
Pixel hair coloring: photo, performance technique


The easiest way to change the image is to dye your hair

The basic rule: in the choice of hair color repel the skin tone. Depending on whether it is light or dark, cold or warm shades, you can choose a hair color that perfectly emphasizes the features of your face and hides some flaws.

For warm skin tones:

Choose warm colors for coloring: golden blond or light chestnut, as well as dark chestnut, if it is complemented by warm shades.

For cold tones:

Cold colors will do: if the blond is platinum, if dark, then black. If you still want to play with light and warm shades, try to choose the most "chilled" color in the palette - this will help smooth out the incompatibility of hair and face color.

- Coloring in one shade is the simplest, however, under insufficient or irregular lighting, it looks too flat. It is fashionable to get rid of it by painting several strands in a different shade. This will add to the image of expression and naturalness. But choosing a color for individual strands, remember the golden rule: the correct contrast is created by the opposite colors: cold shades for warm or warm shades for cold.
- Choosing brightness, rely on the nature of color. Remember that dark shades help to emphasize the depth of the eyes and their expressiveness, will draw attention to facial features. Light shades soften the lines, making the image softer, more feminine and fresh.
- If you are determined to say goodbye to the dark past and become a blonde, then rely on the shade of your skin: the lighter it is, the brighter the color you can experience. However, do not overdo it: an excess of blond can lead to the fact that you just get lost, and your image will be similar to the image of a painful girl.
- If your skin is prone to redness, do not abuse with light shades, they make this problem even more noticeable.
- When choosing dark shades, do not go very far from your natural color - choose shades 3-4 shades darker than your own hair color. Otherwise, not only changes in hair, but also bruises under the eyes and skin problems will be visible. In addition, it will throw extra 5 years and make your hair look like a wig.

Even in spontaneous changes, you must adhere to the basic rules.

Fashion trends of the world of hairstyles

Stylish girls of the 21st century have the courage and desire for originality. Stylists, wanting to satisfy all the demands of fashionistas, are developing new ways to care for curls. So there were very complex and unusual hair coloring techniques. The most popular are:

  • Shatush is a method that results in the imitation of burnt hair.
  • Brondirovanie - a smooth transition from dark shades of curls to lighter.
  • Zonal dyeing - dyeing entire areas of hair, divided vertically or horizontally, in different shades - honey, dark blonde, red.
  • Stencil painting - hair tinting using a stencil applied to the hair. The form of a cliche depends on the desire and imagination of the client. The master applies a contrasting paint along the contours of the stencil, without touching the other curls. It is noteworthy that screen coloring is not suitable for women with curly hair. On this hairstyle, the picture will look fuzzy.
  • Holography is a complex hair coloring method proposed by Hollywood colorist Ross Michaels. A mixture of bright colors — green, red, blue, and violet — is applied to the clarified strands. As a result, a hologram imitation appears. The method is universal variety of color options.
  • Pearl painting, proposed by Kevin Murphy, is somewhat similar to the holographic way. The difference is basically the tone of the strands. In pearl color the base background is platinum. A mixture of soft pink, light gray, beige and chocolate shades is applied to the hair. The result resembles a pearl - hence the name of the method.
  • Neon strands are obtained by using a special mixture with shining particles in the composition. Hairstyle looks particularly impressive in the twilight and darkness.

New season

Not the last place in a number of stylish coloring is pixel hair coloring. This method is ideal for locks of different lengths. The name of the technology comes from the word "pixel" - a small piece of the picture. The pattern is applied both along the entire length and on separate sections of the hairstyle - bangs, ends, parietal or temporal part of the head.

The pattern may be asymmetrically arranged or consist of several identical fractions. Colors are selected at the request of the client. When pixel painting, you can use one or more tones.

The essence of the procedure

The technique of pixel hair coloring is quite complicated and consists of several stages.

  • First you need to prepare the hair, washing and drying them with a hairdryer. At the same time it is necessary to lay the curls in the usual style.

  • A stencil for pixel coloring is drawn on thick paper with a marker. The pattern can be varied. However, you should not get involved in too complex pictures: pixel painting will look original and with the simplest choice.
  • In pixel dyeing, the dye is applied only to the upper strands, without affecting all the hair. To do this, attach food foil under the upper curl and secure it with hairpins to avoid shearing. The brightener pattern is applied to the hair and gently covered with cling film. Thus, to obtain the effect of pixel depth, several layers of strands are colored. The wizard selects a different curl each time. After a time that is necessary to fix the paint, the hair is rinsed and dried.
  • Actually staining occurs on the clarified areas of the strands, starting from the bottom layer. Painting is made in different tones to enhance the pixel effect. After some time, the curls are washed with shampoo and rinsed with conditioner.

The technique of performing pixel dyeing of hair is time consuming and long. But the effect of such a painting is worth the effort.

Required materials: paint and tools

In addition to the stylist's skill and patience, for pixel dyeing, you will need any high-quality hair dye and straightener.

In addition to dyes, the kit for pixel hair coloring should include:

  • Foil to separate the layers of strands and apply dye to the hair.
  • Sheets of food film for fixing the coloring agent.
  • Combs.
  • Barrettes for securing unnecessary curls.
  • Photos of pixel hair coloring (for inspiration and developing your own ideas).

What kind of women is suitable for this type of staining?

Pixel hair coloring is suitable for girls with straight strands of different lengths. This method makes it possible to change the image, without resorting to painting the entire head of hair. Pixels perfectly and originally look on an asymmetrical haircut.

However, there are categories of women who are not interested in pixel painting.

  • Girls with curly curls and hair after perm. It is inexpedient to use this technique. On such a hairstyle, the pixels will be lost and become blurred.
  • Women who do not go to the hairdresser regularly. Pixel painting requires periodic correction, otherwise the picture loses clarity and original shape.
  • Women who, by the nature of their employment, are forced to spend a lot of time outdoors with their heads bare. Under sunlight and when interacting with moisture (rain, snow), the pixels will soon be washed away or fade.

Pixel hair coloring is a rather frivolous and outrageous technique. As a result, business women should avoid such painting.

Pros and cons of modern processing hairstyles

Like other curly dyeing techniques, the pixel dyeing technique has several advantages. The main advantages of the method are originality and modernity. In the process of tinting, the curls are almost not damaged, as only a small section of the hairstyle is affected. The way gives vent to fantasy. A girl who decides on such a technique does not risk meeting a girlfriend with a similar hairstyle at a party. Recently, brave men began to use pixel hair coloring. Owners of luxurious beards ventured to color their pride with this method.

However, there are some downsides to the method.

  • Technique is almost impossible to perform at home.
  • This method is only suitable for perfectly straight and well-groomed strands.
  • At the slightest gust of wind, the pixels on the curls are lost. In addition, they need regular correction, as the paint is washed off over time and the pattern fades.

How to care for hair after dyeing

Before you make pixel hair coloring, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of hair care:

  • Treat strands with dyed curls to avoid brittle hair.
  • Periodically tint the pixels in the cabin.
  • Carefully style your hair using styling products for dyed curls.
  • Every 2-3 weeks to apply a mask and use rinses for tinted hair.

What is pixel coloring?

This technique is layered hair. It is performed in such a way that when the strands overlap each other, a geometric pattern is formed, resembling figures from the Tetris or Space Invaders games.

An important role is played not only by the clarity and accuracy of the image, but also by its hue. Pixel hair coloring suggests the presence of bright multi-colored squares, so the prepared sections of curls have to be clarified beforehand.

Technique pixel dyeing hair

Make a full-fledged pixel art at home is quite difficult, especially in the absence of experience and skills. But if you really want to try, it is better to start with a small and convenient for the site - bangs.

Here's how to make pixel hair coloring:

  1. Carefully comb and straighten curls. Separate the top wide layer of bangs and fasten it with a barrette.
  2. Separate another thin wide strand from the remaining hair volume, place a special dyeing paper or just a piece of thick cellophane under it. Divide the strand into two equal parts, on each of them apply a pixel-shaped clarifier so that one square is above and the second is below.
  3. Cover treated hair with thin cellophane or cling film. It is important to ensure that no bias occurs. From the part of the bangs fixed with a barrette, take half of the curls, comb with a frequent comb and also divide in two, as in the paragraph above.
  4. Apply a clarifier so that the squares are located exactly above or below those that were drawn in the previous step.
  5. Repeat the film manipulation, process the last remaining part of the bang. In this case, you need to lighten the hair exactly in the same place as on the first strand.
  6. Wait until the developed areas become discolored and similarly paint them in the chosen color, for example, red.
  7. Wash hair, dry and straighten, apply a fixing varnish on the bangs.

What is pixel hair dyeing?

There is no clear classification of the considered method of coloring, as each master tries to improve it using his imagination. While the following varieties are known:

  • pixel design bangs
  • radical coloring,
  • partial staining on the side or back,
  • full pixel painting of the total volume of the strands.

It is easy to guess that in the first case only bangs are exposed to color. For good appearance, it should be thick and long enough, not above the eyebrow line.

The second type of pixel dyeing hair is one of the most complex, as it requires to process a very large number of strands, starting from the roots. It is important that with different styling and random parting the graphic pattern is preserved.

Partial coloring looks like a print, it looks unusual and very impressive, especially on dark hair.

Full pixel coloring is not an easy task. In this case, it is necessary to achieve ideally clear boundaries between the colored squares and the smooth geometry of the pattern.

It is worth noting that in pixel coloring it is possible to combine several shades, both close in tone and very contrasting.

Despite the beauty and unusualness of the described method of coloring, stylists are quite skeptical about it. Masters recognize that pixel art is great for fashion shows and spectacular public appearances, but it’s not practical as a daily hairstyle design. The fact that such a dyeing looks good only on perfectly smooth hair. The slightest breath of wind or the appearance of wavy strands due to the humidity of the air instantly spoil the hair and create the impression that the curls are just colored spots. In addition, the hair grow back quickly, which also violates the drawing pattern.

Who is suitable for this coloring?

If you want to quickly change the annoying image or slightly refresh the existing image, there is no need to completely repaint your hair. You just need to change the tone of individual strands and make a new asymmetrical haircut. But, according to most practicing stylists, pixel coloring is not suitable for every type of hair.

Who should not use this creative technique to create a new hairstyle:

  1. Owners of curly locks and girls after him. waving. Pixel art looks spectacular only on straight, smooth and well-laid strands. Small curls and large curls do not allow to emphasize the geometric pattern applied to the hair.
  2. Girls who do not attend a stylist regularly. Pixel coloring requires maintaining the created image, when applying it is advised to visit the hairdresser at least once a month, otherwise the drawing will lose its symmetry and distort the original forms.
  3. The fair sex, who are forced to spend a lot of time bareheaded outside in bad weather and strong winds. Even with small changes in the position of the hair, the effect of pixel coloring can be lost.

As for the hair color of a girl who wants to try a new technique for creating an unusual hairstyle, there are no preferences here. Pixel coloring can very effectively refresh the image of both a burning brunette and an ash-blonde blonde or brightly red beauty.

The pros and cons of staining

The obvious advantages of a new method of influencing the hair include the fact that most often strands are not shaded over the entire length, thus fully preserving their natural structure. To change the image, sometimes it is enough to make a light pixel dye bangs or the back of the hair, thus most of the hair will not be affected when exposed to paint.

Pixel coloring makes it possible to emphasize the created image with minimal effort. and at the same time be sure that among the multitude of the fair sex there will not be a single girl with the same hairstyle.

By choosing this type of coloring, you can use the most daring shades and any shape of the pattern for applying new shades on the head.And the probability of their repetition is extremely small.

In addition to the obvious advantages of new technology, Experts point out several drawbacks of such staining strands. These include:

  • the difficulty of creating beautiful pixel coloring at home and the need to visit beauty salons,
  • a clear pattern is noticeable only on perfectly clean and stacked strands,
  • a stay in a strong wind can quickly spoil the beauty brought in by the salon,
  • Pixel coloring is difficult to keep on the hair for a long time, any dye is gradually washed off with regular hair washing.

Attention! When choosing pixel coloring, you should definitely take into account the listed disadvantages. Otherwise, the hairstyle done is not produced on the surrounding due effect.

Price in the cabin and at home

Prices for pixel art depend on the level of the salon that provides this type of service, and the chosen area of ​​painting. Pixel coloring bangs can be quite inexpensive - no more than 800 rubles.

Coloring short strands with this technique costs about 2 thousand rubles, the average length depending on the painting zone will cost approximately 2800 rubles. And for painting long hair will need to pay about 3 thousand. Rubles.

At home, the price depends on the cost of paint and additional materials that are needed for painting.

Features for different hair lengths

Creative effect on the strands can be done on any length of hair. On short hairstyles, the selection of asymmetric strands or a geometric pattern on the back of the head looks spectacular. On the average or long length of the strands stylists put a pattern on the straight hair in the shoulders or shoulder blades.

There are no restrictions on using the equipment: you can bring to life the most daring ideas and wishes.

What materials will be needed

At home, to make high-quality pixel art is not easy at all, but with certain skills, it can be done. This will require the following materials:

  • solution-clarifier,
  • hairpins for unnecessary strands in the work,
  • resistant paint with the desired shade
  • paint brush
  • small plastic comb,
  • transparent film for wrapping the head after applying the paint,
  • special paper for dyeing hair.

Important! To make the coloring stable and beautiful, you should not save on consumables. All of the above materials can be bought in stores for professional hairdressers.

Staining technique

If you want to try pixel art at home, you should not start painting a large area on your head. You can start with a small area that is before your eyes: with bangs.

Professional technology includes the following steps:

  1. Thorough straightening strands and separating the top layer of the bangs, which will be exposed. Secure this part of the bangs with a small barrette.
  2. Under the selected part of the hair, which is under the part of the bangs, chipped with a barrette, put the film and divide the strand into two parts.
  3. A geometric pattern is applied to each strand using a clarifier so that one shape is slightly higher than the other.
  4. A piece of film is placed on top of the strands processed by the clarifier so that the superimposed pattern does not shift.
  5. Apply geometric shapes on the part of the bangs, which was originally cleaved with a barrette. Before drawing the pictures, divide this part of the hair into two parts. The squares inflicted by the clarifier at this stage must be under or above those that were previously applied.
  6. When the figures are discolored, they need to be painted and painted in the desired color.
  7. After the effect of the paint, it should be gently rinsed, hair dry and lay with a hair dryer.

The pixel effect on the hair conquered a lot of women's hearts, the owners of which appreciate a bright personality and know how to stand out from the crowd, thanks to a skillfully created image.

For several years, unusual colored strands attracting attention have rightfully been considered a real geometric miracle that can be available to everyone, just want to apply this creative hair coloring method on themselves.


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