not on you. Anyway, any accessories that you are intrusively offered to order during a break of your favorite talk show for advertising can hardly be called a good idea for a modern, stylish look.

Hair pin

Another unforgivable accessory from the TV shop is a plastic clip with a pad to add extra volume to the hair. Undoubtedly, it is impossible to completely deny the usefulness of such an accessory, because many women fight every day with their hair, trying to give it a minimum amount and pomp.

The thing is different: a non-professional can hardly use a hairpin for the volume of hair successfully. Sooner or later, people around you will notice translucent plastic or foam rubber under the fallen pile. And the professional will cope without this device: he has his own secret means and little tricks.

Hair on hairpins

Rigid strands on barrettes rarely (yes, in fact, never!) Do not look natural and beautiful. Chignons are successfully used by hairdressers, but these are clearly not the barrettes that you bought at the kiosk in the underpass.

In order for overhead strands to look beautiful and not attract undue attention to themselves, they must be made of natural hair and ideally fall into the tone of your curls.

Worse than artificial strands of the wrong color can only be artificial hair on a crab: a sort of luxurious ponytail, which actually looks rather dull.

Do not use these hair accessories if you want to look stylish.

3. Headbands "Hello from the 90s"

Favorite decoration of the 90s has long been outdated, and, thank God, no one remembers it. Although many girls dreamed about him and even bought in a clubhouse with girlfriends to pin on a disco. The rim decorated with “gold” or of such a poisonous color was considered the height of luxury that at the time it was necessary to frighten off criminals.

4. Large and bright hair ties a la "Rainbow" - the worst hair accessory from the 90s

Yes, once, for reasons that are still incomprehensible, these elastic bands were very fashionable. But now it is better not to show up on them in public, if you do not want to get the glory of a person with a bad taste.Your hair deserves the best! A gum, even securely hidden by a cloth, hopelessly spoils the curls. Therefore - in the furnace!

Hairpins for curls

This group of accessories is quite diverse, has many models. Each barrette is individual, helps create stunning styling.

The most common types are the following:

  1. Invisibles - the main assistants to create hair. Despite the simple design, they perform an important function. With the help of stealth, you can create styling of varying complexity and securely fix the hairstyle.
  2. Crabic, banana - favorite models of many girls. With their help, you can collect hair in a ponytail or make Malvina's hair. The main task of the barrettes: to help in the process of styling, quickly remove hair.
  3. Decorative hairpins - designed for decoration. Thanks to a small detail, you can create a stunning image, give it some mystery. Carefully consider choosing an accessory, it should be appropriate.

10. Gum and hairpins with ornaments

Another hair-damaging accessory that should be avoided. Yes, there are beautiful options, but hair constantly cling to jewelry, which invariably spoils them. If you can not do from such an accessory that is so dangerous for beauty, try to choose the options in which the joint is covered with plastic, so you will minimize the injury to the hair.

11. Studs and Invisibles

Yes, no evening hairstyle can do without hairpins and invisible women. However, they severely injure the hair, and sometimes the scalp. If you refuse them for you like death, buy high-quality accessories with rounded tips and a smooth surface. Keep in mind that in the summer it is better not to wear metal hairpins - they heat up too much in the sun and damage hair.

12. Hairband a la Rambo

If you are not in a fitness club or not engaged in another activity that involves sweat flowing on your forehead, then it is better not to use this hair accessory. Your head deserves a more elegant decoration, believe me!

Lyubov Zhiglova

Psychologist, online consultant. Specialist from the website

- March 2, 2010, 01:24

I have no temper on the site, only they are not cheap

- March 2, 2010, 13:18

alexander in the spring is in Bosco! chic, handmade, but the prices are rather big)

- September 8, 2010, 20:00

Shop DIVA. in shopping centers there is usually it)) there is a lot of everything and prices for norms))

- September 22, 2011, 20:22

Look on the site there is a very large selection of jewelry, and the prices do not bite, you can pick it up for yourself! Good luck in your search!

- September 22, 2011, 20:24

My friends use the services of this site and everyone is happy. Quality and value.

- September 27, 2011, 13:54

And in the no-a-porter? Is there a price in euros?

- November 19, 2011, 13:45

If you are looking for high-quality hairpins, headbands for French pro-wa hair, you can see M Davidian or, at worst, Alexander de Paris, but product prices of these brands start at 2,000 rubles. and reach 9000 rubles. Headbands about 4000 rubles. but very beautiful and the quality is super. M Davidian myself bring from Cannes, because they don’t sell them in Russia; there’s no time to promote a brand; I wrote it here to help you in your search. The Alexander de Paris is still in the cabin Aldo Coppola saw, but the prices also bite. If anyone intereno photo hairpins to see, go to this site in the accessories, there is a little there and bring back in early December, hair ties are just a miracle :)

- October 16, 2012, 02:08

If you are looking for high-quality hairpins, headbands for French pro-wa hair, you can see M Davidian or, at worst, Alexander de Paris, but product prices of these brands start at 2,000 rubles. and reach 9000 rubles. Headbands about 4000 rubles. but very beautiful and the quality is super. M Davidian myself bring from Cannes, because they don’t sell them in Russia; there’s no time to promote a brand; I wrote it here to help you in your search. The Alexander de Paris is still in the cabin Aldo Coppola saw, but the prices also bite. If anyone intereno photo hairpins to see, go to this site in the accessories, there is a little there and bring back in early December, hair ties are just a miracle :)

Do you still bring hairpins?

- November 5, 2012, 23:19

Girls, I never thought that I could allocate such money from the budget for hairpins. But I fell in love with Alexander de Paris. Super! Design, quality. Upper class.

- December 27, 2012, 09:37

Look here - There are very cheap hairpins. And do not be afraid that the hair accessories are sold there in bulk. I usually sly in such cases, take power of attorney from the legal. Anyone and buy everything at wholesale prices)))

- February 6, 2013, 19:01

You can see the website there are French hairpins. I bought from them. Not for nothing, but the prices are normal. The products are cool, the quality of the plastic is excellent.

- April 14, 2013, 23:47

Thank! products are very cool. The quality is super and prices are normal. No worse than Alexander de Paris, but the prices are affordable. French hairpins and in design and quality is really the highest class!

- May 29, 2013, 21:16

You can see here

- June 28, 2013, 10:45

Girls, for several years I have been working as a stylist / hairdresser in one of the Moscow time salons, I constantly have to look for some new jewelry, hairpins, accessories. a lot of time goes by. Of course, in Alexander de Paris, cool things, but it hurts are not cheap. I recently opened a shop for myself and recommend it to everyone - Cool selection and reasonable prices. By the way, the summer collection is just a bomb!

- April 26, 2014 21:30

Accessories are important in the wardrobe of any lady. Every woman wants to stand out. I also belong to this. I love fashionable and beautiful dresses, and I often buy accessories for them, especially since I have my own shop for such “small things”. Recently I bought in my favorite online store a pink marshmallow skin flower to her evening dress, fastened it into her hair. So everyone paid attention to him and asked where she acquired such a miracle. Therefore, I decided to tell you, can someone come in handy!

- May 20, 2014, 16:01

Here she bought

- May 21, 2014, 23:37

Look here - I ordered myself a hairpin with an orchid, I was pleased)))

Related topics

- May 23, 2014 03:45

On pretty little :)

- May 23, 2014, 04:34

On ebee, I take myself and my daughter, beautiful and inexpensive, we already have a whole basket full of different hair ornaments)))

- 16 June 2014, 17:54

I buy in Elitzakolka in the European mall in Kiev. There are also Alexander de Paris. And other equally well-known designers)) prices are better than in Spring on the Arbat and much cheaper than in the salons of aldo coppolla, and also cheaper than in the Central Department Store.

- July 5, 2014, 12:24

Please help me find in Moscow the department of French hairpins and hoops, which was previously located in the Sokolniki shopping center near the metro station. I bought French velor hoops from them (very beautiful with a bow and feathers). Unfortunately, the name of the manufacturer is difficult to read. It looks like Gines, and the second word is on M.

- November 19, 2014, 2:59 pm

- February 17, 2015, 02:03

I want to offer you a lot of interesting hair ornaments

- February 17, 2015, 02:04

I want to offer you a lot of interesting hair ornaments

- March 27, 2015, 5:00 pm

Excellent hair clips and hair ornaments from France at the Olympic. Look in the online store WATERFORD.RU Brand Solette Benoit, Paris. Excellent selection and quality is excellent. Prices are normal for such elegant products. Many models, like Alexander de Paris, apparently the same manufacturers, but much cheaper because do not pay for the brand. A lot of fun copyright works.

- May 8, 2015, 00:16

a great selection of accessories and handmade jewelry

- October 14, 2015, 15:53

Nonsense do not write "like Alexandre de Paris, but only cheaper")))) there is no quality cheap! I was the first to bring Davidian hairpins to the Russian market, then “scouts” began to come to me in the boutique, to pull out contacts and so forth :) it was funny :) yes, I’ll return to the quality and appearance of Davidian and ADP hairpins. my friends :) a comparison of these two world brands with cheap counterparts is simply inappropriate. It doesn't matter if you wear platinum earrings with real sapphire and you will compare the analogue made of glass-encrusted alloy :) Shambala.

- December 4, 2015, 15:41

I really like beautiful hairpins with pebbles - gems in the gallery of gems, I often go to the water shop. There is always something to see for both the body and the soul.

- January 27, 2016 at 8:12 pm

Yes, I agree with the previous speaker. There are many interesting things in the gallery. a big plus that they can manufacture themselves (they have their own jewelery workshop) which is not available or ordered (there are a lot of suppliers in Russia or abroad)

- September 1, 2016, 12:00

Do you still bring hairpins?

Lena, sorry for the late response. Now I work on this site with very beautiful hairpins. Hairpins and headbands with Swarovski crystals. Everything is made in France. There will be a desire, order I send from Denmark. The order reaches the Russian Federation in about 10 days.

- September 18, 2016, 01:20

Lena, sorry for the late response. Now I work on this site with very beautiful hairpins. Hairpins and headbands with Swarovski crystals. Everything is made in France. There will be a desire, order I send from Denmark. The order reaches the Russian Federation in about 10 days.

Do you have hairpins-clips (like flat crabs) and what will be the price of delivery to Italy?

- October 23, 2016, 15:57

Do you have hairpins-clips (like flat crabs) and what will be the price of delivery to Italy?

I answer the question about flat-clip hairpins: Yes, there are very different ones! Lot . All on the site is not posted, not enough time. Write in a personal, I will answer in detail: [email protected] or go to the contacts on our website and send your questions. To send to Italy without problems. We deliver to more than 100 countries around the world. One barrette delivery 10 EUR.

- June 12, 2017, 03:04

If you want something unusual, I recommend awesome boho style hairpins !! Add romantic negligence to the image)) The size of the hairpins is about 9 cm, they are not big and not small, in general the ideal size. The hair is kept very well, bought at aliexpress, looks expensive, I carry a month, it has not darkened and costs a penny. Here's a reference

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I grew RUSSIAN spit! According to the village recipe! +60 cm for 3 months.

Varieties of gums are amazing. They may differ in color, size, texture. Often there are handmade hair accessories. Such gum can be decorated with flower, beads, other decorative elements. It all depends on the imagination and creative inspiration of the master. Thanks to this original accessory it will be possible to stand out in the crowd and show their individuality.

With the help of gum often perform horse tail. Favorite hairstyle of many girls. Despite its simplicity, the styling looks great, great for a festive occasion.

Hairpins for curls

The main assistants in creating many hairstyles. Wedding, festive styling can not be done without studs. There is a huge variety of them. Choose the right copy is based on the structure of the hair.

Owners of thin strands should pay attention to the stud-sticks. Thick curls can be fixed using a triple variant studs.

Hoops for curls

Headbands have gained immense popularity for a very long time. Their leading positions do not pass many seasons in a row. Every fashionista should stock up with such a stylish accessory, like a hoop.

Headbands can be anything. Between themselves, they differ in size, color, design. It is important to understand why buy a hoop. The accessory can be worn separately, many with its help complement the hairstyle.

More impudent individuals should pay attention to the gang. Beautiful detail that fits with the horse tail. Extravagant natures can try on a gang with a pendant. So it will be possible to create an individual image, making it more solemn.

Devices for attractive hair

There is a mass of hair accessories for creating hairstyles. They are different designs that help fix the curls in one position. Experts recommend to pay attention to the following options:

Hairpin-helix - great helpers to create a feminine styling. Able to fasten both smooth and thick hair. Universal accessory that is useful to every fashionistas.

  1. The Twister is a slightly forgotten element that was at the peak of popularity in the 90s. It is represented by a wire lined with cloth. Thanks to the twister can create a variety of beams.
  2. Simple design does not harm the hair, cares about its attractiveness. The hairpin can be matched to the hair color. In addition, there are different models. Choose the right is not difficult.
  3. Sophist Twist - similar to the previous model, but has some features. It also produces various bunches, shells.
  4. F rench twist - the accessory is represented by a metal tube, has the shape of a cone. To get a haircut, curls need to be screwed onto a hairpin and secured with pins. The result is a feminine styling that goes well with evening dress.
  5. Bampit - barrette is designed to create additional volume. It was invented back in the 60s. The model is represented by a double rim; it is placed on the back of the head. From above it is necessary to make bouffant and cover with hair. Bampit has teeth that securely fasten to the strands. With this simple accessory, you can create stunning hairstyles and be no worse than Hollywood stars. With such styling go unnoticed just will not succeed.
  6. The hairpin for creating a French braid - an accessory will allow you to easily braid the braid. At what hairstyle will be neat, smooth. The hairpin is a plastic spiral into which the strands are threaded. Even thin curls will look attractive, and the scythe will turn out to be voluminous.

Where to buy hair accessories?

Specialty stores represent a huge range of products. Every buyer will find something special and unusual. If you do not want to spend time searching for the right products, hair accessories can be purchased in the online store. The selection of products is also huge. Even the tastes of demanding customers will be satisfied.

Fashion does not stand still. Stylists offered a lot of ideas that will help perform the installation of any complexity. Interesting fixtures will be a great help when creating hair. Showing a little imagination, even at home it will turn out to make an original styling. This will make the image interesting and unique.


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