Eyebrows and eyelashes

Manual technique: how to do a tattoo of eyebrows, lips and eyelids manually


The last 10 years fashion returns to fashion. Hair, painted in poisonous shades, long extended nails, a bright artificial tan, silicone lips, are gradually disappearing.

To satisfy the increased demand for naturalness, advanced Russian masters began to master a new technique 2-3 years ago. manual tattoo.

The effect of it is simply amazing - eyebrows, born artificially, are almost impossible to distinguish from real ones with the naked eye.

Today, this technique in beauty salons can be found under various names: retouch Slide & Tap, manual technique, manual tattoo, 3D-6D eyebrow restoration. Almost all of them are the same procedure.

What it is

During permanent makeup, the pigment is injected into the middle layer of the skin, where it is fixed for several years. The classic procedure is performed by an automatic machine with a needle, which injects paint under the skin at high speed.

Manual tattooing (microblading) is performed with a hand tool with a thin blade at the end. The master applies long fine strokes, not punctures.

The result is more accurate, because the beautician literally draws on your skin, and does not wield a vibrating machine.

Manual tattoo technique is usually used for eyebrows, but sometimes it draws arrows on the eyelids or lips. The technique became popular just a few years ago, so not all makeup artists have mastered it perfectly.

Relatively recently, another variation of the manual permanent appeared - microshading. The difference from microblading is that the nozzle on the handpiece is a needle, not a blade. It turns out that the master does the drawing in the same way as during the hardware tattoo, only manually.


The natural look of the picture is the main advantage of a manual tattoo. The lines are thin and neat, so it does not even occur to others that you have made a permanent. This makeup can overlap with decorative cosmetics, if you want to create a festive image.

The blade of the handpiece penetrates to a shallow depth compared to the needle of an automatic machine, so the skin is less damaged. Some argue that the procedure is completely painless and bloodless, but it is only more comfortable than classic tattooing. For the same reason, skin healing is a little faster.

A master applies a permanent not with one blade, but with several. He chooses the thickness and texture of the nozzle to make the drawing natural. In the arsenal of a beautician can be up to 20 different blades.


The drawing made by hand manipulation lasts a relatively short time - only 1-2 years, then it is necessary to make a correction. This is due to the small depth of penetration of the pigment, which eventually fades. Some see this as a plus, because you can often change your image by choosing different techniques of the permanent.

Since microblading is a new procedure, finding a master who guarantees quality results is not easy. In small towns such professionals may not be at all.

From a cosmetologist is required not only experience with a tattoo, but also artistic taste, because the strokes are done manually. Because of this, the price of the procedure is several times higher than the classic permanent makeup.

There are make-up artists who violently criticize the manual tattoo technique since it originated in ancient China. The skin of Eastern and European women is different, so microblading does not always give good results. After healing, the pattern may shrink or bleed, and the pigment sometimes gets unevenly.

To suit

The manual permanent is chosen by those who love natural makeup.

If you make eyebrows using microblading technique, they will look more dense and neat, since the master with strokes imitates hair growth.

This method will help correct a thin or asymmetrical shape, and fill in the gaps with natural strokes.

To make an imitation of eyebrows tinted with shadows, microshading is applied. The master applies individual points that create a sputtering effect. This tattoo is suitable for those who prefer light makeup.

In the manual permanent technique, you can create thin, regular arrows on the eyelids or fill the space between the pages. This makeup looks good on young girls, emphasizing their natural beauty and attracting attention to the look.

On the lips, the master of manual tattoo creates an imitation of lipstick or gloss pastel shades. Thus you can adjust the shape, visually add volume. Lip microblading is suitable for those with thin or lowered corners.

Preparation for the procedure

Before the session itself, the beautician conducts a preliminary consultation. It discusses the shape and color, contraindications, possible side effects. Then the master makes recommendations on how to prepare for the procedure:

  1. Within 2 weeks you can not sunbathe.
  2. During the week you can not take antibiotics and drugs that affect blood clotting.
  3. For a week you need to abandon cosmetic procedures - scrubbing, peeling, gommage.
  4. 2-3 days before the procedure, you should stop consuming beverages containing alcohol or caffeine.
  5. On the eve of the session you can not use makeup.
  6. Before tattooing can not smoke.

If microbleeding is performed in the eyebrow area, a week before the procedure, you should stop plucking or clearing them.

Before manual tattooing of the lips, it is necessary to undergo prophylaxis against herpes, as damage to the skin will likely provoke a relapse of the disease.

This will spoil not only the mood, but also the result, because at the eruption site the pigment will discolor.

Features of

During the procedure, the client lies on the couch so that the head is fixed in one position - so it is easier for the master to avoid possible mistakes. The session takes place in several stages:

  1. The skin is degreased and disinfected with cosmetics.
  2. The selected sketch is applied to the lips, eyelids or eyebrows. To do this, use the pigment itself or a pen of the same shade.
  3. When tattooing eyebrows hairs that go beyond the outline of the sketch, plucked with tweezers or thread.
  4. An anesthetic cream, solution or spray is applied to the skin.
  5. After 15-20 minutes the master introduces pigment in subtle strokes.
  6. The sketch is erased, corrected errors, if any.
  7. After 15-20 minutes applied healing composition.

The procedure for manual tattooing lasts 1.5-2 hours. It depends on the treated area, the selected pattern and application technique. Micro-shedding lasts longer than microblading, since the master does not make strokes, but points.

In order for everything to go according to plan, you need to choose a good cosmetologist. The clinic where the procedure is performed must have a license, the master itself must have a certificate. It is advisable to find real reviews and photos of his work.

Immediately after the session, the pigment will be bright and unnatural, but this will disappear after the skin has healed. The master delivers more paint than necessary, because it does not take root completely. The effect can be assessed only after 3-4 weeks, but it is not final. The result is fixed on the correction - the master corrects the defects in form or shade.

Skin care

After the procedure, the skin will swell and turn red, it will pass within 2-3 days. Lymph (sukrovitsa) with a small amount of pigment will stand out from the wounds. Wet the skin with a sterile cloth.

To speed up the recovery, you need to treat the tattoo with healing agents, for example, Bepantenom, D-Panthenol or Oxolinic ointment. To prevent infection, it is necessary to apply dotted 7-8 times a day on the skin Chlorhexidine or Miramistin.

For 3-4 days, the ichor stops standing out and freezes - crusts form. They can not be ripped off, because the cells of the epidermis are restored under them. During this period, apply the same means as in the beginning.

After the procedure, you must comply with the following requirements:

  • do not sunbathe
  • Do not wet the tattoo for at least a few days
  • not to use decorative cosmetics and products containing alcohol,
  • Do not visit the bath, sauna, swimming pool, beach.

If the manual permanent was performed on the lips, then it is necessary to prolong the prevention of herpes for several days after the procedure.

A month after the main procedure, when the skin has healed, you need to contact your beautician again. He will evaluate the result and assign a correction date on which the errors will be corrected. This procedure is necessary, otherwise there is no guarantee that the pigment will not come off in a few months.

Further corrections are made when the paint fades. Usually, re-drawing of the pattern is necessary in 1-1.5 years after the first session. Then the pigment will again become saturated and hold on for the same amount.


Since the skin is damaged during a manual tattoo, the procedure is not available to everyone. The following restrictions apply:

  • hemophilia,
  • diabetes,
  • hepatitis,
  • AIDS,
  • infectious diseases,
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • propensity to form keloids,
  • epilepsy,
  • mental disorders
  • pregnancy,
  • breastfeeding period,
  • period of menstruation,
  • age less than 18 years.

Beauticians do not recommend choosing the manual way of tattooing those who have oily skin. If you need to make a permanent lips, then it can not be carried out in acute exacerbation of herpes.

Polina, 27 years old, Kaluga:

"The master offered to do a manual tattoo of the eyebrows, I liked it. The procedure lasted about 2 hours, the beautician constantly asked if the form suits me. It healed for about a month, then made a correction.

Irina, 21, Mytishchi:

"I agreed to a manual perm of the lips, I wanted to make them more voluminous. No result. After the skin healed, the pigment completely disappeared, the tint became only slightly brighter than the natural one."

Tatiana, 32 years old, Rostov:

"After a manual tattoo, eyebrows do not hurt as much as after a hardware one. Otherwise, there is no difference, only the manual technique is more expensive at times, but does not last long. The same as the hair permanent."

The essence of the method

When using hand-made techniques for tattooing eyebrows, they do not use a standard typewriter, but a handle. Through the use of this tool, the effect is exclusively on the upper layers of the epidermis, which reduces the risk of skin damage.

Performing a tattoo using the manual method involves placing the master of the coloring pigment in the upper layers of the skin with a special pen equipped with disposable ultrathin needles.. Due to this, it is possible to give the eyebrows a natural and attractive appearance.

The resulting picture looks very volumetric and textured. Manual technique makes it possible to make rare eyebrows thick, to provide them with a rich shade and a clear contour. Moreover, thanks to the performance of a tattoo with this method, it is possible to preserve the color of the eyebrows.


A permanent tattoo is still not a tattoo and will last for about 1-2 years - this is determined by the features of the woman and the influence of various factors. In order to maintain the appearance, a correction should be made every 7 months to reduce the rate of leaching of the pigment.

The duration of the effect obtained after applying the manual tattoo technique is influenced by the following factors:

  • dry skin provides more lasting results, while owners of a fatty type risk losing pigment saturation rather quickly,
  • if the eyebrows are constantly exposed to ultraviolet light, the coloring matter will burn out much faster,
  • in women with mature skin, the pigment is washed out much slower, which is associated with slower cell regeneration.

Correction features

The first correction after performing manual tattooing should be done within 30-45 days after the first session. Due to this, it will be possible to consolidate the achieved results and introduce an additional amount of pigment. This will extend the lifespan of a manual tattoo to 2 years.

During this period, corrections should be made though at least once a year. It is best to do this every 7 months. Also, once every 4 months it is recommended to perform the “refresh” procedure. Due to this, the drawing will appear evenly dyed.

There are only two key disadvantages:

  • First of all, the cost. For a session with a professional with experience you will have to pay from 8-9 thousand rubles.
  • Secondly, finding a good master is not an easy taskespecially in small towns.

Still, technology came to our country relatively recently, and a limited circle of craftsmen fully managed to master it. The main thing to remember is that a cheap manual tattoo is unlikely to be of high quality.

  1. Predisposition to the formation of keloids,
  2. Diabetes,
  3. Pregnancy and breastfeeding in the first four months after birth,
  4. Epilepsy,
  5. Poor blood coagulability
  6. The presence of tumors, the causes and conditions of occurrence of which are unknown,
  7. The period of the menstrual cycle (because of it increases the sensitivity, respectively, during the procedure, the client may feel severe pain)
  8. Cold,
  9. Asthma,
  10. Mental disorders,
  11. Severe somatic and acute inflammatory diseases.

Thus, taking into account the expected result from the procedure, you need to explore all the advantages of manual tattooing of eyebrows, as well as find a master professional in your field, and then your beautiful eyebrows will delight you in reflecting the mirror every day.

Home Beauty Manual tattooing eyebrows

Today, many women have already experienced the charm of permanent eyebrow makeup. As you know, demand creates supply and many beauty salons began to offer modern representatives of the beautiful half of humanity a new service - manual tattooing of eyebrows. So, let's find out the differences between this technique and the hardware tattoo and what are its undeniable advantages.

Eyebrow tattoo manual technique

What are the features of the tattoo eyebrow manual technique? During this procedure, the master, as a rule, uses a special handle-maniple, at the end of which there is a sterile needle. With its help, the specialist draws fine lines without penetrating deep into the skin.

With the help of this procedure, the effect of the most natural and natural eyebrows is achieved. During the manual tattoo of the eyebrows, the master's hand slides smoothly and does not shake, as it happens in the course of working with a permanent tattoo machine.

The procedure is the best suited for women who have problems with the skin around the eyebrows. In particular, all kinds of injuries or widespread alopecia.

Manual eyebrow tattoo - photo

To see firsthand the advantages of this cosmetic procedure, you just need to see a photo of a manual tattoo of eyebrows. You will immediately notice how natural and volumetric the eyebrows look, as if the master had not worked on them.

In addition, manual tattooing is rightfully recognized as one of the most painless and non-injuring procedures.

Difference between permanent and manual eyebrow tattoo

Many women are concerned about the question, what is the difference between permanent and manual eyebrow tattoo?

  • So, the main and most significant difference is the following - during the work the master uses a special tool, at the end of which a disposable needle is put on. During the permanent tattoo, the specialist is forced to work with a vibrating instrument.

  • It is through a special tool that the effect of such natural and expressive eyebrows is achieved.
  • Another advantage of the manual technique is the almost complete absence of pain during the procedure.
  • With the help of manual technology, you can not only give your eyebrows a beautiful shape, but also add them to the density.
  • Another advantage of this procedure is that the skin is restored faster compared to permanent tattoo.

Manual tattoo eyebrow - reviews

Those who did manual tattooing eyebrows, share purely positive reviews about this procedure. Many women noted that their brows increased significantly, and they also became more dense and expressive.

According to the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, the final result depends on the level of professionalism of the master, to which you came. That is why it is so important to choose a truly qualified professional who knows a lot about his business.

Beautiful eyebrows are one of the most popular trends of modern makeup. Make them attractive and expressive as you can with a pencil or ink, and resorting to tattoo. New techniques of execution of this procedure will give you the most naturalistic result.

From the type of eyebrows depends on the expressive appearance!

Features manual tattoo

Manual eyebrow tattooing method has several alternative names:

Thanks to the original technique of performing tattoo eyebrows and exclusively natural dyes, eyebrows are obtained:

  • expressive,
  • attractive,
  • as naturalistic as possible
  • spectacular.

This procedure will save you from the need to use special pencils, ink or shadows and paint your hair with your own hands for several years. Gently tattooed eyebrows give the face freshness and brightness.

Long-term make-up will give expression to the face.

Manual tattoo procedure

Manual eyebrow tattoo technique 6d attracts a growing number of girls.

Natural and expressive eyebrows will suit almost everyone, but especially they are recommended in the following cases:

  • if your eyebrows are too rare and inexpressive,
  • if there are visible voids,
  • in the case of "pinching".

Such a tattoo of eyebrows is carried out with a pen, which is called a “maniple”. It consists of a body and disposable disposable nozzles. A module can count from 3-5 to 100 needles in a bundle.

Note! Afraid of so many needles is not worth it. They penetrate only under the upper layers of the skin, so the process of tattooing is almost painless.

Here is how stylish the handle-handle looks!

The biotatuage creation instruction contains the following steps:

  1. Drawing drawing of a basis.
  2. Selection of color / shade.
  3. Local anesthesia.
  4. Tattoo

Varieties of manual tattoo

Manual eyebrow tattoo techniques are divided into two large groups:

On the photo - tattoo with a pen in a hair technique

Depending on the line of hair growth and skin tone, the master will select the most appropriate tattoo technique:

Feathering is ideal for adjusting the old tattoo

The cost of a manual tattoo practically does not depend on its type. The average price of the procedure is 8000-12000 rubles.

In addition to the work of the master, this includes:

  • preliminary consultation
  • selection of shapes and colors
  • selection of equipment
  • detailed care instructions.

Important! On average, such a tattoo lasts 2-3 years. Timely correction will help prolong the effect.

Proper care

Of course, even after the manual method, the consequences cannot be avoided, because the skin is minimal, but it is injured.

The whole healing process is as follows:

  1. The next day you will find a thin crust. It can not be ripped off - a maximum of a week, it completely goes.
  2. On the pinkish skin color you almost never see. It is fully stabilized only after 3 weeks - a month.
  3. About a month and a half should be corrected. It will extend the life of the tattoo and add expressiveness to the eyebrows.

Regular use of a special cream will speed up and facilitate healing.

If you want to flaunt beautiful eyebrows as long as possible, provide them with competent care.

It consists in following several rules:

  • try not to wet your eyebrows for the first 5 days - a week after the tattoo (while there are crusts),
  • accelerate healing, using ointments like "Actovegin", "Bepanten", "Panthenol", etc.,
  • do not brush and do not touch the crusts,
  • eliminate the sauna, pool, peels up to 14 days
  • month do not resort to sunburn (both natural and artificial).

These actions will not only help the eyebrows to heal as quickly as possible, but also save you from the threat of scarring / scarring and problems with a uniform distribution of color.

Consider the contraindications!

Despite the apparent security, tattoo eyebrow pen has a rather large list of contraindications.

Abandon the procedure should be in the case of:

  • diabetes mellitus
  • inflammatory / infectious diseases,
  • bleeding disorders,
  • epilepsy,
  • asthma,
  • high sensitivity of the skin, as well as a tendency to the formation of scars.

Use modern features to make the article more beautiful, but be careful about contraindications!

Temporary contraindications are pregnancy and lactation period (approximately 3-4 months after delivery). It is also not recommended to do a tattoo during menstruation - hormonal changes can lead to an unexpected result.

Immediately before the manipulation, the masters strongly recommend to stop taking alcohol and smoking. For 5-7 days, you should also not take blood-thinning drugs (for example, aspirin, etc.).


Tattooing with the handle is the newest way to permanently get beautiful and expressive eyebrows that do not need additional cosmetic support. Also, the procedure will help correct some congenital or acquired defects, giving this area the most natural look. The video in this article will acquaint you in more detail with biotatuazhem, and in the comments you can ask the questions that have appeared.

Many today are wondering what is a manual micropigmentation technique or manual tattoo and how is it different from permanent hardware makeup.

Need to say that manual pigmentation techniqueskin, although it is often served with a dressing of innovative technology, is nothing more than an echo of the primitive method that since ancient times has been used by people in different countries to get images on the skin, whether it is an artistic tattoo or permanent makeup. Manual dermopigmentation technologies have been improved over the years, as well as tattoo and tattoo machines with electromechanical drives for the movement of needles.

What is the essence of manual tattoo technique?

During the procedure, the master using a special handle-handles, equipped sterile disposable needle nozzles, the master draws fine lines, penetrating the needle into the uppermost layers of the skin (to a lesser depth than with hardware tattoo). The lines are obtained with smooth and natural, and the form is clearly traced, as the master completely controls the situation and his hand does not fluctuate during operation, which happens during work with a vibrating tattoo machine.

Preparation of eyebrows for manual tattoo

Before a session it is forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages. A week before the procedure, you should refrain from taking blood thinning medications.

Before proceeding directly to the tattoo, the master models the shape of the eyebrows with a pencil, taking into account the wishes of the client. Next is selected the most optimal color of the pigment. The last step in the preparatory stage is anesthesia.

Technique of the procedure

Manual tattooing involves the use of handles with disposable needles, collected in bundles. With its help, the master can draw the thinnest lines, penetrating into the uppermost layers of the skin.

The applied “pattern” imitates exactly the natural location of the hairs, their direction of growth, differences in shades, and length. Visually, a distinction between natural eyebrows and those created by means of manual dermopigmentation can only be carefully looked at closely.

New eyebrows look textured, volumetric and realistic - this is why there are more and more fans of manual tattoo.

How much is the effect

The effect of tattoo lasts from one and a half to two years. The term is reduced in the following cases:

  • Too oily skin
  • Refusal of special protective equipment from sunbathing,
  • Frequent use of scrubs and abuse of peeling procedures.

28-35 days after the first session, it is usually required to come for a re-correction.

Care for eyebrows after tattoo

Within 5-7 days after manual tattooing, it is not allowed to wet eyebrows.. Several times a day should be lubricated with "Bepantenom" - ointment is sold in any pharmacy without a prescription.

On the second day, a crust appears - in no case should it be removed. In addition, it is forbidden to scratch and touch the eyebrows. In the first 2 weeks it is necessary to refrain from trips to the sauna and bath.

You will also have to abandon the peeling in the eyebrows. During the month, stay in the solarium and the active sun is excluded. Next, be sure to use tools with a high degree of protection.

The advantages and disadvantages of handheld technology

The unconditional advantages of manual tattooing include:

  • The procedure is painless, there is no bleeding during it,
  • Quick and easy healing process
  • Long-lasting effect, there is no need to regularly go for correction,
  • Over time, the color of the eyebrows does not change, but just loses saturation,
  • The procedure allows you to mask a scar or a hairless area,
  • Eyebrows look as natural as possible.

Eyebrow preparation for tattoo

Before embarking on a manual tattoo session, the use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. A week before the procedure should not take drugs that thin the blood.

Starting the tattoo procedure, the master is determined with the shape of the eyebrows with a pencil, based on the wishes of the client. Also comes the selection of the desired pigment and anesthesia.

The need for correction

The technique of manual tattooing eyebrows is able to cope with giving your brows natural beauty and grooming. The important point is to carry out further correction manually, as the procedure should be held in 2 stages. The second approach introduces the pigment on the surface, which makes it possible to enjoy the result of manipulations for a long time. In addition, after a month of tightening wounds, the color remains at 60%. That is why it is necessary to re-update the pigment.

See also: Technique for manual tattoo of eyebrows (video)

You need to know: how to choose the right shape of eyebrows - 10 useful tips

Essence of the method

The procedure is carried out without the use of any devices, exclusively by hand. Its meaning lies in the fact that it is not easy to fill the entire area with paint, and carefully draw small lines resembling hairs.

Filling occurs at the level of the epidermis of the skin, and more precisely on its horny layer. Thus, the pigment does not penetrate deeply, but is located on the upper layer of the skin.

As a result, we get a very natural tattoo, which is very similar to real eyebrows.

How is the procedure?

Any intervention in the integrity of the skin involves certain painful, or rather uncomfortable sensations, so the first thing a cosmetologist does is to apply an anesthetic to the surface.

The tool itself, which is performed by manipulation, consists of the handle itself, which is processed in a dry-heat cabinet, after each use, and from disposable needles.

After the anesthetic has acted, the master starts microblading directly.

By the time this procedure takes no more than two hours.

In the first hours after manual tattooing, the skin may be slightly irritated, which will be expressed by redness, which will pass very quickly.

The pigment on the eyebrows with timely correction lasts from one year to 18 months.

Eyebrow care

In the first week it is necessary to lubricate the eyebrows with a moisturizing cream, and also to refrain from peeling this area of ​​the face.

After the first procedure, about a month later, to fix the result, you need to make a correction, during which the specialist will refresh the color a bit and correct the shape.

What determines the duration of the effect?

According to the experience of many women, it can be concluded that, under certain conditions, the result can last less than the stated period. To avoid this, cosmetologists do not recommend:

Ultraviolet rays dry the skin, intensifying its exfoliation, which is why the paint, together with dead skin particles, can be released much earlier.

  1. Peel in the eyebrow area

Since the procedure is performed on the upper layer of the epidermis, a couple of peeling procedures will easily reach the pigment and begin to remove it.

For the most part, directly, the period of pigment content in the skin depends on the speed of regeneration of your cells, which is a purely individual factor.

Manual eyebrow tattooing has recently become very popular and gain a lot of positive feedback. And this is not surprising, because this procedure makes it possible to have beautiful eyebrows of the desired shape for everyone who wishes, delivering a minimum of inconvenience.

What you should know about the manual technique of tattooing eyebrows - manual tattoo

The last 10 years fashion returns to fashion. Hair, painted in poisonous shades, long extended nails, a bright artificial tan, silicone lips, are gradually disappearing.

To satisfy the increased demand for naturalness, advanced Russian masters began to master a new technique 2-3 years ago. manual tattoo.

The effect of it is simply amazing - eyebrows, born artificially, are almost impossible to distinguish from real ones with the naked eye.

Today, this technique in beauty salons can be found under various names: retouch Slide & Tap, manual technique, manual tattoo, 3D-6D eyebrow restoration. Almost all of them are the same procedure.

Manual eyebrow micropigmentation Slide & Tap

The Slide & Tap technique is a shadow manual eyebrow micropigmentation technique.

The technique is carried out by dense filling of eyebrows with pigment and during healing creates the effect of a very soft, translucent shadow. Suitable for girls with good eyebrows, but who lack color saturation.

There are other names for this manual method: manual eyebrow technique, manual eyebrow tattooing, manual tattoo technique, manual manual tattooing, Slide & Tap eyebrow retouching. All this is the same procedure!

The procedure is performed with a special tool that resembles a pen. Such a handle has a needle nozzle - disposable, sterile. The master does everything manually, micropigmentation itself is performed to a lesser depth. Using a set of pigment and disposable needles creates the desired shape, color and volume of the eyebrows.

Manual micropigmentation technique has tremendous benefits for skin and body.

  • Manual eyebrow micropigmentation method is less traumatic for skin.
  • Through the use of special tools on the skin do not vibrate.
  • Faster and inconvenient healing (no pain and thick crusts).
  • With continuous use of manual micropigmentation of the eyebrows, no scars will appear on the skin.

What do the eyebrows look like after the Slide & Tap technique?

  • Eyebrows look the most natural and well-groomed.
  • Add density.
  • Masked scar or hairless area.
  • Color intensity is added.
  • You can give any shape of eyebrows (change the bend or their length, width), while maintaining relief and texture.
  • The color of the pigment does not change dramatically, does not fade much, is displayed evenly.
  • Saves time eyebrow eyeliner.

What makes Slide & Tap technology different from hardware technology?

  • With the hardware technique of permanent make-up, even with the use of eyebrow anesthetic cream, the procedure is painful.
  • With a hardware technique, healing takes longer.
  • After manual micropigmentation of the eyebrows, no swelling occurs.
  • It takes less time for the procedure.
  • The effect persists for 5-18 months.
  • The ideal solution for those who like to change often and transform.
  • Eyebrows look as natural as possible.

What devices and tools are used for manual micropigmentation of eyebrows?

The tools used are innovative and even unique. They provide less traumatized skin.

When carrying out manual micropigmentation of Slide & Tap, handles with disposable needles are collected in bundles.

With such a pen, the master will be able to draw very fine lines without penetrating very deeply and without injuring the skin with blows, as the machine does. As a result, due to the lack of inflammatory reactions in the skin, the paint falls more evenly and does not change its color in the future.

The handle is much more practical and more convenient than any tattoo machine, because it does not vibrate and almost completely excludes the possibility of the master's hand oscillation.

As for the pigments for manual tattoo, almost all known brands can be used.

The intensity of pigments mainly depends on the experience of the master in work, the depth of knowledge on the technique of introducing pigment, basic knowledge of color and high-quality equipment.

The ability to mix, correct colors, the ability to correctly determine the color of the client’s skin, and based on this, select the desired color and correct the shades of the pigment used - all this distinguishes the highly competent master.

Stages of the procedure

The Slide & Tap procedure consists of several stages, including the process of modeling future eyebrows (lines are corrected and measured), searching for the most appropriate eyebrows and color (that is, the master carefully selects the appropriate color of the pigment, analyzes the features of the face anatomy and skin type), pain relief in micropigmentation areas and micropigmentation itself (pigment is applied as separate strokes).

Eyebrow care after the procedure

It must be remembered that the next day after the procedure a crust appears, which remains for about a week, it cannot be peeled off (wait for it to fall), drench, scratch all this time.

For quick healing, lubricate the eyebrows with Bipantin ointment (normal) or Actovegin that has not been absorbed by blotting it with a napkin. Peeling around the eyebrows is also impossible, but 14 days.

The month can not be in the active sun, go to the solarium, sauna or bath.

Further correction

Sometimes it may require correction after the first procedure. It is made only not earlier than 30 days and no later than 45 days after the procedure without deviations in any temporary direction.

Correction is also necessary when the pigment fades completely. If you repeat micropigmentation, the cost will be 60-100 percent.

It depends on the degree of necessary correction of the eyebrows and their condition.

What is manual eyebrow tattooing and who will use this method

There are many varieties of eyebrow correction, which allows girls to choose the most appropriate method. Among many fashionistas, manual or manual tattooing of eyebrows is becoming increasingly popular. It is performed by a special tool, which is called a handle-handle. A distinctive feature of this procedure is to achieve the most natural result.

Handmade beauty - manual eyebrow makeup

The advertising of beauty salons calls this method innovative and trendy, but the manual tattoo technique is only a logical continuation of the simplest and most ancient method of applying tattoos on a body or face, which was used by very primitive tribes.

But the result of such a tattoo will not be primitive: after all, the manual work ... Yes, and the manual eyebrow micropigmentation technique has improved over the years, so no, even the most advanced, machines will not be able to bring the shape and appearance of the eyebrows to such perfection.

How do they do it?

Manual tattooing is a technique in which a special handle “handle” and flexible superthin needles are used, thanks to which the pigment remains only in the upper layers of our epidermis, and the lines are drawn thinly.

The master can control the work of the handpiece, change the pressure and depth, so permanent makeup will be extremely neat.

Usually the master has a lot of needles, thanks to which this method gives stunning results - this micropigmentation is the least like a tattoo and looks extremely natural: the shape and volume of the eyebrows are natural, everything looks textural.

This method is ideal for masking alopecia and if there is a scar in the eyebrow area or a place where there are no hairs. The same method can be used for permanent makeup of the lips or nipples.

The procedure is as follows:

  • First, the technique does not differ from conventional micropigmentation: the ideal shape of the eyebrow is determined, its thickness and color,
  • Applied anesthesia is performed. It is important to tell the master about all their allergies and skin problems. This will help when choosing the most appropriate anesthetic drug for you.
  • The draft is drawn on the face with a pencil, the details are finalized by the joint efforts of the client and the master,
  • Now the specialist takes the maniple and draws the hairs not as a straight line, but as volume strokes. Such dermopigmentation makes it possible for each part of the eyebrow to choose a suitable micro-blade, which makes it possible to make the picture as natural as possible. The needles are flexible, so their movements on the skin will be springy and permanent makeup will be applied in an hour.

How to prepare yourself for micropigmentation

Manual permanent makeup is extremely pleasant and safe, but still it is the same dermopigmentation, therefore preparation for it is also necessary and also similar to preparation for machine dermopigmentation.

  • For a couple of weeks you need to take antihistamine drugs,
  • In the same period, it is also necessary to abandon acetylsalicylic acid, which can thicken the blood,
  • On the day of applying permanent makeup can not drink alcohol and coffee.

How does he heal and how to care?

Immediately after going to the salon, go home and wait until the redness comes. On this day, a little lymph will stand out from the wounds, and this is normal, Wash it with a piece of cotton wool soaked in chlorhexidine, otherwise a crust may appear, and the color will not be so bright,

The next day of healing is marked by darkening of the eyebrows. This is shaped by their shape and color,

Fifth day. The skin is very flaky, but do not do anything with this peeling, and just moisturize the skin around with tocopherol cream,

The next two days, the wound will be micro-rubs. Use actovegin or another antiseptic at this time,

Another seven days this part of the face will be covered with a thin and invisible film and appear pale,

Already a day at 15 color will become more intense and it will be possible to assess how well dermopigmentation is done. You need to go for correction even if you just want the result of manual permanent makeup to last longer.

Manual eyebrow tattoo technique

0 in All about tattoo

The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and the beautiful eyebrows are a worthy rim. But not everyone is given the shape of the eyebrows, which many dream of. Fortunately, it is easy to fix by making permanent makeup. Many girls are frightened by the pain of this procedure. But there is a manual method of tattooing eyebrows, which will help make it virtually painless.

Manual eyebrow tattooing method

Manual micropigmentation or as it is called - hair tattooing eyebrows 6d, this is a special cosmetic procedure that can emphasize the expressiveness of your look.

In this process, there is a goal - to produce a clearer contour eyebrows, and make them perfect.

It is desirable that this event be carried out by a professional master, since the manual application technique is significantly different from the usual hardware tattoo.

What is the essence of the procedure and its benefits?

Manual tattooing today is one of the most painless methods of applying the pigment on the eyebrows. By means of a special pen stuffed with disposable needles, the master performs manipulation into the upper layers of the epidermis. Thus, the dye does not penetrate as deeply as with a hardware tattoo, which makes eyebrows look more expressive and bright.

Compared to other techniques, manual tattooing of eyebrows has a certain number of advantages.

  • Manual dermopigmentation makes it possible to maximally emphasize the natural growth of hairs and, by adjusting the shape, give the eyebrows naturalness and volume.
  • Unlike the hardware tattooing of the eyebrows, this technique is the most painless, and there is also no vibration of the handle, which allows the master to draw more distinct lines.
  • There is a possibility of partial manipulation, which allows you to correct defects on certain parts of the eyebrows.
  • Due to the fact that the pigment is driven in more superficially, injuries to the skin and any kind of swelling, as well as the appearance of crusts and redness are excluded.
  • When the manual method of applying a tattoo with eyebrows disappears gradually after several years, leaving no traces of pigmentation.
  • The regeneration process is two times faster than after the hardware technique.

Properly matched half success

Eyebrows that are half a centimeter longer from the corner of the eye will be considered ideal. When hair tattooing eyebrows 6d, it is important to consider the type and shape of the face.

  • The eyebrow should be very soft with an oval face. This form is considered a classic.
  • When stretched, the eyebrow needs to be made more straight.
  • For the triangular face is suitable rounded eyebrows. It gives softness and removes sharpness.
  • A pointed eyebrow is suitable for a round face. The eyelid becomes more open and the eyes look very expressive.

But only a specialist will help you create the right eyebrows and shape them. After the master has determined the form, he begins to introduce a pre-selected pigment into the upper layers of the epidermis. A professional master for each section of eyebrows has several micro-blades available, thanks to which the manual tattoo method is obtained as natural as possible.

Observe contraindication is extremely necessary

Any method related to skin manipulation has contraindications and manual dermopigmentation is no exception. Make tattoo is not desirable if you have:

  • Inflammatory processes associated with infection.
  • Oncology and blood disease.
  • Attacks of epilepsy and diabetes.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • The period of treatment and antibiotics.

How long does the eyebrow pattern last?

Of course, all the clients, along with the security problems of the tattoo, are concerned about the question: how long will the eyebrows preserve the acquired beauty? The durability of the technique is influenced not only by the quality of the paint, the tattooing technique or the qualifications of the master, but also by the individual properties of the client's body.

Since the dye is a foreign substance to the human body, the immune system rejects it. Consequently, the stronger the client’s immunity, the faster the tattoo will disappear (especially in young women with an accelerated metabolism).

With the active use of cosmetics (creams, peels, scrubs, shadows), the top layer of the skin dies off and peels off more quickly than usual, which leads to premature mixing of the tattoo.

Video: Manual eyebrow tattooing method

What is the hair method

Permanent makeup of the specified type is very popular. The technique is characterized by the fact that each hair is drawn separately. The result is the most natural and beautiful eyebrows. Tattoo of the species in question can be Asian or European.

The Asian scheme is characterized by the fact that the hairs are drawn in various lengths. In some cases, and their direction is different in order to achieve the most natural effect. The European scheme is different in that the drawing takes place in equal strokes of small length.

Hair tattoo courses are popular because, after passing them, experts can work in any beauty salon. They can quickly and accurately give the eyebrows a well-groomed look, make them thicker and more refined. They can also give eyebrows any shape.

The advantages of using the technique are obvious:

  • You can give your eyebrows any bend,
  • Make them thicker and neater
  • Disguise scars, if present,
  • Make eyebrows symmetrical,
  • Puncture needle will heal very quickly, as it does not sink deep into the dermis.

The presented technique is perfect for those women who are trying to remove the scars in the area of ​​the superciliary arches. Also, it will be an ideal option if the eyebrows are not thick by nature, there is a desire to change their shape, make them well-groomed.

Features of shadow technology or feathering

Shadow eyebrow tattoo makes it possible to make them look as if they are tinted with a pencil. Filling in this case is used full, there are no gaps. There are no clear and bright lines, but the background of the eyebrows is completely colored. The advantages of technology are the following:

  • With its help you can correct the shape of the eyebrows,
  • Fix a bad tattoo,
  • Make the eyebrows symmetrical,
  • Disguise scars
  • Add volume.

The presented technique is often chosen by people who have thin and light eyebrows. Retouching carried out with a special pen with nozzles in the form of needles. Feathering at the borders of the superciliary arches is usually performed more gently in order to achieve the best visual effect.

Training eyebrow tattoo at the Institute of Cosmetology and Aesthetics will allow you to learn all the subtleties of working with clients.

Already trained specialists will be able to quickly and competently select the shape of eyebrows for different types of faces, carefully draw the hairs, give the eyebrows a well-groomed and elegant look.

In addition, during the courses, students receive knowledge about the choice of pigment for hair and eye color, and the correct choice of anesthetic. Upon graduation, a special certificate is issued that allows you to work in the best salons in the world.

5 stages of performing eyebrow tattoo 6d

Author Oksana Knopa date May 13, 2016

Women dream of flawless eyebrows. But daily coloring and adjustment take a lot of time and effort.Performing a tattoo of a classic - traumatic and expensive procedure. Moreover, if the result is not pleasant, then it is difficult to get rid of. The biotatuage method comes to the rescue.

Eyebrow tattoo procedure requiring intensive and hard work

general information

At its core, this is a familiar tattoo, which is able to give a stable result for up to 3 years. It costs much more than a classic tattoo because it is done manually. Those. Classic tattooing is performed using a device that strokes the contour. After this, the apparatus is applied the same hairs.

Eyebrow tattoo 6d involves the manual drawing of hairs with a special machine, similar to those used by masters of artistic tattoo. But such a machine pierces the skin is not so deep, because the result is natural. Applying hairs with this machine allows you to get fine lines. These are realistic and neat, not “drawn” eyebrows, in contrast to the classical procedure.

The effect is immediately visible

Indications and manual execution technique

In what cases should I choose a manual eyebrow tattoo? Indication - defects that require correction, which is impossible to carry out staining. Eyebrow scars are difficult to stain with standard methods or permanent paints.

In the absence of hairs or sparse hairs, the procedure is also shown. It will naturally and beautifully fill in the gaps. Of course, it is possible to perform such works with the help of a classic tattoo, but the result will look unnatural. Manual tattooing of eyebrows 6d will give an excellent result even with almost no or no hair of its own.

Eyebrow Microblading Procedure

Eyebrow biotatuage 6d runs longer than the hardware. The procedure takes about 2 hours. Stages are carried out:

  • Development by master of draft versions of eyebrows,
  • Approval of the best option by the client,
  • Anesthesia,
  • Drawing pattern
  • Processing the application area.

The risk of pain is minimal. Serious complications are also excluded.

Rehabilitation: time depends on the technique of the master

For 24 days after the procedure, do not drink alcohol, as it reduces blood clotting and negatively affects
speed and quality of healing. Do not bathe in the bathroom for 24 hours. For a longer period (up to 7 days), stop visiting baths and saunas.

Manual eyebrow tattooing technique injures the skin. After the procedure, swelling and redness are observed. This is the norm and they pass completely in a couple of days. On the second day a crust is formed, which cannot be removed independently. If the master allows, then it is worth treating the area with healing ointments (Bepanten and the like).

After a month and a half, you need to visit the wizard again to complete the correction. The exact date will call the master himself. Correction is not always necessary.


Watch the video: Cosmetic Tattooing Eyeliner manual procedure (July 2024).